從Tbus 寧平 到Tbus 順化的巴士

從Tbus 寧平 到Tbus 順化的巴士

Tbus 寧平
Tbus 順化
7月8日 週一
NaN 乘客


Tbus 寧平 到 Tbus 順化 Bus 時刻表

Tbus 寧平 到 Tbus 順化 Bus 時刻表
Techbus VN JSC Sleeper 40 19:50 - 06:50VND 518k
Techbus VN JSC VIP 20:50 - 08:20VND 468k

Tbus 寧平 和 Tbus 順化之間的交通方式

  • 巴士
    $ 14.14
  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 Tbus 寧平 到 Tbus 順化大巴資訊

最早的大巴6:30 PM
最晚的大巴8:45 PM
距離575 公里
大巴公司Techbus VN JSC

從Tbus 寧平到目的地 Tbus 順化 的評價

巴士 臥艙38, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年10月15日
巴士 VIP 36, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年2月1日
Bus was on time. We did arrive 3 hours early in Hue.
巴士 VIP 20, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2024年5月23日
I wasn't dropped off the place in my ticket. It was far away from the city, and I needed to take a taxi. I picked my hotel close to the real drop off place, so it was really annoying. There was lot off people sleeping in the floor and passing by continuesly touching me even though I had curtains on. Bus was also around 1h late. Free water onboard.
巴士 VIP 32 Cabin, Ninh Binh Footprint, 2024年4月9日
Fairly comfortable. Typical sleeper bus experience, stopping every so often and turning lights out, making too much noise
巴士 VIP, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年3月20日
Very rocky due to driving / roads. Didn’t get much sleep but I don’t sleep well on any public transport. Would do it again, bed itself comfy and had privacy. Would have liked a bit more notice on arrival. Woke up and left within 5 mins and would have liked more time. Initially had time set for a wake up but we arrived very early.
巴士 VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 2024年3月16日
bus was on time. driver was a little bit rude when handling with our shoes on boarding but he drove well. we slept well. i'm 1,76m and just fit in :-) although pretty tight- you need to be slim haha there was a toilet - pretty clean. overall we were satisfied.
巴士 Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus (Queen Cafe Bus), 2024年3月16日
We booked a sleeper VIP for some comfort on our way from Ninh Binh to Hue. The bus was over 1 hour late and when we got to the bus with our big bags they didn't put them under the bus they just threw them on the beds we were sleeping in. Then to top it all off me and my partner were in the front 2 cabins and the driver and his work colleague start smoking. Which is the height of ignorance when you have a bus load of people who are planning to sleep but yet have to inhale smoke from the driver. When I said it to one of the guys they kind of laughed it off and said the driver needed to smoke to stay alert. I think if you have someone who is a driver working for your company they should be told if they want to smoke then stop the bus and have a smoke. We would of preferred the bus stopped 20 times for a smoke then to inhale the smoke for most of the long trip. I nearly lost my shit. They obviously had the bus full of deliveries too because that's why our bags weren't put under the bus as normal and many stops unloading stuff off. They had stuff stacked up the back blocking the toilets. Look I get every country has their ways and these buses are a bit of a roller coaster in South East Asia but the smoking is the right on other passengers who are trying to sleep. Anyways overall got there on time but I'll try avoid this company the rest of our trip if we can
巴士 VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 2024年3月13日
Experience was very poor indeed: 1) we booked two tickets, but only one person was on the list; felt lucky we were both allowed to travel 2) we were pick-pocketed and relieved off our cash and card 3) beds too short for adult size (176cm) 4) other passengers were vomitting
巴士 貴賓 32 臥鋪, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年2月14日
We order a Limousine Bus and a sleeping bus was presented. I had a mail that said so before the trip but for a sleeping bus the price of the company was twice of what other companies offered. I had a poor compensation but I had to go back and forth with the travel agency. The bus was full I had to slept between two people… Bad,bad,bad experience
巴士 Sleeper Bus, Queen Cafe Bus (Queen Cafe Bus), 2024年2月6日
147 客戶評價


從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 怎麼坐大巴

大巴依然是到許多地方最實惠和最便捷的交通工具。雖然從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 坐大巴可能不是最快的,但是許多旅客卻更青睞大巴。由於網上訂票簡單、車票類型可以滿足不同的喜好和消費人群,大巴是從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 的明智且實惠的選擇。


從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 有多遠?

坐大巴從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 的距離為575 公里。

從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 坐大巴需要多長時間?

從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 坐大巴通常需要11小時 30分鐘分鐘到11小時 30分鐘小時。請注意,行程時間僅供參考,可能因交通和天氣情況等會有所不同。大雨導致能見度下降或者引發洪水,不可避免地延長行程。時有發生的道路工事會導致車輛繞行和行車時間延長。如遇重大國家假日、長週末、旺季可能導致出發和到達延誤,提前做好相應的規劃以免耽誤行程,特別是行程緊張並且需要中轉的時候。

在這條路線上,Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的大巴最快,而Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的大巴最慢。

從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 坐大巴要多少錢?


總而言之,從Tbus 寧平, 到Tbus 順化, 坐大巴依然是很實惠的。Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的車票最便宜,票價為USD 14.14。而Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的票價最貴,通常為USD 16.50



  • 如果坐空調大巴,一定要多帶些衣物,連帽衫、保暖圍巾或無檐帽子都可以。因為車載空調可能會比較猛,即使車程不長,也可能會出現流鼻涕、喉嚨痛的症狀。
  • 除非車票另有注明,請提前20到30分鐘到達車站,預留充足的時間尋找站台和辦理檢票手續。對於國際旅行,可能需要更多的時間辦理檢票和出入境手續。