Nakhonchai 21

201 recenzija kupaca
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O Nakhonchai 21

Autobus je zgodan način putovanja bez obzira na to trebate li doći do susjednog grada udaljenog nekoliko sati ili se odvažiti dalje prelazeći cijelu zemlju. Bez obzira na vaš budžet, pokrit će putovanje autobusom. Ekspresni autobusi nude najpovoljnije cijene karata za putnike koji imaju vrlo malo novca. VIP opcije su usmjerene prema onima koji ne žele kompromise u pogledu udobnosti. Prije nego uskočite u autobus, svakako odaberite vrstu usluge koja vam najviše odgovara. Za dugo putovanje potražite VIP ili autobus prve klase koji nudi non-stop uslugu do vašeg odredišta ili samo staje na manjem broj stanica na putu. Ekspresni ili lokalni autobusi u mnogim se slučajevima mogu pokazati prihvatljivim izborom za kraća putovanja, ali dulje vožnje često nisu najbolja kupovina. Proučite vozni red prije polaska, jer mnoga dugolinijska odredišta prometuju noćnim autobusima, a neka nude šira sjedala ili ležajeve za takva putovanja. Napravite online rezervaciju autobusne karte kod Nakhonchai 21. Recenzije drugih putnika pomoći će vam da odaberete najbolju kartu i klasu autobusa.

Nakhonchai 21 Popularne stanice

Glavne stanice koje pokrivaju Nakhonchai 21 autobusi uključuju:

  • Nakhon Ratchasima Terminal 1
  • Mochit
  • Nakhon Ratchasima Terminal 2

Nakhonchai 21 Glavna odredišta

Autobusi Nakhonchai 21 prometuju na nekoliko ruta, a ovdje je popis nekih od najpopularnijih:

Nakhonchai 21 Cijene karata i klase autobusa

Jedna od najboljih stvari vezanih uz putovanje autobusom jest ta da možete gotovo skrojiti svoje putovanje prilagođavajući ga svojim zahtjevima za privatnošću i udobnošću. Različite klase i tipovi autobusa zadovoljavaju različite potrebe putnika. Najjeftinija putovanja obično se nude autobusima standardne klase. Mogu se zvati lokalni, brzi ili obični. Oni su dobar izbor za kraća putovanja. Autobusi za spavanje ili VIP autobusi dobri su i za duža putovanja i putovanja s noćenjem. Mogu ponuditi ležajeve ili široka, meka sjedala s naslonom, ponekad s ugrađenim masažnim opcijama, deke, bezalkoholna pića i grickalice ili obilnije obroke na putu ili tijekom toaleta ili zaustavljanja za točenje goriva. Putovanje noćnim autobusima omogućuje vam uštedu na hotelskoj sobi, ali kako biste osigurali najudobniju vožnju, mudro odaberite klasu svog autobusa. Cijene uvijek ovise o udaljenosti koju prelazite i vrsti autobusa. Za neka, čak i kraća putovanja, isplati se dodatno uložiti novac i kupiti mjesto u VIP autobusu jer možete uštedjeti dvostruko više vremena nego što ga provedete putujući običnim autobusom.

Putovanje autobusom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobus je najbolji izbor za dolazak do odredišta koja nisu povezana željeznicom ili avionom. Mreža autobusa često pokriva gotovo cijelu zemlju, a njihove rute su dobro i odavno uhodane.
  • Za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom i ponekad željeznicom, autobus ne zahtijeva dolazak na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed. Prijava, čak ni na međunarodnim linijama, ne oduzima puno vremena. Dopuštena količina prtljage obično je vrlo prilagođena putnicima, a naknada za dodatnu prtljagu, ako su postavljena ograničenja, obično nije jako visoka.
  • Autobusne karte mogu biti pristupačnije u usporedbi s kartama za zrakoplov ili brzi vlak. Uvijek postoji izbor klasa karata za sve džepove. Jeftinije standardne opcije možda su malo sporije i ne nude vrhunsku udobnost, ali su prihvatljive i dovode vas na odredište. Na duljim rutama, WC ili WC postaje, kao i grickalice, voda, a ponekad i toaletne potrepštine i deke gotovo su uvijek uključeni u cijenu.
  • Ako ste spremni potrošiti više, neki VIP autobusi nude sjedala usporediva s poslovnom klasom u avionu sa širokim, mekim, spustivim sjedalima, dekama, manjim brojem putnika i mnogim drugim pogodnostima koje će vaše putovanje učiniti ugodnim.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Novi međugradski autobusni terminali vrlo su često smješteni izvan grada blizu većih autocesta, kako bi autobusi izbjegli gradsku gužvu. Nažalost, to može stvoriti dodatne izazove i za putnike. Dolazak do takvog terminala može predstavljati problem, jer na nekim odredištima postoje ograničenja za vozila koja smiju ući na terminal, a do tamo ćete morati koristiti posebne prijevoznike. To rezultira većim troškovima jer cijene mogu biti prenapuhane. Također, izračunajte dodatno vrijeme ako putujete tijekom špica, posebno ako niste upoznati s prometnom situacijom na početnoj točki.
  • Autobusi su vjerojatno prijevozno sredstvo koje češće izlazi iz voznog reda nego vlakovi ili avioni. Oni uvelike ovise o situaciji na cesti koja ponekad može biti nepredvidiva – nesreće, radovi na izgradnji ceste, zaobilaznice, itd. Ovo posebno vrijedi za putovanja tijekom vikenda, vrhunca sezone ili državnih praznika. Imajte to na umu i nemojte planirati presjedanja točno u minutu.
  • Putovanje određenim rutama ili tijekom najpopularnijih razdoblja može zahtijevati prethodnu rezervaciju. Imajte na umu da nije uvijek moguće pojaviti se na autobusnom kolodvoru i uskočiti u sljedeći autobus – karte bi mogle biti rasprodane, stoga organizirajte svoje putovanje u skladu s tim.
Pročitaj više

Nakhonchai 21 Popularne Rute

Bangkok - Pak Chong
01:00, 03:30, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:15, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:15, 17:30, 17:45, 18:00, 18:20, 18:40, 19:00, 19:10, 19:30, 20:00, 20:20, 21:00, 21:30
Bangkok - Korat
01:00, 03:30, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:15, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:15, 17:30, 17:45, 18:00, 18:20, 18:40, 19:00, 19:10, 19:30, 20:00, 20:20, 21:00, 21:30
Nakhon Ratchasima - Bangkok
01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:40, 06:00, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:10, 09:30, 09:40, 10:00, 10:10, 10:15, 10:30, 11:00, 11:10, 11:30, 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 13:00, 13:10, 13:15, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:20, 17:10, 18:00, 18:20, 18:40, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:10, 21:00
Bangkok - Nakhon Ratchasima
01:00, 03:30, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:15, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:15, 17:30, 17:45, 18:00, 18:20, 18:40, 19:00, 19:10, 19:30, 20:00, 20:20, 21:00, 21:30
NaN Putnika

Nakhonchai 21 Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 201:0005:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 218:2022:204h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 206:0010:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 207:0011:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 208:0012:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 208:3012:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 209:0013:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 209:3013:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 210:0014:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 210:3014:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 203:3007:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 211:1515:154h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 211:3015:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 212:0016:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 212:3016:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 213:0017:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 213:1517:154h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 213:3017:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 214:0018:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 214:3018:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 215:0019:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 215:3019:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 216:0020:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 216:3020:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 217:0021:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 217:1521:154h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 217:3021:304h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 217:4521:454h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 218:0022:004h 0m
VIP 21MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 221:3001:304h 0m

Nakhonchai 21 Stanice

Nakhon Ratchasima Terminal 1MochitNakhon Ratchasima Terminal 2

Nakhonchai 21 Recenzije tvrtke

Very convenient, and always on time. Always recommended to everyone.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 5. lip 2023.
The whole booking process was very convenient and prompt. Excellent.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 22. svi 2023.
Good service, efficient, fast.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 20. ožu 2023.
Tesco Lotus pak chong is in the middel of knowhere so we got stranded over there We had to call a taxi to come picknick us up
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 26. velj 2023.
ช เ
Khun Pond is so polite. Fantastic experience
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 10. sij 2023.
The service was great. When with My friend came to the
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 25. pro 2022.
Service at the terminal and on the bus was great. Through all this traffic jam we reached Pak Chong in time to head to BMMF.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 12. pro 2022.
Superb service and very trained staff&#2.3720852677378E+24;
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 9. stu 2022.
The service and facilities on the coach are excellent. However the screened entertainment of sci-fi horror movies was not appropriate to a mixed group of different people.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 5. stu 2022.
This was an easier experience than I thought. The instructions were simple. The address was in Thai so I could show it to taxi driver. As an an added benefit I arrived earlier than anticipated and was put onto an earlier bus. This bus had a stop outside my hotel which the Bus staff told me about and informed me when I arrived at the stop. A real bonus. Highly recommend.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 22. lis 2022.
A great service that operates very well. Highly recommended!
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 18. lis 2022.
On time service
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 9. lis 2022.
The coach left nearly on time and made good progress through the difficult weather conditions.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 8. lis 2022.
Friendly staff and comfortable seats. The arrival into Bangkok was pretty confusing on where to go if you want to catch a grab.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 23. kol 2022.
Everything was perfect. Easy as no hassle at all. Will definitely use this service again.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 5. kol 2022.
I checked with bus driver before we left. He would stop and let me off at the BTS train station enroute. Instead, we returned to the bus terminal and i had to hire a taxi to go to the BTS train station. Very unhappy!!!
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 31. srp 2022.
First time using the bus and it was great
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 30. srp 2022.
Journey took 2.5h instead of 3.5h and the staff woke me up to ensure I got off at the right stop which was very helpful.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 18. srp 2022.
Excellent service staff is very nice , kind people really treat customers well, from check in to getting off the bus in Korat very professional staff
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 17. srp 2022.
Comfortable seat with massage
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 20. tra 2022.
Unfriendly staff, TV at maximum volume the whole way, impossible to rest. I do not recommend at all.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 14. velj 2022.
The trip in the bus was excellent, but we took a long time to find the bus. People that worked at the bus station sent us around for almost an hour until we found the correct bus.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 22. sij 2022.
All the people I met were very helpful, and all booking arrangements made for an uncomplicated journey!
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 2. sij 2022.
The bus was good. Plenty of leg space, working USB charging ports,TV, retractable chairs, free water, friendly service. I had a good journey.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 10. stu 2021.
1 hour to erley almost. and almost no notise or heads up befor stopping at our station
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 8. stu 2021.
Courteous staff in both terminal and on the vehicle!
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 9. srp 2021.
The staff was so friendly and helpful.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 25. pro 2020.
No more snacks. Only water provided. Some seats could not get reclined.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 17. stu 2020.
The trip was smooth as planned. I had a good experience with the 12go customer support team and the staff. Good job :)
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 1. lis 2020.
all was perfect
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 1. ožu 2020.
The most convenient way of transfer! Perfect
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 15. velj 2020.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 31. sij 2020.
Great service and trip! One of the best buses I have taken in Southeast Asia
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 14. sij 2020.
Everything ok
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 12. sij 2020.
Very very good!!!!
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 12. sij 2020.
Everything worked just perfectly. Thanks
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 10. sij 2020.
I’ve taken this bus service twice now ...once Overnight from Chiang Mai and this recent time from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima. They provide you with blankets, snack, WiFi, toilet w/ tp...A-1 Top Notch service ...would recommend to anyone! FYI Just be mindful of your belongings and keep your valuables on your person.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 6. sij 2020.
Very nice bus, comfortable, a lot of freebies.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 1. sij 2020.
Bus was on time, easy to find. The bus was clean and comfortable and air conditioned. We arrived 2 hours earlier than it said on our ticket which was confusing, but we contacted our host family and it was no problem for them to pick us up earlier. I highly recommend this service
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 13. pro 2019.
I very good bus and nice stewardess. Relaxed to travel on this way. A good experience
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 11. pro 2019.
Travelled with Nakhonchai21. Bus was spacious, with wifi and refreshment provided. Steward spoke English, which was helpful. But a bit disconcerting at bus terminals, as signs were mostly in Thai language
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 4. pro 2019.
Nice and comfortable. Shame they could not be flexible and allow us to board the bus before without charge, there was space and we could have arrived earlier.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 18. stu 2019.
Te weinig beenruimte
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 17. stu 2019.
Comfortable safe ride at a reasonable price. Will definitely use services again
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 7. stu 2019.
Easy clean helpful and a nice steady easy trip on the road felt safe on both trips there and back. Will use this service again for sure. Mochit staff are friendly and helpful.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 28. ruj 2019.
Brilliant safe comfortable and affordable.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 19. ruj 2019.
The place where the bus left us was on the national road, close to a commercial center far from further kilometers from the city Pak Chong and almost no way to join it from where we have been left.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 16. kol 2019.
Very comfortable
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 28. srp 2019.
good trip. good seat . one natural water and chips and bisquit. . perfect
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 21. srp 2019.
Very nice attendant! She was very helpful and energetic.
Autobus VIP 32, Nakhonchai 21, 19. srp 2019.
201 recenzija kupaca
97.5% od 201 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Nakhonchai 21, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju