PTS Transit Service

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Tentang PTS Transit Service

Dua hal penting yang membuat bepergian dengan mobil travel menjadi menarik adalah pilihan tujuan wisata yang beragam dan harga yang terjangkau. Tidak semua mobil travel menawarkan kenyamanan, jarak antar kursi yang luas, atau bagasi, tapi dua hal ini sebanding dengan harganya. Lagipula, mobil travel selalu mengeluarkan rute baru untuk tujuan-tujuan yang bermunculan, membuka jalan bagi operator-operator bis besar jika memang diperlukan atau tetap menjadi satu-satunya transportasi yang membawa Anda ke tempat tujuan. Seringkali, mobil travel menawarkan jasa yang lebih cepat dibanding bis-bis besar, jadwal yang lebih fleksibel, dan lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan para wisatawan dalam hal jadwal – jika ada peningkatan permintaan dalam waktu singkat pada akhir pekan yang panjang atau hari libur nasional, mobil travel akan lebih mudah menambah armada harian dibanding operator lainnya. Harap perhatikan bahwa terkadang mobil travel memiliki stasiun atau terminal mereka sendiri atau memiliki ruang yang lebih luas ditujukan untuk mereka pada terminal bis yang lebih besar. Selalu periksa titik keberangkatan dan kedatangan mobil travel Anda karena tidak selalu berada di stasiun bis utama.

PTS Transit Service adalah salah satu operator yang bisa Anda lihat jika Anda akan bepergian dengan mobil travel. Mereka menyediakan jasa mobil travel yang handal dan tiket dengan reservasi online yang mudah dan aman.

PTS Transit Service Stasiun Populer

Ini adalah daftar terminal utama dari asal PTS Transit Service’s beroperasi:

PTS Transit Service Destinasi Teratas

Beberapa rute yang paling populer pada rute map yang termasuk pada PTS Transit Service tapi tidak termasuk:

PTS Transit Service Harga Tiket dan Kelas Mobil Travel

Berbanding terbalik dengan kereta atau bis yang lebih bagus, mobil travel jarang menawarkan Anda pilihan kelas pada tiket. Semua kursi sama - anggap saja standar, VIP, atau apapun. Tapi yang membedakan adalah tipe mobil travel itu sendiri. Beberapa mobil travel hanya bermuatan 9-10 penumpang. Bagi penumpang, hal ini berarti kursi yang lebih luas, lebih leluasa, dan perjalanan yang lebih nyaman. Mobil travel juga bisa mengangkut hingga 15 orang penumpang tapi bersiaplah untuk mengorbankan ruang kaki dan lengan Anda dan seringkali – termasuk bagasi Anda juga. Kadang membeli dua kursi sekaligus menjadi pilihan yang baik dibanding satu kursi untuk memastikan perjalanan yang menyenangkan – sebelum melakukannya, pastikan jika hal ini diperbolehkan pada operator mobil travel untuk rute Anda. Sebelum memesan tiket mobil travel Anda, bacalah ulasan-ulasan pada jasa PTS Transit Service mobil travel Anda untuk bisa memahami apa yang bisa Anda harapkan.

Bepergian dengan Mobil Travel: Kelebihan & Kekurangan

Kelebihan Bepergian dengan Mobil Travel

  • Mobil travel bisa menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai tujuan yang sangat terpencil, kota atau desa yang lebih kecil yang terhubung baik dengan bis besar maupun kereta.
  • Mobil travel juga bisa membawa Anda ke beberapa pulau yang terhubung pada daratan utama dengan feri mobil berukuran lebih besar yang tidak mengangkut bis melainkan mobil-mobil travel.
  • Karena ukurannya yang relatif kecil dibanding bis besar, mobil travel lebih mudah bergerak di jalan. Dan terkadang mampu bepergian dalam waktu yang lebih singkat jika tujuan Anda tidak terlalu jauh.
  • Sementara mobil travel memiliki perhentian resmi dalam perjalanan, mobil-mobil ini bisa menurunkan Anda pada titik terdekat – tidak harus di terminal, katakan saja pada supir Anda. Harap perhatikan bahwa hal tersebut tidak selalu bisa dilakukan, tapi dalam banyak perjalanan, mereka bisa melakukannya. Hal ini bisa membuat Anda menghemat waktu dan biaya yang mungkin Anda keluarkan jika turun di terminal dengan berjalan kaki atau menggunakan taksi.

Kekurangan Bepergian dengan Mobil Travel

  • Jika mobil travel mengangkut lebih banyak penumpang, mungkin akan terasa cukup sempit. Ruang yang sempit untuk kaki dan lengan Anda. Beberapa mobil travel membatasi satu bagasi untuk satu tiket. Jika Anda membawa tas lebih, koper atau ransel, Anda mungkin akan diminta membeli tiket terpisah untuk bagasi Anda yang membuat perjalanan Anda menjadi lebih mahal.
  • Tidak semua mobil travel berangkat tepat waktu. Pada rute-rute tertentu, mobil travel berangkat ketika penuh penumpang. Periksa kembali pada operator Anda sebelum membeli tiket Anda, jika tidak, Anda mungkin harus menunggu lebih lama dari yang Anda harapkan hingga mobil terisi penuh.
  • Jika ada pengemudi yang ugal-ugalan pada transportasi selain mobil travel, bukan merupakan tanggung jawab kami. Beberapa perusahaan menginstal perangkat pengendali kecepatan pada kendaraan mereka, tapi bukan suatu hal yang aneh jika perangkat tersebut akan selalu berbunyi sepanjang perjalanan karena pengemudi tidak mengacuhkannya. Ingatlah untuk selalu menggunakan sabuk pengaman selama Anda berkendara dengan mobil travel. Meskipun terkadang Anda harus memastikan letak sabuk pengaman Anda.
  • Untuk semua penumpang yang mudah merasa mabuk, ada suatu saran yang baik untuk Anda: minumlah obat Anda setengah jam sebelum berangkat dengan mobil travel Anda, terutama jika rute perjalanan Anda melewati jalur yang berkelok-kelpok. Anda akan lebih mudah mabuk jika berkendara dengan mobil travel dibanding dengan bis.
Baca lebih lanjut

PTS Transit Service Rute Populer

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PTS Transit Service Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Sopir yang ramah, kendaraan surat sudah sangat tua (tetapi Anda tidak punya masalah)
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 4 Mar 2020
Pengalaman yang sangat bagus. Mereka menjaga Anda sepanjang waktu dan memberi Anda semua informasi yang diperlukan. Mereka bahkan mengirimi Anda pengingat emali beberapa jam sebelum perjalanan! Saya memiliki perjalanan terorganisir yang sangat baik dari Bangkok ke Vientiane.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 19 Feb 2020
Semuanya berhasil - banyak menunggu/lambatnya kereta di seberang sungai dan visa pada saat kedatangan, tetapi lelaki itu ada di sana untuk membawa kami - secara efisien tetapi dalam van yang sangat tua sebagian direkatkan dengan lem - ke hotel kami. Semuanya baik-baik saja.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 8 Jan 2020
Sopir yang membawa kami ke terminal bus di Vientiane ramah dan baik. Saya lega karena mereka datang menjemput saya tepat waktu. Saya sedikit bingung karena saya harus pindah ketika saya berganti kereta.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 9 Nov 2019
Setelah kereta tidur, kami tiba di Nong Khai dan kami harus berganti kereta untuk mengambil kereta yang melintasi perbatasan. Kami mengisi kertas keluar dan naik kereta lainnya. Itu adalah kereta yang sangat kecil dengan jendela terbuka yang membawa kami ke sebuah desa kecil di seberang: Thanaleng untuk mengurus visa Laos. Saat itu jam 7 pagi jadi tidak ada seorang pun di sana dan semuanya berjalan dengan baik. Kami membayar 1.300 Bath. Dalam 15 menit semuanya selesai. Seorang sopir sedang menunggu kami di minivan untuk membawa kami ke hotel kami di Vientiane. Praktis sekali, cepat sekali, tidak masalah. Kadang-kadang kami hanya kekurangan sedikit informasi, mereka harus menjelaskan lebih banyak apa yang perlu kami lakukan dan kereta berubah karena kami tidak pernah diberitahu. Jika tidak, saya sarankan!
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 2 Jun 2019
Kereta tiba 40 menit lebih lambat dari jadwal semula. Tidak ada alasan yang diberikan. AC terlalu berlebihan dan menimbulkan kebisingan juga. Cahaya di koridor sangat terang dan saya tidak bisa mematikan atau mengatur AC. Saya memesan kelas pertama tetapi mendapat kelas kedua karena penuh. Kelas satu akan jauh lebih baik.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 1 Jul 2018
PTS dropped me at wrong hotel but insisted that it was correct. Imade my own way
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 1 Mar 2020
Tutto perfetto
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 7 Feb 2020
It was a positive surprise that the short train ride over the Friendship Bridge was already included. Unfortunately, the driver left earlier because other guests needed to go to the other border point due to their e-visa, but another driver could call him. The van ride was then very good, we could even stop at an atm on the way to get some cash to pay the hostel.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 20 Jan 2020
This is my second trip with this company, the service was great and the price was fantastic, I will always use them
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 8 Jan 2020
Despite of a long wait for the Visa on arrival, the driver was efficient and fast to drop at the hotel
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 30 Des 2019
Expected shared Air-con mini-van from hotel reception to thangaleng station, actually had to walk several minutes from hotel to get picked up open sided rickety tuk tuk that billowed black smoke whenever it pulled away, which came back into tuk tuk. Got to station on time but not as expected.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 21 Des 2019
Rated “best!”
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 19 Des 2019
The process to get from Nong Khai to Vientiane is a little cumbersome but the instructions provided by 12Go were clear. The train was delayed leaving Nong Khai as the engine would not start but otherwise everything went smoothly
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 10 Des 2019
The driver is very nice and accommodating even his van is old and rusty. Still we were able to get to our hotel safelyýý
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 29 Nov 2019
The van assigned to us is not actually a van but a bigger version of tuktuk
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 28 Nov 2019
Once you pass the Laos border and you do the immigration check at Thanaleng, you are supposed to encounter the van that takes you to Vientiane but this in my experience didn’t happen. No one was there and no one knew anything, so they try convince you to pay a taxi but don’t. Ask someone to use their phone and call the emergency number in your reservation ticket and eventually the guy that was supposed to pick you up will arrive.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 25 Nov 2019
Perfect service, great connection. Hassle free!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 13 Nov 2019
All is fine
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 19 Sep 2019
Amazing service ! Full detailed , everything went well for my first trip !
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 8 Sep 2019
We booked a journey from Vientiane to Vang Vieng. The pick up point was at a train station 30 mins from the city center. We paid 20 usd for a taxi to the train station, where we were picked up by a mini van and driven back to Vientiane! When we got to the bus office there was a sign advertising tickets for a bus for 6 USD each, while we had paid 15 USD. The whole journey was a big waste of time and money.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 7 Jul 2019
The drive reached before the train's arrival and took us safely and fast to Vientiane city centre. Nice trip. Please prepare some Thailand Baht small amount bills, and you will use them when just in the city. It's not easy to find a money changer for exchanging Laos kip even in Bangkok
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 12 Mei 2019
We bought a combo ticket that included the trainride from Nong Khai to Vientanne treinstation. And from there we had a small minivan from PTS that would transport is to the big bus on the outside of vientanne where more people would hop on. First of all the train was 1,5 hour late, so the people at the trainstation where very helpfull and made some phone calls. They told us to take a taxi to the border get a signout stamp from thai border control and buy bustickets to transport you over the bridge into Laos. Once there get your visa, take a taxi to the trainstation to be on time for your bus. We did all this and when we came in the trainstation, there is no PTS counter, the people who work at the station are very kind and strated making phone calls to the number provided on the voucher, but no answer. Finnaly a man came Walking to us that was the driver of PTS and he told is we had to wait for the train as there was 1 more person that would come with us. After we waited for 1,5 hour the train arrived and we waited 30 minutes more for everyone the get a visa. Then the minivan driver drives us to the big bus, where we waited more 45 minutes because other people were late also. In the end of has nothing to do with 12go. But the fact they did not answer the phone worried us all. In the end it is better for your money to buy a big bus ticket in Nong Khai or Udon Thani. This is about 180 bath cheaper. The bus ticket from Udon to Vang Vieng will cost 320 bath. We paid 500 bath in 12go from Nong Khai. And in Vang Vieng a big bus ticket can be bought for 350 bath to Nong Khai, and we paid 12go 450 bath. The minivan was terrible ride , very old. No airco and the dust and sand comes right trough the holes and cracks of the van. Not good for your health , so bring face breathing dust masks
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 29 Apr 2019
Overall we managed to reach the destination safely and on time. However, we booked a sleeper van but we got a sleeper bus where the aircon broke down.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 10 Apr 2019
Smooth and simple
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 8 Apr 2019
The driver who picked me up was very helpful and kind. The bus left 45 minutes late, and we got to Luang Prabang 3 hours late. The bus smelled very moldy and made me cough. The bathroom was closed, which was very inconvenient for me because I was sick. Thankfully the driver stopped many times so we could use the bathroom. The bus service was kind about letting me have my own bed since I am bigger than most Asian people.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 4 Apr 2019
The 12go staff were super friendly and absolutely lovely when we went to pick up our tickets, and we are bery pleased with the service. The train itself was fine however I recobooking in either first class or lower berths as the lights stay on all nigh and the upper berth beds are thus very difficult to actually sleep in.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 28 Mar 2019
Van was to old. The guy was on time
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 27 Mar 2019
Super, worked flawlessly and 12go has a nice cafe in Bangkok. Also had a nice talk with the german manager. Greetings to you and thanks for all the advise.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 23 Mar 2019
It was not easy to find your counter immediately after immegration.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 18 Mar 2019
We got the train sleeper, and it’s great! More than expected. Once we get to the Dongphosy station we are asked to pay 50baht at the immigration in Laos, and transfer is not hard to find just look for 12go small green table.Though we missed the ticket from nong khai to thanaleng we crossed immigration right away exiting Thailand and missed the ticket booth but all in all a great trip! Would recommend! Keep it up!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 28 Feb 2019
Good communication and easy process.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 26 Feb 2019
The minibus pick up was great. But beware that the train to Nong Khai doesn’t leave until 17:30 and there is no earlier train, so you don’t actually arrive until 17:45. The company needs to update the tour information.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 21 Feb 2019
Long and hard on the butt. All okay. Thanks!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 20 Feb 2019
Verry old minivan to pick us up. Cheaper to take a tuktuk to busstation and buy your own ticket.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 12 Feb 2019
Excellent friendly, helpful service. Booked on line from UK, picked tickets up in Bangkok and everything smooth without any hitch! Thanks.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 23 Jan 2019
I have pleasure say it's good experience
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 16 Jan 2019
All extremely efficient and entirely straightforward. It’s important to read through the documents and thoroughly prepare for your journey. Reading some other comments it’s clear that not everyone does so! Everything was easy, straightforward and ran on time. Would recommend booking the rail/minivan transfer from Nong Khai - Thanaleng and into Vientiane, which dropped us straight at our hotel. This can also be done through 12GoAsia and made the entire journey stress free
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 31 Des 2018
Smooth and well handled. Would definitely recommend
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 28 Des 2018
The transfer van to the hotel was too small for the number of people with their luggage. No information was locally provided so the process was very unclear and slow.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 26 Des 2018
We were picked up from our hotel and dropped off at the public bus station where we were handed tickets for the bus by the minibus driver. They said 22,000kip on them so we basically paid $10 for a 5 minute taxi from our hotel. If I was you I would check at the station and buy the tickets yourself for a fifth of the price. Bus was comfy though.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 11 Des 2018
Smooth and pretty easy
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 7 Des 2018
They didn’t speak English in the station Nong Khai. It was a bit confused to understand that we need to change for a small train. And the train arrived very late to Nong Khai, one hour after
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 5 Des 2018
No trouble getting to hotel
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 1 Des 2018
The good: Someone picks you up from your hotel. GREAT scenery. Trip included lunch. The bad: Bus was fairly dirty, needed dusting and a good wipe down and vacuum. Driver played music for most of the trip, which seemed kind of weird. When it gets dark no lights are turned on, so you’re just sitting in the dark. This could have been a good opportunity for sleep, but the music was still playing. Near the end of the trip he made a lot of stops. Trip took about 13 hours
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 29 Nov 2018
the travel is smooth. but we were group by etnicity and favored last to leave. we arrived nong khai 9am and left past 10am already. we belong to the "asian" van btw. lol
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 16 Nov 2018
The driver had excellent English and was quick and helpful with everything!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 14 Nov 2018
Nowhere did 12go mention how the transit train from NONG KHAI to THANALENG is covered, just says get on it. However, on arrival at Nong Khai, I was directed by station staff to the ticket counter to buy a 20BAHT ticket for the trip. Afterwards, I met travellers who had also been sent to the ticket office but had got their tickets for free on presentation of the PTS voucher!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 12 Nov 2018
Super friendly van driver collected us on time from our hotel. We were on time, actually way before we had to wait 1.5h for the train. But it’s better to be early than late.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 4 Nov 2018
No toilet on bus, but have one 15 min stop during the route. Roads very bad in Laos so be prepared for a shaky ride
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, PTS Transit Service, 2 Nov 2018
123 Ulasan Pelanggan
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