Dee Travels Hatyai

127 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Dee Travels Hatyai

Dua hal penting yang membuat bepergian dengan mobil travel menjadi menarik adalah pilihan tujuan wisata yang beragam dan harga yang terjangkau. Tidak semua mobil travel menawarkan kenyamanan, jarak antar kursi yang luas, atau bagasi, tapi dua hal ini sebanding dengan harganya. Lagipula, mobil travel selalu mengeluarkan rute baru untuk tujuan-tujuan yang bermunculan, membuka jalan bagi operator-operator bis besar jika memang diperlukan atau tetap menjadi satu-satunya transportasi yang membawa Anda ke tempat tujuan. Seringkali, mobil travel menawarkan jasa yang lebih cepat dibanding bis-bis besar, jadwal yang lebih fleksibel, dan lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan para wisatawan dalam hal jadwal – jika ada peningkatan permintaan dalam waktu singkat pada akhir pekan yang panjang atau hari libur nasional, mobil travel akan lebih mudah menambah armada harian dibanding operator lainnya. Harap perhatikan bahwa terkadang mobil travel memiliki stasiun atau terminal mereka sendiri atau memiliki ruang yang lebih luas ditujukan untuk mereka pada terminal bis yang lebih besar. Selalu periksa titik keberangkatan dan kedatangan mobil travel Anda karena tidak selalu berada di stasiun bis utama.

Dee Travels Hatyai adalah salah satu operator yang bisa Anda lihat jika Anda akan bepergian dengan mobil travel. Mereka menyediakan jasa mobil travel yang handal dan tiket dengan reservasi online yang mudah dan aman.

Dee Travels Hatyai Stasiun Populer

Ini adalah daftar terminal utama dari asal Dee Travels Hatyai’s beroperasi:

  • Bandara Krabi
  • Hat Yai Hotel Transfer
  • Hat Yai Transfer
  • Hat Yai Dee Hostel
  • Koh Lipe Immigration point
  • Pak Bara Pier
  • Songkhla Hotel Transfer
  • Krabi Town Transfer
  • Padang Besar Immigration Thailand Side
  • Bandara Hat Yai
  • Pak Bara Pier
  • Bu Nga Resort Beach
  • Hat Yao pier
  • Sadao Border
  • Ao Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay
  • Hat Yai Bus Station
  • Trang Railway Station
  • Bandara Trang
  • Koh Lipe Sunrise Beach
  • Pak Bara Pier
  • Tammalang Pier
  • Khuan Tung Ku pier
  • Songkhla Town Hotel Transfer
  • Krabi Hotel Transfer
  • Pak Meng Pier
  • Bandara Hat Yai
  • Hat Yai Railway Station
  • Hat Yai Transfer
  • Hat Yai Railway Station
  • Hat Yai Transfer
  • Trang Hotel Transfer
  • Hat Yai Transfer
  • Hat Yai Bus Station
  • Khuan Tung Ku Pier

Dee Travels Hatyai Destinasi Teratas

Beberapa rute yang paling populer pada rute map yang termasuk pada Dee Travels Hatyai tapi tidak termasuk:

Dee Travels Hatyai Harga Tiket dan Kelas Mobil Travel

Berbanding terbalik dengan kereta atau bis yang lebih bagus, mobil travel jarang menawarkan Anda pilihan kelas pada tiket. Semua kursi sama - anggap saja standar, VIP, atau apapun. Tapi yang membedakan adalah tipe mobil travel itu sendiri. Beberapa mobil travel hanya bermuatan 9-10 penumpang. Bagi penumpang, hal ini berarti kursi yang lebih luas, lebih leluasa, dan perjalanan yang lebih nyaman. Mobil travel juga bisa mengangkut hingga 15 orang penumpang tapi bersiaplah untuk mengorbankan ruang kaki dan lengan Anda dan seringkali – termasuk bagasi Anda juga. Kadang membeli dua kursi sekaligus menjadi pilihan yang baik dibanding satu kursi untuk memastikan perjalanan yang menyenangkan – sebelum melakukannya, pastikan jika hal ini diperbolehkan pada operator mobil travel untuk rute Anda. Sebelum memesan tiket mobil travel Anda, bacalah ulasan-ulasan pada jasa Dee Travels Hatyai mobil travel Anda untuk bisa memahami apa yang bisa Anda harapkan.

Bepergian dengan Mobil Travel: Kelebihan & Kekurangan

Kelebihan Bepergian dengan Mobil Travel

  • Mobil travel bisa menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai tujuan yang sangat terpencil, kota atau desa yang lebih kecil yang terhubung baik dengan bis besar maupun kereta.
  • Mobil travel juga bisa membawa Anda ke beberapa pulau yang terhubung pada daratan utama dengan feri mobil berukuran lebih besar yang tidak mengangkut bis melainkan mobil-mobil travel.
  • Karena ukurannya yang relatif kecil dibanding bis besar, mobil travel lebih mudah bergerak di jalan. Dan terkadang mampu bepergian dalam waktu yang lebih singkat jika tujuan Anda tidak terlalu jauh.
  • Sementara mobil travel memiliki perhentian resmi dalam perjalanan, mobil-mobil ini bisa menurunkan Anda pada titik terdekat – tidak harus di terminal, katakan saja pada supir Anda. Harap perhatikan bahwa hal tersebut tidak selalu bisa dilakukan, tapi dalam banyak perjalanan, mereka bisa melakukannya. Hal ini bisa membuat Anda menghemat waktu dan biaya yang mungkin Anda keluarkan jika turun di terminal dengan berjalan kaki atau menggunakan taksi.

Kekurangan Bepergian dengan Mobil Travel

  • Jika mobil travel mengangkut lebih banyak penumpang, mungkin akan terasa cukup sempit. Ruang yang sempit untuk kaki dan lengan Anda. Beberapa mobil travel membatasi satu bagasi untuk satu tiket. Jika Anda membawa tas lebih, koper atau ransel, Anda mungkin akan diminta membeli tiket terpisah untuk bagasi Anda yang membuat perjalanan Anda menjadi lebih mahal.
  • Tidak semua mobil travel berangkat tepat waktu. Pada rute-rute tertentu, mobil travel berangkat ketika penuh penumpang. Periksa kembali pada operator Anda sebelum membeli tiket Anda, jika tidak, Anda mungkin harus menunggu lebih lama dari yang Anda harapkan hingga mobil terisi penuh.
  • Jika ada pengemudi yang ugal-ugalan pada transportasi selain mobil travel, bukan merupakan tanggung jawab kami. Beberapa perusahaan menginstal perangkat pengendali kecepatan pada kendaraan mereka, tapi bukan suatu hal yang aneh jika perangkat tersebut akan selalu berbunyi sepanjang perjalanan karena pengemudi tidak mengacuhkannya. Ingatlah untuk selalu menggunakan sabuk pengaman selama Anda berkendara dengan mobil travel. Meskipun terkadang Anda harus memastikan letak sabuk pengaman Anda.
  • Untuk semua penumpang yang mudah merasa mabuk, ada suatu saran yang baik untuk Anda: minumlah obat Anda setengah jam sebelum berangkat dengan mobil travel Anda, terutama jika rute perjalanan Anda melewati jalur yang berkelok-kelpok. Anda akan lebih mudah mabuk jika berkendara dengan mobil travel dibanding dengan bis.
Baca lebih lanjut

Dee Travels Hatyai Rute Populer

Hat Yai - Koh Lipe
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 09:15, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25, 11:15
Koh Lipe - Hat Yai
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
Pak Bara - Satun
Koh Lipe - Pak Bara
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
Pak Bara - Koh Lipe
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
Hat Yai - Satun
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 09:15
Pak Bara - Hat Yai
Mobil Van Van + Speedboat
11:30, 13:30, 15:30
Mobil Van Mobil van
11:30, 13:30, 15:30
Hat Yai - Pak Bara
Mobil Van Van + Speedboat
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 09:15, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25, 11:15
Mobil Van Mobil van
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 09:15, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25, 11:15
NaN penumpang

Dee Travels Hatyai Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointBandara Hat Yai13:3017:304h 0m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointBandara Hat Yai11:3015:304h 0m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointBandara Hat Yai09:3013:304h 0m
Van + SpeedboatBandara Hat YaiKoh Lipe Immigration point09:1513:154h 0m
Van + SpeedboatBandara Hat YaiKoh Lipe Immigration point11:1515:154h 0m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Railway StationKoh Lipe Immigration point08:2013:154h 55m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Railway StationKoh Lipe Immigration point10:2015:154h 55m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai TransferKoh Lipe Immigration point08:1513:155h 0m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai TransferKoh Lipe Immigration point10:1515:155h 0m
Kapal CepatPak Bara PierKoh Lipe Immigration point11:3013:001h 30m
Kapal CepatPak Bara PierKoh Lipe Immigration point09:3011:001h 30m
Kapal CepatPak Bara PierKoh Lipe Immigration point13:3015:001h 30m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Railway Station09:3014:104h 40m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Railway Station13:3018:104h 40m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Railway Station11:3016:104h 40m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Bus StationKoh Lipe Immigration point08:1013:155h 5m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Bus StationKoh Lipe Immigration point10:1015:155h 5m
Kapal CepatKoh Lipe Immigration pointPak Bara Pier13:3015:001h 30m
Kapal CepatKoh Lipe Immigration pointPak Bara Pier11:3013:001h 30m
Kapal CepatKoh Lipe Immigration pointPak Bara Pier09:3011:001h 30m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Dee HostelKoh Lipe Immigration point08:2513:154h 50m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Dee HostelKoh Lipe Immigration point10:2515:154h 50m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Transfer13:3018:054h 35m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Transfer09:3014:054h 35m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Transfer11:3016:054h 35m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Bus Station13:3018:004h 30m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Bus Station11:3016:004h 30m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Bus Station09:3014:004h 30m
Van + SpeedboatHat Yai Railway StationKoh Tarutao08:2012:003h 40m
Van + SpeedboatKoh Lipe Immigration pointHat Yai Dee Hostel13:3018:154h 45m

Dee Travels Hatyai Stasiun

Bandara KrabiHat Yai Hotel TransferHat Yai TransferHat Yai Dee HostelKoh Lipe Immigration pointPak Bara PierSongkhla Hotel TransferKrabi Town TransferPadang Besar Immigration Thailand SideBandara Hat YaiPak Bara PierBu Nga Resort BeachHat Yao pierSadao BorderAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayHat Yai Bus StationTrang Railway StationBandara TrangKoh Lipe Sunrise BeachPak Bara PierTammalang PierKhuan Tung Ku pierSongkhla Town Hotel TransferKrabi Hotel TransferPak Meng PierBandara Hat YaiHat Yai Railway StationHat Yai TransferHat Yai Railway StationHat Yai TransferTrang Hotel TransferHat Yai TransferHat Yai Bus StationKhuan Tung Ku Pier

Dee Travels Hatyai Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Mudah memesan, pengemudi tepat waktu, perjalanan sangat nyaman, tidak ada keluhan
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 16 Jan 2023
Kami tiba di bandara Hat Yai pada pukul 8:30 pagi. Kami pergi ke pos pemeriksaan pada pukul 08:45 dan menunggu di area tersebut. Beberapa kali kami berkeliling mencoba mencari informasi tentang pickup kami dan tidak ada lagi yang bisa ditemukan. Pada jam 9:25 (van kami seharusnya berangkat jam 9:30 pagi) kami menelepon nomor di PDF dan seseorang menjawab. Akhirnya dia menelepon kembali dan mengatakan seorang sopir akan segera tiba, setelah itu seorang sopir taksi datang untuk mencari kami. Kami hampir ketinggalan feri kami dan operator feri menelepon kami berulang kali menanyakan di mana kami berada. Syukurlah pada saat kedatangan dia menemui kami di taksi dan mendorong kami langsung ke kapal, yang untungnya kami bisa naik tepat waktu.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 14 Mar 2022
Saya dihubungi oleh grup perjalanan dan mereka sangat jelas mengenai langkah apa yang harus saya ambil.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 31 Des 2020
โ บ
Vannya sangat tepat waktu, tetapi kapalnya berhenti 2 kali, jadi waktu satu jam terbuang sia-sia. Tapi secara keseluruhan pelayanannya bagus. Terkesan, lain kali saya pasti akan menggunakan layanan itu lagi.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 30 Des 2020
This whole experience was brilliant from start to finish. I booked the night before I needed the journey and was not sure how smooth it would be but I received quick confirmation and clear instructions on where the pick up point was. The pdf they sent had all the information I needed including photos of where the meet point was and who to contact if I needed help. The mini van had air con and was really comfortable. We had 2 comfort breaks which made the journey a breeze. The driver was really helpful and when he dropped me at the pier he made sure I knew where I was going. The speedboat check in and journey were smooth with no issues or delays. This was my first time using 12go asia and I was really happy with the organisation and help they provide. I would definitely use again and recommend!!
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 29 Apr 2024
Taxi was comfortable and everything without problém.
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 10 Mar 2024
It was very smooth, no stops, very comfortable and on time.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 8 Jan 2024
Van was great. Tip for the speedboat: take some motion sickness pills / seasickness pills!
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2 Agu 2023
Very affordable for a 4-5 hour trip
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 12 Mei 2023
very good, have a nice trip
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2 Mei 2023
We had some difficulty getting transport to the meeting point and the driver, Mr Wan was kind and helpful enough to coordinate with our Grab driver to a meeting point. The office staff speaks English and troubleshoot our challenges was also very good. Mr Wan's very considerate to passengers and driving was smooth all the way to Pakbara. He dropped us off at our accommodation and shared information on transportation options around Pakbara to other parts of Thailand. We're so thankful for him.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 14 Des 2022
Really well organised
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 12 Des 2022
Dee Travels were great to book with! Arranged an easy pick up, drove us to the pier in a very comfy van, stopped for pee breaks, and ensured we got onto our speedboat smoothly… Highly recommended, and wish I’d booked sooner instead of comparing others. Thank you!!!
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 27 Nov 2022
The travel was good. The sitting arrangement of the speedboat needs improvement. All seats need be front facing, not in the side facing. Side facing seats are not convenient. The speedboat started 40 minutes after the mentioned time. All other travel was good.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 13 Nov 2022
Form Bangkok to Hat Yai is arrived at 7:30. I had a breakfast in front of the station. And I got in the van at 8:20. It was easy to find and the time was right.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 4 Nov 2022
The seatbelt was inoperable
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 1 Okt 2022
My luggage was placed in a position on the boat where it got wet and was used as a foot rest by other passengers
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 1 Okt 2022
Driver was early, polite and excellent in his service.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2 Sep 2022
The van and speedboat were both on time. The confortable van was driven smoothly and careful. The speedboat was nearly fall, all passagers had life jacket available, the 90mm ride to Koh Lipe was mostly smooth. I was able to contact the operator with the phone number provided and warn them I would be a few minutes late due to train 65mm delay. I ended up being late 2mn and they waited for me. Still, as they would not have waited more due to the need to pick up others and arrive on time to the boat, I realize that I should have take a 120mn margin to take into account frequent 1h+ sleeper train delay. In this case, book the 10.20 van instead of the 8:30 van, even if the train is scheduled to arrive at 7:25 at Hat Yai railway station.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 27 Agu 2022
Ferry didn’t depart on time. While everybody was ready to board, they changed the ferry and moved all luggages to smaller ferry. Everybody had to wait under baking hot. Since they got more people than the capacity of ferry, peope got stuck. Finally there weren’t enaough life vest.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 24 Agu 2022
Very organised agency. Though online purchase is slightly more pricy than physical travel agency. Road trip was overall good. Driver was helpful and on time for both ways. Boat trip can be better. Staffs are helpful. It is not comfortable when the boat is fitted full capacity without social distance. No motion sickness bag prepared. Overall decent experience.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 21 Agu 2022
My 1st booking using 12go with Dee Travel as the operator from Hatyai to Ko Lipe. Pickup by driver was smooth as he had my name ready. Driver will take a picture of you with your name for record. Drive to Pakbara pier was pleasant. The ferry operator was Ploysiam. Ploysiam's speedboat has both front facing seats and seats on the side. Everyone has a life jacket and mandatory to wear one. Ploysiam's has my pick when compared to Satun Pakbara Speedboat club, which I took returning from Ko Lipe.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 17 Agu 2022
Service excellent, before i arrived at Hat Yai train station, they text me to conform my arrival time, they give good directions where to wait and Van Plate no. Smooth journey
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 9 Agu 2022
Pick up was within the time given. Shared van is comfortable & driver is polite & helpful. The ride to Pak Bara takes about 1.5hr. Driver stops at petrol kiosk for 10mins toilet break. Arrived at the pier promptly & check in for boat to Koh Lipe. Its very straight forward & I reccomend this service to Koh Lipe.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 27 Jul 2022
I like Go to Koh Lipe Not to the National Park
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 13 Feb 2022
Trip from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe - Thailand - January 2022 Booking this trip was easy (the Plattform of 12Go). I chose Dee Travel for my trip from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe. I was at the pickup point of Hat Yai Airport the half an hour before, as indicated, and the driver was already there with a sign with my name on it. The minivan was clean and comfortable. We made a short toilet break half way and got to the peer where the driver showed me where to get the boat voucher from. There too, the staff were friendly and told me which port to go to. There, we had to scan a QR code and fill out a registration form, mostly for Covid and show it to the staff, together with the proof of vaccination. We then proceeded to the peer we were told to go and received a card with a number and requested to take a seat. Punctually, we were asked to hand out suitcases to the boat staff and called to line up according to the numbers on the card and prepare our passports. Everything was very well managed and we boarded the boat Accor the numbering, however the seating on board is free to chose. I chose a seat at the back as recommended in a review. The speed boat was from a company called Ploysiam. This one was not full or overbooked as I’d seen on other reviews. There were 3 staff on board and the boat had 3 motors (which I’d also read in reviews of the motor dying mid-water). Allot of locals used this company, which is a good sign I guess. We stopped, as indicated, at two islands, which allowed for a short visit, photo taking and using the restroom, if needed. Each stop was about 15 minutes, but be back at the advised place a bit before as not to miss your onward trip. We arrived after about 3 hours - the trip being a total of 6 hours with boarding and covid/passport control, etc. In 3 day’s time, I’ll be going back to Hat Yai Airport and hope for smooth sailing there, too! :) I can only recommend Dee Travel Thailand. The way back was as uncomplicated and organized, and much faster than on the way there, as we did not stop at any islands. The boat ride lasted just over an hour and I then had to wait 30 minutes for the very clean and modern minivan who then, too, seamlessly bought me to the airport, without bathroom break. The way back for both means of transportation was very bumpy, so if you get car/sea sick, remember to bring a bag. Again, I can only recommend 12 Go and Dee Travel Thailand.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2 Feb 2022
Great service, on time, very safe and efficient. Highly recommend this company.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 26 Jan 2022
Excellent. And customer support wirks fine.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 16 Jan 2022
Booked online the day before departure, we met the mini van at the Hostel in Hat Yai and drove straight to the pier. The driving was ok, maybe a tiny bit too fast for my standards..
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 1 Jan 2022
It's hard to write a review fair because the boat ride was great, but the van ride ride was average with their timings.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 27 Des 2021
Everything was fine but tiredness. The staffs working at the Prabarra Perrier didn't all speak English well caused some confusions on requiring perrier tax. The boat boarding process was a little unorganized, crowd and misaligned up. Wish the boat provided any paper bad in case for sea sick.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 18 Apr 2021
Each part of the journey is in time and according to the schedule. No delays and cancellations. There were even a few calls as a directions reminder. Recommend. Thanks very much for the convenient transportation services Kindest regards
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 17 Apr 2021
Really great service
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 18 Feb 2021
Disorganized - had to change pier once and then change boats as both overbooked.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 10 Jan 2021
Minibus rid from airport to pier was fine. Speed boat stopped 2 times on route to Koh Lipe. Stopping at Turatao and Koh Khai needlessly for 15 minutes but causing a delay of 1hr. Friends arriving the next day were delayed 3hrs due to speed boat congestion at Turatao.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 11 Des 2020
Great connections, excellent service throughout.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 27 Okt 2020
I had a little worry in transit between boat and the car, since there wasn't anyone to navigate where to go, and how to get on which car.
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 19 Okt 2020
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 8 Jan 2024
Mobil van Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 17 Des 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 20 Nov 2023
Kapal cepat Speedboat + Van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 29 Jul 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 27 Jul 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 11 Mar 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 23 Feb 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 26 Jan 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 5 Jan 2023
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 30 Des 2022
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 19 Des 2022
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 24 Nov 2022
Mobil van Mobil van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 6 Nov 2022
127 Ulasan Pelanggan
95.3% dari 127 wisatawan senang dengan Dee Travels Hatyai karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan