河江 到 Tuan Chau

河江 到 Tuan Chau

Tuan Chau
7月13日 週六
NaN 乘客


從河江 到 Tuan Chau 的行程表

從河江 到 Tuan Chau 的行程表
Grouptour Sleeper 41 18:45 - 02:15VND 575k

河江 和 Tuan Chau之間的交通方式

  • 巴士
    $ 21.27
  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 河江 到 Tuan Chau交通資訊

最早的出發時間6:15 PM
最晚的出發時間7:00 PM
距離375 公里
運輸公司Cua Ong Limousine, Grouptour, Techbus VN JSC

從河江到目的地 Tuan Chau 的評價

第一辆卧铺巴士晚点了 30 多分钟,然后他们在途中卸下包裹。第二辆巴士也晚点了,然后正在河内附近接乘客,所以我们晚了 90 多分钟才到达下龙湾。
巴士 Sleeping Bus + Mini Van, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年12月8日
Pick up and drop off times were COMPLETELY wrong from Ha Giang to Halong Bay. Pick up was one and a half hour later. Drop off was supposed to be at 23:30 but we arrived at 4:00AM.
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 2024年3月7日
1h delayed, but a ride directly to our hotel was organized for us free of charge
巴士 臥鋪40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年12月2日
It was awful, the bus arrived 1,5h late and we arrive at destination 3 hours late. The bus was every five minut stopping to pick up deliveries , including animals. The drivers drink alcohol during stops.
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年8月14日
The bus was very old and bumpy, the bus left Hagiang only on 20:00
巴士 臥鋪40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年6月6日
Bus take 2 more hours to arrive. Driver was terrible, screaming guest, honking any object on the route and driving very unsafe. Also he allows people to be seated on the floor and charge them by cash.
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年4月14日
Communication was not good for pick up. We organised for the bus to pick us up at our hotel which was good, but about 45 minutes late a taxi arrived and our hotel staff said it was for us. We didn't know where we were going or if we'd have to pay for the taxi so we had to call the office in a panic. The bus driver paid the taxi driver and we got on the bus. There was no toilet on the bus and we arrived 90 minutes late. Drop off was also in a different location than indicated.
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2022年12月26日
I had to be at the Bus Stop (Ha Giang Hostel) @ 18.30. Then the said i schould come again at 19.00. Then they broight us to the Busstop on 19.15. We got into the Bus - but instead of leaving ha giang - he drove trough Ha Giang to collect other People. So instead of leaving Ha Giang on 18.30 as stated on 12Go it left on 20.30 (2 h. late). Instead of arriving on 02.15 in Halong Bay - we arrived on 05.30. I could have saved to book a Hotel for just a few hours if i had known the realistic arrivel time. The ride itself was OK. But the leaving and arrivel time on 12Go were allways very wrong (the last 3 times)
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2022年12月5日
The bus does not arrive to the bus stop which is mentioned on the ticket and information when you are buying ticket. So basically, driver would not take you to the location which he suppose to take you (address information provided when you buying the ticket), but in some other place where taxi drivers already waiting for tourists. So you have no choice and should pay separately for the taxi as well. I think this is wrong and you have to cooperate with drivers in order to fix this issue and to make sure they arrive at the place which is mentioned on the website as arrival point. I treated it as you lying to your customers
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2022年11月4日
19 客戶評價

如何從河江 到 Tuan Chau?

來往河江 和 Tuan Chau之間你可以選擇 巴士。這是目前這條路線唯一的選擇。

從河江 到 Tuan Chau多遠?

河江 和 Tuan Chau 之間走陸路的話是 375 公里,直飛的話飛行距離則是 375 。

從河江 到 Tuan Chau要多久?

搭乘 巴士 來往 河江 和 Tuan Chau之間的話, 大概要 9 小時。

從 河江 到 Tuan Chau的花費多少?

河江 - Tuan Chau 路線的 巴士 票價大概是 USD 22.62元。想要最好的價格,請提早訂票。

每天有多少班次往返 河江 和 Tuan Chau 之間?

每天有8趟巴士從 河江 開到 廣寧 。

搭乘 巴士往返河江 和 Tuan Chau的小訣竅 雖然從

河江 到 Tuan Chau 只有一種交通工具,但你還是可以盡量讓自己的旅途舒適一點。閱讀我們的簡單提醒,以免你對旅程感到失望。##巴士


  • 想要坐得舒服點,盡量選擇等級較高的巴士。這種巴士通常有軟式躺椅,而且還有冷氣跟洗手間。
  • 你的票價有可能包括了水、點心,或簡餐。
  • 不是所有巴士都有洗手間,但別擔心 - 中途會停靠休息站。

提供河江 和 廣寧之間巴士服務的公司有 Cua Ong Limousine (Cửa Ông Limousine), Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)。

有多少遊客選擇搭乘巴士從河江 到 Tuan Chau ?

We have sold我們已經賣出 巴士 的票給 591 位旅客。 有些人在網頁上留下了意見,建議你事先參考。這是最有用也最可靠的資訊。