Lombok do Sanur

Lombok do Sanur

NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Lombok do Sanur Raspored

Lombok do Sanur Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Wings Air Economy #IW182707:00 - 08:20IDR 2,048,575
Lion Air Economy 08:45 - 14:10IDR 1,885,352
Wahana Virendra Speedboat 11:20 - 14:00IDR 390,000
Karunia Perkasa Transfers Speedboat 12:15 - 16:30IDR 336,000
Citilink Economy #QG167315:10 - 15:55IDR 1,176,541
Citilink Economy #QG167317:15 - 18:05IDR 1,240,640

Prijevoz od Lombok do Sanur

Činjenice o prijevozu od Lombok do Sanur

Najjeftiniji prijevoz19 USD
Najbrži prijevoz40m
Najraniji polazak7:15 AM
Najkasniji polazak5:40 PM
Polasci po danu15
Udaljenost238 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeCaspla Buyuk, Citilink, Ganggari, Karunia Perkasa Transfers, Scoot Fast Cruises, Scoot Fast Cruises, Semaya One, Starfish Fast Boat, Wahana Virendra, Wanderlust Transfers, Wijaya Buyuk, Wings Air

Lombok do Sanur Recenzije odredišta

The actual departure at Bangsal, Lombok was at 13:30 (not 13:00 as planned). At 13.00 you walk together from the office to the harbor. There you have to pay another IDR 10,000 per person for the harbor Taxi (don‘t know exactly for what). The boat was quite full (boat stops beforehand on the Gili Islands) not everyone got a seat. We had one stop on Nusa Penida. Travelers to Nusa Lembongan had to change to another boat here. We arrived in Sanur at 4.50 pm. The duration of the trip always depends on the weather and waves. It was a bit wavy for us. All in all, the trip was ok, as usual for Indonesia / Asia.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 23. tra 2024.
Poor! The boat was 2 hours late. Nowhere on the ticket did it say there would be a stop with a boat transfer 35 minutes before our destination.
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 27. ožu 2024.
Bad boat, not possible to stand as roof was low. No AC, old boat that not at all felt secure The bat was more than one hour late
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 8. ožu 2024.
The tour was pretty exhausting. The ferry was meant to start at 12:55. We actually started at 13:30. Before the start we had to pay an extra harbour tax. This was also written on the booking confirmation, so everything’s fine. But it took us another 20 minutes for the whole group and could be organized a better way. As we started, the staff told us we will first go to Nusa Penida before going to Sanur. We were annoyed because there was no communication about this ain’t advance. As we arrived at Nusa Penida, the staff told us they just had to fill the tank which would take another 20 minutes for us to wait. As it was filled we thought we would start now. But unfortunately they started to fill up the seats again with more people. This took us another 20 minutes. We couldn’t understand why they didn’t do this during filling up the tank. Then we finally started with an overloaded ferry - two people didn’t even have seats and had to sit on the stairs. We then arrived more than an hour later at sanur. The whole trip has just been so annoying and a better communication would be desirable.
Trajekt Gliser, Wijaya Buyuk, 10. lis 2023.
Our ticket was from bangsal to Sanur but because the boat was delayed, we changed destination to Padang bai and from there we got free shuttle till Jimbaran, but it was more than 3 hour drive because someone else had to stop in Kuta..
Trajekt Gliser, Wijaya Buyuk, 19. ruj 2023.
After arriving at the harbour, we were told that the trip we had booked didn’t actually exist but that we had 2 options. Get a boat to Pelabuhan Padang Bai and then get on a bus for a total trip of 4hrs (as opposed to 3hrs on 12goasia) or get onto a later boat which would then take 4h30mins to take us to Sanur because it stopped at every island on the way there… I highly disrecommend going booking with SemaOne (they are known to be late and unreliable) and I also disrecommend going to Padang Bai because it’s such a disagreable place where taxi drivers are up your face and lie to you. They will even follow you to the bus and tell lies about the travel time to Sanur (which is +/-1h and not 3)
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 18. ruj 2023.
The arrival time was wrong on the ticket by more than an hour. We went to Nusa Penida and waited for an hour for more passengers. This was not stated on the ticket nor mentioned on the ride until at the pier.
Trajekt Gliser, Wijaya Buyuk, 15. lip 2023.
Had a quite rough trip during the bad weather, with some passengers already wore a life suits and scared. For the crews it may be a typical journey, but not for passengers who aren’t ready to risk their life or loose their belongings. The journey details, including the weather condition, needs to be informed clearly
Trajekt Gliser, Starfish Fast Boat, 30. sij 2023.
speedboat was canceled, substitute (mantraexpress)came 2½h later. Arival at Padang Bai, not Sanur, nobody told us about that, chaos because of busshuttles to Sanur harbour...
Trajekt Gliser, Starfish Fast Boat, 29. sij 2023.
Nice speedboat & helpful staff
Trajekt Gliser, Semaya One, 18. sij 2023.
16 recenzija kupaca

Kako doći od Lombok do Sanur

Putovanje između Lombok i Sanur moguće je putem Let, trajekt, kombi i taxi. Let jamči najbrže putovanje na ovoj ruti. Taxi+trajekt je najsporija opcija.

Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 127.94 ako idete Let; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za trajekt koji će vas koštati samo USD 18.80.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Lombok do Sanur?

Može vam trebati između 1 i 5 sati za put između Lombok i Sanur, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Let je najbrži način putovanja između Lombok i Sanur. Let će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 40m. Taxi+trajekt vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 4h 45m da stigne do Sanur.

Koliko košta doći od Lombok do Sanur?

Putovanje između Lombok i Sanur može koštati jeftino kao USD 18.80 ako se odlučite za Semaya One trajekt i skupo kao USD 127.94 ako kupite Wings Air Let kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Lombok i Sanur?

  • 6 od Lombok do Sanur počevši od 12:00 Bangsal Pier Semaya One do 13:45 Bangsal Pier
  • 5 s Trajekt+kombi od Lombok do Sanur počevši od 10:00 Bangsal Indah do 13:00 Bangsal Pier
  • 3 od Lombok do Sanur počevši od 07:15 Bima Airport do 17:40 Lombok International Airport
  • 1 s Taxi+Trajekt od Lombok do Sanur počevši od 13:45 Bangsal Pier do 13:45 Bangsal Pier

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Lombok do Sanur.

Koji je način prijevoza najbolji za moju rutu?


Letenje je najbrži i često najskuplji način putovanja od Lombok do Sanur, ali uz malo sreće možete pronaći vrlo dobre ponude za samo USD 70.99.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Imajte na umu da neke od zračnih tvrtki mogu imati ograničenja u pogledu težine predane prtljage ili zahtijevati dodatno plaćanje za prijavu, odabir sjedala ili prijevoz prevelike prtljage.

Ako se odlučite za let, izračunajte vrijeme koje ćete potrošiti na dolazak i odlazak iz zračnih luka, kao i vrijeme čekanja prije leta, prolazak kroz graničnu kontrolu u slučaju međunarodnog leta i vraćanje vaše predane prtljage.

U određenim slučajevima svi ti postupci mogu dodati najmanje 5 sati vašem ukupnom vremenu putovanja.

Avioprijevoznici koji lete između Lombok i Sanur

Citilink, Wings Air


Trajekt može biti zamorno iskustvo, pogotovo ako ste skloni morskoj bolesti i često nije najjeftinija dostupna opcija, ali gotovo uvijek čini putovanje vrlo slikovitim.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Vožnja trajektom može biti otkazana zbog nemirnog mora.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju trajektnim rutama između Lombok i Sanur

Caspla Buyuk, Scoot Fast Cruises, Semaya One, Starfish Fast Boat, Wijaya Buyuk

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Lombok do Sanur?

Postoji izbor prijevoznih sredstava u bilo koje doba dana, a Trajekt ostaje najpopularnija opcija zbog razumnih cijena i udobnosti.

Od 1000 putnika koji su kupili karte za ovu rutu

  • 88% ukrcalo se na trajekt
  • 6% je odlučilo letjeti
  • 4% odabrano Taxi+Trajekt
  • 2% odabrano Trajekt+kombi