Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲

Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲

Woodlands Singapore
5月18日 週六
NaN 乘客


從Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲 的行程表

從Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲 的行程表
KKKL Express Express 07:30 - 13:02MYR 24.21
KKKL Express Express 09:30 - 15:02MYR 24.21
KKKL Express Express 11:00 - 14:12MYR 24.21
City Holidays Express Express 12:30 - 15:42MYR 23.10
707 Express 14:45 - 17:57MYR 23.10
707 Express 16:15 - 21:27MYR 27.50
City Holidays Express Express 19:30 - 22:42MYR 23.10
KKKL Express Express 21:30 - 00:42MYR 24.21

Woodlands Singapore 和 馬六甲之間的交通方式

  • 巴士
    $ 5.17
  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲交通資訊

最早的出發時間7:00 AM
最晚的出發時間9:30 PM
距離160 公里
運輸公司707, City Holidays Express, KKKL Express, KKKL Express SG, KPB Express, Super Nice Express

從Woodlands Singapore到目的地 馬六甲 的評價

It was supposed to arrive at 5:50am, arrived at 2:45! We were in the middle of nowhere at that time.
巴士 快速、直達, Super Nice Express, 2024年5月1日
Great vehicle, exceeded expectations with fully electric reclining chairs, 3 per row so nice and big. Electric hook up and free WiFi.
巴士 快速、直達, Super Nice Express, 2023年11月9日
Buro was, were it was toll, the bus also. And the Bus was very comfortable.
巴士 快速、直達, 707, 2023年3月22日
Busdriver was on time and the people at the information desk were really helpful. Bus seats were big and comfortable. There was not much information given when crossing the borders and getting check by customs, but it all worked out.
巴士 快速、直達, 707, 2023年1月25日
Bus was on time. They told us very clear that we had to go to another bus after immigration.
巴士 快速27, StarMart SG, 2022年12月11日
Te bus arrives whit 1'30" delayed
巴士 快速27, StarMart SG, 2022年10月6日
Only 1hr late, seats were bigger than expected, plenty of toilet stops
巴士 快速、直達, 707, 2022年9月28日
The trip is safety. And the staff is very professtional and kindly.
巴士 快速27, StarMart SG, 2022年9月18日
The trip was supposed to be 3 hours and it ended up being 7 and a half and the driver did not speak any English. We couldn't communicate and understand what is going on or if we had arrived or why he made two other stops. I put my end destination on my Google maps and showed it to him we got to Melaka so he can drop me somewhere close to the hotel and he also refused to do that. I don't know...it was a very mediocre experience especially for $22 worth...One last thing, send you vouchers in English next time. It took me 1 hour to find the bus station in Singapore cuz I couldn't read the instructions.
巴士 快速、直達, 707, 2022年9月11日
Everything worked properly. We had a printed version of our ticket as it was recommended by 12goAsia. However it wasn’t necessary as other travelers just showed the online confirmation. The Bus waited at the border crossings, and the driver checked if everyone was aboard, before continuing. There are no Toilets aboard the Bus, however you can use them at the border crossings. The seats were very comfortable and spacious. We arrived a little earlier than planned.
巴士 快速、直達, 707, 2022年9月6日
419 客戶評價


如何從Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲?

來往Woodlands Singapore 和 馬六甲之間你可以選擇 巴士。這是目前這條路線唯一的選擇。

從Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲多遠?

Woodlands Singapore 和 馬六甲 之間走陸路的話是 160 公里,直飛的話飛行距離則是 160 。

從Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲要多久?

搭乘 巴士 來往 Woodlands Singapore 和 馬六甲之間的話, 大概要 7 小時。

從 Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲的花費多少?

Woodlands Singapore - 馬六甲 路線的 巴士 票價大概是 USD 26.05元。想要最好的價格,請提早訂票。

每天有多少班次往返 Woodlands Singapore 和 馬六甲 之間?

每天有46趟巴士從 新加坡 開到 馬六甲 。

搭乘 巴士往返Woodlands Singapore 和 馬六甲的小訣竅 雖然從

Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲 只有一種交通工具,但你還是可以盡量讓自己的旅途舒適一點。閱讀我們的簡單提醒,以免你對旅程感到失望。##巴士


  • 想要坐得舒服點,盡量選擇等級較高的巴士。這種巴士通常有軟式躺椅,而且還有冷氣跟洗手間。
  • 你的票價有可能包括了水、點心,或簡餐。
  • 不是所有巴士都有洗手間,但別擔心 - 中途會停靠休息站。

提供新加坡 和 馬六甲之間巴士服務的公司有 707, City Holidays Express, KKKL Express, KKKL Express SG, KPB Express, Super Nice Express。

有多少遊客選擇搭乘巴士從Woodlands Singapore 到 馬六甲 ?

We have sold我們已經賣出 巴士 的票給 951 位旅客。 有些人在網頁上留下了意見,建議你事先參考。這是最有用也最可靠的資訊。