巴士从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai

巴士从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai

Wat Chedi Ai Khai
NaN 名乘客


曼谷和Wat Chedi Ai Khai之间的运输类型 从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai的交通

从 曼谷 到 Wat Chedi Ai Khai大巴信息

最早的大巴6:30 PM
最晚的大巴6:30 PM
距离752 公里
大巴公司Sri Suthep Tour

从 曼谷 到 Wat Chedi Ai Khai 的旅游胜地评论

我们在出发前 2 小时抵达巴士总站 我们发送了电子邮件并收到了文件... 但过了一会儿,我在询问我们的巴士时,工作人员告诉我这是一张错误的车票或订票。 因此,我们只好换乘另一辆巴士前往苏拉特比提(surat thani),这辆巴士没有手机....。10个小时后到达时,手机没有电池..... 我们得到了毯子和水,还有几包三明治和果汁 车上非常臭(尿味)
公共汽车 快速, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 2023年3月16日
The driver drove so close to the vehicle’s in front, he had to push the brake almost every 10 second. Once he had to hit the brake so hard that people woke up in big panic, and belongings went everywhere. Luckily no accidents occurred - the function of the brake-pedal turned out being useful :-/ 1. note: Now it finally makes sense why they try to add on a travel insurance, for a bus trip. 2. note: Remember to put on your seat belt. At 1 AM he stopped the bus, turned on the lights in the cabin, woke everybody up and yelled out loud that now was eating break. In the middle of the night, while everyone was a sleep. - what the f is going on. However, the bus was very comfortable and clean. The staff (and the owner himself) at the office was informative and friendly. But once the bus arrives and the operation changes from purchasing tickets and getting informations on how to check-in - everything changes. You are being yelled at - you dont get any informations - you have to hurry, to fit their time schedules. We also bought an extended ticket from Surat Thani to Khao Lak directly from the operator at their main office. The owner told me it was the same company that operated for both busses, so there was no problem. He said a van would take us on the second trip once we arrived at Surat Thani. We had a “VIP” ticked, so we expected just descent comfort and service - or maybe just not to be yelled at… We traveled with our 6 year old kid, and came directly from a shitty bus drive, with almost no sleep. The van worse “service” experience we have ever had (I’m 40 and have traveled a lot). A mad little Thai guy yelling and being super stressed was our new driver. Well, same company - “VIP” tickets - decided to believe it was just a normal human being having a bad moment. The minivan was old crap - we were stacked together inside like cattle’s. After half an hour (of crazy speeding) we stopped - again, no informations prior to this - and was ordered inside of an even older bus - now managing travelling suitcases for the third time… This bus appeared to be a normal route-bus with lots of stops and local people hopping on and off. Very tired, and very confused, we once asked if we could go out and use a toilet, as it appeared the driver had stopped the bus to take a cigarette-break. I was told “no, only 40 minutes to next stop”. So my 6-year old had to do his best, not to piss his pants for 40 more minutes. Finally after 40 minutes, the bus stopped at what appeared to be a central bus point with food court and toilets. I asked how how long time we had, and the drivers helper (yes they were 2 persons) said “we leave in 2 minutes” - so leaving travelling suitcases and everything else behind in a bus where they do not care about you, we were in a mad hurry, to find the toilet, get stuff done, and get back to the bus. And we managed it in time. Now still feeling like shit after a horrible night and morning, hungry as well, we sat in the bus for 10 more minutes, as the driver was still on a break and appeared to have a nice conversation with a lovely female colleague at the bus station. Many cigarettes consumed, a lot of laughter. - looked nice. So I went out and asked them, if they were waiting until 10:30 (we came around 10:05)as there was a sign saying 10:30 for the bus line “Suray Thani - Phuket”. Once again he said “no, leave in 2 minutes” I told him it would be nice if we could tell the passengers that everyone can have a break, not just the driver. When being confronted with this lack of service, they suddently could not speak English anymore. A couple of seconds after, it appeared that they realised the stupidity. Now they acted as if I was invisible
公共汽车 VIP Bus, Montanatip (Montanatip), 2024年4月13日
Great service and very comfortable
公共汽车 快速, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 2021年12月24日
15 客户评论

从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 怎么坐大巴

大巴依然是到许多地方最实惠和最便捷的交通工具。虽然从曼谷 到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 坐大巴可能不是最快的,但是许多旅客却更青睐大巴。由于网上订票简单、车票类型可以满足不同的喜好和消费人群,大巴是从曼谷 到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 的明智且实惠的选择。


从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 有多远?

坐大巴从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 的距离为752 公里。

从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 坐大巴需要多长时间?

从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 坐大巴通常需要11小时 30分钟,分钟到12小时小时。请注意,行程时间仅供参考,可能因交通和天气情况等会有所不同。大雨导致能见度下降或者引发洪水,不可避免地延长行程。时有发生的道路工事会导致车辆绕行和行车时间延长。如遇重大国家假日、长周末、旺季可能导致出发和到达延误,提前做好相应的规划以免耽误行程,特别是行程紧张并且需要中转的时候。

在这条路线上,Sri Suthep Tour (ศรีสุเทพทัวร์)的大巴最快,而Sri Suthep Tour (ศรีสุเทพทัวร์)的大巴最慢。

从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 坐大巴要多少钱?


总而言之,从曼谷到Wat Chedi Ai Khai, 坐大巴依然是很实惠的。Sri Suthep Tour (ศรีสุเทพทัวร์)的车票最便宜,票价为USD 17.54。而Sri Suthep Tour (ศรีสุเทพทัวร์)的票价最贵,通常为USD 17.54



  • 如果坐空调大巴,一定要多带些衣物,连帽衫、保暖围巾或无檐帽子都可以。因为车载空调可能会比较猛,即使车程不长,也可能会出现流鼻涕、喉咙痛的症状。
  • 除非车票另有注明,请提前20到30分钟到达车站,预留充足的时间寻找站台和办理检票手续。对于国际旅行,可能需要更多的时间办理检票和出入境手续。