Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe

Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe

Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street
Mayla Cafe
pet, 12. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe Raspored

Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Viet Nam Travel Bus Minivan 08:45 - 10:55VND 247k
Viet Nam Travel Bus Minivan 12:45 - 14:55VND 247k
Viet Nam Travel Bus Minivan 16:50 - 19:00VND 247k

Prijevoz od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe

  • Kombiji
    $ 9.52
  • Vlakovi nisu dstupni
  • Autobusi nisu dstupni
  • Trajekti nisu dstupni
  • Letovi nisu dstupni
  • Taxiji nisu dstupni

Činjenice o prijevozu od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe

Najjeftiniji prijevoz10 USD
Najbrži prijevoz2h 10m
Najraniji polazak8:45 早上
Najkasniji polazak4:55 下午
Polasci po danu9
Udaljenost109 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeViet Nam Travel Bus

Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe Recenzije odredišta

I don’t know why they bother to write a
kombi Kombi za 9 putnika, April Adventure (April Adventure), 1. srp 2024.
Very fast and comfortable ride
Autobus VIP 16, Vietnam Explore Travel, 17. lip 2024.
Vehicle was 30 min late. No notification or apology. At the time I was the first passenger who got picked up.
kombi Kombi za 9 putnika, April Adventure (April Adventure), 5. lip 2024.
The ride was great, the only problem was they were a bit late. Overall it was very nice
Autobus VIP 11, Sapa Discovery Travel, 3. lip 2024.
Bus was due to arrive at 4.45, at 3.15 they asked us to come early to leave at 4, we then waited around and were told it was late and would come at 5.30 but this did not happen. The driver kept lying to us telling us he’d be there in 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 7 minutes etc. In the end we waited for 3 hours when the bus finally arrived for it to only drive us 5 minutes down the road and drop us off at a bus station where we then had to wait again. In the end we didn’t leave until 8 (4 hours after we were meant too) in a car which then dropped us to another mini bus on the side of the road. All in all a mess of a journey, wouldve much rather they just told us there was an issue and to come back in a few hours. Although I do have to say the customer service I got from Thao Bui via WhatsApp was really great/helpful, she was trying to resolve the issue and speak the driver to get a solid answer. She also offered a 50,000 refund per ticket for each of us for the inconvenience which we really appreciated!
kombi Limousine, Luxury Van Limousine (Luxury Van Limousine), 2. lip 2024.
Very pleasant trip from Ninh Binh to Hanoi. The train was on time, the staff was very kind and helpful.
Vlak #HÐ2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 12. svi 2024.
Please notify us a day in advance to confirm that the bus will depart an hour later than scheduled. On the actual day, the bus was delayed by an additional 20 minutes, and the driver paused for a 30-minute lunch break shortly before reaching Hue, despite our warnings that this would cause us to be late for a tour that was scheduled to start in under an hour.
kombi Limousine 9, Duc Duong Bus, 1. svi 2024.
Great driver, really friendly and welcoming from the start. Even dropped me off at my hotel, rather than the drop off point. Comfy and great service - turned up exactly on time - thanks! WhatsApp support was also great and so efficient.
kombi Kombi za 9 putnika, April Adventure (April Adventure), 29. tra 2024.
The driver didn’t let us choose the seats, he said we should stay in the back of the van. All the seats were empty at that point. We said that my girlfriend is pregnant. But he still refused. And afterwards he went to pick up two couples from a hotel. He basically kept the good seats for “more important” people from a fancy hotel.
kombi VIP 9, Huong Giang Limousine (Huong Giang Limousine), 24. tra 2024.
there was an hour delay
Vlak #SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 23. tra 2024.
925 recenzija kupaca

Popularne rute u Vijetnam

Kako doći od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe

Putovanje između Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street i Mayla Cafe moguće je putem kombi. Trenutno je to jedina dostupna opcija za ovu rutu.

Koliko je Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street udaljeno od Mayla Cafe?

Putovanje kopnom udaljenost između Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street i Mayla Cafe je 109 km, dok je oko 109 km zračne linije.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe?

Putujući kombi između Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street i Mayla Cafe, očekujte da ćete potrošiti oko 3 sati.

Koliko košta doći od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe?

kombi karata za rutu Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street - Mayla Cafe će vas koštati oko USD 9.69. Kako biste osigurali najbolju cijenu, kupite karte unaprijed.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street i Mayla Cafe?

Kombiji od Da Nang do Hue polaze tijekom dana - ima otprilike 9 polazaka dnevno.

Korisni savjeti za putovanje između Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street i Mayla Cafe od strane kombi

Da biste došli od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe vaš je izbor ograničen na jednu opciju prijevoza, ali to ne znači da ne možete učiniti svoje putovanje što ugodnijim. Provjerite naše jednostavne savjete kako biste izbjegli razočaranje tijekom putovanja.


Korisni savjeti za putnike koji koriste prijevoz kombijem:

  • Kada putujete kombijem s ogromnom prtljagom, dobra je ideja kupiti zasebno sjedalo za svoj kofer ili ruksak.
  • Ne očekujte da u kombiju postoji prostrani prtljažni prostor - zapravo ga nema i malo je vjerojatno da će vaši suputnici cijeniti vašu prtljagu zaglavljenu pod njihovim nogama, nažalost.
  • Najbolja sjedala su prva sjedala u nizu odmah pored kliznih vrata i iza vozačevog sjedala, jer pružaju više prostora za noge.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju kombijima između Da Nang i Hue

Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus).

Koliko putnika odluči doći od Da Nang Bus station 38 Nguyen Tri Phuong street do Mayla Cafe putem kombi?

Prodali smo kombi karti 503 putnicima. Neki od njih su ostavili recenzije o svom putovanju iznad na ovoj stranici. Provjerite recenzije putnika kako biste se pripremili. Oni su uvijek najkorisniji i najpouzdaniji izvor informacija.