Together with partners from both private and public sectors including the Expedia Group, Tourism Council of Thailand, and Thai Hotels Association among others, TAT is putting a lot of effort in promoting responsible tourism. The objective of the initiative is to cut tourism-related waste by up to 50 per cent before 2020 by means of switching from single-use plastics to reusable or sustainable items like cotton and paper bags, bamboo drinking straws, reusable food utensils and boxes.
Earlier this months a ban on single-use plastics in all national parks throughout the country has been implemented. There are also reports from different parts of Thailand about stores and businesses rejecting usage of plastic bags, as, for instance, in one Seven-Eleven store on Koh Tao which does not provide plastic bags with any purchase by default any more encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags or buy such bags in store for 15 baht.
TAT's initiative will kick off in Bangkok and then expand further to cover both the key tourist destinations like Phuket or Chiang Mai and secondary tourist destinations. Good luck!
Travel Thailand in Style, Reduce Plastic Waste
News in AsiaAnti-plastic campaign in Thailand is gaining momentum with a new Tourism Authority of Thailand's initiative 'Travel Thailand in Style, Reduce Plastic Waste' addressing waste problems in key travel destinations.