Facts about the bus from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang
Cheapest Bus
Fastest Bus
Earliest Bus
12:00 AM
Latest Bus
6:30 PM
Daily Bus Routes
1750 kilometers
Bus Companies
JTTT Travel, K Buddy, Naluang, Naluangs, Smart En Plus, Sombat Tour, Thai AirAsia, Yortdoy Travel
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang Destination Reviews
Maria L
On the Thai side pretty smooth. After crossing into Laos and clearjng immigration, a lot less smooth.
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Dec 12, 2024
Ross H
The 2 day slow boat was a real highlight of our trip. The boat was full but what we expected.
The stay in Pak Bang was great, a small little town on the river that comes to life with the boat arrival.
Note the you need USD 40 per person to cross the boarder. We had an issue being about to withdraw lao kip. USD wasn't available at all but they only accepted USD. The tour company helped but did charge a large commission.
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Dec 9, 2024
Maria A
Very good experience, everything came on time and felt very organized. Only thing, remember to keep your boat ticket for both days or you will have to pay again on the second boat.
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, JTTT Travel (JTTT Travel), Nov 13, 2024
Sam W
Smooth journey with K Buddy, minibus was comfortable and better quality than many in Thailand, process was easy with their help
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Oct 20, 2024
Martin H
K Buddy was excellent. Good communication, and an excellent driver in a clean vehicle. He had everything in place for a smooth trip and border crossing.
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Oct 11, 2024
Great experience travelling on the 2 day slowboat from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang. All connections went smoothly and there was great communication from our driver all the way through until we arrived in Luang Prabang. The company doesnt advertise that you get a free sandwich when you arrive at the slowboat on day one. A nice touch. By far the cheapest option for this trip we could find and it was as smooth and simple as possible. 100% recommend.
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), May 14, 2024
Jesse M
All transport was provided by K Buddy from our Chiang Rai hotel to the Luang Prabang pier. Pick-up was on time. Good option to take away some stress while travelling.
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Apr 30, 2024
Celia Z
I had booked the van plus overnight bus to Laos.
Departure was scheduled for 12pm at my hotel. A gentleman came by at 11am to tell me that the departure had been postponed until 2pm. At 1.30pm another man in a basic car picked him up and dropped me off at the van.
The rest went pretty well. The van was comfortable and air-conditioned, and he took us to a small roadside shop to do the paperwork before the border (rather bizarre). We filled in the customs form and took photos if we didn't have any. You can also change baths into kip at a very attractive rate.
Customs clearance was fairly straightforward, with nothing to report on the Thai side. On the Laotian side, however, there was a $1 or 50 bath service charge (just for her to check the form). Pay $40 or 1,800 baths for the visa (be careful, in baths it's much more expensive). After passing through customs, we had to wait to catch the night bus, which took us to the small but well-stocked bus station. The night bus left more than 30 minutes late, the staff were as unfriendly as possible, they didn't explain anything to us and they didn't speak English. You end up in a rather narrow berth with a stranger (they try to put tourists together). And a road that jolts you back and forth between holes and bends is enough to make you want to vomit. There was a dinner break at 8pm, and after that we had no idea whether there were breaks or just the travelers' stops, because nothing was said in English.
The journey goes on, we don't sleep or don't sleep much, but at least we make it to our destination.
This review was autotranslated
J’avais réservé le van plus bus de nuit pour le Laos.
Départ prévu à 12h à mon hôtel. Un monsieur est venu à 11h passé pour me prévenir que le départ était repoussé à 14h. A 13h30 un autre homme en voiture basic est passé le chercher, m’a déposé au van.
La suite s’est plutôt bien passé. Le van était confortable et climatisé, il nous a conduit à un petit shop en bord de route pour faire les démarches avant la frontière (plutôt bizarre). On y rempli le formulaire pour la douane et prendre des photos pour ceux qui n’en ont pas. On peut aussi faire le change des baths en kip à un taux très interessant.
Le passage de la douane a été assez facile, rien à signaler côté thaïlandais. Par contre côté laotien, prévoir 1$ ou 50 baths de frais de services (juste pour qu’elle vérifie le formulaire. Payer 40$ ou 1800 baths de visa (attention en baths c’est beaucoup plus cher). Passer les douanes il faut attendre pour aller prendre le bus de nuit, on nous conduit à la gare routière petite mais avec le necessaire. Le bus de nuit est parti avec plus de 30 min de retard, le personnel était mal aimable au possible, on ne nous expliquait rien et ils ne parlaient pas anglais. Tu te retrouves dans une couchette plutôt étroite à deux avec un inconnu (ils essayent de mettre les touristes ensemble). Et la une route qui te secoue dans tous les sens entre les trous et les virages c’est à avoir envie de vomir. Une pause dîner à eu lieu à 20h et après aucune idee s’il y avait des pauses ou juste les arrêts des voyageurs car rien n’est dit en anglais.
Le voyage se fait, on ne dort pas ou pas beaucoup mais au moins on arrive à bon port
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Sleeping Bus, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Mar 5, 2024
Christine M
bon dans lense
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Bus + Song Taew + Slow Boat, K Buddy (เค บัดดี้), Feb 6, 2024
The journey to the border was perfect, and the cab driver was extremely helpful with the formalities, etc. Thank you again.
On the other hand, the bus was not at all comfortable, there were no mattresses, there were two of you per berth and there wasn't much room, so you were sharing the intimacy of a stranger if you were alone. We were woken up several times by the noise, the flashlights on our heads and by customs who ripped my bag protector in the hold.
It's certainly an experience, but if you need comfort, take the plane instead :)
This review was autotranslated
Le trajet jusqu'à la frontière était parfait, le taxi m'a énormément aidé pour les formalités etc, merci encore à eux.
En revanche le bus n'était pas du tout confortable, pas de matelas, vous êtes deux par couchette et il n'y a pas énormément de place, autant dire que vous partagez l'intimité d'un inconnu si vous êtes seuls. Nous avons été réveillés à plusieurs reprises par le bruit, les lampes torches sur la tête et par la douane qui a déchiré mon protège sac dans la soute.
C'est certe, une expérience mais si vous avez besoin de confort prenez plutôt l'avion :)
Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang, Bus Taxi + Sleeping Bus, Naluangs (Naluangs), Dec 14, 2023
How to get from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang by bus
Bus travel remains one of the most affordable and convenient ways to travel between many destinations. Getting from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang by bus may not be the fastest way of travel, yet many travellers prefer to rely on the bus on this route; with easy online booking and tickets of different classes for all tastes and budgets available, the bus from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang a conscious and budget-friendly option.
Check the timetable before you book your ticket and read other travellers’ reviews to choose the trip that suits you best. Note that there may be several bus terminals at your departure or arrival point – always double-check where you are leaving from and arriving to. It may prove crucial if you have connecting trips.
Here is the list of operators serving the route: .
How far is Chiang Rai from Luang Prabang?
If travelling by bus, you will cover the distance of 1750 km between Chiang Rai and Luang Prabang.
How long does it take to get from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang by bus?
Buses normally need between 16h 30m and 16h 30m hours to get to Luang Prabang from Chiang Rai. Note that the travel time is for your reference only and can depend on different factors such as traffic and weather conditions. Heavy rainfalls almost inevitably make the trip longer due to poor visibility or floods. Road and surface repairs which happen quite often, result in detours and longer travel times. Major national holidays, long weekends, or peak season periods may cause delays both in departures and arrivals – plan accordingly to avoid disappointment, especially if you have further connections and a tight schedule.
On this route, Naluangs offers the fastest service. Naluangs buses usually take the longest time to complete the journey.
Remember, though, that tickets offering the shortest travel time are normally the most expensive ones. Yet it pays to spend a bit more to ensure your bus goes direct without additional stops and uses highways instead of local roads.
How much does it cost to get from Chiang Rai to Luang Prabang by bus?
The price of your bus ticket will depend not only on the distance you need to cover but on the class of your coach. E.g. expect to shell out more for VIP or sleeper buses while ordinary buses though being the cheapest option, often are a compromise on comfort and travel time. Of course, they do their job, too, and can be the only option if you hop on/off in the middle of the route.
Anyway, travelling by bus between Chiang Rai and Luang Prabang remains an affordable option. The cheapest ticket is offered by Naluangs and costs USD 38.29. A Naluangs's ticket will set you back USD 38.29 on average.
Travelling by bus essentials
If you are planning to travel during the high season, weekends, or national holidays, booking your bus tickets in advance is highly recommended. The demand is at its highest, yet very often, the number of coaches serving the route remains the same. The earlier you reserve your seat, the better. On some routes, you need to secure your ticket more than a month in advance; on others, a couple-of-days advanced booking is enough. During such periods, try to book online beforehand whenever possible, as showing up at the bus station without a ticket may result in many-hours of waiting in the queue or leave you downright stranded.
VIP, 1st, Gold, and similar bus tickets are the most expensive option, but they provide a higher level of comfort. Normally the price of such tickets will include wide soft reclining seats, blankets, water and snacks or lunch, and sometimes some toiletries. Upper-class buses travel faster, make fewer stops during the route, and normally provide more spacious seating to their passengers and a better travel experience.
Not all buses have an on-board toilet, but generally, for all trips longer than three hours, all operators schedule a bathroom and/or a lunch stop. While operators definitely do their best to keep on-board toilets clean, the smell may be an issue sometimes. For longer trips, booking a seat a bit farther from the toilet may be a good idea. Also, using bathroom stops for your toilet needs is always better than trying to find your balance in an on-board toilet on the run.
If you travel by an air-con bus, make sure to pack layers. A hoodie, a warm scarf, or a beanie hat may prove a good idea. Air-conditioning on buses tends to be excessive, and running nose and sore throats abound after even not the longest bus rides.
Always use the security belts even if your bus ride attendant or driver does not insist on it. Your safety comes first – for you, for sure. All buses normally are equipped with security belts, but they may be fixed behind your seat. Take time to find the belt and fix it appropriately.
To avoid being disturbed by overhead lights, switched on during stops even at night, and too loud music or sound from the on-board entertainment system, have earplugs and a sleeping mask at hand.
As a courtesy to other passengers, avoid using strong perfumes or smelly foods. Some foods like cheeses or durians are forbidden to take on-board – check in advance. Alcohol is also prohibited on the majority of buses.
Note that if the bus requires refuelling en-route, passengers will be asked to get off the bus. Operators are not allowed to refuel with passengers on board due to safety reasons. Usually, it takes from 5 to 10 minutes and is often combined with a toilet/lunch stop.
If not stated otherwise in your tickets, arrive at the bus station 20-30 minutes before departure. It will give you enough time to find the departure platform and check-in. For international trips, you may need more time for check-in and border formalities.