Long Phuong Cambodia

64 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Long Phuong Cambodia

Bis adalah cara bepergian yang nyaman saat Anda harus bepergian ke kota sekitar yang membutuhkan waktu perjalanan beberapa jam atau menjelajah lebih jauh melintasi seluruh daerah. Berapapun dana perjalanan Anda, Anda pasti bisa merencanakannya dengan bis. Bis cepat menawarkan harga tiket yang sangat terjangkau untuk para wisatawan yang hanya memiliki sejumlah dana. Pilihan VIP ditujukan untuk mereka yang tidak bisa berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Sebelum Anda menaiki bis, pastikan Anda memilih jasa yang paling sesuai dengan Anda. Untuk perjalanan dengan jarak tempuh yang lama carilah kursi VIP atau kelas satu yang menyediakan perjalanan tanpa henti menuju tujuan wisata Anda atau yang hanya memiliki sedikit titik singgah selama perjalanan. Bis cepat atau lokal terbukti bisa menjadi suatu pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat dalam beberapa kasus, tapi bukan pilihan terbaik untuk perjalanan jarak jauh. Perhatikan jadwal perjalanan sebelum bepergian karena beberapa perjalanan jarak jauh biasanya berangkat di malam hari, dan beberapa menawarkan kursi yang lebih luas atau tempat duduk sleeper untuk perjalanan tersebut. Lakukan reservasi online untuk tiket bis Anda dengan Long Phuong Cambodia. Ulasan para wisatawan lainnya bisa membantu Anda dalam menentukan tiket dan kelas terbaik.

Long Phuong Cambodia Stasiun Tujuan

Terminal utama oleh Long Phuong Cambodia’s bis termasuk:

  • Phnom Penh Long Phuong
  • Pham Ngu Lao Long Phuong

Long Phuong Cambodia Destinasi Teratas

Long Phuong Cambodia bis melewati beberapa rute dan ini adalah daftar beberapa rute yang paling populer:

Long Phuong Cambodia Harga Tiket dan Kelas Bis

Salah satu hal terbaik dari bepergian dengan bis adalah Anda bisa sangat mengatur perjalanan Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kenyamanan pribadi. Kelas dan jenis bis yang berbeda memberikan pelayanan yang berbeda pada para wisatawan. Perjalanan yang paling murah biasanya dilayani dengan bis kelas standar. Bisa lokal, cepat atau biasa. Bis-bis ini bisa menjadi pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat. Kursi sleeper atau VIP bagus untuk perjalanan panjang dan satu malam. Kelas-kelas tersebut menawarkan kursi sleeper atau kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, terkadang disertai pilihan dengan kursi pijat, selimut, minuman ringan dan cemilan atau makanan berat dalam perjalanan atau saat pemberhentian toilet atau pengisian bensin. Bepergian dengan bis malam memungkinkan Anda menghemat biaya hotel, tapi untuk mendapatkan perjalanan yang sangat nyaman, pastikan Anda memilih kelas bis dengan seksama. Besaran harga tergantung pada jarak tempuh dan jenis tempat duduk Anda. Dalam beberapa hal, bahkan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat, menghabiskan sedikit lebih banyak dana dan membeli kursi VIP lebih baik karena Anda bisa menghemat waktu dua kali lebih banyak dibanding bepergian dengan bis umum.

Bepergian dengan Bis: Kelebihan & Kekurangan

Kelebihan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Bis adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan yang tidak bisa dijangkau dengan kereta maupun pesawat. Jalur yang dilalui bis biasanya mencakup hampir seluruh penjuru daerah, dan rute mereka memadai, juga sudah lama terbangun.
  • Berbanding terbalik dengan bepergian menggunakan pesawat dan beberapa kereta, bepergian dengan bis tidak membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk tiba di terminal terlebih dahulu. Check-in, bahkan pada jalur internasional, tidak membutuhkan banyak waktu. Koper yang diperbolehkan untuk dibawa biasanya sangat praktis, dan biaya untuk tambahan bagasi, kalau dihitung, tidak terlalu mahal.
  • Tiket bis bisa lebih terjangkau dibanding tiket pesawat ataupun kereta api cepat. Selalu ada pilihan kelas untuk setiap penumpang. Opsi standar yang lebih murah mungkin akan berjalan sedikit lebih lambat dan tidak menawarkan kenyamanan tingkat tinggi, tapi tetap diterima dengan baik dan membawa Anda ke tujuan. Pada rute yang lebih jauh, WC atau pemberhentian untuk WC dan juga cemilan, air dan terkadang perlengkapan mandi juga selimut biasanya sudah termasuk dalam tarif.
  • Jika Anda bersedia membayar lebiah, beberapa kursi VIP menawarkan tempat duduk yang sebanding dengan kelas bisnis pesawat dengan kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, selimut, jumlah penumpang yang lebih sedikit dan beberapa keuntungan lainnya untuk membuat perjalanan Anda menjadi menyenangkan.

Kekurangan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Terminal antar kota baru biasanya terletak di luar pusat kota, berdekatan dengan jalan raya yang besar yang memungkinkan bis menghindari kemacetan. Sayangnya, hal ini justru memberi kesulitan baru bagi para wisatawan juga. Menjangkau terminal seperti ini mungkin bisa menyulitkan untuk beberapa karena beberapa daerah memiliki larangan melintas bagi kendaraan untuk memasuki terminal dan Anda mungkin harus menggunakan kendaraan khusus untuk mencapai terminal. Akhirnya, hal ini akan membuat pembiayaan menjadi naik berlipat kali ganda. Dan perhitungkan waktu tambahan jika Anda bepergian pada saat jam ramai kendaraan, terutama jika Anda tidak mengetahui kondisi lalu lintas pada titik keberangkatan.
  • Bis mungkin menjadi jenis transportasi yang lebih sering mengalami keterlambatan dibanding kereta maupun pesawat. Mereka sangat bergantung pada kondisi jalan yang biasanya sangat tidak bisa diprediksi - kecelakaan, pembagunan jalan, jalan memutar, dlsb. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika bepergian di akhir pekan, musim liburan, atau hari libur nasional. Mohon perhatikan hal tersebut dan jangan merencanakan waktu liburan dengan jadwal yang padat.
  • Bepergian melewati rute-rute tertentu atau selama masa padat keramaian mungkin membutuhkan pemesanan lebih awal. Tolong diingat bahwa datang ke stasiun bis dan langsung menaiki bis berikutnya tidak selalu menjadi pilihan yang tersedia - tiket bisa sudah terjual habis, jadi rencanakan perjalanan Anda dengan memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut.
Baca lebih lanjut

Long Phuong Cambodia Rute Populer

Kota Ho Chi Minh - Phnom Penh
07:00, 09:30, 11:00, 13:30, 15:00
Phnom Penh - Kota Ho Chi Minh
05:00, 06:00, 06:25, 06:30, 06:40, 06:45, 08:30, 11:00, 15:30
NaN penumpang

Long Phuong Cambodia Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong05:0012:007h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong06:0013:007h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong06:2513:257h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong06:3013:307h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong06:4013:407h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong06:4513:457h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong08:3015:307h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong11:0018:007h 0m
EkspresPhnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong15:3022:307h 0m
EkspresPham Ngu Lao Long PhuongPhnom Penh Long Phuong07:0014:007h 0m
EkspresPham Ngu Lao Long PhuongPhnom Penh Long Phuong09:3016:307h 0m
EkspresPham Ngu Lao Long PhuongPhnom Penh Long Phuong11:0018:007h 0m
EkspresPham Ngu Lao Long PhuongPhnom Penh Long Phuong13:3020:307h 0m
EkspresPham Ngu Lao Long PhuongPhnom Penh Long Phuong15:0022:007h 0m

Long Phuong Cambodia Stasiun

Phnom Penh Long PhuongPham Ngu Lao Long Phuong

Long Phuong Cambodia Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Pengemudi tidak menunjukkan e-visa di perbatasan, jadi kami hanya punya 15 hari di Vietnam jika kami membayar selama 30 hari.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 19 Des 2022
Secara keseluruhan, perjalanan yang nyaman. Staf tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik, tetapi setidaknya mereka mencoba membantu.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 4 Nov 2022
Smooth driving, comfortable seats, water given out, 2 stops (one was the border). Driver’s assistant was helpful in fixing my seat that was broken, and then allowing me to change seats. Left on the dot, arrived about 30 minutes late due to rush hour traffic (took the 11am bus). Print your visa before the bus ride! This is paramount as you will give over your passport and visa at the beginning of the trip. Don’t be upset with the giving and getting your passport, taking your luggage off the bus only to put it back on, waiting around, etc. If you spoke Khmer, I’m sure they would be happy to explain the specific border policies to you. Since you don’t, that’s YOUR problem. Be patient, just do as you are told, you get where you are going in the end.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 3 Mar 2024
Was great nice and easy, border crossing was fast and there were not many people on the bus so it was peaceful, only thing I could think of that wasn’t good is we only actually stopped once for the bathroom not including the border stop
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 28 Jan 2024
The AC wasn't really working , so it was a very hot and stuffy ride. They took our passports, and didn't seem to want to be asked questions. We got to Phnom Penh safe, but it definitely was a 3 star experience.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 4 Des 2023
The bus ride was from HCM to PH. It was comfy, the border crossing was very smooth, had a few breaks which was good. The diver and conductor did not speak much English but had to follow others to get the job done. Overall, the service was good and the company highly recommended
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 10 Okt 2023
All of service were good but The driver use the horn for safety while driving, but it is noisy because it is too often.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 15 Jul 2023
The trip was great! Quick and efficient with no issues. No wifi on this particular bus but it wasn’t a problem
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 8 Jul 2023
The only problem was that the price on line was much more expensive than the price in the bus company office
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 11 Apr 2023
Very smooth
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 12 Jan 2023
There were no towels, several of the springs in the bed bristled, there was only one toothbrush and we booked for four people. They said in the morning that they would book four bus tickets onward for us, but when we came back several hours later, he hadn't started yet. He would get down to business immediately and would come up five minutes later. But after 30 minutes we went downstairs and he had not come any further. A little to one side there is a masseuse, find another place, they cheated my two children.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 29 Des 2022
Very smooth border crossing. The bus took our passeport at the departure, gave them back to us before the border crossing. We passed the border walking and went back in the same bus after the border. Quick and smooth. The bus had air con and the seats were confortable.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 28 Des 2022
Very comfortable, very good driver, everything went smoothly
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 21 Des 2022
Large comfy reclining seats Careful driver and an attentative assistant No toilet on board for a 7 hour journey but the bus does stop on route
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 17 Des 2022
The bus got me to the right city but I would not recommend taking this company. It is certainly a doable option if you have everything lined up, your visa, your ticket, your luggage, but if you expect to need help or be stressed out by a confusing border crossing process, do yourself a favour an pay more money for another company. The border crossing process was as follows, they take your passport from you at the beginning of the ride (not sure why) and give them back just before the border crossing. Then they had us get off the bus and hand them to another man, walk forward a ways before getting back on the vehicle. We sat in the bus for a few minutes again before getting off once more, this time they were taking our stuff out of the bottom of the bus so we figured we should collect it (you don't need to take your stuff from your seat... turns out you'll be back later). We brought our luggage through the border control room. People with e-visas had to pay attention to when their passport was held up, when the man held it up he would tell you to walk forward, this means past the passport stamper and to the luggage scanner, somehow the bus company had it stamped without my being present. You'll likely need to have it looked over one last time before leaving the building. In general there was no guidance or help from the company, the staff do not really speak english, and when they do they were usually yelling the same incomprehensible word over and over again. Be patient, flexible, and don't get butt hurt if you are yelled at and you'll be ok.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 7 Des 2022
Bus is a bit old and shabby, but comfort was ok. WiFi was not available. Border procedure was very simple and staff did everything for us. They were aware of the fact, that some countries can stay 15 days in Vietnam without Visa.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 3 Des 2022
At first the operator told us that we can‘t take the bus because our Visa for Vietnam was the wrong border and that they won’t take us the bus without visa. I tried to explain that since we are from Germany we can stay in Vietnam up til 15 days without any visa. Took some time until they finally let us into the bus. Actually the bus had already left but they called the bus driver to tell him to stop and wait for us and a friendly employee drove us for free to the bus in his tuctuc. Bus has been quite comfortable. Only the bus driver honked the horn permanently, which was a little annoying. Boarder check and entry into Vietnam went surprisingly well, the operator was organizing everything for us. Arrived in time in HCMC. All in all I would definitely recommend it!
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 22 Nov 2022
A bit cheap and cheerful, but overall, good service and a nice ride.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 18 Nov 2022
The bus was quite old and dirty. There are 3 wide seats in each row except the rear row where the are 4 borrow sits of course we were seated in the last row... The bus was full of noisy people using their cell phones loud, one kid pissed on the floor. Reading previous comments we were scared of crossing the border, bribes etc. but fortunetly nothing like this happened. The company employees helped everyone to get all the stamps and pass the border control. All smooth. The driver was very good and all the staff helpful.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 9 Nov 2022
The bus was comfortable. But they charged us $10 extra for the Cambodian visa fee. Whilst at the office the lady said it was $40 I told her no $30. Her attitude became bad. I had already paid for the bus but the way she was acting, it was like she wouldn't let me on if I didn't pay the $40. Also didn't like the fact that they took everyones passport at the start of the journey. What if they have been misplaced? After receiving back my passport with the Cambodian visa inside, it showed 30usd. They are a rip off company. In total there were at least 15 or so of us. They made over 150usd.
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 8 Okt 2022
The bus had a lot of unnecessary stops. 1. They cater passengers dropping in different areas 2. We drop by fpr lunch at a restaurant at 2pm. Then drop by for snacks again at 4:30pm
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 24 Sep 2022
Read "horror" stories about this company and the moc bai border, but everything went really smooth. We had a huge bus with just 7-8 passengers. The airco worden, and the wifi worked when we crossed the border and were in Vietnam. The staff guided us through all customs and it was very comfortable and easy. Highly recommend this company since it also the cheapest we could find (atm).
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 5 Agu 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 1 Des 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 18 Jul 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 17 Jul 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 3 Apr 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 27 Mar 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 24 Mar 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 22 Mar 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 18 Mar 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 9 Mar 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 6 Mar 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 16 Feb 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 8 Feb 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 7 Feb 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 5 Feb 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 5 Feb 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 24 Jan 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 13 Jan 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 12 Jan 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 9 Jan 2023
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 31 Des 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 30 Des 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 27 Des 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 23 Des 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 8 Des 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 3 Des 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 28 Nov 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 24 Nov 2022
Bis Ekspres, Long Phuong Cambodia, 23 Nov 2022
64 Ulasan Pelanggan
87.5% dari 64 wisatawan senang dengan Long Phuong Cambodia karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan