從峰牙Tbus 到陳光凱街208號的巴士

從峰牙Tbus 到陳光凱街208號的巴士

7月8日 週一
NaN 乘客


峰牙Tbus 到 陳光凱街208號 Bus 時刻表

峰牙Tbus 到 陳光凱街208號 Bus 時刻表
Techbus VN JSC VIP 21:45 - 06:45VND 541k

峰牙Tbus 和 陳光凱街208號之間的交通方式

  • 巴士
    $ 13.15
  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 峰牙Tbus 到 陳光凱街208號大巴資訊

最早的大巴8:30 PM
最晚的大巴9:00 PM
距離450 公里
大巴公司Techbus VN JSC

從峰牙Tbus到目的地 陳光凱街208號 的評價

Not as nice as in the photos but comfortable enough. The guy at the office was nice but the ones in the bus were so rude and aggressive. They kept yelling at customers and speaking with a very hostile tone. One of them asked me to go to the back yelling. The other one saying I should go to the beginning also yelling at me so rudely. Honestly it's not as hard trying to be a bit nice. I also felt so unsafe with the driving and they didn't wake me up when we arrived to Hanoi but they threw my bags to the floor (also aggressively). I could have missed the stop and my bags
巴士 VIP 20, TP Booking (TP Booking), 2024年4月15日
The bus was waiting on time at 9:15 pm at the Central Backpackers Hostel except that the company was Queen Cafe and we didn’t realize we should board until about 10:00 pm when we got a WhatsApp message from TechBus (because I asked) telling us to board. The driver did have our names on a printed list. Bus ride was smooth and quiet, seats comfortable. No curtain partitions or USB ports, but we were sleeping so didn’t mind. Bus had a bathroom, too, which was convenient even though not the cleanest. Arrived in Hanoi an hour late which is not bad. Drop off point was not exactly where our TechBus ticket said, but we were able to get a public bus to go to our lodging easily.
巴士 臥鋪40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年2月19日
The vehicle came not on time. The seats were comfortabel but you cannot fully lay down so my neck hurted. The driver woke everybody up several times to ask where they need to go. It was a night bus so everybody got anoyed because they want to sleep. They don’t communicate with you, only shouting. There were no beds left, so a local men had to lay into the middle to sleep. Horrible!
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年11月23日
We where declined at the limousine bus we payed for, we showed our ticket which clearly mentioned limousine class but they told us we where not on the list and had to wait for the next bus of Queen open bus. Then when this bus arrived at 22:00 while our bus should be there at 21:00 it was a normal sleeper bus where we were on the list. At this point we where very confused. We showed our ticket to this bus driver. Later while driving they asked us if we wanted to switch to the other which we clearly wanted because we felt bad about the situation. They called the other bus and at the next bus stop they switched us with the limousine bus. We also wanted to make use of the free transfer to the hotel in old town Hanoi, which was offered by the operator, we requested this in advance and got a reply that it was sorted and that we would be brought to our hotel. When we arrived at Hanoi the bus driver yelled that it was the last stop and that everyone must leave the bus. Overall this was very stressful. The support from 12go was great, we immediately created a support case at 12go, they contacted Queen open bus and the day after they refunded the difference in between the two bus classes to compensate for the bad experience. Thank you 12go.
巴士 Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus (Queen Cafe Bus), 2023年10月14日
9 hours instead of 7 as was promised
巴士 VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年6月1日
The bus itself was great, as advertised. However, we didn’t get to Hanoi until 6:30am, two hours later than we were supposed to with no traffic at all slowing down our trip. This seems to be a running theme with companies advertising transfer times that are extremely inaccurate.
巴士 VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年3月19日
I expected to reach at 9:30 am but we reach there by 5:30 am, Bus is comfortable and WC facility available
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2022年12月26日
33 客戶評價


從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 怎麼坐大巴

大巴依然是到許多地方最實惠和最便捷的交通工具。雖然從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 坐大巴可能不是最快的,但是許多旅客卻更青睞大巴。由於網上訂票簡單、車票類型可以滿足不同的喜好和消費人群,大巴是從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 的明智且實惠的選擇。


從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 有多遠?

坐大巴從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 的距離為450 公里。

從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 坐大巴需要多長時間?

從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 坐大巴通常需要9小時分鐘到9小時小時。請注意,行程時間僅供參考,可能因交通和天氣情況等會有所不同。大雨導致能見度下降或者引發洪水,不可避免地延長行程。時有發生的道路工事會導致車輛繞行和行車時間延長。如遇重大國家假日、長週末、旺季可能導致出發和到達延誤,提前做好相應的規劃以免耽誤行程,特別是行程緊張並且需要中轉的時候。

在這條路線上,Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的大巴最快,而Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的大巴最慢。

從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 坐大巴要多少錢?


總而言之,從峰牙Tbus, 到陳光凱街208號, 坐大巴依然是很實惠的。Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的車票最便宜,票價為USD 13.15。而Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的票價最貴,通常為USD 19.30



  • 如果坐空調大巴,一定要多帶些衣物,連帽衫、保暖圍巾或無檐帽子都可以。因為車載空調可能會比較猛,即使車程不長,也可能會出現流鼻涕、喉嚨痛的症狀。
  • 除非車票另有注明,請提前20到30分鐘到達車站,預留充足的時間尋找站台和辦理檢票手續。對於國際旅行,可能需要更多的時間辦理檢票和出入境手續。