Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal

Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal

Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal
Mochit New Van Terminal
ned, 7. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal Raspored

Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Minibus 06:20 - 09:40฿ 170
Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Minibus 09:50 - 13:10฿ 170
Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Minibus 11:50 - 15:10฿ 170
Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Minibus 12:30 - 15:50฿ 170
Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Minibus 15:50 - 19:10฿ 170
Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Minibus 18:00 - 21:20฿ 170

Prijevoz od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal

Činjenice o prijevozu od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal

Najjeftiniji prijevoz5 USD
Najbrži prijevoz3h
Najraniji polazak4:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak6:00 PM
Polasci po danu8
Udaljenost150 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeBangkokTaxi24, Glassflower, Kanchanaburi Express, MCC VAN, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi

Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal Recenzije odredišta

It was fast and on time. Very worth the price, remember to take an extra seat if you have a big bag/luggage.
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 5. lip 2024.
The operator (Driver) did not let myself and my friend know where to get off. He began shouting and was very rude to my friend. She had no knowledge where and when to exit the bus.
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 25. svi 2024.
1. The operator was called Kanchanaburi Express, but it is in no way an express bus. It stops dozens of time between the destination for people and packages. 2. The ride was announced 1 hour 50, but once you complete the reservation, the tickets estimate the ride taking 3h. That's just false advertising. Either way, the ride ended up taking 4h, and there were no traffic involved, so I can't imagine how long it can take during rush hour. 3. The seats are excessively small. I'm 5'3" (1meter60), and couldn't cross my legs by lack of space. They're also uncomfortable. 4. There's no space for your luggages (neither overhead or in the boot), if you have a travelling backpack or a rolling luggage, I strongly suggest you buy a second seat. 5. Some people were embarked as there were no remaining seats available. They were in the alley, holding themselves onto the benches and invading personal space as they had nowhere to go in the tiny cabin. 6. The Mochit mini-van terminal has no clear indications once you arrive there. There's no WiFi available. The illegal taxis and tuk tuk around are charging double/triple the price of the course. To get a legal taxi, you need to cross a highway to get to the main bus terminal. All in all, it's a cheap option, but far from a good one.
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 21. svi 2024.
Departure on time and arrive earlier.
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 23. tra 2024.
The bus was really comfortable and had snacks, the seats were really spacious. Everything was on time. Overall it was a really good trip! The reason we knocked off a star was the transfer in the middle of the trip that we didn't know about, so we got rushed off the bus and had to quickly gather our things. Also, all of the announcements were in Thai so we had no idea what was going on. When the operator saw we were the only ones left on the bus he spoke English to tell us to get off, so it was possible that he could have told us when he made the announcement. Otherwise we felt the service was fantastic and have no complaints. Note to non-Thai speaking folks - when you get to Bangkok Station, you will need to go to a ticket window to get a paper ticket. The window they were trying to direct us to was out in front of the station but this was not obvious with the pointing. You go there first to get a paper ticket, THEN you go out to the bus platform to catch your bus. We almost missed our bus because the area people were pointing at looked like the seats, so we thought we were being told to wait there. We used Google translate but sometimes it's difficult if people don't use it in return. We hope this helps!
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 17. tra 2024.
Just got off the express train from Don Muang to Chang Mai ,great experience. Very well organised at the station and very helpful staff who make sure you board the train at the right carriage . Once on board food orders are taken and delivered to your seat . Air con is cool but the blankets provided are warm enough .Beds are made up at around 8.30 pm and most people were settled for 10...breakfast and coffees served from 6am. Great experience will use again .
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 11. ožu 2024.
Arrived in advance. Staff super nice and helpful. Thank you
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 28. sij 2024.
On time. Comfortable
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 20. sij 2024.
Everyone is kind.
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 29. pro 2023.
Très bon chauffeur. Véhicule très propre.
Autobus Međugradski, Kanchanaburi Express, 21. pro 2023.
840 recenzija kupaca

Popularne rute u Tajland

Kako doći od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal

Putovanje između Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal i Mochit New Van Terminal moguće je putem Autobus, kombi i taxi. Autobus jamči najbrže putovanje na ovoj ruti. Taxi je najsporija opcija.

Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 4.62 ako idete kombi; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za kombi koji će vas koštati samo USD 4.62.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal?

Može vam trebati između 3 i 4 sati za put između Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal i Mochit New Van Terminal, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Autobus je najbrži način putovanja između Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal i Mochit New Van Terminal. Autobus će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 3h. Taxi vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 3h 30m da stigne do Mochit New Van Terminal.

Koliko košta doći od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal?

Putovanje između Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal i Mochit New Van Terminal može koštati jeftino kao USD 4.62 ako se odlučite za Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi (มณฑ์สิริ แทรเวล กาญจนบุรี) kombi i skupo kao USD 4.62 ako kupite Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi (มณฑ์สิริ แทรเวล กาญจนบุรี) kombi kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal i Mochit New Van Terminal?

  • 8 od Kanchanaburi do Bangkok počevši od 06:20 Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do 18:00 Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal.

Koji je način prijevoza najbolji za moju rutu?


Putovanje od Kanchanaburi do Bangkok kopneno će neizbježno potrajati dulje, ali u mnogim slučajevima je najjeftinija opcija ako se odlučite za autobus.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Za udobniju vožnju odlučite se za autobus više klase gdje god je to moguće. Ovi autobusi obično imaju mekana pomična sjedala i opremljeni su klima-uređajem i WC-om u vozilu.

Često uključuju vodu, grickalice ili lagani ručak u cijenu vaše karte i zaustavljaju se u toaletu na putu.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju autobusnim linijama između Kanchanaburi i Bangkok

Kanchanaburi Express


Neki putnici smatraju taksi najprikladnijim oblikom kopnenog prijevoza zahvaljujući fleksibilnom vremenu polaska, mogućnosti odabira veličine automobila koji vam je potreban i jednostavnoj usluzi od vrata do vrata.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Ako planirate obilaziti tijekom putovanja, unaprijed razgovarajte o tome sa svojim vozačem ili pružateljem usluga, jer to može utjecati na cijenu.

Tvrtke koje nude čartere između Kanchanaburi i Bangkok

BangkokTaxi24, Glassflower, MCC VAN (เอ็มซีซี แวน)


Kombiji su izvrsna alternativa - ili, u mnogim slučajevima - vaša jedina opcija - ako trebate putovati kopnom unutar jedne te iste pokrajine ili susjednih pokrajina ili država. Kombi vozila također prometuju cestama između Kanchanaburi i Bangkok.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: kada putujete kombijem s ogromnom prtljagom, dobra je ideja kupiti zasebno sjedalo za svoj kofer ili ruksak. Ne očekujte da u kombiju postoji prostrani prtljažni prostor - zapravo ga nema i malo je vjerojatno da će vaši suputnici cijeniti vašu prtljagu zaglavljenu pod njihovim nogama, nažalost.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju kombijima između Kanchanaburi i Bangkok

Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi (มณฑ์สิริ แทรเวล กาญจนบุรี)

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Kanchanaburi Bus Terminal do Mochit New Van Terminal?

Postoji izbor prijevoznih sredstava u bilo koje doba dana, a Autobus ostaje najpopularnija opcija zbog razumnih cijena i udobnosti.

Od 1000 putnika koji su kupili karte za ovu rutu

  • 84% se odlučilo za autobus
  • 15% je uzelo kombi
  • 1% Druge