Pattaya to Koh Chang

Pattaya to Koh Chang

Koh Chang
Thu, Mar 20
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NaN Passengers

Pattaya to Koh Chang Schedule

TypeOperatorClassDeparture TimeArrival TimePriceRating
Thailand Limo by Datum
SUV 4pax
Any time
35 Group Pattaya
Van 10pax
35 Group Pattaya
Van 10pax
Boonsiri High Speed Ferries
Bus + Ferry + Taxi
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry
Andaman Taxis
Van + Ferry
Andaman Taxis
Van + Ferry
Andaman Shuttle
Taxi + Longtail boat
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry

Transportation from Pattaya to Koh Chang

Facts about the transport from Pattaya to Koh Chang

Cheapest Transport$20
Fastest Transport4h 30m
Earliest Departure6:00 AM
Latest Departure9:00 AM
Departures per day29
Distance251 kilometers
Transport Companies35 Group Pattaya, AEC 168 Transport and Travel, Andaman Shuttle, Andaman Taxis, BangkokTaxi24, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, Boonsiri Transfer, Five Star Taxi, Glassflower, MCC VAN, Suwarnphum Burapha, Thailand Limo by Datum

Pattaya to Koh Chang Destination Reviews

Trip from Pattaya to Koh Chang We selected Cosi Pattaya Wong Amat Beach from the list of available pickup locations. The hotel is located in North Pattaya, and since our pickup was scheduled for 8:50 AM, we were the last passengers to board during the 8:00 AM collection round. The driver arrived at around 9:05 AM, which we found preferable to an early pickup. The bus traveled on a highway to the first stop, which was Caltex Saneathurakit Group gas station. We stopped there at 10:26 AM for a 10-minute break, which was enough time for a restroom visit. The air conditioning in the bus worked well, but the seating space was quite limited, especially in the last row, where legroom was only about 10 cm from the seat in front. The second stop was at Ar Ar Souvenir at 12:02 PM, where we had a 26-minute break. This allowed passengers to grab some snacks and stretch their legs before continuing the journey. We arrived at the ferry terminal at 2:00 PM, and the bus drove onto the ferry at 2:45 PM. The ferry ticket was included in the price, and passengers were free to walk around and enjoy the sea views during the crossing. The ferry arrived at Koh Chang at 3:15 PM, making the sea journey about 30 minutes long. On the island, most passengers had been dropped off by 4:10 PM, but since our accommodation was in a remote and somewhat challenging location, we were transferred to a pickup truck that took us to our final destination, arriving at 4:35 PM. Although the journey was long, it was smooth, well-organized, and stress-free. The seats were not the most comfortable, but everything else worked perfectly. The service provided great value for money, and I would gladly use it again.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van 10pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Mar 1, 2025
We came 2 hours later than expected but was good driver :)
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van + Ferry, Andaman Shuttle, Feb 25, 2025
A little fast driving and small seats. Otherwise good.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van 10pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Jan 26, 2025
I don’t think so there is a need to pick every one from hotels. After picking me at baboona Beach front living, the hotel I was staying , it was hardly 10 minutes to change to the bus. Had the bus location given In my booking I would have happily and easily reached the bus location on time than waiting for the pick up van outside the hotel for an hour.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van 10pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Jan 17, 2025
Departure from Pattaya was fine and bus was comfortable and some snacks given. Not sure why we had to change buses onto another one that was not so comfortable and lots of couples had to sit separately as the bus was already pretty full with others. Once we got to the ferry port there was no communication on where to go or what was next, luckily we found someone to ask and was directed to office to get ferry tickets. After what seemed a pointless 45 min wait the group getting the same ferry was all be shouted at to hurry and run to get the ferry, also note the ferry is NOT suitcase friendly. Once on the other side you're greeted with multiple songthaews and lots of shouting. On booking this as it was combined bus, ferry, taxi this was definitely the most chaotic travel day in 10 months of travelling.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Bus Bus + Ferry + Taxi, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries (บุญศิริเรือเร็ว), Jan 9, 2025
Everything was perfect. Safe driving.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van + Ferry, Andaman Shuttle, Dec 26, 2024
Excellent service from start to finish.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van 10pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Dec 24, 2024
We had to wait more than one hour in the sun before getting on the ferry. This should’ve been organized before and as soon as the bus gets there, the people should’ve gotten on the bus
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Bus Bus + Ferry + Taxi, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries (บุญศิริเรือเร็ว), Dec 7, 2024
Too long at rest stops.
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Bus Bus + Ferry + Taxi, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries (บุญศิริเรือเร็ว), Nov 12, 2024
Beste Organisation!!!! SuperService!!!
Pattaya to Koh Chang, Van Van 10pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Nov 7, 2024
425 customer reviews

How to get from Pattaya to Koh Chang

Travelling between Pattaya and Koh Chang is possible by Bus, ferry, van and taxi. Taxi guarantees the fastest travel on this route. Bus+taxi is the slowest option.

The most expensive ticket will cost you USD 187.63 if you go by taxi; to keep it budget-friendly, opt for a van which will set you back mere USD 19.28.

How long does it take to get from Pattaya to Koh Chang?

It can take you anywhere between 5 and 7 hours to travel between Pattaya and Koh Chang depending on the means of transport you choose.

Taxi is the fastest way to travel between Pattaya and Koh Chang. Taxi will bring you to your destination in 4h 30m. Bus+taxi does a much slower job and take about 7h to reach Koh Chang.

How much does it cost to get from Pattaya to Koh Chang?

Travelling between Pattaya and Koh Chang can be as cheap as USD 19.28 if you opt for a 35 Group Pattaya van and as expensive as USD 187.63 if you buy a Glassflower taxi ticket.

Here is the list of how much you can expect to pay travelling by each means of transport available for this route.

How many trips per day are there between Pattaya and Koh Chang ?

  • 2 by Bus+taxi from Pattaya to Koh Chang starting from 08:00 CK Residence until 08:00 CK Residence
  • 2 by Ferry+Van from Pattaya to Koh Chang starting from 09:00 Pattaya Hotel Transfer until 09:00 Pattaya Hotel Transfer
  • 2 from Pattaya to Koh Chang starting from 06:00 Pattaya Hotel Transfer until 08:00 Pattaya Hotel Transfer
  • 1 from Pattaya to Koh Chang starting from 08:00 CK Residence until 08:00 CK Residence
  • 1 by Bus+taxi+Ferry from Pattaya to Koh Chang starting from 08:30 Pattaya Boonsiri Office until 08:30 Pattaya Boonsiri Office
  • 21 from Pattaya to Koh Chang starting from 00:00 Pattaya Town until 00:00 Pattaya Town

Check above for a bus, train, flight and ferry timetable from Pattaya to Koh Chang.

What mode of transportation is the best one for my route?


Travelling from Pattaya to Koh Chang overland will inevitably take longer but in many cases it is the cheapest option if you opt for a bus.

Things to remember: For a more comfortable ride opt for a higher-class bus wherever possible. These buses usually have soft reclining seats and are equipped with air-conditioning and on-board toilets.

They often include water, snacks or a light lunch into your ticket price and make bathroom stops en-route.

Companies operating bus routes between Pattaya and Koh Chang

Suwarnphum Burapha (บริษัทสุวรรณภูมิบูรพา)


Some travellers consider taxi to be the most convenient form of overland transport thanks to flexible departure times, a possibility to choose the size of the car you need, and a hassle-free door-to-door service.

Things to remember: If you are planning to make detours during your trip, discuss it with your driver or service provider in advance as it may affect the price.

Companies offering charters between Pattaya and Koh Chang

AEC 168 Transport and Travel (เออีซี 168 ทรานสปอร์ต แอนด์ ทราเวล), Andaman Taxis, BangkokTaxi24, Boonsiri Transfer, Five Star Taxi (ห้าดาวแท็กซี่), Glassflower, MCC VAN (เอ็มซีซี แวน), Thailand Limo by Datum (บริษัท เดทัมกรุ๊ป จำกัด)


Vans are a great alternative - or, in many cases - your only option - if you need to travel overland within one and the same province or neighbouring provinces or states. Vans ply the roads between Pattaya and Koh Chang, too.

Things to remember: When travelling by van with huge luggage buying a separate seat for your suitcase or backpack is a good idea. Do not expect there is a roomy luggage compartment in a van - there is actually none and your fellow passengers are unlikely to appreciate your luggage stuck under their feet, alas.

Companies operating vans between Pattaya and Koh Chang

35 Group Pattaya

What is the most popular transport to get from Pattaya to Koh Chang?

There is a choice of transportation means any time of the day with Van remaining the most popular option due to their reasonable pricing and comfort.

Out of 1000 travellers who bought tickets for this route

  • 24% took a van
  • 24% chosen taxi+Ferry
  • 9% opted for a bus
  • 9% chosen Bus+taxi
  • 9% chosen Bus+taxi+Ferry
  • 9% chosen Bus+Ferry
  • 9% chosen taxi+Ferry+Van
  • 4% bought a taxi ride
  • 3% chosen Ferry+Van