Go Bus

286 則顧客評價
  • 關於營運商
  • 熱門路線
  • 車站
  • 則評論
  • 行程表及時間表

關於 Go Bus

大巴是一種便捷的旅行方式,無論是去幾個小時車程的鄰近城鎮,還是穿越整個國家去探索更遠的地方。無論預算多少,大巴都能滿足您的需求。快速大巴為手頭拮據的旅客提供最實惠的票價,而VIP大巴為主要針對舒適度要求高的旅客。購票前,確保選擇最適合您的大巴類型。 如果是長途旅行,可以選乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直達目的地,或者只在沿途少數幾個車站停靠。通常,快車或本地大巴比較適合短途旅行,但如果是長途旅行往往就不划算了。出發前先看一下時刻表,因為許多長途目的地都有夜間大巴,並且有些夜間大巴為長途旅行提供更寬的座位或臥鋪。在線預訂Go Bus的車票。其他旅客的評論有助您選擇最合適的大巴車票和級別。

Go Bus熱門車站

Go Bus的大巴覆蓋的主要車站包括:

  • 亞曆山大門
  • 塞得港
  • Sahl Hashesh
  • 解放廣場
  • 坎昆
  • 亞曆山大·莫哈拉姆·貝克
  • 達哈布
  • 阿斯由特
  • 楠迪埃爾塞卡
  • 塔巴高地
  • 埃爾塔加穆 埃爾卡梅斯
  • 納斯爾城Go Bus
  • El Mahalla
  • 古爾代蓋
  • 盧克索
  • 羅伊薩特
  • 5號碼頭
  • Grand Ocean
  • 科拉利
  • 馬薩阿拉姆
  • 瓦塔尼亞
  • 馬特魯港
  • 明亞
  • 7號碼頭
  • 馬拉西北海岸
  • Almaza
  • 坦塔
  • 十月六日城
  • 塞法傑
  • Soma Bay
  • 艾爾古納
  • 吉薩
  • 奎那
  • 馬卡迪
  • 庫塞爾格
  • 山景1代拉營地酒店
  • Porto South Beach
  • 恩索赫納
  • Mallawy
  • 希地蓋伯區
  • Abis
  • 努韋巴

Go Bus熱門目的地

Go Bus的大巴路線眾多,以下是一些最受歡迎的大巴路線:

Go Bus大巴類型和票價




  • 大巴是前往不通鐵路或飛機的地方的最佳選擇。大巴網絡通常幾乎覆蓋整個國家,並且路線成熟合理。
  • 與飛機和鐵路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多時間到達汽車站。即使是在跨國路線上檢票也不需要很多時間。大巴的行李限額通常對旅客非常友好,即使有限額設定,額外行李的費用通常也不會很高。
  • 與飛機票或快鐵車票相比,汽車票更實惠。種類繁多的車票類型可供各種預算的旅客選擇。便宜的標準大巴可能有點慢,舒適度也不夠好,但可以將旅客送達目的地也算尚可接受。而長途大巴則提供車上廁所、或停站如廁,以及零食和水,有時洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票價里。
  • 預算充足的旅客,可以選擇VIP大巴。這些VIP大巴配備了可以比擬飛機商務艙的座位,擁有寬大且柔軟的躺椅和毛毯,乘客數量也不多,以及許多讓您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城際大巴車站通常位於市區外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避開市區的擁堵。不過這也會給旅客帶來更多的麻煩。如何到達大巴車站可能就是個問題,因為一些地方對進入大巴車站的車輛有限制,旅客不得不乘坐專門的交通工具才能到達大巴車站。由於這些交通工具的價格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也會跟著上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特別是在不熟悉出發地的交通狀況時,一定要多計算些交通擁堵的時間。
  • 大巴可能比火車或飛機更容易晚點。大巴在很大程度上依賴於道路情況,有時可能由於一些無法預測的事故、道路工事、繞行等而晚點,在週末、旺季或法定假日旅行時尤其如此。務必記住,不要計劃連接緊密的行程。
  • 在一些路線或最受歡迎的時期旅行可能需要提前預訂大巴車票。請記住,不要以為可以直接到汽車站趕上最近的一班大巴,因為到您到達車站時車票很可能已經售罄,所以要提前預訂好車票。

Go Bus 熱門路線

塞法傑 - 開羅
巴士 Elite DD
巴士 超級精英
16:46, 18:30
巴士 超級豪華艙
16:00, 16:05, 18:00, 18:01
巴士 超級精英+
亞曆山大 - 開羅
巴士 超級豪華艙
00:15, 00:30, 00:31, 01:00, 01:01, 01:05, 04:00, 04:30, 05:30, 05:31, 06:00, 06:01, 07:00, 07:30, 10:35, 11:00, 12:00, 12:01, 12:02, 12:05, 13:30, 13:31, 14:35, 16:35, 16:36, 19:30, 19:35, 20:04, 20:05, 20:31, 20:35, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30, 22:31, 23:30, 23:31
巴士 超級精英
10:31, 13:00, 13:30, 13:31, 14:35, 14:36, 20:31, 23:59
巴士 Elite DD
10:30, 10:31, 10:32, 10:33, 10:34, 20:30, 20:31
巴士 超級精英+
00:01, 13:30, 23:59
巴士 普通座
18:00, 18:01, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00, 23:30
奎那 - 赫爾格達
09:30, 11:05, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 20:30
沙姆沙伊赫 - 亞曆山大
15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 17:31, 18:00, 20:30, 21:00
開羅 - 庫塞爾
巴士 超級豪華艙
00:15, 00:30, 01:00, 23:30, 23:45
巴士 超級精英
00:15, 01:00, 01:30, 02:15, 03:00
巴士 Elite DD
00:15, 01:00, 23:30
開羅 - 亞曆山大
巴士 Elite DD
04:00, 04:30, 04:45, 05:15, 05:30, 13:00, 13:45, 14:30
巴士 超級豪華艙
00:05, 00:06, 00:15, 00:50, 00:51, 01:00, 01:05, 01:50, 02:00, 02:30, 02:45, 03:15, 03:35, 05:00, 05:15, 05:30, 05:45, 06:00, 06:15, 07:00, 07:05, 08:20, 08:50, 09:00, 09:01, 09:05, 09:35, 09:45, 09:46, 09:50, 10:30, 10:31, 11:00, 11:01, 11:45, 11:46, 12:30, 12:31, 13:01, 13:46, 14:31, 15:00, 15:01, 15:45, 15:46, 17:00, 17:30, 17:45, 18:15, 18:30, 18:31, 19:00, 19:15, 19:16, 20:00, 20:01, 20:30, 20:45, 20:46
巴士 超級精英
04:31, 05:16, 07:00, 07:30, 08:15, 13:01, 13:46, 14:31, 18:15, 19:00
巴士 普通座
22:45, 22:46, 23:30, 23:31
巴士 超級精英+
07:00, 07:01, 07:30, 08:15, 17:30, 18:15, 19:00
蘇伊士 - 開羅
13:00, 14:15, 14:32, 15:15, 18:00, 22:00, 22:05
宰海蔔 - 亞曆山大
13:30, 14:30, 15:31, 16:00, 19:00
亞曆山大 - 沙姆沙伊赫
00:15, 00:30, 00:31, 01:00, 01:01, 01:05, 22:00, 23:30, 23:31
吉薩 - 馬特魯港
開羅 - 蘇伊士
巴士 超級豪華艙
00:00, 00:30, 01:00, 08:00, 08:30, 08:45, 09:15, 09:30, 09:45, 10:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30
巴士 普通座
00:00, 00:30, 01:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30
盧克索 - 赫爾格達
08:00, 09:35, 14:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:00
開羅 - 馬卡蒂
巴士 超級豪華艙
05:45, 05:46, 05:47, 06:30, 06:31, 06:32
巴士 Elite DD
03:00, 03:01, 03:45, 03:46, 04:30, 04:31
艾斯尤特 - 赫爾格達
宰海蔔 - 開羅
巴士 超級精英
13:00, 17:00, 17:52, 23:30
巴士 超級豪華艙
13:00, 13:05, 13:30, 14:30, 14:31, 17:50, 17:51, 17:55, 18:30, 18:45
巴士 超級精英+
塞法傑 - 盧克索
08:05, 09:20, 10:50, 12:50, 14:20, 16:20, 18:20
吉薩 - 明亞
巴士 超級豪華艙
07:30, 15:01, 15:46, 20:31, 20:46, 22:30
巴士 Elite DD
07:31, 15:00, 15:45, 20:45
巴士 超級精英+
巴士 普通座
17:00, 20:45
赫爾格達 - 亞曆山大
巴士 超級豪華艙
12:31, 13:01, 15:05, 17:00, 21:05, 21:35
巴士 超級精英
14:00, 15:01, 15:05, 15:35
赫爾格達 - 吉薩
巴士 Elite DD
00:29, 13:45, 14:15, 14:45, 15:30, 18:05, 21:00, 23:59
巴士 超級豪華艙
10:32, 11:00, 13:45, 14:00, 14:16, 14:46, 16:30, 18:00, 18:01, 18:05, 19:00
巴士 超級精英
庫塞爾 - 塞法傑
14:05, 16:05, 16:06
赫爾格達 - 盧克索
07:15, 08:30, 10:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30
亞曆山大 - 吉薩
巴士 普通座
18:00, 18:01
巴士 超級豪華艙
01:00, 01:05, 07:00, 07:30, 13:30, 13:31, 14:35, 19:30, 20:05, 22:30, 22:31
艾斯尤特 - 開羅
巴士 超級精英
00:01, 23:59
巴士 超級豪華艙
09:30, 10:30, 10:31, 13:00, 13:01, 18:29, 18:30, 18:31, 22:00, 22:01
巴士 Elite DD
02:30, 06:00, 14:30
巴士 超級精英+
02:31, 14:31, 23:59
巴士 普通座
00:30, 06:45, 09:30
赫爾格達 - 奎那
07:15, 08:30, 10:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30
明亞 - 亞曆山大
01:45, 10:50, 11:15
亞曆山大 - 明亞
10:35, 11:00, 19:35, 20:05
開羅 - 波特賽義德
巴士 普通座
02:00, 02:45, 06:30, 07:15, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 08:45, 09:15, 09:30, 16:00, 16:45, 16:56, 17:41, 18:11, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30, 22:00, 22:15
巴士 超級精英+
08:00, 08:01, 08:45, 08:46, 09:30, 09:31
巴士 超級豪華艙
06:30, 07:10, 07:15, 07:55, 13:00, 14:00, 14:45, 15:00, 15:30, 15:45, 16:15, 16:30, 17:00
巴士 超級精英
08:01, 08:46, 09:31, 09:32
馬特魯港 - 吉薩
開羅 - 艾斯尤特
巴士 超級豪華艙
00:05, 00:06, 00:15, 01:00, 01:01, 01:45, 01:46, 02:45, 03:30, 04:15, 06:29, 06:30, 06:31, 06:59, 07:00, 07:01, 07:15, 07:44, 07:45, 07:46, 09:30, 09:31, 11:00, 11:01, 11:30, 12:45, 13:35, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:45, 22:35, 22:36, 23:00, 23:05, 23:45
巴士 超級精英
00:17, 01:02, 13:15, 14:00
巴士 Elite DD
00:15, 00:16, 01:00, 01:01, 17:15, 17:30, 18:00, 18:15, 20:16, 21:01, 23:30
巴士 超級精英+
13:15, 14:00
巴士 普通座
00:16, 12:30, 13:00, 13:45, 14:30, 15:00, 15:45, 18:00, 18:45, 19:15, 20:30, 21:15, 21:45, 23:01, 23:46
亞曆山大 - 赫爾格達
巴士 超級精英
01:00, 02:00, 02:01, 02:05, 02:10
巴士 超級豪華艙
01:05, 08:05, 23:30, 23:31, 23:58
NaN 乘客

Go Bus 行程表及時間表

超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋23:4506:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋21:4704:477h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋19:5002:507h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋19:4502:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋16:5523:557h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋14:1521:157h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋13:3020:307h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋09:5016:507h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋09:0116:017h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋08:4515:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋07:1514:157h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋06:5513:557h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋06:4513:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋06:3213:327h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋06:3113:317h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋05:4512:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋05:1512:157h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋05:0112:017h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋05:0012:007h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋04:4511:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋04:1511:157h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋04:0511:057h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋03:1510:157h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋03:0010:007h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋02:3109:317h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋02:3009:307h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋01:4508:457h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋01:0008:007h 0m
超級豪華艙納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋00:4507:457h 0m
普通座納斯爾城Go Bus古爾代蓋22:4505:457h 0m

Go Bus 停靠站

亞曆山大門塞得港Sahl Hashesh解放廣場坎昆亞曆山大·莫哈拉姆·貝克達哈布阿斯由特楠迪埃爾塞卡塔巴高地埃爾塔加穆 埃爾卡梅斯納斯爾城Go BusEl Mahalla古爾代蓋盧克索羅伊薩特5號碼頭Grand Ocean科拉利馬薩阿拉姆瓦塔尼亞馬特魯港明亞7號碼頭馬拉西北海岸Almaza坦塔十月六日城塞法傑Soma Bay艾爾古納吉薩奎那馬卡迪庫塞爾格山景1代拉營地酒店Porto South Beach恩索赫納Mallawy希地蓋伯區Abis努韋巴

Go Bus 公司評價

巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年6月24日
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年4月19日
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年4月15日
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2022年10月7日
We started one hour later, but in the end, we have been in time. The seat was broken, it had just the sleeping position, that was not good and the air-condition was to cold. What I don't like is, that we have to take a taxi from the port of Nuweiba to the city. The bus anyway is crossing the city in the way to taba so we're is the problem to make a stop at the hospital at the main road in Nuweiba City? For that the price is to high, next time I will go with a micro bus, it's faster, cheaper more comfortable and it's going to the city. The driver was brilliant, I felt saved all the trip thank you.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2024年4月28日
Personal and service well, however you can improve offering of some sandwich
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2024年4月25日
Driver was smoking cigarettes INSIDE the bus. Driver was driving fast. Driver had the TV on loud and all night and was watching while driving. Driver would honk excessively. No leg room on bus.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2024年3月30日
I know it is Ramadan, but stopping 40 min was a bit too much. Especially when we had stopped just 30 min before. We arrived 1:30h late to Hurghada. As soon as he was back from eating he was smoking al the way. Disgusting smell :( Also why do you charge 20 for the luggage?
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2024年3月18日
Everything was great, thank you
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2024年3月5日
Only 6 hours we drive withot problems!
巴士 超級精英, Go Bus, 2024年3月2日
The trip took almost 10 hours instead of 7 hours because the driver was lost in El ghouna. He could use google map, my husband has to go and show directions to him. We couldn’t have a real break to eat a meal because what was served on the bus was a snack not even a sandwich. If it’s not possible than at the least let people buy a meal inside a bus or add this option at the booking. Where I put my feet to rest was broken
巴士 超級精英, Go Bus, 2024年2月1日
At the entrance a huy was asking for money for every luggage, I wanted to use the toilet and was more than disgusting and smelling so bad just when the bus was about to start the way... I felt the driver was rude, all the time was talking too loud and opening and closing the lights (at11pm,) a drive that supposed to end at 11 finished at 1am
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2024年1月13日
Double bus is very comfortable and good timing bus. Monitor was working.
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年12月12日
Everything on the bus was perfect from watching movies to the right driver. We just did not receive a mail and we paid for it. That was my only problem. Everything else was superb.
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年12月7日
Toilet started smelling half way and none did anything to fix it
巴士 超級精英, Go Bus, 2023年12月7日
On time, and clean.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年12月4日
The return was great, but the first way we arrived late cause we had a long wait in one stop - still don’t understand why - and also a long stop for coffee.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年12月3日
Nice trip! Fast but smooth driving!the vehicle was as comfy as every bus, not less, neither more..
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年11月20日
Nothing fancy about. Just a regular bus. Don’t expect much.
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年11月15日
Useless the film on board: no-one was watching it and the volume was very disturbing. Air conditioning on the rear seats was not working. Driver not good.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年11月1日
Above expectation for a local bus. Obviously old and a bit run down. But the aircon worked and was a smooth journey and streamlined through all the stops. Said it would be 8 hours and ended up being 6 and a half. Vehicle had a bathroom but did not use it.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年10月9日
Wasn't that good, the bus was awful, old, the made many stops, we left late and arrived of course late to our destination (supposed to be 3.5 hrs moreless) but were a bit more than 5 , the guy who took our luggage wanted money for the bags, was not really good service
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年10月4日
Everything was ok, except for the guy who took our luggage asked for money while the luggage was included and he never gave us our labels, but in general the bus was in perfect conditions, screen to watch movies, comfortable seats and space , the guy giving the services was super helpful. We really liked the bus and service.
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年10月4日
Very insistent that I put my tiny rucksack with all my possessions under the bus. I refused because I have medicine, water, food and other stuff I need in there. They told me to put it in my handbag but it won’t all fit, hence why I always bring my tiny rucksack on board.
巴士 超級精英, Go Bus, 2023年10月1日
It is a bit difficult to find the station. Afterwards all was fine
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年9月29日
late for 1.5h
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年9月24日
Left on time but arrived an hour late. Seat had no legroom.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年9月5日
Would be nice if the driver will stop to smoke. As we had children in the car.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年8月26日
Too cold on the bus
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年8月10日
Sedět na motoru v tom teplém počasí je nesnesitelné. Zespod vedro, klimatizace autobusu se nedala uzavřír, takže na tělo mi byla zima. The toilet was unbearable. The door could not be cloused. The stench could be felt in the bus. Toilet paper was missing.
巴士 Super Go, Go Bus, 2023年8月10日
We were stopped 3 times for police check. They ask us to go out for check luggage. I never see that before. Maybe the company need to see who people buy ticcket. Because i think if normal people they don't check like this 3 times. Plus de 1h de retard.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年8月3日
Everyone want tips always for nothing. They just say hello and want tips.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年8月2日
It was excellent! Fast and comfortable (I’m 1,85 and I go better than any plane because of leg space)
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年7月30日
Very good
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年7月18日
The bus was comfortable, departed and arrived on time, but the service was not great, the service boy put my bag to the bus and asked for money for this, also there was no water no snacks on thr bus but I purchased the ticket with this option
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年6月15日
Space between sits was too short, we left late and the bus stoped in every place that we passed. Of course we arrived late.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年5月24日
Great coach, good driver, sensible stops!
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月19日
You think it's a 4 hour drive but it took like 5.30 hour to get there. We've stopped 4 times (one to go to the toilet). You don't have a lot of space, the airco doesn't work enough and the service isn't that good. They ask for tip for your luggage but if you refuse and you say that it is included they say OK. They departed on time.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月19日
Bus left on time (within 3 mins of schedule), arrived Luxor 1hr20mins early! Luxor 7
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月18日
The operator send us to a lunch restaurant which was clearly to rip off tourists. Small portions and expensive as fuck. The operator didn't speak English at all. The driving and stuff was good.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月17日
Bus was fairly on time and fairly clean. Though the onboard toilet is smelly. But I dislike the person who loaded by bad asked for tips. After giving him tips, he said not enough.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年5月14日
The rear of the bus was too warm, the air conditioning was not sufficient. In addition, Egyptian men seem to think that European women are fair game. That was very uncomfortable.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月8日
Booking is very easy. The lady at the counter in safaga was very unfriendly. There was a boy who wanted money to put my bag inside the bus. The bus smelled disgusting from urin and more.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月7日
Windows are durty. It was too long to stay at rest house about 40 mins.Then arrived alexandria at 13:00.Delayed 1 hour and 10 mins.There are no USB.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年5月5日
Good service !! Perfect 👍
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年4月26日
However, it was my fault. I did not realize that Nasr City was a specific Go Bus stop in Cairo when what I really needed was a Giza stop in Cairo. Nobody was able to help me, so I ended up simply buying another ticket. Also, purchasing through 12Go instead of Go-Bus directly put my seat in the WORST seat (back row, which does not recline for sleeping). Again, better to pick from Go-Bus directly in order to pick your own seat.
巴士 普通座, Go Bus, 2023年4月2日
Left late, arrived early, no internet, entertainment was intermittent. Stopped to pick up extra guests and we were hanging around at 4 in the morning for Ramadan celebrations and feasts. Need to work on providing a professional service.
巴士 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2023年4月2日
The bus I Got is not the ones on the pictures. Hardly and space for my legs.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年3月31日
No use to pau doble prise comesred of normal bus trip
巴士 超級精英, Go Bus, 2023年3月30日
1. Wifi does not work, so we had no chance to get the map to our hotel. 2. Clima Automation was to cold. 3. We drives 4 and a half hours. The discription is 4 hours. There was no rush hour or something.
巴士 超級豪華艙, Go Bus, 2023年3月30日
286 旅客中有87.8%的比例對 Go Bus 感到滿意,因為他們留下正面評價或無評價。