Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal

Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal

Mochit New Van Terminal
Chanthaburi Bus Terminal
sri, 10. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Prijevoz od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal

Činjenice o prijevozu od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal

Najjeftiniji prijevoz8 USD
Najbrži prijevoz3h
Najraniji polazak5:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak6:30 PM
Polasci po danu22
Udaljenost150 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeGlassflower, Kim Transfers Thailand, Kohchang Bangkok Transport, MCC VAN, Triple T, Yok Team 9907

Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal Recenzije odredišta

Easiest booking experience ever! Made my booking in a couple minutes - no need to go to the bus station early. Also, booking early allowed me to choose and get my preferred seats. (Tip: in the 20 passenger minibuses 2C and 2D have the most legroom. Bus tix are cheap so I usually buy both - but I'm not on a budget Ride quality is ok - not recline and fairly hard seats but for 3-4 hour rides, I'm ok. I'd opt for a full tour bus for longer sojourns. The driver is safe - never over about 90kmh and they actually post a live feed of his speed for everyone to see. I speak Thai so it's all really easy but non-speakers could have minor challenges - though all the employees do try their best when I see tourists interacting with the staff
Autobus Međugradski, Kohchang Bangkok Transport, 6. ožu 2024.
Good trip, confortable mini van, driver nice and drive safely. No delay at departure and arrival.
Autobus Međugradski, Kohchang Bangkok Transport, 23. pro 2023.
The driver of the minivan busdishonoured the fact that I had a reserved seat in the single line of seats and cramped me in at the back of the minivan /bus.
Autobus Međugradski, Yok Team 9907, 2. lip 2023.
Unfortunately the leg space of the vans is suited for lical people, but not necessarily for larger (European) individuals. Trying to ask, whether we can change seats (which were not reserved) was refused - maybe also because the language barrier did not allow proper communication and the driver was a bit grumpy. Driving style was adventerous, however, we made it 10 minutes ahead of schedule even though there were traffic jams outbound Bangkok.
Autobus Međugradski, Yok Team 9907, 9. svi 2023.
Bus terminal was very well organised and efficient, bus left on time and arrived earlier than estimated.
Autobus Express, Triple T (ที ที ที (ทริปเปิล ที)), 24. sij 2023.
The Bus is clean and everything went fine. Important notes: - really be half an hour early! The bus left at 6.30 instead of 7 am. - there is no toilet on board
Autobus Međugradski, Yok Team 9907, 8. sij 2023.
Nice Driver & humble
Autobus Međugradski, Yok Team 9907, 19. stu 2022.
can not refund very bad
Autobus Express, Triple T (ที ที ที (ทริปเปิล ที)), 16. lis 2022.
Wonderful service driver was so nice I enjoyed the bus trip
Autobus Međugradski, Yok Team 9907, 19. ruj 2022.
ordinary trip
Autobus Međugradski, Yok Team 9907, 4. pro 2021.
109 recenzija kupaca

Popularne rute u Tajland

Kako doći od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal

Putovanje između Mochit New Van Terminal i Chanthaburi Bus Terminal moguće je putem Autobus, kombi i taxi. Taxi jamči najbrže putovanje na ovoj ruti. Autobus je najsporija opcija.

Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 7.51 ako idete Autobus; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za autobus koji će vas koštati samo USD 7.38.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal?

Može vam trebati između 3 i 5 sati za put između Mochit New Van Terminal i Chanthaburi Bus Terminal, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Taxi je najbrži način putovanja između Mochit New Van Terminal i Chanthaburi Bus Terminal. Taxi će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 3h. Autobus vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 4h 30m da stigne do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal.

Koliko košta doći od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal?

Putovanje između Mochit New Van Terminal i Chanthaburi Bus Terminal može koštati jeftino kao USD 7.38 ako se odlučite za Yok Team 9907 autobus i skupo kao USD 7.51 ako kupite Kohchang Bangkok Transport Autobus kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Mochit New Van Terminal i Chanthaburi Bus Terminal?

  • 22 od Bangkok do Chanthaburi počevši od 05:00 Mochit New Van Terminal do 18:30 Mochit New Van Terminal

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal.

Koji je način prijevoza najbolji za moju rutu?


Putovanje od Bangkok do Chanthaburi kopneno će neizbježno potrajati dulje, ali u mnogim slučajevima je najjeftinija opcija ako se odlučite za autobus.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Za udobniju vožnju odlučite se za autobus više klase gdje god je to moguće. Ovi autobusi obično imaju mekana pomična sjedala i opremljeni su klima-uređajem i WC-om u vozilu.

Često uključuju vodu, grickalice ili lagani ručak u cijenu vaše karte i zaustavljaju se u toaletu na putu.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju autobusnim linijama između Bangkok i Chanthaburi

Kohchang Bangkok Transport, Yok Team 9907


Neki putnici smatraju taksi najprikladnijim oblikom kopnenog prijevoza zahvaljujući fleksibilnom vremenu polaska, mogućnosti odabira veličine automobila koji vam je potreban i jednostavnoj usluzi od vrata do vrata.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Ako planirate obilaziti tijekom putovanja, unaprijed razgovarajte o tome sa svojim vozačem ili pružateljem usluga, jer to može utjecati na cijenu.

Tvrtke koje nude čartere između Bangkok i Chanthaburi

12Go Transfer, Glassflower, Kim Transfers Thailand (Thailand Taxi Airport and Travel), MCC VAN (เอ็มซีซี แวน)

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Mochit New Van Terminal do Chanthaburi Bus Terminal?

Postoji izbor prijevoznih sredstava u bilo koje doba dana, a Autobus ostaje najpopularnija opcija zbog razumnih cijena i udobnosti.

Od 1000 putnika koji su kupili karte za ovu rutu

  • 73% se odlučilo za autobus
  • 26% odabrano Autobus+kombi
  • 1% Druge