曼谷 到 Thoeng

曼谷 到 Thoeng

7月8日 週一
NaN 乘客


曼谷 和 Thoeng之間的交通方式

  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 巴士 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從曼谷到目的地 Thoeng 的評價

巴士 VIP 31, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 2022年12月10日
总的来说 - 会向不想坐飞机的人推荐这趟过夜巴士 优点 - 温度舒适(我穿着连帽衫,一点也不冷),在乘车开始时给了面包卷,准时出发,巴士没有不播放任何音乐(除非你算上那些认为可以用个人手机播放音乐的乘客,太粗鲁了!),在乘车过程中,公告和灯光只亮了几次,所以能够睡一会儿,没有公告/灯光早上 1 点到 7 点之间,适合睡觉,巴士在 21:30 停下来,出示车票后可以享用一顿汤面条的快餐,USB 端口可以在座位之间充电。 缺点 - 气味难闻,座位和旁边的人之间没有隔板我一直滑到我的座位上,座位向后退得很远,这很舒服,但如果你前面的人把座位向后放,而你想起身去厕所,公交车时钟大约是休息 15 分钟,比预计到达时间晚一小时到达
巴士 VIP 31, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 2022年5月14日
There were so many mosquitos on the bus! As much as we appreciated the chicken burger from McDonald’s it’s not enough food for 12 hours drive. Other bus companies stop at local buffet restaurants to have a proper meal. Also we didn’t stop once to use a bathroom! Otherwise the bus was comfy and took us from A to B on time.
巴士 快速、直達, Cherdchai Tour, 2024年2月13日
Overall the tour was great. The bus was extra comfy, with blankets, headrests, leg rests and arm rests. Seats were also good. We paid 990 bhat to travel from Mochit to Chiangrai in the Luxury bus. The cost was high, we could have booked a VIP bus. But, as it was the end of the year of 2023, we didn't have much options. Anyway, the bus was very comfy and we didn't feel the usual body pains after the journey. The bus had enough stops to have coffees, snacks etc. Even we were provided with a small sponge cake and a bottle of water at the start of the journey. But the bus was not in time. Although it has to leave from Mochit at 18:15, the bus left after about a delay of one hour. And the delay was there for the entire journey. Overall the journey was good, the operator and the bus attendant were also good.
巴士 快速、直達, Budsarakham Tour (บุษราคัมทัวร์), 2024年1月9日
The bus was on time, seats were comfortable with charges near them (but pretty old - USB-A), head/neck support and leg support and with blankets.
巴士 VIP, Bangkok Busline (บางกอกบัสไลน์), 2024年1月8日
Comfortable bus, friendly staff, great overall experience!
巴士 VIP, Bangkok Busline (บางกอกบัสไลน์), 2024年1月6日
Very comfortable bus, helpful staff, water and snacks provided.
巴士 快速42, Sombat Tour (บริษัท เทพสมบัติ จำกัด), 2023年12月23日
The bus journey was comfortable. We were provided a meal as soon as we boarded, I assume this is because we took the overnight bus to allow the lights to be turned off. The meal was chicken and rice wjth a juice. The seats were comfortable but I often felt myself sliding off. It got a little chilly towards the end of the journey but nothing unbearable. Upon reaching our destination we were given a sandwich and milk.
巴士 黃金艙等, Nakhonchai Air (นครชัยแอร์), 2023年11月15日
Seat really comfy, they also give you complimentary water and snacks. During the night (around 2 am) there's a stop where you can go to the toilet, and eat (for free) in a cantine where you can also have juice or milk (soy milk available). Reading the reviews I was expecting to arrive earlier, but luckily we were perfect on time (7.30 at Chiang Rai bus station).
巴士 VIP, Bangkok Busline (บางกอกบัสไลน์), 2023年10月13日
The bus was on time and we had a pleasant ride. We even got dinner and breakfast, we did not expect that. With the seats you could lean back so that a sleeping position could be taken. There is a blanket, but you should still dress warmly because the air conditioning is running all the time.
巴士 黃金艙等, Nakhonchai Air (นครชัยแอร์), 2023年8月17日
415 客戶評價

如何從曼谷 到 Thoeng?

來往曼谷 和 Thoeng之間你可以選擇 巴士。這是目前這條路線唯一的選擇。

從曼谷 到 Thoeng多遠?

曼谷 和 Thoeng 之間走陸路的話是 851 公里,直飛的話飛行距離則是 655 。

從曼谷 到 Thoeng要多久?

搭乘 巴士 來往 曼谷 和 Thoeng之間的話, 大概要 12 小時。

從 曼谷 到 Thoeng的花費多少?

曼谷 - Thoeng 路線的 巴士 票價大概是 USD 27.51元。想要最好的價格,請提早訂票。

每天有多少班次往返 曼谷 和 Thoeng 之間?

每天有2趟巴士從 曼谷 開到 清萊府 。

搭乘 巴士往返曼谷 和 Thoeng的小訣竅 雖然從

曼谷 到 Thoeng 只有一種交通工具,但你還是可以盡量讓自己的旅途舒適一點。閱讀我們的簡單提醒,以免你對旅程感到失望。##巴士


  • 想要坐得舒服點,盡量選擇等級較高的巴士。這種巴士通常有軟式躺椅,而且還有冷氣跟洗手間。
  • 你的票價有可能包括了水、點心,或簡餐。
  • 不是所有巴士都有洗手間,但別擔心 - 中途會停靠休息站。

提供曼谷 和 清萊府之間巴士服務的公司有 Bangkok Busline (บางกอกบัสไลน์)。

有多少遊客選擇搭乘巴士從曼谷 到 Thoeng ?

We have sold我們已經賣出 巴士 的票給 1133 位旅客。 有些人在網頁上留下了意見,建議你事先參考。這是最有用也最可靠的資訊。