Nusa Penida Bali Indonesia – Top-10 Attractions and Things to Do

Without even a hint of exaggeration, we can honestly say that Nusa Penida is the most beautiful island we have ever had the chance to explore. Unique in all the world, its coastline, beaches, rock formations and expansive bays all make you believe in magic again.

Getting between the various points on the island can be a little challenging. You’re definitely going to need to have your own transport. At points, you’re going to need to have a fair bit of experience to navigate the dodgy roads if said transport is a moped. There are also quite a few roads that have no signage at all. As a result, you’ll need to be patient, allow for more time, and find the beauty in getting lost on a tropical island.

1. Pura Goa Giri Putri Cave

An adventure into the Pura Goa Giri Putri Cave should be at the top of your list just by virtue of its uniqueness on the island. The exploration of the cave, and if you’re lucky, the witnessing of people praying, is a special experience. The cave is perched mid-way up a mountain at the end of a steep set of stairs. You’ll crawl through a tiny crack in the ground and suddenly find yourself in a massive cave. The cave smells of incense and is decorated with the drapes and robes of Muslim Tradition.

2. Peguyangan waterfall

To get to Peguyangan waterfall, which, by the way, is not what you’re expecting, you need to descend down a good amount of steps that are bolstered to the edge of a cliff. Indeed, it is a little scary. Some steps feel a little wobbly and you may hold your partners hand a little tighter, but you’ll find it was all worth it. If you lift your head up from the bright blue steps, you will be treated to sweeping, truly astounding views of the coastline that will make you want to shout out in a mixture shock of amazement. At the bottom of the steps there is a sacred pilgrimage site. This is the spot that you will find the small water spouts that have fresh water pouring from them. They are part of a water blessing ritual for the religious, so do be respectful if you are there alone. There are a couple of cascading pools here, too. Staring out toward the horizon and the cliffs and islands, you’ll almost certainly have the most scenic swim of your life. Then you’ll have to ascend the pretty steep stairs – less fun.

3. Senganing Falls

Continuing the trend of descending down cliff-faces to marvels that await, the hike down the slippery and muddy slopes toward Senganing Falls should be up next on the agenda. While the waterfall at the bottom is relatively unimpressive and is certainly not the highlight of the trip, the views as you head to the bottom, and from the bottom itself, are second to none. From the top of the hike you can see the hole in the cliff that is a result of the brilliant blue water smashing into it with undying tenacity. Walking around the waterfall at the bottom, you are surrounded by scenes that are just begging to be captured. You’re going to want to bring your camera for this one.

4. Kelingking Beach

Nusa Penida is, of course, home to the famous Kelingking Beach. Your trip here will have no doubt in some way been motivated by it. There is not enough that can be said about the majesty of this beach. There is also no way, no matter what you have conjured up in your mind, that you will be disappointed. Laying eyes upon the beach, the cliff face, and the azure water below sent us into a moment of surreal depersonalisation where we were watching ourselves watch the view, feeling overwhelmed by the magic of it all. Be sure to do more than be stunned and stuck in your tracks, though. Put one foot in front of the other and make your way down along the spine of the cliff face to the beach below. The beach is, again, just ridiculously beautiful. There is a good chance that you’ll be alone on it – so go ahead act the fool! Jump in the waves, flick up sand with your toes, wade in the shallows and wallow in your good fortune.

5. Atuh Beach

Speaking of incredible beaches, a mention of Atuh Beach is appropriate here. The beach has the whitest, softest sand and is surrounded by towering cliffs of green. The waves are mellow and the water clear. It’s a great place to do some body surfing, but is also perfect for reading a book under one of the few umbrellas.

6. Broken Beach

Alright, more viewpoints. This one is special. Broken Beach is this crazy little bay that has formed from some sort of long geological process. Irrelevant of how it was conceived, it’s amazing, and you should definitely go see it. Try and get there on a sunny day so that the water is bright and the greens on the cliffs in the distance are brightly lit. While you’re here, you should definitely go and sit over on the far side of the bay. If you’re lucky, down below your feet will be mantas just casually living their life. If there was ever a time for a classic Instagram foot photo…

While you’re at Broken Beach, you should definitely check out Angel’s Billabong. The colours of the water and the corals that are beneath the surface are something special. This is yet another spot to grab a shot to show the family back home.

8. Thousand island viewpoint

Okay, okay, the last viewpoint. Thousand island viewpoint is up there with our absolute favourite spots on the island. It is not worth anyone’s time trying to explain this view - you’re better off searching it. You’d be much better off after seeing it with your own two eyes. Like, so much better off.

9. Sunset spots

Come sunset time, there are some places that you just can’t miss. At the top of the list are the Banah cliffs. With the sun’s soft light painting the sky and the sea below you, the arch out in front of you becomes illuminated for a few moments. This calm, serene setting is best experienced with friends, a glass of something, and maybe a camera.

If you haven’t already read enough about reasons to visit Kelingking beach, then you’ll be pleased to know that it is one of the best sunset spots in Penida. Try and get to the side of the beach by taking a bit of walk rightward from the viewpoint at the top. There will not only be more peace here, but you will get a better view of the beach and the contrasting colours as the sun sheds its warm light on discrete jagged edges, tall bushes and outcrops of stone.

10. Manta Rays

Nusa Penida isn’t all viewpoints and staring blissfully into the distance, though. In fact, within thirty minutes of a decision to do so, you can be face to face with mystical, unbelievably cool and slightly frightening manta rays. We snorkelled for a good while waiting for our moment, frantically scanning the waters below, wondering whether that large black bob over there was a ray. It wasn’t. Once they came, there was little doubt about it. They flow in and out, gracing the same space in the universe as little old you for a few fleeting moments. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to see a bunch of them. Friends of ours saw over twenty of them! The tour will cost around 300,000 IDR. Your money could not be better spent.

10. Underwater adventures

More underwater adventures can be had in the waters near Toyapakeh. There is a huge coral drop-off that has an abundance of marine life. This is a must do on the island and can easily be done in the same costume and in the same morning that you swim with manta rays. Crystal Bay is also a good bit of fun. The water is unbelievably clear and there are some good corals here too. If you get tired of swimming (for some crazy reason), you can kick it on the boat with a brew, new and old friends.
If this short article hasn’t persuaded you to make your way to this incredible island, then we have failed - both as writers and as purveyors of authentic travel experiences. We don’t much like the idea of that. So, you should go! Straightaway. Please.