從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout的火車

從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout的火車

Phan Ri Cua Roundabout
7月7日 週日
NaN 乘客


胡志明市 和 Phan Ri Cua Roundabout之間的交通方式

從 胡志明市 到 Phan Ri Cua Roundabout火車資訊

最早的火車3:25 PM
最晚的火車3:25 PM
距離269 公里
火車Vietnam Railways

從胡志明市到目的地 Phan Ri Cua Roundabout 的評價

火車 #SPT2 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年1月9日
Train was as described - an old train but seats clearly marked so you know you’re on the right place and the guards helped. There is enough room above the seats for rucksacks which was great as we kept everything with us. The toilets were also ok just need your own paper.
火車 #SE22 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年9月7日
The trip was good, A-B on time, good price, reliable and safe. Don’t expect 1st class, a flushing toilet or a comfortable smell
火車 #SE22 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年4月17日
Train in time. The staff tries to sell you upgraded places on site
火車 #SPT2 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年4月5日
The bus was confortable but the worse experience during the break for lunch the bus left without us while they had our passport and luggage ! He told us we have 20 min break we left for 15min and once back they were gone ! One men told them that they have to wait for us but the driver didn’t care we had to take a tuk tuk to join the border it’s unacceptable. Happily we were close to the border. When we reach the border they were there and they didn’t care about us at all, they don’t speak English so they couldn’t understand what we were saying.
火車 #SE22 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年3月16日
Easy, on time, no hassle at all
火車 #SPT2 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年3月11日
after we cleaned the windows so that we hat a better view and the table ( the toiletpaper was black) it was a bit more komfotable. We took the train in the morning, we like to make sightseeing by train. Surprisingly it was a sleepingtrain with 4 beds. The beds were still covered, so this was quite clean. We were happy to be the only one so we could sit strait on the lower beds. The floor? We had shoes on, but it was swept! After going by train in several countrys in the world it was something we did not expect.
火車 #SPT2 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年2月17日
The train was on time which was a nice surprise as I’d read that trains in Vietnam are always delayed. The staff were kind and very helpful. The seat was somewhat uncomfortable as it kept tilting back and the other passengers around me had trouble sharing the space but that shouldn’t reflect on the train operator. I would use this service again.
火車 #SE22 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年1月24日
If you need to look it up, the train station is known as GA SÀI GÒN - CỔNG CHÍNH. The location specified on the ticket could not be found. There are some local food stalls selling Bánh mi and coffee, as well as a Lotteria. Snacks, fruits, and drinks are also available on the train. Train feels a little warm.
火車 #SE22 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年12月19日
The train is average Vietnamese quality so if you're coming from Europe do not expect it to be anything too neat. There's AC, toilet and train shop for snacks on board. The conductor told us when is our stop (cus we white :)). Chairs are a bit broken and dirty. Took us where we had to go only by being 5min late. And you can board with the electronic ticket!
火車 #SE22 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年12月6日
266 客戶評價

從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 怎麼坐火車

從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 坐火車比坐大巴和飛機更合適,因為火車簡單、方便、安全。兩地之間有直達鐵路,讓您的旅途暢通無阻。可以在網上訂火車票,建議提前預訂。要想有一趟舒適的火車旅行,一定要覈實清楚時刻,選擇最合適的出發時間。通常,不同類型的火車和坐席可以滿足人們不同的喜好和消費能力。

從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 有多遠?

從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 的距離為269 公里。兩地間有直達火車,無需換乘。如需換乘,車票會另有注明。

從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 坐火車需要多長時間?

火車類型不同,從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 所需的時間會有所不同。到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, ,最慢的列車需要4小時 58分鐘,而最快的列車只需要4小時 58分鐘。為了節省時間,建議選擇最快的列車,特別是在白天出行時。如果是過夜列車,幾個小時的差異看似不重要,但快車要方便得多。

注意,火車通常會在始發站准點出發,但有時候會晚到終點站。如果在到達Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 後需要換乘,最好預留充足的換乘時間。


從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 坐火車需要多少錢?

在同一條路線上的同一列火車上會有不同等級的車廂,票價也會相應地不同,從便宜的硬座票到昂貴的超舒適豪華列車過夜臥鋪票。從胡志明市到Phan Ri Cua Roundabout, 的最低票價為,而如果想要獲得舒適的旅行體驗,最高票價則可能達。


*火車票經常會出現售罄的情況。因此即便不是在旺季出行,也要提前訂票。在高峰期旅行,包括公共節假日、長週末,如果不想到了火車站後改變行程,請務必提前訂票。現在只需動動手就可以在網上購票而不用去火車站買票 。

  • 提前訂票通常都可以買到心儀的座位和臥鋪。例如,下鋪往往最先售罄,而上鋪在出發當天也可能買到。同樣地,如果是長途旅行,夜間出發的客票需求量最大,而同樣的路線,因為在白天會浪費大量寶貴的時間,可能在出發前一小時都能買到票。
  • 同一趟火車內有不同的車廂:風扇車廂和空調車廂、硬座和軟座、二等臥鋪和包廂。購票前,請詳細瞭解各種坐席的區別。不同的坐席價格可能相差很大,但有時最好多花點錢,也不要在只有風扇的硬座車廂里度過 20 個小時。通常,二等臥鋪比較適合過夜的長途旅行,而軟座則比較適合白天4到6 個小時的短途旅行。
  • 火車可能會晚點到達目的地。火車延誤時有發生,尤其是長途車。要做好晚點的心理準備和相應的應對計劃。但與大巴相比,火車對天氣和交通的依賴程度較低,因此更加準時。