25 box jellyfish were spotted in Chaloklum Bay on September, 10 and 11. Though other beaches and bays of the island have been visited and examined by the authorities with no more jellyfish found, encounters remain highly probable. To warn the public, special signs have been placed on the beaches.
Box jellyfish is a highly venomous jellyfish which delivers extremely painful stings potentially fatal for humans. To avoid being stung by a jellyfish, always check the sea before putting your feet in water. Wear long-sleeve rashguards and long pants and try not to swim alone.
If stung by a box jellyfish, try to see the doctor as soon as possible. In case you are unable to do it immediately let the lifeguards or staff from the neighbouring hotels know your problem. They are advised to keep vinegar and first aid kit for such cases. Vinegar poured on the affected area will slow the speed the venom spreads in your blood system. Keep quiet – do not move. Let somebody take off the remaining tentacles from your skin – if any – or throw sand on the stung skin – the sand will dry up and slide down together with the remaining tentacles. Do not rub, do not wash, not not put ice on the affected area. Stay safe!
Box Jellyfish Seen Near Koh Phangan, Tourists Warned
News in AsiaTourists visiting a popular island of Koh Phangan, Thailand, in the low part of the Gulf of Siam, Suratthani province, are warned to exercise caution while swimming in the sea as it is the season for poisonous box jellyfish.