Travelling from Ubon Ratchathani to Yasothon overland will inevitably take longer but in many cases it is
the cheapest option if you opt for a bus.
Things to remember: For a more comfortable ride opt for a higher-class bus wherever possible. These buses usually have soft reclining seats and are equipped with air-conditioning and on-board toilets.
They often include water, snacks or a light lunch into your ticket price and make bathroom stops en-route.
Companies operating bus routes between Ubon Ratchathani and Yasothon
Phet Prasert (เพชรประเสริฐ)
Some travellers consider taxi to be
the most convenient form of overland transport thanks to flexible departure times, a possibility to choose the size of the car you need, and a hassle-free door-to-door service.
Things to remember: If you are planning to make detours during your trip, discuss it with your driver or service provider in advance as it may affect the price.
Companies offering charters between Ubon Ratchathani and Yasothon
Kim Transfers Thailand (Thailand Taxi Airport and Travel)