Semaya One

377 recenzija kupaca
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O Semaya One

Dok se do nekih otoka sada može doći avionom ili su s kopnom povezani mostom, trajekti ostaju jedini način da se stigne do nekih od najljepših i najčudesnijih otoka, skrivenih plaža ili drugih morskih odredišta. Veći i sporiji trajekti prevoze vozila i putnike diljem svijeta, ali u određenim slučajevima morat ćete se odlučiti za manji, ali brži brzi gliser ili katamaran da stignete na odredište. Iako vam potonje štedi vrijeme, treba biti oprezan ako ste skloni morskoj bolesti. Kada je more nemirno, brzi brodovi koji zapravo režu valove bolja su opcija od katamarana koji umjesto toga jašu valove i tako vaše putovanje pretvaraju u rock and roll putovanje. Kako biste spriječili ili pobijedili mučninu putovanja, preporučujemo uzimanje posebnih lijekova – posavjetujte se s liječnikom prije putovanja. Dok ste na brodu, zgrabite mjesto na otvorenoj palubi gdje god je to moguće.

Putovanja trajektom koja nudi Semaya One mogu se rezervirati online – na jednostavan i bezbrižan način, bez gubljenja vremena na posjet uredu za rezervacije.

Semaya One Glavni pristaništa

Ovdje je popis nekih od glavnih pristaništa do kojih možete doći trajektima Semaya One. Prije polaska provjerite cijeli vodič po stanicama:

  • Lembongan Semaya One
  • Kerobokan Transfer
  • Nusa Dua Transfer
  • Padang Bai Semaya One
  • Gili Meno
  • Pengosekan Transfer
  • Canggu Transfer
  • Balangan beach
  • Pecatu Transfer
  • Banjar Nyuh Harbour
  • Kuta Transfer
  • McDonalds Jimbaran
  • Sanur Transfer
  • Serangan Pier
  • Central Ubud Transfer
  • Brawa Transfer
  • Tuban Transfer
  • Pererenan Transfer
  • Bangsal Pier
  • Denpasar Transfer
  • Gili Air
  • Goa Gajah
  • Sanur Semaya One
  • Padang Bai Port
  • Sayan Transfer
  • Gili Air Semaya One
  • Zračna luka Ngurah Rai
  • Petitenget Transfer
  • Batu Belig Transfer
  • Nusa Penida Semaya One
  • Uluwatu Transfer
  • Mas Ubud Transfer
  • Umalas Transfer
  • Bangsal Pier Semaya One
  • Lembongan Pier
  • Seminyak Transfer
  • Nusa Penida Pier
  • Gili Trawangan Ocean 2
  • Kusamba Port
  • Gili Trawangan Port
  • Legian Transfer
  • Sanur Beach Port
  • Padonan Transfer

Semaya One Popularna odredišta

Najpopularnije brodske rute koje pokriva Semaya One uključuju, ali nisu ograničene na:

Semaya One Vrste trajekata i cijene karata

Brzi trajekti uvijek najviše pogađaju vaš džep. Ako trebate uštedjeti novac, provjerite jesu li na vašoj ruti dostupne neke sporije opcije – obično su cijene mnogo pristupačnije. Osnovno je pravilo provjeriti duljinu putovanja prije rezervacije. Na dužim rutama razlika u vremenu putovanja može biti ogromna. Imajte na umu da nisu sve cijene ili klase karata uvijek dostupne na bilo kojoj ruti. Tijekom vrhunca sezone dobro je rezervirati unaprijed, jer je dostupnost skupljih privatnih kabina često ograničena. Odabir karata za ulaz na najpopularnijim rutama tijekom ovih razdoblja može dovesti do dugih čekanja. Neka odredišta imaju više od jednog pristaništa ili različita pristaništa za različite trajektne tvrtke, stoga je preporuka da provjerite pristanište s kojeg silazite ili na kojem pristajete prije putovanja. Ostavite dovoljno vremena prije polaska da pronađete svoj brod i prijavite se. Ovi postupci mogu trajati do nekoliko sati na međunarodnim rutama. Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno, neka pristaništa nameću vlastitu 'naknadu za pristanište' svim putnicima koji dolaze. Ova naknada obično nije uključena u cijenu karte – imajte to na umu.

Putovanje trajektom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja trajektom

  • Brodom možete doći do nekih otoka, plaža ili morskih odredišta do kojih inače ne možete doći. Dok putovanja trajektom mogu oduzeti puno vremena i ponekad uzrokovati da patite od morske bolesti, mogućnost posjeta najrajskim, tajnovitim, zabačenim odredištima na koja vas dovedu obično to kompenzira.
  • Karte za trajekt možete rezervirati online. Štedi vam vrijeme i osigurava da vaš itinerar putovanja ide prema planu. Napredna opcija rezervacije posebno je prikladna kada putujete tijekom razdoblja vrhunca sezone, državnih praznika ili dugih vikenda kada postoji velika potražnja za kartama i na rutama koje opslužuje ograničen broj plovila.
  • Na nekim rutama možete odabrati klasu karte ili kabinu. Postoje privatni odjeljci ili standardne kabine s uključenim ili neubrojenim dodacima. Uvijek provjerite uvjete svoje cijene karte kako biste iskoristili veći dio svog putovanja.
  • Putovanje trajektom uvijek je zabavno. Omogućuje vam da vidite mjesta koja posjećujete ili kojima samo prolazite iz drugog kuta. Većina mjesta izgleda sjajno – i potpuno drugačije! – kada se gleda s vode. Jedrenje pruža izvrsnu priliku za snimanje lijepih i jedinstvenih slika i videa – uskočite u to!

Nedostaci putovanja trajektom

  • Glavna briga tijekom putovanja vodom je mučnina kretanja, koja je vrlo iritantna i neugodna stvar. Čak i ako to nikada prije niste iskusili, nema jamstva da će i sljedeće putovanje trajektom proći bez problema. Uzburkano more i putovanja gliserom mogu natjerati i najjače želuce da mole za milost. Slijedite naše gore navedene preporuke i uzmite lijek pola sata prije puta. Uzimanje laganog obroka prije putovanja također pomaže – veće su šanse da dobijete morsku bolest s praznim želucem.
  • Kašnjenja i otkazivanja uobičajena su za putovanja trajektima, jer uvelike ovise o vremenskim uvjetima i uvjetima na moru. To se posebno odnosi na putovanja tijekom mjeseci polusezone ili izvan sezone. Kiše, more obraslo mahovinom i olujno vrijeme mogu ometati vaš plan putovanja – pokušajte ga održati fleksibilnim i nemojte planirati tijesne zračne veze čak ni tijekom sezone "uobičajeno dobrog vremena".
Pročitaj više

Semaya One Popularne Rute

Padang Bai - Gili Air
08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00
Padang Bai - Otoci Gili
08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 13:30
Nusa Penida - Gili Air
10:00, 10:15
Nusa Lembongan - Lombok
Nusa Lembongan - Nusa Penida
Padang Bai - Lombok
08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00
Gili Trawangan - Bali
08:30, 09:00, 10:00, 10:30, 11:30, 12:00, 14:30
Nusa Penida - Gili Trawangan
10:00, 10:15
Nusa Lembongan - Gili Air
Gili Air - Nusa Penida
12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45
Nusa Lembongan - Gili Trawangan
Sanur - Lombok
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a
06:30, 10:00
Trajekt Gliser
Sanur - Nusa Penida
Bali - Gili Air
09:00, 09:30, 13:30, 14:00
Otoci Gili - Sanur
12:00, 12:15, 12:30
Sanur - Gili Air
Ubud - Lombok
06:30, 10:00
Bali - Gili Trawangan
Trajekt Gliser
09:00, 09:30, 13:30, 14:00
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a
06:30, 10:00
Gili Trawangan - Nusa Penida
12:00, 12:30
Lombok - Sanur
12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30
Nusa Penida - Lombok
10:00, 10:15
Sanur - Gili Trawangan
Trajekt Gliser
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a
06:30, 10:00
Ubud - Otoci Gili
06:30, 10:00
Nusa Penida - Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Penida - Sanur
Gili Air - Nusa Lembongan
12:15, 12:30, 12:45, 13:00
Lombok - Nusa Penida
12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:15
Gili Trawangan - Nusa Lembongan
12:00, 12:30
Sanur - Otoci Gili
06:30, 10:00
Lombok - Bali
09:00, 09:30, 09:45, 10:30, 11:00, 12:15, 12:30, 15:15
NaN Putnika

Semaya One Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port14:3016:452h 15m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port12:0014:002h 0m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port11:3013:452h 15m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port10:3012:302h 0m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port10:0012:002h 0m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port09:0011:002h 0m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Padang Bai Port08:3010:302h 0m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 214:0015:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 213:3015:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 212:3014:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 211:3013:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 209:3011:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 209:0010:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 208:3010:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 208:0009:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PortGili Trawangan Port14:0016:002h 0m
GliserPadang Bai PortGili Trawangan Port13:3014:561h 26m
GliserPadang Bai PortGili Trawangan Port09:3011:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PortGili Trawangan Port09:0010:301h 30m
GliserNusa Penida Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 210:1512:001h 45m
GliserNusa Penida Semaya OneGili Trawangan Ocean 210:0011:451h 45m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Nusa Penida Semaya One12:3014:452h 15m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Nusa Penida Semaya One12:0014:002h 0m
GliserPadang Bai PortBangsal Pier14:0016:002h 0m
GliserPadang Bai PortBangsal Pier13:3014:561h 26m
GliserPadang Bai PortBangsal Pier09:3011:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PortBangsal Pier09:0010:301h 30m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Sanur Beach Port13:0015:452h 45m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Sanur Beach Port12:3016:153h 45m
GliserGili Trawangan Ocean 2Sanur Beach Port12:0015:153h 15m

Semaya One Stanice

Lembongan Semaya OneKerobokan TransferNusa Dua TransferPadang Bai Semaya OneGili MenoPengosekan TransferCanggu TransferBalangan beachPecatu TransferBanjar Nyuh HarbourKuta TransferMcDonalds JimbaranSanur TransferSerangan PierCentral Ubud TransferBrawa TransferTuban TransferPererenan TransferBangsal PierDenpasar TransferGili AirGoa GajahSanur Semaya OnePadang Bai PortSayan TransferGili Air Semaya OneZračna luka Ngurah RaiPetitenget TransferBatu Belig TransferNusa Penida Semaya OneUluwatu TransferMas Ubud TransferUmalas TransferBangsal Pier Semaya OneLembongan PierSeminyak TransferNusa Penida PierGili Trawangan Ocean 2Kusamba PortGili Trawangan PortLegian TransferSanur Beach PortPadonan Transfer

Semaya One Recenzije tvrtke

Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 25. ožu 2024.
Na jeden pier prišli naraz 3 lode rôznych spoločnosti. Nikto nič nekoordinovane, Ľudia s kuframi chaoticky pobehovali a zisťovali, ktorá je tá ich správna loď. Najviac informácii mala asi len predavačka, čo predávala colu na móle. Loď samozrejme meškala hodinu :(
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 6. tra 2023.
Very hot and cramped, unorganised. But had no issues with rough sea conditions
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 29. tra 2024.
Easy to book and great service.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 28. tra 2024.
The actual departure at Bangsal, Lombok was at 13:30 (not 13:00 as planned). At 13.00 you walk together from the office to the harbor. There you have to pay another IDR 10,000 per person for the harbor Taxi (don‘t know exactly for what). The boat was quite full (boat stops beforehand on the Gili Islands) not everyone got a seat. We had one stop on Nusa Penida. Travelers to Nusa Lembongan had to change to another boat here. We arrived in Sanur at 4.50 pm. The duration of the trip always depends on the weather and waves. It was a bit wavy for us. All in all, the trip was ok, as usual for Indonesia / Asia.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 23. tra 2024.
Left 30 minutes late, nearly missed my snorkeling trip. Semaya always does this, just post the real times.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 9. tra 2024.
Toaster oven experience Ticket said 1hr45, literally took 4hrs. I just wish they announced realistic travel duration. No AC at all very hawt in there Otherwise staff is nice
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 5. tra 2024.
They get you from place A to place B, but the ship and timing and everything is horrible.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 4. tra 2024.
Everything worked well. Pickup from the hotel were on time. The ferry ride took about 2,5h with best weather conditions. We arrived 2 hrs later than expected. The air condition on the ferry didn't work.
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a, Semaya One, 28. ožu 2024.
Poor! The boat was 2 hours late. Nowhere on the ticket did it say there would be a stop with a boat transfer 35 minutes before our destination.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 27. ožu 2024.
very Late coming and the machine of fast boat its very late
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 19. ožu 2024.
Horrible -
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 15. ožu 2024.
the trip took longer than it was supposed to. there was no air con.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 12. ožu 2024.
Bad boat, not possible to stand as roof was low. No AC, old boat that not at all felt secure The bat was more than one hour late
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 8. ožu 2024.
Booked a ticket, arrived and was told it was overbooked, got on the boat in the end but they made it quite stressful. A/C barely worked so it was insanely hot on board.. Cheap though..
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 8. ožu 2024.
Departure time and route changed without notice
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 29. velj 2024.
Was expecting the worst from all the bad google reviews, but everything went pretty smoothly. First boat was very hot to Nusa Penida but on the second one, even though without AC, there was enough wind to stay comfortable. I would suggest the company to have “vomit” bags handy as there were only 2 windows from where people who got sick could go relieve themselves. Had the ride been more rough, the consequences could be catastrophic!
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 23. velj 2024.
way over the estimated time
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 12. velj 2024.
We went from Nusa lembongan to Gili T and all was good. Boat came on time, they loaded and unloaded luggage fast. We had to change boats in Nusa penida. I am cutting one star as the first boat (from Nusa lembongan to Nusa penida) was shit - hot, no place to sit, no air, people were boiling in there. But fortunately it was a quick one and then we changed boat to a nice one.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 12. velj 2024.
Boat smelled of petrol the entire ride. Hard to look outside so a bit seasick. Left 45 minutes later than planned (although the operator said at check in already it would leave half an hour later). I actually booked another boat, but they changed the time and departure harbor. 12go emailed me about this asking if i wanted to cancel. I sais yes, because it was inconvenient for me. Then I never heard back again.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 22. pro 2023.
Travelled with Semaya One to Gili Air and back. Both times the boat left on time. The ride takes 2,5 hours included stop at Gili T and Lombok on the way back. First boat was more comfy than the second one, had a very bumpy way back. They could be more communicative about the traveltime, stops and where to put your luggage ( gili T was stored the back of the boat, gili Air in the front)
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 16. pro 2023.
Every went well
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 14. pro 2023.
Boat was overbooked, seats were extremely cramped with my seat not having a seat back, poor airflow / AC. Friendly enough staff, no safety presentation. Luckily the weather was good enough to sit on the top deck for space and fresh air. Luggage handling was very casual, make sure they don’t offload your luggage at the wrong stop. Harbour ‘donation’ of IDR10k enforced by locals was quite abrupt. Heard other fast boat operators had nicer boats, and better service.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 6. pro 2023.
Two hours of intense petrol fumes was not great! Otherwise ok!
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 1. pro 2023.
Everything was great. The only thing I would say needs to be addressed is that we had to change boat. This wasn’t mentioned prior to leaving. A heads up would have been appreciated. Overall, great and affordable service
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 29. stu 2023.
The staff was friendly but we didn’t get any information about that boat change in Nusa Penida. The first boat was old, windows were cracked and on that bumpy ride I felt a little bit uncomfortable, if the ride will be good.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 16. stu 2023.
The man in the check in desk was unfriendly and didn’t want to cooperate
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 15. stu 2023.
First boat was ok & not mich space but ok...but the second boat we changed to was even smaller and there was no leg room it was very hot I nearly collapsed -10 stars for second boat
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 14. stu 2023.
Too expensive. The local people give you wrong information, so they can sell it to you overpriced and before you can go on the boat you have too pay tax again and after the arrival you also have to pay, to enter the island. The boat was okay.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 12. stu 2023.
Was very anxious about the journey after hearing a lot of horror stories. It was better than I expected. The van was old, there was no ac and the windows wouldn't go down; luckily there was only 3 of us so we had some room to ourselves.
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a, Semaya One, 11. stu 2023.
Fast and Great customer support. Everything went as scheduled. I will use again for sure
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a, Semaya One, 9. stu 2023.
The other reviews are pretty bad, but we were somehow lucky. OK it's hot on the boat, ok they are always late but this is part of the island life. Staff was nice on the ground
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 6. stu 2023.
Boarding on time good in Gili T, but we didn’t knew that we have to drive to another Gili Iland and Lombok, because of that we arrived at 12:15 instead 11:15 in Bali, i asked some guests from Lombok there arrivaltime was 11:40.. why by us 11:15? If we knewd tgat we took abotherone boat..
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 4. stu 2023.
Smooth trip. Everything was on time. We had to change boat in Lembogan to one going to Sanur but it was no problem. Friendly staff and no worries!
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 4. stu 2023.
So many horror storys about the boat to Gili but from Lembogan to Gili it was no problem. Have nothing to compain about. Everyone got a seat, no delays and the staff was so friendly!
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 31. lis 2023.
Very late !
Trajekt Zajednički izlet preko Padang Bai-a, Semaya One, 29. lis 2023.
We were late to departure. There is no AC. Small space for person, feels like in oven.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 26. lis 2023.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 22. lis 2023.
We got to the port one hour before departure & the boat ended up leaving at 10, instead of 9:30. The boat was packed & there was some people left without seats. The page I booked through stated that there would be wifi & a toilet, hence why I booked with them & there was neither of these. I would never expect wifi or a toilet but I had paid above the cheapest rate as these were identified as being on the boat. The boat was VERY hot & not an enjoyable ride at all.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 20. lis 2023.
Easy to book a ticket
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 15. lis 2023.
Nearly got off at the wrong one was checking
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 13. lis 2023.
Late late late late. They departed late, they arrived late. Ac not working
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 12. lis 2023.
Good: the boat was on time, they divided the luggage in gili air and trewangan. Staff was very friendly and helpful Not so good: AC wasn‘t working, windows were closed by the passengers sitting next to it, due to the splashwater. Therefore it was a bit like in a sauna 😅 Tip: it you geht your Ticket - don‘t forget to purchase your harbour tax ticket at the Counter close to the jetty
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 10. lis 2023.
The boat from Gili T to Padangbai always go through Gili Air and Lombok so add extra hour. There is no airco so its a hot box you are sitting in. The water gets in to the boat. However, It was better then Ostina.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 5. lis 2023.
We were boarding at 11 instead of deprating, then spent 30 mins in the boat waiting for another to come, overall 45 mins late to Gili Trawangan.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 4. lis 2023.
The staff and the boat were beautiful just windy so we got a bit wet up the top but nothing the boat driver could do, definitly wasn’t his fault we could have moved but enjoyed the experience. Make sure you sit up the top it’s a much nicer ride
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 3. lis 2023.
Not sure why other reviews aren't so great. They might have sailed in bad weather. But everything went well on our trip - check in was quick, the boat boarded and left on time and sailing was smooth. It took about 2 hours to reach Gili T from Bali.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 2. lis 2023.
We arrived 15 min later than that was expected. The ride was okay but it was very hot inside the boat and very humid!
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 30. ruj 2023.
Left 45 minutes late. Overcrowded. Non structure and rude staff
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 29. ruj 2023.
There was no fresh air in the room where everybody could sit, so we decided to sit in the back, where are no seats, but fresh air. But as always it is just mass processing and the staff is always not really kind.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 28. ruj 2023.
377 recenzija kupaca
64.7% od 377 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Semaya One, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju