Flight from Phuket to Penang is the fastest way to travel between these two destinations. The number of departures a day may vary. The following airlines will help you get from Phuket to Penang by flight: AirAsia, Batik Air, Firefly, Firefly, Firefly, Firefly, Jetstar Asia, Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Scoot, Thai AirAsia (แอร์เอเชีย), Thai Airways.
Booking your ticket online in advance is a good strategy for grabbing the best deals, especially if you are ready to consider low-cost airlines – they often sell promotional tickets at astonishingly low prices if you buy months ahead. If you choose to fly with a budget air company, do check their rules and requirements as well as other travellers’ reviews, as there are considerable differences between scheduled and budget carriers in the sense of luggage allowances and perks included in the standard fare. In certain cases, you may end up paying more with budget flights if add all those things which come for granted with the scheduled one.
Remember that you will need your valid ID to board a plane. In the case of an international flight, you will need to produce your passport.