Koh Yao Sun Smile

708 recenzija kupaca
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O Koh Yao Sun Smile

Dok se do nekih otoka sada može doći avionom ili su s kopnom povezani mostom, trajekti ostaju jedini način da se stigne do nekih od najljepših i najčudesnijih otoka, skrivenih plaža ili drugih morskih odredišta. Veći i sporiji trajekti prevoze vozila i putnike diljem svijeta, ali u određenim slučajevima morat ćete se odlučiti za manji, ali brži brzi gliser ili katamaran da stignete na odredište. Iako vam potonje štedi vrijeme, treba biti oprezan ako ste skloni morskoj bolesti. Kada je more nemirno, brzi brodovi koji zapravo režu valove bolja su opcija od katamarana koji umjesto toga jašu valove i tako vaše putovanje pretvaraju u rock and roll putovanje. Kako biste spriječili ili pobijedili mučninu putovanja, preporučujemo uzimanje posebnih lijekova – posavjetujte se s liječnikom prije putovanja. Dok ste na brodu, zgrabite mjesto na otvorenoj palubi gdje god je to moguće.

Putovanja trajektom koja nudi Koh Yao Sun Smile mogu se rezervirati online – na jednostavan i bezbrižan način, bez gubljenja vremena na posjet uredu za rezervacije.

Koh Yao Sun Smile Glavni pristaništa

Ovdje je popis nekih od glavnih pristaništa do kojih možete doći trajektima Koh Yao Sun Smile. Prije polaska provjerite cijeli vodič po stanicama:

  • Manoh Pier
  • Bang Rong Pier Phuket
  • Paradise Koh Yao Resort
  • Zračna luka Phuket
  • Koh Yao Noi Transfer
  • Koh Phi Phi
  • Zračna luka Krabi
  • Laem Sai Pier
  • Koh Yao Yai Transfer
  • Krabi Town Transfer
  • Bang Rong Pier
  • Ao Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay
  • TreeHouse Villas
  • Chong Lard Pier
  • Railay East
  • Nopparat Thara Pier

Koh Yao Sun Smile Vrste trajekata i cijene karata

Brzi trajekti uvijek najviše pogađaju vaš džep. Ako trebate uštedjeti novac, provjerite jesu li na vašoj ruti dostupne neke sporije opcije – obično su cijene mnogo pristupačnije. Osnovno je pravilo provjeriti duljinu putovanja prije rezervacije. Na dužim rutama razlika u vremenu putovanja može biti ogromna. Imajte na umu da nisu sve cijene ili klase karata uvijek dostupne na bilo kojoj ruti. Tijekom vrhunca sezone dobro je rezervirati unaprijed, jer je dostupnost skupljih privatnih kabina često ograničena. Odabir karata za ulaz na najpopularnijim rutama tijekom ovih razdoblja može dovesti do dugih čekanja. Neka odredišta imaju više od jednog pristaništa ili različita pristaništa za različite trajektne tvrtke, stoga je preporuka da provjerite pristanište s kojeg silazite ili na kojem pristajete prije putovanja. Ostavite dovoljno vremena prije polaska da pronađete svoj brod i prijavite se. Ovi postupci mogu trajati do nekoliko sati na međunarodnim rutama. Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno, neka pristaništa nameću vlastitu 'naknadu za pristanište' svim putnicima koji dolaze. Ova naknada obično nije uključena u cijenu karte – imajte to na umu.

Putovanje trajektom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja trajektom

  • Brodom možete doći do nekih otoka, plaža ili morskih odredišta do kojih inače ne možete doći. Dok putovanja trajektom mogu oduzeti puno vremena i ponekad uzrokovati da patite od morske bolesti, mogućnost posjeta najrajskim, tajnovitim, zabačenim odredištima na koja vas dovedu obično to kompenzira.
  • Karte za trajekt možete rezervirati online. Štedi vam vrijeme i osigurava da vaš itinerar putovanja ide prema planu. Napredna opcija rezervacije posebno je prikladna kada putujete tijekom razdoblja vrhunca sezone, državnih praznika ili dugih vikenda kada postoji velika potražnja za kartama i na rutama koje opslužuje ograničen broj plovila.
  • Na nekim rutama možete odabrati klasu karte ili kabinu. Postoje privatni odjeljci ili standardne kabine s uključenim ili neubrojenim dodacima. Uvijek provjerite uvjete svoje cijene karte kako biste iskoristili veći dio svog putovanja.
  • Putovanje trajektom uvijek je zabavno. Omogućuje vam da vidite mjesta koja posjećujete ili kojima samo prolazite iz drugog kuta. Većina mjesta izgleda sjajno – i potpuno drugačije! – kada se gleda s vode. Jedrenje pruža izvrsnu priliku za snimanje lijepih i jedinstvenih slika i videa – uskočite u to!

Nedostaci putovanja trajektom

  • Glavna briga tijekom putovanja vodom je mučnina kretanja, koja je vrlo iritantna i neugodna stvar. Čak i ako to nikada prije niste iskusili, nema jamstva da će i sljedeće putovanje trajektom proći bez problema. Uzburkano more i putovanja gliserom mogu natjerati i najjače želuce da mole za milost. Slijedite naše gore navedene preporuke i uzmite lijek pola sata prije puta. Uzimanje laganog obroka prije putovanja također pomaže – veće su šanse da dobijete morsku bolest s praznim želucem.
  • Kašnjenja i otkazivanja uobičajena su za putovanja trajektima, jer uvelike ovise o vremenskim uvjetima i uvjetima na moru. To se posebno odnosi na putovanja tijekom mjeseci polusezone ili izvan sezone. Kiše, more obraslo mahovinom i olujno vrijeme mogu ometati vaš plan putovanja – pokušajte ga održati fleksibilnim i nemojte planirati tijesne zračne veze čak ni tijekom sezone "uobičajeno dobrog vremena".
Pročitaj više

Koh Yao Sun Smile Popularne Rute

Phuket - Koh Yao Yai
Kombi Van + Speedboat + Taxi
08:30, 10:00, 12:30, 16:00
Trajekt Gliser
09:30, 11:00, 13:30, 17:00
Trajekt Gliser + taksi
09:30, 11:00, 13:30, 17:00
Trajekt Van + Speedboat
08:30, 10:00, 12:30, 16:00
Krabi - Phuket
Trajekt Taxi + Speedboat
12:00, 14:00
Trajekt Gliser
11:40, 13:40
Koh Yao Noi - Ao Nang
09:10, 11:10, 13:10
Krabi - Koh Yao Noi
Trajekt Taxi + Speedboat
12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
Trajekt Van + Speedboat
11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Trajekt Gliser
11:40, 13:40, 14:40, 15:40
Koh Yao Yai - Railay
09:00, 11:00, 13:00
Koh Phi Phi - Koh Yao Yai
11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Koh Yao Yai - Phuket
Trajekt Gliser
06:30, 10:30, 13:00, 15:00
Trajekt Taxi + Speedboat
06:30, 10:30, 13:00, 15:00
Koh Yao Noi - Railay
09:10, 11:10, 13:10
Koh Yao Noi - Phuket
Trajekt Taxi + Speedboat
06:15, 10:15, 12:45, 14:45
Trajekt Gliser
06:15, 10:15, 12:45, 14:45
Ao Nang - Phuket
12:00, 14:00, 16:00
Koh Yao Yai - Ao Nang
09:00, 11:00, 13:00
Ao Nang - Koh Phi Phi
09:40, 11:40, 13:40
Phuket - Ao Nang
09:30, 11:00
Ao Nang - Koh Yao Noi
12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
Koh Yao Yai - Koh Phi Phi
09:00, 11:00, 13:00
Krabi - Koh Yao Yai
Trajekt Gliser
11:40, 13:40, 14:40, 15:40
Trajekt Van + Speedboat
11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Trajekt Taxi + Speedboat
12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
Krabi - Koh Phi Phi
Trajekt Gliser
10:00, 12:00, 14:00
Trajekt Van + Speedboat
08:40, 10:40, 12:40
Trajekt Taxi + Speedboat
09:40, 11:40, 13:40
Koh Phi Phi - Koh Yao Noi
11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Koh Yao Noi - Koh Phi Phi
09:10, 11:10, 13:10
Koh Phi Phi - Railay
11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Ao Nang - Koh Yao Yai
12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
Koh Phi Phi - Ao Nang
11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Phuket - Railay
09:30, 11:00
Phuket - Koh Yao Noi
Trajekt Van + Speedboat
08:30, 10:00, 12:30, 16:00
Trajekt Gliser + taksi
09:30, 11:00, 13:30, 17:00
Trajekt Gliser
09:30, 11:00, 13:30, 17:00
Kombi Van + Speedboat + Taxi
08:30, 10:00, 12:30, 16:00
NaN Putnika

Koh Yao Sun Smile Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
GliserKoh Phi PhiNopparat Thara Pier15:0016:001h 0m
GliserKoh Phi PhiNopparat Thara Pier13:0014:001h 0m
GliserKoh Phi PhiNopparat Thara Pier11:0012:001h 0m
GliserRailay EastTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi10:0010:300h 30m
GliserRailay EastTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi12:0012:300h 30m
GliserRailay EastTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi14:0014:300h 30m
GliserBang Rong PierChong Lard Pier09:3010:000h 30m
GliserBang Rong PierChong Lard Pier17:0017:300h 30m
GliserBang Rong PierChong Lard Pier13:3014:000h 30m
GliserBang Rong PierChong Lard Pier11:0011:300h 30m
GliserKoh Phi PhiFloating Pier East Railay15:0015:400h 40m
GliserKoh Phi PhiFloating Pier East Railay13:0013:400h 40m
GliserKoh Phi PhiFloating Pier East Railay11:0011:400h 40m
GliserKoh Yao Yai TransferNopparat Thara Pier09:0009:400h 40m
GliserKoh Yao Yai TransferNopparat Thara Pier11:0011:400h 40m
GliserKoh Yao Yai TransferNopparat Thara Pier13:0013:400h 40m
GliserChong Lard PierBang Rong Pier13:0013:300h 30m
GliserChong Lard PierBang Rong Pier06:3007:000h 30m
GliserChong Lard PierBang Rong Pier10:3011:000h 30m
GliserChong Lard PierBang Rong Pier15:0015:300h 30m
GliserBang Rong PierNopparat Thara Pier09:3012:102h 40m
GliserBang Rong PierNopparat Thara Pier11:0013:402h 40m
GliserKoh Yao Noi TransferNopparat Thara Pier11:1011:400h 30m
GliserKoh Yao Noi TransferNopparat Thara Pier09:1009:400h 30m
GliserKoh Yao Noi TransferNopparat Thara Pier13:1013:400h 30m
GliserAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi13:4014:300h 50m
GliserAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi11:4012:300h 50m
GliserAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi09:4010:300h 50m
GliserAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayManoh Pier12:0012:300h 30m
GliserAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayManoh Pier14:0014:300h 30m

Koh Yao Sun Smile Stanice

Manoh PierBang Rong Pier PhuketParadise Koh Yao ResortZračna luka PhuketKoh Yao Noi TransferKoh Phi PhiZračna luka KrabiLaem Sai PierKoh Yao Yai TransferKrabi Town TransferBang Rong PierAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayTreeHouse VillasChong Lard PierRailay EastNopparat Thara Pier

Koh Yao Sun Smile Recenzije tvrtke

The whole trip was really well planned. We booked last minute the night before and the booking had been received by the following morning. Clear instructions were given as to check in time and meeting points. Bags were all loaded and unloaded at the right destination and the crew were really helpful.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 24. ožu 2024.
Well organised, great transfer, thanks guys
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 16. ožu 2024.
Good overall experience.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 4. ožu 2024.
The speedboat was almost on time and very comfortable.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 2. ožu 2024.
Perfect service, everything went smooth and easy
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 29. velj 2024.
Smooth crossing, no complaints.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 13. sij 2024.
The Bus driver wasn‘t very friendly and drove very dangerously. The boat had over 40min delay and was overbooked, not everybody was able to sit down
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 8. sij 2024.
Driver was on time and it was a plea sent drive. We also left a bag with valuable items in the car and we were able to contact Grab and the driver contacted us to return the items. Excellent service by Grab and the driver.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 6. sij 2024.
The journey duration is wrong, it’s probably about 2.5 hours, but overall a really good service. Great communication.
Trajekt Van + Speedboat, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 1. sij 2024.
The van was an hour late and then we waited quite awhile for a boat. Some people got to go earlier. The WhatsApp person was VERY helpful though so it wasn't nearly as stressful as it could have been. The van was very fancy.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 30. pro 2023.
All just perfect!
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 24. pro 2023.
The boat was delayed, was told to wait in an area and no one provided info while we were waiting. We approached the ticket office and quickly escorted to the boat, we almost missed had we not asked.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 23. pro 2023.
We have been collected 30 minutes before departure of the speedboat in our hotel. The boat was pretty full, but everyone had a place to seat.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 10. pro 2023.
operator on time, everything well. maybe a photo of the type of van that will pick you up would be helpful. I was about to get into the wrong truck.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 7. pro 2023.
On time
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 5. pro 2023.
The boat got stuck on the sand while leaving the pier. All the people in the back seats got dirt on their backs (black sand). After several tries and 30 minutes late we managed to arrive to Phi phi island.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 26. stu 2023.
Friendly staff and leaving on time. So overall good. But too many people in the boat.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 22. stu 2023.
I booked only an hour before and therefore wasn’t collected (totally understandable). They sorted everything no problem and put me on the ferry that same day and refunded the difference. For this I have to give a good review.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 20. stu 2023.
Pick-up fine, decent boat. However, boat was too full, zero life jackets to be seen. But we didn’t die so there’s that.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 12. lis 2023.
It was just amazing, amazing tour amazing guides amazing vibes &#1.8123926056639E+23; thank you
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 12. lis 2023.
If you get motion sick bring a puke bag with you. Extremely bumpy ride. At first everyone was laughing at how comically bumpy it was, but half way through everyone felt and looked miserable. We did get there though so that's something.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 28. ruj 2023.
The journey was effortless even the changing of boats the operators were informative and on hand to help.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 25. ruj 2023.
The check-in was a bit unconventional but fast, the pier was just a sand beach und we didn’t really get much information from the operator. But he had a good overview and everybody arrived where they were supposed to be - on time. It started to heavily rain and “storm” while the crossing and the captain slowed down and drove very carefully, so we always felt safe. The boat was in great condition, not crowded and we even received water for the just 40min drive. On board the operator gave us some Information what island we were seeing and clearly told everybody who needs to leave where, since we had 3 stops in total (Yao Noi, Yao Yai and Phuket)
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 16. ruj 2023.
50 people is too many for that speedboat
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 26. kol 2023.
Efficient from start to finish.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 16. kol 2023.
Everything was perfect, the transfer from the hotel and the boat to the destination And on time
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 16. kol 2023.
We enjoyed our boat trip and got picked up at the other end to go to our hotel. All happened easily and on time.
Trajekt Gliser + taksi, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 21. srp 2023.
Good service, thank you
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 20. srp 2023.
Easy, clear, fast.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 12. srp 2023.
Pickup on time. 1 luggage per person. Must be able to carry the rest. Transfer to hotel is not offered but taxi is usually waiting at pier. Confirm price with taxi before getting on. It has been 100 baht historically and with my ride. Do not sit in the back if it looks rainy. Sit in the middle if prone to motion sickness. Very stable. Expect boat to leave pier 10-15 minute late as they must de-board passengers.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 29. lip 2023.
The pickup and the journey was very good. The boat seemed a bit too crowded, but overall a good organization.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 25. lip 2023.
Everything was 👍 Very nice adventure Very good guide &#2.3708862293677E+24;
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 8. lip 2023.
Fast but not comfortable
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 21. svi 2023.
Smooth ride and made it in less than an hour
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 13. svi 2023.
Unfortunately, the journey had several stops, hence the long journey. Staff was nice, there was free water on departure on Koh Phi Phi and in between.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 12. svi 2023.
The speedboat was stop in two place between Phi Phi and Yao Yai so trip was long. But the views were beautiful!
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 8. svi 2023.
Quick ride from ko phi phi to railey
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 30. tra 2023.
Smooth fast transfer
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 28. tra 2023.
Everything was well organized. Nothing to think about !
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 24. tra 2023.
Flexible in changing one Speedboot earlier as booked and in time, great and professional
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 23. tra 2023.
This company and their reps are great. Always willing to give you information. Boat was on time and journey was pleasant.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 27. ožu 2023.
Great boat, smooth journey. Would be nice next time to know how many stops.. We were about 30 mins late to arrive..
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 23. ožu 2023.
Little delay seem due to passenger not in time for embarkment on boat. The travel was nethertheless good.
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 21. ožu 2023.
It was at Time .good trip
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 21. ožu 2023.
Excellent service however be aware that you may need to swap boats we weren’t expecting this, had an hour wait on a nice island which broke up the journey and allowed for a rest
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 20. ožu 2023.
We were collected from our hotel, whixh was great. We were then dropped at the pier and told to wait for the boat. The whole journey was definitely more than 30mins! But no problem for us as we had no onward plans except for checking in. There were taxis at the destination pier whixh was also great. (One of the Sun Smile crew was more interested in chatting to some beautiful, young girls and asking their plans, instead of checking in passengers - he was even a bit gruff when I interrupted him to ask about transfers, but otherwise all great)
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 16. ožu 2023.
Congratulations to 12go.asia. to the entire staff, and particularly to the 12Go support team !! Thank you ! I give you 5* !! P.B.French customer
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 1. ožu 2023.
All went fine, only 25min late
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 1. ožu 2023.
Everything was well organized and worked out perfectly. Exactly how described and no delays or other problems.
Trajekt Gliser + taksi, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 21. velj 2023.
Arrival 1h late The person at the desk was not friendly at all
Trajekt Gliser, Koh Yao Sun Smile, 20. velj 2023.
708 recenzija kupaca
96.5% od 708 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Koh Yao Sun Smile, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju