從薩帕 到下龍SB1的巴士

從薩帕 到下龍SB1的巴士

7月12日 週五
NaN 乘客


薩帕 到 下龍SB1 Bus 時刻表

薩帕 到 下龍SB1 Bus 時刻表
Halong Transportation Standard 3pax 任何時間$ 305.02
Grouptour Sleeper 41 07:45 - 16:55$ 21.67
Grouptour Sleeper 41 10:35 - 16:40$ 25.52

薩帕 和 下龍SB1之間的交通方式

從 薩帕 到 下龍SB1大巴資訊

最早的大巴7:25 AM
最晚的大巴10:46 AM
距離300 公里

從薩帕到目的地 下龍SB1 的評價

巴士按照时刻表出发,准时抵达下龙湾。中途有一处较长的停留(20-30 分钟)吃午餐。巴士上没有厕所。然而,巴士在一些公交车站停下来装卸东西,并且可以在这些地方使用厕所。这辆巴士上不提供饮用水。司机不会说英语,而且很唐突,但总体来说他们的工作做得很好。车上并没有坐满,大约有1/4-1/3的座位是空的。
巴士 臥艙38, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年5月12日
A lot of stops during the trip, in which the pilot turned off the engine and then the AC. Imposing the people to go down and enter to vairous shops.
巴士 臥鋪40, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 2024年4月28日
We arrived on time for our bus that had been booked and paid for over 4 months ago. We were not contacted for confirmation like every other company so we had to message to check booking and arrival time. When we arrived we presented our tickets and we were told to wait over there which we did patiently and quietly. They loaded 2 buses of people and 2 men (one friendly and one driver very annoyed) kept telling us to get on the entire time while the lady in charge told us to wait while they argued and no communication to us so no idea what the issue was. Eventually when everyone had been on for a long time while we stood in the heat and one bus left the driver just loaded our bags and pointed to get on while ignoring the angry lady coordinating and we were put in 2 tiny spaces at the back of the bus next to the toilet with a door that banged all night. My bed had a storage space behind and was not full size and did not recline. Tv did not work. My husbands bed was broken and tilted to one side and also shorter and was above mine. He is over 6 foot! We paid for 2 adults and they gave a family big doubles each that had clearly just booked and paid as they arrived (they were charged a lot). The children were little In all this great space. We left slightly late and arrived 2 hours early and not dropped at the address we were given on the voucher and no warning to get off just yelled to wake up and everyone off the bus and the driver took off. There were no grab taxi on out app at 5am and we were not near taxis and we had no Vietnamese to call a taxi. Thankfully another passenger did speak Vietnamese and asked her taxi to come back for us as there weren’t many. A lot of passengers started walking to find taxis as nothing was open to ask. We eventually got our taxi and had to pay for the trip to where we were suppose to go. We were not staying in a hotel there so could not contact them to collect us. I was prepared for the interesting experience of a sleeper bus but they could not have made it worse if they tried. We have been on a clean unbroken luxury bus in Vietnam and we were given information and the driver was safe and informative and made sure everyone had transport at the end.
巴士 臥艙38, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 2024年4月19日
Booked 2210 bus, but was put on the 2130. Luckily my hotel was close... Wouldn't have known otherwise... Not sure if i just got moved, times are old or what was going on. Might be just specific to the check-in agent in sapa. Otherwise trip itself was okay.
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 2024年3月18日
Seats are comfortable and had usb charging ports and the driver gave us bottled water and soft blankets. However, the bus stopped so many times over the trip to pick up and drop off locals and so, was over capacity by about 10 people and babies lying on the floor in the aisle. Still a great cheap option to get from A to B but dont expect VIP :)
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 2024年2月22日
We were super apprehensive about booking because of the reviews but it was actually decent- seats were narrow but if you put your luggage in the compartment below you’ll be fine. Our bus had Wifi and we stopped 3x for toilet/ food breaks (remember to take change with you as they charge for entry at the toilets)
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 2024年2月8日
Great experience. The driver contacted me beforehand to know the name of my cruise and even arrived early to pick me up. Then it asked for my destination and he left me just in front of my hostel. The bus was comfortable. 10/10
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年7月29日
Drivers were rude. Bus was over an hour wait. We had to move our luggage multiple times because the operators didn’t know where the buss was going to stop. The drivers kept stopping to pick up and drop off packages so a “6 hour” trip turned into a “12 hour” trip. The drivers had a real attitude problem. The children on the bus were so loud but neither the parents or drivers did anything about it. There was no sleeping on this sleeper bus. The bus itself was so dirty. There was trash everywhere from the previous riders. It was so hot. The drivers refused to turn up the AC so riders in the back were suffocating.
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年6月7日
I’m not sure what it is about the conductors on the Night Buses and their rudeness. The insistence on telling you where you have to sit. Partners who wanted to be next to each other,I was travelling with my kid they wanted us at opposite ends of the bus. For no reason. We ended up ignoring him and sitting wherever but not without copping streams of angry shouting.
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 2023年3月24日
So many stops along the way, seats were not very comfortable as well.
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年2月2日
64 客戶評價

從薩帕到下龍SB1, 怎麼坐大巴

大巴依然是到許多地方最實惠和最便捷的交通工具。雖然從薩帕 到下龍SB1, 坐大巴可能不是最快的,但是許多旅客卻更青睞大巴。由於網上訂票簡單、車票類型可以滿足不同的喜好和消費人群,大巴是從薩帕 到下龍SB1, 的明智且實惠的選擇。


從薩帕到下龍SB1, 有多遠?

坐大巴從薩帕到下龍SB1, 的距離為300 公里。

從薩帕到下龍SB1, 坐大巴需要多長時間?

從薩帕到下龍SB1, 坐大巴通常需要6小時 5分鐘分鐘到9小時 10分鐘小時。請注意,行程時間僅供參考,可能因交通和天氣情況等會有所不同。大雨導致能見度下降或者引發洪水,不可避免地延長行程。時有發生的道路工事會導致車輛繞行和行車時間延長。如遇重大國家假日、長週末、旺季可能導致出發和到達延誤,提前做好相應的規劃以免耽誤行程,特別是行程緊張並且需要中轉的時候。

在這條路線上,Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour)的大巴最快,而Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour)的大巴最慢。

從薩帕到下龍SB1, 坐大巴要多少錢?


總而言之,從薩帕到下龍SB1, 坐大巴依然是很實惠的。Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour)的車票最便宜,票價為USD 20.31。而Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour)的票價最貴,通常為USD 24.00



  • 如果坐空調大巴,一定要多帶些衣物,連帽衫、保暖圍巾或無檐帽子都可以。因為車載空調可能會比較猛,即使車程不長,也可能會出現流鼻涕、喉嚨痛的症狀。
  • 除非車票另有注明,請提前20到30分鐘到達車站,預留充足的時間尋找站台和辦理檢票手續。對於國際旅行,可能需要更多的時間辦理檢票和出入境手續。