Ao Nang Travel And Tour

763 recenzija kupaca
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O Ao Nang Travel And Tour

Dok se do nekih otoka sada može doći avionom ili su s kopnom povezani mostom, trajekti ostaju jedini način da se stigne do nekih od najljepših i najčudesnijih otoka, skrivenih plaža ili drugih morskih odredišta. Veći i sporiji trajekti prevoze vozila i putnike diljem svijeta, ali u određenim slučajevima morat ćete se odlučiti za manji, ali brži brzi gliser ili katamaran da stignete na odredište. Iako vam potonje štedi vrijeme, treba biti oprezan ako ste skloni morskoj bolesti. Kada je more nemirno, brzi brodovi koji zapravo režu valove bolja su opcija od katamarana koji umjesto toga jašu valove i tako vaše putovanje pretvaraju u rock and roll putovanje. Kako biste spriječili ili pobijedili mučninu putovanja, preporučujemo uzimanje posebnih lijekova – posavjetujte se s liječnikom prije putovanja. Dok ste na brodu, zgrabite mjesto na otvorenoj palubi gdje god je to moguće.

Putovanja trajektom koja nudi Ao Nang Travel And Tour mogu se rezervirati online – na jednostavan i bezbrižan način, bez gubljenja vremena na posjet uredu za rezervacije.

Ao Nang Travel And Tour Glavni pristaništa

Ovdje je popis nekih od glavnih pristaništa do kojih možete doći trajektima Ao Nang Travel And Tour. Prije polaska provjerite cijeli vodič po stanicama:

  • Phuket Town Hotel Transfer
  • Ao Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay
  • Saladan Pier
  • Floating Pier East Railay
  • Phuket Transfer
  • Nopparat Thara Pier
  • Koh Phi Phi
  • Rassada Pier

Ao Nang Travel And Tour Vrste trajekata i cijene karata

Brzi trajekti uvijek najviše pogađaju vaš džep. Ako trebate uštedjeti novac, provjerite jesu li na vašoj ruti dostupne neke sporije opcije – obično su cijene mnogo pristupačnije. Osnovno je pravilo provjeriti duljinu putovanja prije rezervacije. Na dužim rutama razlika u vremenu putovanja može biti ogromna. Imajte na umu da nisu sve cijene ili klase karata uvijek dostupne na bilo kojoj ruti. Tijekom vrhunca sezone dobro je rezervirati unaprijed, jer je dostupnost skupljih privatnih kabina često ograničena. Odabir karata za ulaz na najpopularnijim rutama tijekom ovih razdoblja može dovesti do dugih čekanja. Neka odredišta imaju više od jednog pristaništa ili različita pristaništa za različite trajektne tvrtke, stoga je preporuka da provjerite pristanište s kojeg silazite ili na kojem pristajete prije putovanja. Ostavite dovoljno vremena prije polaska da pronađete svoj brod i prijavite se. Ovi postupci mogu trajati do nekoliko sati na međunarodnim rutama. Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno, neka pristaništa nameću vlastitu 'naknadu za pristanište' svim putnicima koji dolaze. Ova naknada obično nije uključena u cijenu karte – imajte to na umu.

Putovanje trajektom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja trajektom

  • Brodom možete doći do nekih otoka, plaža ili morskih odredišta do kojih inače ne možete doći. Dok putovanja trajektom mogu oduzeti puno vremena i ponekad uzrokovati da patite od morske bolesti, mogućnost posjeta najrajskim, tajnovitim, zabačenim odredištima na koja vas dovedu obično to kompenzira.
  • Karte za trajekt možete rezervirati online. Štedi vam vrijeme i osigurava da vaš itinerar putovanja ide prema planu. Napredna opcija rezervacije posebno je prikladna kada putujete tijekom razdoblja vrhunca sezone, državnih praznika ili dugih vikenda kada postoji velika potražnja za kartama i na rutama koje opslužuje ograničen broj plovila.
  • Na nekim rutama možete odabrati klasu karte ili kabinu. Postoje privatni odjeljci ili standardne kabine s uključenim ili neubrojenim dodacima. Uvijek provjerite uvjete svoje cijene karte kako biste iskoristili veći dio svog putovanja.
  • Putovanje trajektom uvijek je zabavno. Omogućuje vam da vidite mjesta koja posjećujete ili kojima samo prolazite iz drugog kuta. Većina mjesta izgleda sjajno – i potpuno drugačije! – kada se gleda s vode. Jedrenje pruža izvrsnu priliku za snimanje lijepih i jedinstvenih slika i videa – uskočite u to!

Nedostaci putovanja trajektom

  • Glavna briga tijekom putovanja vodom je mučnina kretanja, koja je vrlo iritantna i neugodna stvar. Čak i ako to nikada prije niste iskusili, nema jamstva da će i sljedeće putovanje trajektom proći bez problema. Uzburkano more i putovanja gliserom mogu natjerati i najjače želuce da mole za milost. Slijedite naše gore navedene preporuke i uzmite lijek pola sata prije puta. Uzimanje laganog obroka prije putovanja također pomaže – veće su šanse da dobijete morsku bolest s praznim želucem.
  • Kašnjenja i otkazivanja uobičajena su za putovanja trajektima, jer uvelike ovise o vremenskim uvjetima i uvjetima na moru. To se posebno odnosi na putovanja tijekom mjeseci polusezone ili izvan sezone. Kiše, more obraslo mahovinom i olujno vrijeme mogu ometati vaš plan putovanja – pokušajte ga održati fleksibilnim i nemojte planirati tijesne zračne veze čak ni tijekom sezone "uobičajeno dobrog vremena".
Pročitaj više

Ao Nang Travel And Tour Popularne Rute

Koh Lanta - Phuket
Trajekt Trajekt
Trajekt Trajekt + taksi
Phuket - Koh Lanta
Trajekt Ferry + Ferry
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry + Ferry
Railay - Koh Lanta
Phuket - Ao Nang
Trajekt Trajekt
Trajekt Mjesni
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry
Trajekt Ferry + Longtail boat + Ferry + Taxi
Koh Phi Phi - Railay
Phuket - Railay
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry + Longtail boat
Trajekt Ferry + Long Tail Boat
Railay - Koh Phi Phi
Koh Lanta - Railay
Ao Nang - Koh Lanta
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry
Trajekt Trajekt
Ao Nang - Koh Phi Phi
Trajekt Trajekt
09:30, 15:30
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry
Ao Nang - Phuket
Trajekt Trajekt + taksi
Trajekt Trajekt
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry
Trajekt Taxi + Ferry + Taxi
Koh Lanta - Ao Nang
Trajekt Trajekt
Trajekt Trajekt + taksi
Railay - Phuket
Trajekt Long Tail Boat + Ferry
Trajekt Longtail boat + Ferry + Taxi
Koh Phi Phi - Ao Nang
Trajekt Ferry + Long Tail Boat
09:30, 15:30
Trajekt Trajekt + taksi
NaN Putnika

Ao Nang Travel And Tour Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
TrajektRassada PierNopparat Thara Pier08:3010:302h 0m
Ferry + Long Tail BoatKoh Phi PhiFloating Pier East Railay15:3017:001h 30m
TrajektNopparat Thara PierRassada Pier15:0017:152h 15m
TrajektNopparat Thara PierTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi15:3017:302h 0m
TrajektNopparat Thara PierTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi09:3011:302h 0m
TrajektSaladan PierNopparat Thara Pier13:3016:002h 30m
TrajektNopparat Thara PierKoh Lanta Saladan Pier10:3012:452h 15m
Ferry + Long Tail BoatKoh Phi PhiNopparat Thara Pier09:3011:302h 0m
Ferry + Long Tail BoatKoh Phi PhiNopparat Thara Pier15:3017:302h 0m
Ferry + Long Tail BoatRassada PierFloating Pier East Railay08:3010:452h 15m
TrajektSaladan PierRassada Pier13:3017:153h 45m
Long Tail Boat + FerryFloating Pier East RailaySaladan Pier10:4512:452h 0m
TrajektSaladan PierFloating Pier East Railay13:3015:452h 15m
Taxi + Ferry + TaxiAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayPhuket Transfer14:0018:004h 0m
Long Tail Boat + FerryFloating Pier East RailayTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi09:4511:301h 45m
Trajekt + taksiSaladan PierAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay13:3016:002h 30m
Taxi + FerryAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayRassada Pier14:0017:153h 15m
Trajekt + taksiNopparat Thara PierPhuket Transfer15:0018:003h 0m
Long Tail Boat + FerryFloating Pier East RailayRassada Pier15:1517:152h 0m
Trajekt + taksiKoh Phi PhiAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay15:3018:002h 30m
MjesniRassada PierAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay08:3011:303h 0m
Taxi + FerryAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayKoh Lanta Saladan Pier09:3012:453h 15m
Taxi + FerryAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi08:0011:303h 30m
Longtail boat + Ferry + TaxiFloating Pier East RailayPhuket Transfer15:1518:002h 45m
Ferry + FerryRassada PierSaladan Pier08:3012:454h 15m
Trajekt + taksiSaladan PierPhuket Transfer13:3018:004h 30m
Taxi + Ferry + Longtail boatPhuket Town Hotel TransferFloating Pier East Railay07:0010:453h 45m
Taxi + FerryPhuket Town Hotel TransferNopparat Thara Pier07:0010:303h 30m
Ferry + Longtail boat + Ferry + TaxiPhuket Town Hotel TransferAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay07:0011:304h 30m
Taxi + Ferry + FerryPhuket Town Hotel TransferSaladan Pier07:0012:455h 45m

Ao Nang Travel And Tour Stanice

Phuket Town Hotel TransferAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailaySaladan PierFloating Pier East RailayPhuket TransferNopparat Thara PierKoh Phi PhiRassada Pier

Ao Nang Travel And Tour Recenzije tvrtke

Everything was fine. The ferry is amazing because of the views!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 30. srp 2023.
I thought I was late for my boat but all the staff were super helpful!.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 27. srp 2023.
The staff were very helpful. I was using a cane and they made sure I was safe with every step. I especially appreciate the help getting my luggage off the boat and onto the pier.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 24. srp 2023.
Great experience, just the app isn’t working well on the iPhone
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 29. lip 2023.
Normal ride with small size ferry. Not much clean and seats are torn almost.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 21. svi 2023.
Loved the boatride. Nice view of different islands, helpful staff. A very authentic Thailand Experience. Only the air inside the boat on the lower deck was not very good and the seats were really old and torn apart.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 6. svi 2023.
There was no information where or when we had to change the boat, they just told us right at the time that we had to do it. In open waters with two backpacks we hado to change the boat. The second one was even older than the first one and smelled really really bad!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 25. tra 2023.
Koh Lanta to Ao Nang - Great service. Don’t expect 5-star boats for the price!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 14. tra 2023.
The boat first whent To krabi which wasnt mentioned anywhere. We changed boat out on the water and then continued to Phuket. Was a great boat AC and great Staff!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 9. tra 2023.
Standard Thailand ferry service. Gets you were you are going, but is always a mad scramble getting on off around (you will stop in middle of ocean and get transfered to various smaller boats based on where you are going in particular). If you are not used to these boats, they are fine, but keep you valubles on you/in a dry bag as your big luggae will be stored outside in a pile with everyone else.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 1. tra 2023.
The ship went first to Railey beach and then to Ao Nang, offering a great opportunity to admire both sceneries and take photos. The ferry is organized in three stories and the topmost is a terrace that allows to see all around the ship. The only half hour delay was a minor negative point in a relaxed holiday :)
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 29. ožu 2023.
Processes and comfort was good. We left the pier on time and had a normal speed. That’s why I don’t understand that we arrived 45 minutes late. It’s not a huge problem but it needs to be assumed, they aren’t honest with their travel duration.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 25. ožu 2023.
All Perfect!!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 21. ožu 2023.
All very friendly and the Trip was nice!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 17. ožu 2023.
Perfect! The check in point is the main (and only) desk at the pier.
Trajekt Long Tail Boat + Ferry, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 7. ožu 2023.
Hotell pick-up was a bit late, but worked out good in the end. Still arrived in good time for the ferry. The ferry was a bit run down but it was a decent ride, they sold some snacks onboard which was nice. After a short ride the ferry stopped in a bay and connected with another big boat. Dont now what happened but some passenger changed boats. Was a bit odd but maybe it was some emergency. Only took 15 minuters so it was fine. During the ride ferry-personal asked all travelers if they needed taxi to our respective place when we arrived. That was a welcome suprise and to a good price. If you dont book on the ferry its no worries, taxi and tuk-tuk drivers well flock arround you at ferry dock :) haha Easy to book and 12GO offer a good travel solution. Cheap way to travel as well.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 6. ožu 2023.
The boat left 30min late for no apparent reason and arrived more than 1 hour late.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 4. ožu 2023.
Great trip, a lot of help with luggage, almost on time. Take an upgrade for 200B once on board!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 1. ožu 2023.
Works fine, nice staff, easy process
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 28. velj 2023.
A stunning and very comfortable trip! Took quite a bit longer than advertised, but we weren't in a rush, and enjoyed the experience very much. The free transport from the pier to our accommodation in Ao Nang was also a welcome surprise!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 25. velj 2023.
Can’t complain about the ferry, lots of comfortable seats inside & staff were helpful. They even provided free taxis to hotels in Ao Nang.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 23. velj 2023.
Well the vessels this time ( Aonang princess 7 and 9) have been OK. Anyway when we change the vessel at Railey we get into a full vessel so no sets available because some people need to reservate a lot of seats. If you sell tickets to a ferry you should guarantee a seating too.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 21. velj 2023.
Really nice boat that wasn’t too crowded. Had to switch boats in krabi to get to Phuket from Ko lanta. It was easy and Directions were very clear
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 20. velj 2023.
not really good information where we have to take off
Trajekt Long Tail Boat + Ferry, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 18. velj 2023.
everything worked out perfectly. the ferry left on time and it was pretty comfortable. the transfer from the pier wasn't a van but a songthaew. it wasn't bad, just different from what I was expecting.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 17. velj 2023.
Left on time, arrived half an hour late but everything was OK. Good views on the way, not too hot on board (windows open for ventilation, no aircon). Enough seats for everyone. I'd recommend!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 11. velj 2023.
Everything was good but the ferry did not leave at 8:30. We have to wait for so many passengers till 9:15.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 10. velj 2023.
Easy to book , fair price and well organised ferry company
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 10. velj 2023.
Was not on time, 1h30 of late !!!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 8. velj 2023.
Very outdated boat. It needs a lot of working and cleaning done.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 7. velj 2023.
The boat left 45 minutes late
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 24. sij 2023.
Although the depart / arrival was delayed, I did not mind as it was a smooth and comfortable sailing with very nice views. There was enough room on the ferry and they also sell cold beverages
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 22. sij 2023.
Easy and cheap way to travel to Kohl’s Lanta
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 19. sij 2023.
It was excellent: easy finding what I was looking for, easy booking, easy traveling! Thank you, will use it more often while we're on our Asia trip! Full recommendation!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 5. sij 2023.
Took a while to set off but got there around arrival time.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 4. sij 2023.
Overall, cost us 2 hours late from pick up to drop off.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 1. sij 2023.
My luggage was taken to another location. HE was brought later, but I was told that I myself was to blame for this. I would like to receive instructions from the company - how should I control my luggage when transferring to another ferry. When trying to get a document about the delay of luggage for the insurance company, they answered me that they were not obliged to issue documents, and they also said that my English was not very clean (this is true). I did not see the care from this company, so I can not give a high rating.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 30. pro 2022.
Reliable, smooth and friendly service
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 24. pro 2022.
Took about one hour longer than expected
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 22. pro 2022.
Everything was as promised. Super easy when you had booked online!
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 4. pro 2022.
the air conditioner does not work travel time exceeded by an 1 hour
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 29. stu 2022.
air conditioning turned on full. Inside you could only endure a sweater and long pants
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 25. stu 2022.
It's very hard to carry a big wheeled bag from/to ferry
kombi Minivan + trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 23. stu 2022.
Great ferry, but take a sweater or jacket! The aircon makes it really cold inside
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 23. stu 2022.
Easy to book and straight forward experience! Pickup was slightly later than we thought but in plenty of time for the ferry and the bus to the ferry was very cramped but not an issue.
kombi Minivan + trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 17. stu 2022.
Taxi transfer to the ferry didn’t arrive, had to pay 600 BHT for taxi. The boat was very old, AC to the maximum, can’t lower it, can’t open windows. Boat broke down at the end, had to wait for 30 min for them to fix it.
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 15. stu 2022.
Ras Thanks vert good
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 2. stu 2022.
Everything was perfect
Trajekt Trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 2. stu 2022.
We arrive 1h30 before the departure. I think it can be better organized as we had to wait on the both for other people to come. We had to woke up very early for nothing
kombi Minivan + trajekt, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 26. lis 2022.
Confortable and fast to checkin.
Trajekt Long Tail Boat + Ferry, Ao Nang Travel And Tour, 25. lis 2022.
763 recenzija kupaca
97.1% od 763 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Ao Nang Travel And Tour, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju