從吉利特拉旺安港 到 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港的渡輪

從吉利特拉旺安港 到 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港的渡輪

7月2日 週二
NaN 乘客


吉利特拉旺安港 到 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港 Ferry 時刻表

吉利特拉旺安港 到 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港 Ferry 時刻表
Starfish Fast Boat Speedboat 13:00 - 16:00IDR 345,000

吉利特拉旺安港 和 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港之間的交通方式

  • 船票
    $ 21.00
  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 巴士 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 吉利特拉旺安港 到 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港輪渡資訊

最早的輪渡1:00 дня
最晚的輪渡1:00 дня
距離175 公里
輪渡公司Starfish Fast Boat

從吉利特拉旺安港到目的地 瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港 的評價

我们比公布的到达时间晚了 1 小时 20 分钟
渡輪 快艇, Starfish Fast Boat, 2022年9月7日
The trip took two hours more than planned. It seems like they put two boats in one at some stop and last hour we were in the very crowded space
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年4月29日
I paid more money to secure the 3hr 10 min journey from Gili Air to Sanur where I could have taken a cheaper boat because the delay was over 1 hour as we needed to stop in Nusa Penida to refuel and the Captain had 45 mins to get himself sorted for snack and decided to do it right when we were leaving causing a further delay which caused the over an hour schedule. Overall the journey was 4hr 15mins. No aircon as advertised and the seats had metal springs pointed poking out which nearly tore my shorts! We had a good sunny day so the journey wasn’t too nauseating but I still had to take medication and breathe deeply so I suggest you sit at the back of the boat and next to the window, ideally have a fan too. You will also be charged 20k for harbour tax which is not part of the ticket price…I struggled to pay the ticket for Mastercard and visa x 2. Had to wait till morning to try again. Support line had too long of a response time.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年4月28日
Departure time and route changed without notice
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2024年2月29日
way over the estimated time
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2024年2月12日
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月17日
The staff was friendly but we didn’t get any information about that boat change in Nusa Penida. The first boat was old, windows were cracked and on that bumpy ride I felt a little bit uncomfortable, if the ride will be good.
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年11月16日
Smooth trip. Everything was on time. We had to change boat in Lembogan to one going to Sanur but it was no problem. Friendly staff and no worries!
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年11月4日
The staff made a very good job. It is a Ferry of the smaller category, but is big enough to drive pretty comfortable through the partially rough sea. However, there was a significant difference in the proposed arrival time as per 12go website to the realistic one. The ferry made a few stops (Gili Air, Lombok, Nusa Penida) and the last one included a break time of 45 minutes. The proposed arrival time was 15:30. We arrived at 17:00. Even when asking the crew during the break about the big difference in arrival time they only told us that it is not their fault but the website owner respectively online selling service as they would state wrong arrival times. A general delay can always happen. But to deliberately advertise an incorrect arrival time, even though this can in no way be adhered to, is a no-go for us! The source of the false information should be identified and the arrival time corrected in the booking online tool asap! Otherwise, it is only to attract customers with a supposedly shorter crossing time, which is actually the same, if not longer, than that of the competitors.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月14日
The promised air conditioner wasn't working, so only the windows were open. Our Shuttle from harbour to Sanur was terrible. With 5 people we had a small car, two seater was filled with 3 people... overall it was not OK!!
渡輪 快艇, Wahana Virendra, 2023年9月25日
85 客戶評價


從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 怎麼坐船

從吉利特拉旺安港, 和瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, ,坐船旅行可以領略沿途美麗的景色。從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 的渡輪定點開船。建議提前預訂船票,特別是在旺季、長週末和國家假日期間旅行。網上訂票可以避免在碼頭排長隊,並確保旅行順利。雖然輪渡對於容易暈船的人來說可能是一個不小的考驗,但輪渡通常是到達一些美麗島嶼的唯一途徑,所以準備好您的冒險吧!

從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 有多遠?

從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 坐船的距離為175 公里。

從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 坐船需要多長時間?

從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 坐船需要3小時 30分鐘到3小時 30分鐘。這主要取決是快船還是慢船,直達還是要停靠其他碼頭,以及天氣狀況,如風雨天。如遇暴風雨或恰逢淡季或平季,輪渡可能會延誤甚至取消。強烈建議不要在渡輪旅行後安排緊密的行程,因為海上的天氣變化莫測,即使天氣好的時候輪渡也可能延誤。

從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 坐船需要多少錢?

從吉利特拉旺安港, 到瑪塔哈瑞特爾比特港, 的輪渡運營商有:。
船票價格高低不等,最便宜的船票只需要 ,而最貴的船票則需要。購票前,務必瞭解船票包含的服務,因為不同的船票有不同的行李限額、座位等級以及其他服務,如水、零食等。


  • 建議提前購買船票,特別是在班次有限並且由小型船隻運營的航線。無論是在旺季還是淡季,提前訂票都至關重要。有時直接到碼頭可能會趕上即將出發的輪渡,但請記住,這種情況並不是在所有地方都行得通,下一班船您可能需要等幾個小時而不得不改變旅行計劃。
  • 航海在很大程度上取決於天氣狀況,特別是公海航線,如公海到海岸,以及海上各島嶼之間的航線。如果海浪很高,即使是離海岸最近的島嶼也經常與大陸停航,所有船隻都不得駛離港口。因此要有心理準備,如遇暴風雨,輪渡可能會延誤或取消。因此在制定旅行計劃時要考慮到大風和大雨對海上旅行的影響。
  • 快艇可以最快地將旅客送達目的地,而快速雙體船也是一個不錯的選擇,通常只比快艇慢一點。一些航線上有慢船,有時還有過夜的船,對於想在船上過夜的人這是一個不錯的選擇,因為可以幫助他們節省一些住宿費。但要注意,長時間的輪渡旅行並不適合所有人。
  • 容易暈船的乘客,請在登船前半小時服用暈船藥,不要等到已經開始感到惡心時才服用藥物,這樣往往會無濟於事。盡量呆在開放式甲板上,多吹吹清新的海風。在有多層甲板的船上,下層往往更穩定,而上層則更搖晃。
  • 一般來說,在波濤洶湧的航線上,要選擇更大、更穩定的汽車輪渡或高速船。汽車輪渡即使在暴風雨時也很平穩,而高速船則速度很快。盡量不要選類似雙體船的輪渡,因為雙體船會隨著海浪不停地顛簸,讓人不禁呼天喊地。如果碰巧坐了雙體船,請參照上面的建議。
  • 請全程穿上救生衣。世界各地的法規千差萬別,一些國家會比較寬松。但是不管在哪裡坐船,乘客都應該穿救生衣。如果輪渡沒有給您分發救生衣,請直接向工作人員索要。