Eka Jaya Fast Boat

226 recenzija kupaca
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O Eka Jaya Fast Boat

Dok se do nekih otoka sada može doći avionom ili su s kopnom povezani mostom, trajekti ostaju jedini način da se stigne do nekih od najljepših i najčudesnijih otoka, skrivenih plaža ili drugih morskih odredišta. Veći i sporiji trajekti prevoze vozila i putnike diljem svijeta, ali u određenim slučajevima morat ćete se odlučiti za manji, ali brži brzi gliser ili katamaran da stignete na odredište. Iako vam potonje štedi vrijeme, treba biti oprezan ako ste skloni morskoj bolesti. Kada je more nemirno, brzi brodovi koji zapravo režu valove bolja su opcija od katamarana koji umjesto toga jašu valove i tako vaše putovanje pretvaraju u rock and roll putovanje. Kako biste spriječili ili pobijedili mučninu putovanja, preporučujemo uzimanje posebnih lijekova – posavjetujte se s liječnikom prije putovanja. Dok ste na brodu, zgrabite mjesto na otvorenoj palubi gdje god je to moguće.

Putovanja trajektom koja nudi Eka Jaya Fast Boat mogu se rezervirati online – na jednostavan i bezbrižan način, bez gubljenja vremena na posjet uredu za rezervacije.

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Glavni pristaništa

Ovdje je popis nekih od glavnih pristaništa do kojih možete doći trajektima Eka Jaya Fast Boat. Prije polaska provjerite cijeli vodič po stanicama:

  • Nusa Penida
  • Padang Bai Port
  • Gili Meno
  • Lembongan Eka Jaya
  • Gili Trawangan Beach
  • Serangan Pier
  • Padang Bai Pier
  • Serangan Eka Jaya
  • Gili Trawangan Port
  • Toya Pakeh Harbour
  • Senggigi Pier
  • Bangsal Pier
  • Gili Air

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Vrste trajekata i cijene karata

Brzi trajekti uvijek najviše pogađaju vaš džep. Ako trebate uštedjeti novac, provjerite jesu li na vašoj ruti dostupne neke sporije opcije – obično su cijene mnogo pristupačnije. Osnovno je pravilo provjeriti duljinu putovanja prije rezervacije. Na dužim rutama razlika u vremenu putovanja može biti ogromna. Imajte na umu da nisu sve cijene ili klase karata uvijek dostupne na bilo kojoj ruti. Tijekom vrhunca sezone dobro je rezervirati unaprijed, jer je dostupnost skupljih privatnih kabina često ograničena. Odabir karata za ulaz na najpopularnijim rutama tijekom ovih razdoblja može dovesti do dugih čekanja. Neka odredišta imaju više od jednog pristaništa ili različita pristaništa za različite trajektne tvrtke, stoga je preporuka da provjerite pristanište s kojeg silazite ili na kojem pristajete prije putovanja. Ostavite dovoljno vremena prije polaska da pronađete svoj brod i prijavite se. Ovi postupci mogu trajati do nekoliko sati na međunarodnim rutama. Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno, neka pristaništa nameću vlastitu 'naknadu za pristanište' svim putnicima koji dolaze. Ova naknada obično nije uključena u cijenu karte – imajte to na umu.

Putovanje trajektom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja trajektom

  • Brodom možete doći do nekih otoka, plaža ili morskih odredišta do kojih inače ne možete doći. Dok putovanja trajektom mogu oduzeti puno vremena i ponekad uzrokovati da patite od morske bolesti, mogućnost posjeta najrajskim, tajnovitim, zabačenim odredištima na koja vas dovedu obično to kompenzira.
  • Karte za trajekt možete rezervirati online. Štedi vam vrijeme i osigurava da vaš itinerar putovanja ide prema planu. Napredna opcija rezervacije posebno je prikladna kada putujete tijekom razdoblja vrhunca sezone, državnih praznika ili dugih vikenda kada postoji velika potražnja za kartama i na rutama koje opslužuje ograničen broj plovila.
  • Na nekim rutama možete odabrati klasu karte ili kabinu. Postoje privatni odjeljci ili standardne kabine s uključenim ili neubrojenim dodacima. Uvijek provjerite uvjete svoje cijene karte kako biste iskoristili veći dio svog putovanja.
  • Putovanje trajektom uvijek je zabavno. Omogućuje vam da vidite mjesta koja posjećujete ili kojima samo prolazite iz drugog kuta. Većina mjesta izgleda sjajno – i potpuno drugačije! – kada se gleda s vode. Jedrenje pruža izvrsnu priliku za snimanje lijepih i jedinstvenih slika i videa – uskočite u to!

Nedostaci putovanja trajektom

  • Glavna briga tijekom putovanja vodom je mučnina kretanja, koja je vrlo iritantna i neugodna stvar. Čak i ako to nikada prije niste iskusili, nema jamstva da će i sljedeće putovanje trajektom proći bez problema. Uzburkano more i putovanja gliserom mogu natjerati i najjače želuce da mole za milost. Slijedite naše gore navedene preporuke i uzmite lijek pola sata prije puta. Uzimanje laganog obroka prije putovanja također pomaže – veće su šanse da dobijete morsku bolest s praznim želucem.
  • Kašnjenja i otkazivanja uobičajena su za putovanja trajektima, jer uvelike ovise o vremenskim uvjetima i uvjetima na moru. To se posebno odnosi na putovanja tijekom mjeseci polusezone ili izvan sezone. Kiše, more obraslo mahovinom i olujno vrijeme mogu ometati vaš plan putovanja – pokušajte ga održati fleksibilnim i nemojte planirati tijesne zračne veze čak ni tijekom sezone "uobičajeno dobrog vremena".
Pročitaj više

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Popularne Rute

Bali - Nusa Lembongan
08:00, 16:00
Bali - Otoci Gili
08:00, 09:00, 10:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00
Gili Trawangan - Nusa Lembongan
Lombok - Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Penida - Bali
09:00, 17:00
Lombok - Bali
10:00, 14:00, 16:00
Bali - Lombok
08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 16:00
Nusa Lembongan - Otoci Gili
Otoci Gili - Nusa Lembongan
13:00, 13:30
Bali - Nusa Penida
08:00, 16:00
Nusa Lembongan - Lombok
Nusa Penida - Gili Trawangan
Gili Trawangan - Bali
09:00, 12:30
Gili Trawangan - Nusa Penida
Bali - Gili Trawangan
08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00
Otoci Gili - Bali
09:30, 13:00, 13:30
Lombok - Nusa Penida
Nusa Penida - Lombok
Otoci Gili - Nusa Penida
13:00, 13:30
Nusa Penida - Otoci Gili
Nusa Lembongan - Gili Trawangan
Nusa Lembongan - Bali
09:30, 16:40
NaN Putnika

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach16:0017:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach14:3016:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach13:0014:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach12:3014:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach10:3012:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach09:0010:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Trawangan Beach08:3010:001h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierSenggigi Pier14:0015:301h 30m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Meno16:0018:152h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Meno13:0015:152h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Meno12:3014:452h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Meno10:3012:452h 15m
GliserNusa PenidaPadang Bai Pier09:0010:001h 0m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Air16:0018:452h 45m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Air14:3016:452h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Air13:0015:152h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Air12:3015:152h 45m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Air10:3013:152h 45m
GliserPadang Bai PierGili Air09:0011:152h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierNusa Penida16:0016:500h 50m
GliserPadang Bai PierLembongan Eka Jaya16:0016:300h 30m
GliserSenggigi PierPadang Bai Pier16:0017:301h 30m
GliserLembongan Eka JayaPadang Bai Pier09:3010:000h 30m
GliserLembongan Eka JayaGili Trawangan Beach09:3012:002h 30m
GliserNusa PenidaGili Trawangan Beach09:0012:003h 0m
GliserGili MenoNusa Penida13:0016:503h 50m
GliserNusa PenidaGili Meno09:0012:453h 45m
GliserGili AirLembongan Eka Jaya13:3016:303h 0m
GliserPadang Bai PierBangsal Pier08:3010:452h 15m
GliserPadang Bai PierBangsal Pier09:0011:452h 45m

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Stanice

Nusa PenidaPadang Bai PortGili MenoLembongan Eka JayaGili Trawangan BeachSerangan PierPadang Bai PierSerangan Eka JayaGili Trawangan PortToya Pakeh HarbourSenggigi PierBangsal PierGili Air

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Recenzije tvrtke

Overall OK. The time needed to geht to the final destination (Lembongan) ist nearly double
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 26. ruj 2023.
We find the ekajaya-station just after ask some people. A little bit busy on the pier but it seems to be organized
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 25. ruj 2023.
The boat arrived 30minutes too late in Gili Meno. There was very little to no information on when the boat would arrive. The ride itself was ok, but very bumpy, a lot of people got sick. But worst of all was arriving in Padang Bai and being harrassed by tens of taxi drivers clinging to you to book a taxi. We could barely reach our luggage because the pier was swarmed with taxi drivers.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 25. ruj 2023.
Travelled from Padangbai to Nusa Lembongan. Tickets worked fine and just checked in at the Eya Java check in an hour before
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 19. ruj 2023.
12go is very useful to get the right price without any extra charges from local people.Fast booking and easy check-in. Improvement area is the veichle very old and with little space and the overall baggage organization that is a mess when you arrive in Gili.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 28. kol 2023.
I arrived 45 minutes early as recommended, showed my tickets, and the onboarding procedure from obtaining boarding permits, tagging baggage, and boarding at the port was smooth. The Lombok strait is known to get rough and we could see the other fastboats struggle in these choppy waters. EKA JAYA, however is the biggest of them all and hence the impact felt is minimal. Professional crew overall (baggage could have been handled better). Anyway, for the money, they are highly recommended for your trip to the Gili islands and back to Bali mainland.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 26. kol 2023.
It smelled like petrol on the boat and the crew was constantly trying to sell drinks. Other than that the ferry ride was ok and we got our luggage. Also recommend taking a boat to Sanur or Serangan instead, as Padang Bai is a shithole with a taxi mob. The taxi drivers start bothering you before you even step off the boat and get rude when you don’t want a taxi. They try to scam tourists with the prices and claim that Gojek and Grab is not available in the area. My advice is to arrange a pick up with the hotel or a driver in advance.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 30. srp 2023.
Great boat but terrible loud music…. 100db of broken speaker music was definitely not adding anything to the ferry when you were sitting outside
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 27. lip 2023.
Best boat/ferry! The guys up top that sell beers and help with luggage are very friendly. Great experience. Will definitely use EkaJaya everytime!
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 15. lip 2023.
ferry departed on time and arrived on time
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 12. lip 2023.
Definitely recommend as a safe and fun method of transport around the islands! Nice to be in the sun & enjoy refreshments on the top deck. Inside is also nice because it’s quiet and has good AC.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 10. lip 2023.
You can't get a grab out of this port and the local taxi drivers charge 3 or 4 times the normal price run by the local mafia, we left the port area to get a grab and were chased by guys on mopeds who forced us to pay them to get them to leave. Padang Bai pier is a terrible port use another one
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 5. lip 2023.
Well organized. The boat was a little late (20 minutes). Beside that everything went smooth. Big boat, quite safe and comfortable.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 1. lip 2023.
Ship is nice and comfortable, however both trips final destinations reached by ~1,5 hour late.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 20. svi 2023.
Nothing is organized. Always delayed more the 1 hour
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 5. svi 2023.
Pleasant. The boat journey was calm, relaxed. Left 20 min. later but we weren’t in a hurry. Keep in mind that you have to pay 10.000 p.p. leaving the pier in Padang Bai and 10.000 p.p. when you arrive at Gili Trawangan pier (in cash)
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 6. tra 2023.
By far the best of the boats I used in Bali/ Nusa/ Gili. Much bigger boat so doesn't feel choppy even if the sea is a bit rough, great AirCon, lots of outside space on upper deck, food and drinks for sale. Boat departed about 30 mins late, but still arrived in good time, only took about 2.5 hours total. Only criticism was that retrieving the bags when we got off at padang bai was chaotic!
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 1. tra 2023.
The trip is not 30 minutes but 50. Also they tell you you need to be there 1.5 hour before departure but If you're there 20 min before it's perfect. The "harbor" is little wso no need to leave that early.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 29. ožu 2023.
very well organized & on time.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 20. ožu 2023.
Ferry was good but be aware from Nusa Lembongan it does not just stop at Padang Bai before Gili T. It also made two stops at Lombok and then Gili air and Gili Meno first. Took over an hour longer than advertised.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 20. ožu 2023.
The trip was very easy due to the kind and organized staff. The seats were comfy, the AC was great and they sell water/ snacks if needed! Highly recommend! Terima kasih, Guys!!
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 24. velj 2023.
Good weather. Very professional Company. I would recommend it for people worried about sailing with the smaller speedboats.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 23. velj 2023.
Boarding point was wrong on map… nearly missed ferry as we ran to the actual boarding point.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 11. velj 2023.
boat ride was good. Information on where and how to check in was lacking.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 7. sij 2023.
People was drinking heavily, others crying because of stormy sea. Some of the crew members was also taking some beers, and was more concern to sell beer than to take care of safety.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 5. sij 2023.
As someone who is sea sick and incredibly nervous I was very hesitant I’m getting this boat. However I was pleasantly surprised, the boat was on time and half full, the sea wasn’t too choppy and so it was an ok experience! Very glad I got this bigger boat, rather than the little speed boats which are downright dangerous!
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 19. stu 2022.
Good service, fast transport. Everything as expected. Morning boats are less bumpy than afternoon boats.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 12. stu 2022.
Delay and longer that expected
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 21. lis 2022.
The both was one hour and a half late. So actually it came on time at the harbor but it moved to another place and we had to wait for no reason under the sun.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 16. lis 2022.
Why do a have to pay extra te come to the boat?
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 12. lis 2022.
It was all good and I was happy to be on a bigger boat as there were quite some waves. However, my suggestion would be to turn down the A/C down a bit as it was freezing on board.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 11. lis 2022.
Ferry with AC and rest rooms (not always the case with other companies). Expensive fees for the « 100m shuttle » from Gili M. to the ferry..
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 5. lis 2022.
The trip was supposed to be 2 hours but the ferry took a longer route with Lombok, Senggigi etc ports first and we reached by 4.30 pm instead of 2.30 pm.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 2. lis 2022.
Zarpamos 30min tarde y llegamos a destino 1:30h más tarde de lo estipulado en el billete, después de hacer 3 paradas en otras islas.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 2. lis 2022.
There were cockroaches on the boat. The process of transferring to a smaller boat for Gili Air felt chaotic.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 29. ruj 2022.
I think that this is the best way to move from Gili to Bali.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 27. ruj 2022.
Real good. Proffesional, excellent ride
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 22. ruj 2022.
A bit delayed, but generally fine and all run pretty smoothly.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 22. ruj 2022.
Embarking point in the beach, instead from the pier, this isn't comfortable when you are traveling with luggage
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 13. ruj 2022.
The overall experience was good. The boat was 30 min late because at the departure time people were still coming inside the boat and we were there earlier in the morning for the checking. So, everything great but they need more organization.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 12. ruj 2022.
Trip was delayed by 20min, then it took 3.5-4 hours instead of claimed 2. staff "adapted" to loud and rude western tourists and behave like such, drinking beer, smoking, and making rude comments at women. Very loud music on the top deck. Luggage is handled very roughly.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 30. kol 2022.
Arrived a little early (1h 45 min while check in starts 1h and 30 min before departure) Pandang bai and was dropped at the shop of the company. We must Check in, according to them while we wanted to have lunch. They were heavily pushing us to check in, so we did. Then we were send to the boat immediately and ended up on another boat tan booked, which arrived one hour later than the one we booked. Probably because it took another route. However, the other boat (which I expect we should have) arrived at the same time, thus also late… please keep in mind that this boat takes longer than estimated and people in padang bai were not very helpful, also you need to pay additional harbour tax (10k per person).
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 28. kol 2022.
Great boat and smooth experience
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 26. kol 2022.
Well organized but the boat went to Lombok and Air before Trawangan so that we were about 1 hour late. Confortable boat, good service
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 23. kol 2022.
Un'ora di ritardo senza alcuna apparente motivazione, per il resto fattibile!
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 21. kol 2022.
Total trip time 3.25 hours. Starts at Gili T, then Gili M & Gili Air, over to Bangsol and Seggigi on Lombok before travelling over to Padang Bai, Bali Can you make this feedback anonymous if you wish to use online
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 14. kol 2022.
Big, stable boat with a timely departure and comfortable space to wait in their office.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 14. kol 2022.
Boat was late leaving as there were too many boats scheduled at the same time: the port needs expanding to make more room for people waiting and more space for boats.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 14. kol 2022.
Confortable and nice travel but more than 40 minutes in late.
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 14. kol 2022.
Arrived 1 hour later than schedule
Trajekt Gliser, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, 12. kol 2022.
226 recenzija kupaca
89.8% od 226 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Eka Jaya Fast Boat, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju