從峴港市社 到河內SSB的巴士

從峴港市社 到河內SSB的巴士

7月6日 週六
NaN 乘客


峴港市社 到 河內SSB Bus 時刻表

峴港市社 到 河內SSB Bus 時刻表
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 00:57 - 19:12$ 29.45
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 10:08 - 04:30VND 738k
Grouptour Sleeper 41 13:30 - 06:40VND 529k
Queen Cafe Bus Sleeper 14:00 - 06:00VND 418k
Van Luc Tung VIP Sleeper 17:20 - 06:20$ 22.76
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 18:05 - 11:46VND 986k

峴港市社 和 河內SSB之間的交通方式

從 峴港市社 到 河內SSB大巴資訊

最早的大巴1:15 PM
最晚的大巴4:30 PM
距離650 公里
大巴公司Grouptour, Techbus VN JSC, Van Luc Tung

從峴港市社到目的地 河內SSB 的評價

预订时说我们的出发时间为 13:40 至 23:40。然而我们最终在 14:40 出发,直到第二天凌晨 5 点才到达河内,所以我们不得不取消并重新预订我们的旅馆。床位无法调节,非常不舒服。工作人员无缘无故地让一些人移动座位,没有任何解释,只是一直对他大喊大叫,让他移动或下车,直到他同意为止。
巴士 貴賓臥鋪41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2022年6月25日
Bus driver is very very very very very very very very veryyyyyyy rude. I am travelling with my senior citizens parents they are sugar patients when I ask driver to stop at some restaurant where my parents can go to toilet but he didn't stop whole night. He was very very very very rude. You should take actions on such incidents
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年6月14日
When I booked the price on the payment screen was more than the one advertised, when I questioned it I was told it was because the operators increase the price in holiday season? The bus was comfortable but had no toilet. We set off late but arrived to Hanoi early! We arrived at a different destination to the one advertised on the booking.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年4月25日
After reading reviews for bus companies I noticed that Tam Kim Chi had some poor reviews so booked with Duc Duong. We showed up early to a station that was an empty shell of a building (not abnormal for SEA) but we only knew it was the station because we know some Vietnamese. The company name was not found anywhere. When a bus arrived at the scheduled time it was a Kim Chi 265 bus. They did not check tickets when boarding, only asking us our destination. I am not sure if Tam Kim Chi and Kim Chi 265 are related. I am 6'2 188cm and barely fit which was expected. The bus seats and aisles do not accommodate wide bodies, so be aware. The driving was immediately too fast, passing other road users at every opportunity. This continued with harsh braking and acceleration. Also, the horn was used nearly every five seconds. It was audible at the back of the bus. The AC worked very well, the TV's did not work except to display someone else's YouTube video. Chargers worked. The WiFi worked most of the time. At the restroom stop (no bathroom on board) there were six other buses stopping at the same time for two female toilets causing a large line. The driver then started to leave before a passenger that was not yet on the bus appeared in front of it. They did provide water and blankets. Curtains worked well and bus was not blasting music or anything. The bus was also clean and relatively new.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Duc Duong Bus, 2024年3月18日
Map is wrong Destination is wrong
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年10月22日
Hello , i wait retourn a mo
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年10月15日
Wi-Fi - The WiFi was very temperamental and kept disconnecting. Driver - Very fast, which I don’t mind but his braking is very late and took turns too late. Comfort - The bed due to the plastic can be sticky. A small pillow would be great. TV - Did not work.
巴士 VIP 34, Tan Kim Chi (Tân Kim Chi), 2023年10月10日
The vehicle was clean and comfortable. But the driver was going really really fast, smoked inside (Bad smell) and he constantly put the klaxon on. I couldn't sleep. We start the trip at 9pm (not 8pm) but we arrived at 7am (not 11am).
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年5月27日
I could not sleep because the driver kept tooting the horn the whole time, we arrived earlier than we needed to.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年5月23日
The bus was comfortable and had enough leg room (I'm 6ft) but the driver of the bus ruined the trip, he drove extremely erratically and this caused the bus to shake and sway too much. The planned arrival time was 11.30am and we arrived at 6.55am.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年5月12日
54 客戶評價

從峴港市社到河內SSB, 怎麼坐大巴

大巴依然是到許多地方最實惠和最便捷的交通工具。雖然從峴港市社 到河內SSB, 坐大巴可能不是最快的,但是許多旅客卻更青睞大巴。由於網上訂票簡單、車票類型可以滿足不同的喜好和消費人群,大巴是從峴港市社 到河內SSB, 的明智且實惠的選擇。


從峴港市社到河內SSB, 有多遠?

坐大巴從峴港市社到河內SSB, 的距離為650 公里。

從峴港市社到河內SSB, 坐大巴需要多長時間?

從峴港市社到河內SSB, 坐大巴通常需要13小時分鐘到18小時 20分鐘小時。請注意,行程時間僅供參考,可能因交通和天氣情況等會有所不同。大雨導致能見度下降或者引發洪水,不可避免地延長行程。時有發生的道路工事會導致車輛繞行和行車時間延長。如遇重大國家假日、長週末、旺季可能導致出發和到達延誤,提前做好相應的規劃以免耽誤行程,特別是行程緊張並且需要中轉的時候。

在這條路線上,Van Luc Tung (Vạn Lục Tùng)的大巴最快,而Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour)的大巴最慢。

從峴港市社到河內SSB, 坐大巴要多少錢?


總而言之,從峴港市社到河內SSB, 坐大巴依然是很實惠的。Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的車票最便宜,票價為USD 16.63。而Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)的票價最貴,通常為USD 24.85



  • 如果坐空調大巴,一定要多帶些衣物,連帽衫、保暖圍巾或無檐帽子都可以。因為車載空調可能會比較猛,即使車程不長,也可能會出現流鼻涕、喉嚨痛的症狀。
  • 除非車票另有注明,請提前20到30分鐘到達車站,預留充足的時間尋找站台和辦理檢票手續。對於國際旅行,可能需要更多的時間辦理檢票和出入境手續。