Violette Express Train

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O Violette Express Train

Violette Express Train nudi izravno i bezbrižno rezerviranje karata za vlak putem 12Go. Recenzije drugih putnika pomoći će vam u planiranju rute i odabiru klase karte koja vam najviše odgovara. Putujte vlakom da biste svom putovanju dali starinski okus uz noćenje na dugim relacijama ili dodajte super moderan štih uskočivši u brzi ekspres koji će stići na vaše odredište u trenu. Putovanje željeznicom uvijek je puno karaktera i emocija. Družite se sa suputnicima ili se odlučite za privatni luksuzni kupe. Violette Express Train nudi hrpu izbora kako bi vaše iskustvo bilo nezaboravno i ugodno. Svakako još jednom provjerite datum putovanja, cijenu karte, vrstu karte i druge uvjete i ograničenja prije nego što potvrdite svoju rezervaciju.

Violette Express Train Popularne postaje

Karta rute Violette Express Train prikazuje sljedeće stanice:

  • Da Nang
    • Dong Hoi
    • Ninh Binh
    • Hanoi
    • Sapa Lao Cai
    • Tuy Hoa
    • Dieu Tri
    • Binh Thuan
    • Hue
    • Nha Trang
    • Ho Chi Minh City

Violette Express Train Glavna odredišta

Ovdje je popis ruta koje pokriva Violette Express Train i koje su uvijek u velikoj potražnji među putnicima:

Violette Express Train Cijene karata i klase vlakova

Kako biste najbolje iskoristili svoju vožnju vlakom, mudro odaberite klasu svoje karte. Uzmite u obzir duljinu putovanja, doba dana i vlastite želje. Za duža noćna putovanja karte za prvi ili drugi razred u spavaćim vagonima mogle bi biti najbolje rješenje. Obje opcije omogućuju vam da cijelu noć prespavate udobno koliko je moguće u vlaku i uštedite dragocjeno dnevno vrijeme vašeg odmora. Imajte na umu da se ponekad karte za prvu klasu ne mogu rezervirati za kratka putovanja od nekoliko sati na dužem planu puta. Često su rezervirane za putnike koji prelaze cijelu rutu od polaska do terminalne stanice. Ipak, ležajevi drugog razreda s ponekad mekim sjedalima pristojna su alternativa ako vas 4-5 sati dovede do točke B. Provjerite što je uključeno u cijenu. Posteljina i ručnici mogu, ali ne moraju biti osigurani za noćna putovanja kao voda, grickalice ili toaletne potrepštine. Uvijek je dobra ideja ponijeti nekoliko slojeva odjeće, jer klima uređaj ili grijanje možda neće zadovoljiti vaše standarde.

Putovanje vlakom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja vlakom

  • Putovanje željeznicom idealno je rješenje za prevladavanje prometnih gužvi. Iako su kašnjenja ponekad moguća iz raznih razloga, općenito, ni špice, dugi vikendi ni groznica u špici sezone neće pokvariti vaš tajming sa željeznicom.
  • Online rezervacija željezničkih karata štedi vam mnogo vremena. Za mnoga odredišta karte je moguće rezervirati čak 90 dana prije datuma putovanja, što planiranje podiže na novu razinu. Ipak, često su dostupne i ponude u zadnji čas. Nema potrebe ići na željeznički kolodvor kako biste rezervirali – učinite to gdje god želite.
  • U mnogim slučajevima, karte za vlak su mnogo pristupačnije od avionskih. Na određenim rutama duljina putovanja brzim vlakovima jednaka je ili čak veća od putovanja zrakoplovom ako uzmete u obzir vrijeme koje provedete u zračnoj luci za prijavu i prolazak sigurnosnih i/ili carinskih formalnosti.
  • Vrlo često se željezničke stanice nalaze u središtu grada. To vam štedi mnogo vremena da stignete do svog smještaja. Stariji željeznički kolodvori često imaju dodatni bonus, jer su super atmosferski zbog toga što su smješteni u povijesnim zgradama. Putovanje do/od takvih postaja može se smatrati vrijednom točkom vašeg cjelokupnog plana putovanja.
  • Osim što vam štedi dan za druge ugodnije stvari, noć u vlaku dobar je način da smanjite hotelske troškove. Ako se odlučite za spavanje, možete očekivati da ćete također dobro spavati. Pa, sigurno bolje nego u autobusu za spavanje!
  • Na nekim rutama voze luksuzni vlakovi, a to je svakako iskustvo koje morate isprobati barem jednom u životu.

Nedostaci putovanja vlakom

  • Što je udaljenost duža – to je duža vožnja vlakom, a ako morate prijeći znatnu kilometražu, to će vam oduzimati mnogo vremena, stoga je ponekad putovanje zrakoplovom bolja alternativa, čak i ako je skuplje.
  • Veze s vašim daljnjim prijevozom treba planirati s posebnom pažnjom. Iako su vozni redovi uobičajeno utvrđeni, kašnjenja i otkazivanja uvijek su moguća zbog raznih razloga. Još jedna stvar koju treba uzeti u obzir je lokacija stanice s koje vaš vlak dolazi ili s koje polazi. Postoji više od jedne željezničke stanice u određenim gradovima i mjestima, što ponekad uzrokuje zabunu.
  • Jedna od najčešćih pritužbi na vlakove na određenim rutama je čistoća. Uglavnom se radi o vagonima najjeftinije klase i toaletima.
  • Zaustavljališta nisu uvijek jasno najavljena ili označena tijekom nekih putovanja vlakom. Elektronički zasloni lako rješavaju ovaj problem, ali nisu svugdje prisutni, stoga se pobrinite za to da pratite svoju stanicu pomoću GPS-a ili jednostavno pitajte konduktera ako ga ima.
Pročitaj više

Violette Express Train Popularne Rute

Da Nang - Ninh Binh
12:57, 12:58, 13:03, 13:51, 14:32, 15:11
Ho Chi Minh - Hue
19:00, 19:30, 20:35, 20:50, 21:50
Hanoi - Binh Thuan
19:20, 20:55, 21:10, 22:15
Binh Dinh - Binh Thuan
16:38, 17:29, 17:45, 18:35, 18:37, 19:43
Dong Hoi - Binh Thuan
05:07, 05:41, 07:05, 07:37
Da Nang - Binh Dinh
10:50, 11:29, 11:45, 12:47, 13:12, 14:01
Binh Thuan - Ho Chi Minh
01:58, 02:37, 03:11, 04:42
Binh Dinh - Phu Yen
16:38, 17:29, 17:45, 18:35, 18:37, 19:43
Hue - Ninh Binh
15:32, 15:35, 15:40, 16:22, 17:04, 17:41
Hanoi - Dong Hoi
19:20, 20:55, 21:10, 22:15
Ninh Binh - Nha Trang
00:23, 21:34, 23:10, 23:28
Phu Yen - Ho Chi Minh
18:33, 19:23, 19:42, 20:27, 20:30, 21:40
Binh Dinh - Nha Trang
16:38, 17:29, 17:45, 18:35, 18:37, 19:43
Dong Hoi - Hue
05:07, 05:41, 05:50, 07:05, 07:37, 08:05
Binh Dinh - Ho Chi Minh
16:38, 17:29, 17:45, 18:35, 18:37, 19:43
Hanoi - Sapa
Phu Yen - Binh Thuan
18:33, 19:23, 19:42, 20:27, 20:30, 21:40
Dong Hoi - Binh Dinh
05:07, 05:41, 05:50, 07:05, 07:37, 08:05
Da Nang - Binh Thuan
10:50, 11:29, 11:45, 12:47, 13:12, 14:01
Ho Chi Minh - Da Nang
19:00, 19:30, 20:35, 20:50, 21:50
Ninh Binh - Quang Nam
21:34, 23:10, 23:28
Hue - Binh Thuan
08:05, 08:45, 08:56, 10:04, 10:30, 11:11
Nha Trang - Ho Chi Minh
00:06, 20:43, 21:41, 22:07, 22:39, 22:44
Da Nang - Quang Nam
10:50, 11:29, 11:45, 12:47, 13:12, 14:01
Nha Trang - Binh Thuan
00:06, 20:43, 21:41, 22:07, 22:39, 22:44
Hanoi - Da Nang
19:20, 20:55, 21:10, 22:15
Dong Hoi - Ho Chi Minh
05:07, 05:41, 05:50, 07:05, 07:37, 08:05
Hue - Binh Dinh
08:05, 08:45, 08:56, 10:04, 10:30, 11:11
Ho Chi Minh - Nha Trang
19:00, 19:30, 20:35, 20:50, 21:50
Da Nang - Phu Yen
10:50, 11:29, 11:45, 12:47, 13:12, 14:01
NaN Putnika

Violette Express Train Raspored i Satnica

Vlak brojKlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
SP3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHanoiSapa Lao Cai22:0006:058h 5m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHo Chi Minh City14:0108:2518h 24m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHo Chi Minh City13:1207:3618h 24m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHo Chi Minh City12:4707:3018h 43m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHo Chi Minh City11:4506:3018h 45m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHo Chi Minh City11:2906:5019h 21m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHo Chi Minh City10:5005:3518h 45m
SE2VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHo Chi Minh CityDa Nang21:5015:5118h 1m
SE2VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHo Chi Minh CityDa Nang20:5014:5118h 1m
SE2VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHo Chi Minh CityDa Nang20:3514:3618h 1m
SE4VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHo Chi Minh CityDa Nang19:3013:0817h 38m
SE4VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHo Chi Minh CityDa Nang19:0012:3817h 38m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDong HoiDa Nang08:0513:415h 36m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDong HoiDa Nang07:3713:135h 36m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDong HoiDa Nang07:0512:415h 36m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDong HoiDa Nang05:5011:255h 35m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDong HoiDa Nang05:4111:165h 35m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDong HoiDa Nang05:0710:425h 35m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHanoiDa Nang22:1514:4616h 31m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHanoiDa Nang21:1013:4116h 31m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHanoiDa Nang20:5513:2616h 31m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xHanoiDa Nang19:2011:2516h 5m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xNinh BinhHue23:2811:0611h 38m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xNinh BinhHue23:1010:4811h 38m
SE3VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xNinh BinhHue21:3408:5111h 17m
SE1VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xNinh BinhHue00:2312:0111h 38m
SP4VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xSapa Lao CaiHanoi21:3005:257h 55m
SE2VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHue15:1117:362h 25m
SE2VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHue14:3216:572h 25m
SE2VIP vozilo za spavanje 4xDa NangHue13:5116:162h 25m

Violette Express Train Stanice

Da NangDong HoiNinh BinhHanoiSapa Lao CaiTuy HoaDieu TriBinh ThuanHueNha TrangHo Chi Minh City

Violette Express Train Recenzije tvrtke

Good way to travel but felt dirty and it was so hard to youse the toilets when the train was moving due to the water splashing around. Got a cute welcome bag with snacks tho
Vlak#SE 3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 13. sij 2023.
the driver threw us in a lost place where there was no way for us to find a bus or a taxi.
Vlak#SE 3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 14. ruj 2022.
Was comfortable nice air con but was advertised as free Wi-Fi which there wasn’t any so that’s why it dropped a star
Vlak#SE 1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 9. lip 2022.
Мне понравилось, хотелось опробовать вьетнамские железные дороги. Чисто, по расписанию, проводник приветливый. Особо поспать не удалось, потому что как-то сильно трясло и потом все время волнуешься, что проедешь свою станцию. В этом смысле конечно лучше ехать подольше, например часов 17. Смыв в туалете не работал, но можно было воспользоваться туалетом в соседнем вагоне. В вагоне прохладно, кондиционер работал исправно. Разносят бесплатную воду в бутылках.
Vlak#SE2 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 22. ožu 2020.
No sope to wash hands. Toilet could be more clean p
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 19. sij 2020.
Very nous train, very hard to fallo a sleep
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 29. pro 2019.
It was easy to exchange voucher for ticket at da nang station, which gives coach and cabin number. The trip to Saigon went well. The standard didn't quite meet that of Laman Express, but it also wasn't as expensive as Laman. It was great to view vietnamese countryside along the way.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 7. pro 2019.
No Violette carriage from Da Nang to ho chi Minh city. So put in 1st class ac. Bed clothes strewn across carriage from previous occupants. Toilet unusable if you need to sit. Thankfully I didn't. Best thing were the train staff. Lovely helpful people. Oh did I mention sharing my bed with 3 cockroaches?
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 27. stu 2019.
Really good cabin, clean, felt safe, just the air con is pretty cold - so dont forget extra jacket, right in time
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 16. lis 2019.
Toilets were gross and we didn’t get offered any food.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 9. lis 2019.
Punctual departure, clean sleeper accommodation.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 2. lis 2019.
I had come to Vietnam to travel the country by train and was not expecting high standards of any type, The trains and station facilities are very basic and there is a definite lack of information for tourists, no help from staff at station not a word then again nobody in this country seems to want to engage with tourists or not me at least ??? I have enjoyed my train journeys and I’ve seen some fantastic scenery along the way and would recommend you for yourself however just don’t expect high standards that you may be used too in your own country. I paid for violette train SE3 which should have had luxury compartments as in the description and cost was far higher than standard price ??? Apparently this was the only ticket available so I had no choice, standard is always good enough for me. There was a woman sitting at a small desk at the station where I swapped my voucher and was given a ticket for getting through the automatic barriers. I boarded at Danang and my cabin was very dirty from previous occupants from Hanoi to Danang, there was lots of insects crawling on the walls, the bedding had been used already and just simply folded for me to reuse. I quickly realised that my compartment was no different to any other compartment on the train regardless of ticket type you paid for so makes me wonder why I had to pay far more for the same thing ? I arrived at Nah Trang 20 minutes late, not bad for over 9 hour journey. Go for it and give it a try but don’t expect too much, certainly don’t expect a Vietnamese to acknowledge you or speak to you, maybe push you out the way, give you dirty looks, run off with your change !
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 14. ruj 2019.
Per 60 euro mi aspettavo servizio diverso, invece le cuccette del treno erano tutte uguali. Se quello era un letto morbido poi... era semirigido diciamo. L'unica cosa positiva è che ti forniscono da bere e da mangiare qualche snack.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 23. kol 2019.
Following the instructions in the voucher, we approached the coach we had been assigned. However, we were not allowed to get on the train because we had not exchanged the voucher for a ticket and, after 15-20 minutes, we were asked to get on a standard coach which did not correspond to the VIP coah we had paid for. Very disappointed.
Vlak#SP4 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 22. kol 2019.
Excellent the best Sleeper Train we have have used so far. More room than previous trains and more modern.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 20. kol 2019.
The train was clean, bathrooms were fine, slept well. Individual lights and charger ports
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 17. kol 2019.
Vip coach only means different sheets and drinks and a crisp. The beds are the same and the noise also
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 17. kol 2019.
Not comfortable at all
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 17. kol 2019.
Excellent journey, really easy to pick up tickets at Hanoi station. Comfortable couchette.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 9. kol 2019.
This was not a vip sleeper, despite the price we payed. Hard beds also
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 4. kol 2019.
AC could not be regulated and it was set to VERY cold!! We were all freesing all trough the night!! VERY helpfull staff though!
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 1. kol 2019.
Had a very nice trip with our family (3 kids, 6-9 years old). Cabin cool and clean. Toilet very dirty.
Vlak#SP4 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 27. srp 2019.
Our VIP sleeper was very comfortable and clean. We used it with 2 adults and 3 kids (6-9). The toilet is far from clean, that is a pity.
Vlak#SP3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 22. srp 2019.
Vi havde en fin togtur. Vognen var ok ren og pæn. Dog så vi en lille mus under et af vores sæder. Desuden kunne rude med fordel gøres ren, så man kunne se mere ud af den. Men samlet er vi fint tilfredse.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 16. srp 2019.
Noisy and very bumpy. Not very comfortable
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 15. srp 2019.
Nice train ride but very noisy and hard to sleep
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 12. srp 2019.
Very clean. 4little bottles of water en 4 bananas on the table. Not European comfort, but top experience !
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 7. srp 2019.
Quality of the sanitary and cabines very very bad. Would not recommend to book with this company.
Vlak#SE2 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 26. lip 2019.
Cheap enough and comfortable enough. The toilets were disgusting and the mouse in our cabin was a good bunk mate for the cockroaches. Couldn’t wait to get off. The staffs were very pleasant and helpful though. Very long trip.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 25. svi 2019.
Arrangements by 12goasia were excellent and it was easy to board the train. Berth on train was OK, but could have been quieter and more comfortable. The bunks did not fold away and travelling during the day was uncomfortable.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 22. svi 2019.
We travelled from Danang to Saigon on VIP TICKETS. The voucher that we had printed stated the carriage number but had no cabin number. It stated that on this trip, you showed the voucher as you boarded. Don’t do this! Ensure you know your cabin number before. We tried to get on our stated coach number (11a)for train SE 1 but were pointed in the direction of another coach. Now slightly panicked with lots of luggage in 38 degree heat, we rushed to coach 9 and boarded. We still didn’t know cabin number! Luckily the guard phoned through our booking number and found out. Unfortunately, we had been put in first class cabin, not VIP. We had the free drinks etc but had to share with a stranger. We payed £200 for three people and therefore expected to have the cabin to ourselves. The VIP cabins had all been taken by a tour company. The rest of the trip was as expected - beds a bit hard, bumpy , noisy ride, not much sleep, air con stopped for a while so everyone sweating (sorted quickly once we complained). The other difference between our coach and the VIP coach was the toilets. They had loo paper and western toilets, we had squat toilets. However, at least we could wander into the VIP cabin and use theirs!
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 21. svi 2019.
VIP Sleeper - Hanoi - Hue Wasn't so bad at all clean beds toilets, of course, wasn't great but did the job. Just luck on who's in a cabin with you and next door regarding noise.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 12. svi 2019.
Everything went smoothly. Regular refreshment carts. Clean and comfy rooms/beds
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 8. svi 2019.
A good way to travel longer distances. With our family we had a 4 person sleeping room. That was great. The train was clean, only the toilets not. But it as about you could expect in a full train. The continuering annoncements on every stations could better be skipped. Food was good and for a good price. Booking in avance was easy. We also tried to book from Da Nang to Hue, but all beds we occupied. So make your reservation as soon as possible.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 6. svi 2019.
Everything was as expected. Great experience! Bed a little bit hard and toilet blah but nothing we hadn't planned on.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 6. svi 2019.
When I tried to pay online my bank tagged this as a possible fraudulent site, so that was a pain getting that sorted, but once I had my ticket, it was an easy process. Counter to exchange your voucher for a ticket was well displayed once you enter Hanoi Station and there were clear instructions provided prior. I would have liked the opportunity to select my bunk, as I was on the top and apart from it being an acrobatic feat to get up there, your view is very limited. I ended up in the dining car for breakfast and had a good view from there. Bunks were hard, certainly not soft as advertised. But all in all a great experience.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 2. svi 2019.
We had a ticket, but the coach nummer was not mentioned. So, very confusing by which coach nummer we need to check in. The train is ok. Airco on the train to hot or to cold (you can not set the temperature in each separate cabin). Next time I would take the plane, but the kids loved the train
Vlak#SE2 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 29. tra 2019.
We booked the SE3 train from Hanoi to Danang. We booked 2 berths, aware that we could be sharing our room, we had read about roommates who weren’t so good and recently were told of an unpleasant experience, yes it’s a gamble. We were fortunate to have a lovely young couple from our own country. Clean sheets and duvets/pillows. Bananas, a chocolate bar, water and hand wipes were provided. Just as I had read about. The toilet was ok, I have seen worse in other other country’s, yes it’s small, yes it’s old, the water level is quite high so that can splash about, we took our own toilet paper but there was some provided. Yes the train goes clickity clack, we had ear plugs and that helped, all 4 of us thought we had a reasonable sleep. There was a lady with a food trolley selling drinks and snacks. Ticketing was easy, we handed our voucher over and our carriage and bed numbers got written on it. The train left on time but arrived 30 min late. We had a good experience, as I had hoped from reading other positive reviews.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 28. tra 2019.
Very nice train, clean, with helpful staff that tells you when it's your stop. The train arrived at its destinatioon only 15 minutes later than planned, so overall pretty punctual. Check-in procedure was very nice, I didnt even have to wait in line in Hanoi station (but then again I got there well in advance). You get food on the train, but it's only 1 banana and 1 cookie so make sure you take something for yourself as well. Much less noisy and uncomfortable than the 'regular' sleeper trains by Vietnam Railways. I recommend!
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 27. tra 2019.
The train ride was fine, we took our own hand soap and toilet paper. We had booked the whole cabin and slept reasonably well. Only problem was the cockroaches and fleas.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 23. tra 2019.
Excellent accommodation bottled water chocolates fruit and wipes were supplied. Remember if you are taller than 6 Foot you may be wedged into the bed bunk. Everything was great
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 22. tra 2019.
nice travel
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 18. tra 2019.
The trip was well organised and easy to exchange vouchers. Clear and accurate information. The only reason I’m giving a 4 is because I was in a top bunk on the train - close to the air con (which is centrally controlled) and I was freezing all night despite wearing several layers. Not 12go Asia’s fault but the train company won’t ask for feedback so have to write it here.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 17. tra 2019.
Very happy. A great experience for our family.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 15. tra 2019.
Fine cabin but a little dirty toilet. But overall an ok trip
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 11. tra 2019.
Toilet was not very nice and we had problem with doors to the berth.
Vlak#SE1 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 10. tra 2019.
Not our idea of luxury. There is no difference in the cabins so better to book direct at the station. Toilet dirty and no paper. Cabin dirty with cockroaches. Had to share with 2 men who got on later. Not worth the money! Only saving grace was the scenery as we left Da Nang
Vlak#SE2 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 9. tra 2019.
Muy dificil el cambio del voucher por los tickets , no hay una oficina para este tramite, poca información El tren es viejo y remodelado, es puntual y bastante limpio, podrían dejar mas elementos de cortesía
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 8. tra 2019.
Boarding was very quick and smooth and the train left on time. Like other travellers have commented the train was very noisy and rattled and bumped its way to Da Nang where we departed for Hoi An. Shared the cabin with a number of insects and a tiny mouse who was intent on eating our complimentary chocolate bar which he had half achieved by the time we got off. It was an experience but an ok one!
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 7. tra 2019.
You know, lots of negative comments on here and I’m reading some validity in many, but I think some expectations might have been off. Did Hanoi to Denang sleeper with hubby and two sons, so had a cabin to ourselves, which I think makes a HUGE difference. You can’t control for bunk mates. Bedding clean but not sparkling white. Toilets sloshed a bit yup. It’s a wobbly train. We brought wipes and toilet paper and were prepared for that. The boys LOVED the experience and the views for the last couple hours of the trip were fascinating. Boarding the train in Hanoi was fine. Had arranged for a driver with the hotel at the small Denang station, so the logistics worked. Really glad we did it. A fun part of the trip. Would I do it agaiin? Since flying is similar price and so much quicker probably not, but really am glad we did it for this leg. Bring your own food. Particularly breakfast.
Vlak#SE3 VIP vozilo za spavanje 4x, Violette Express Train, 6. tra 2019.
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