順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong

順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong

Nha Trang HoangLong
7月13日 週六
NaN 乘客


從順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong 的行程表

從順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong 的行程表
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 06:02 - 19:38VND 903k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 09:02 - 22:04VND 511k
Vietnam Railways Cabin 2x 11:08 - 23:04VND 1,445k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 20:29 - 09:31VND 852k

順化市社 和 Nha Trang HoangLong之間的交通方式

  • 火車
    $ 20.10
  • 巴士 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 計程車 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong交通資訊

最早的出發時間6:02 AM
最晚的出發時間8:29 PM
距離597 公里
運輸公司Vietnam Railways

從順化市社到目的地 Nha Trang HoangLong 的評價

Bus seats very narrow and AC on most seats broken so could not switch off. Driver using horn very often so hard to relax
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年11月8日
I booked the VIP first class carriage as I had read that the beds were softer. They were fine and after about 5 hours any bed is probably going to few uncomfortable. It was pretty simple from booking to catching the train. I arrived at gate two and the ticket had a carriage and seat already allocated, simple. What I didn’t realise is that I had booked a top tier bed. That meant that I was very close to the air con which had no controls, and despite it stating no smoking, all I inhaled for 12 hours was smoke. If it wasn’t for the lovely Vietnamese ladies below me and the man opposite who was train hoping because he didn’t buy a ticket 😆 I would have rated the journey lower. I also think the frequent stops and ability to get off now and again to grab something quickly to snack on was helpful. As all these reviews state, the toilets were awful, but the train food wasn’t too bad! So bottom tier, first class and bring a face mask.
火車 #SE1 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年10月5日
Nice car, in time. One stop in the mountains at a nice place to grab a coffee or go to toilet. Driver asked me for my hotel and dropped me off there. Massageseats doesn't worked, but this didn't matter for me. Also no WiFi, only at the start and at the rest area. Departure was little bit confusing, because Google maps showed me an other place, because there are two hotels with similar name in Nha Trang. (It's near the bridge) perhaps they could send GPS data instead of a confusing address.
火車 #SE3 二等空調座位艙, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年11月14日
40 客戶評價


如何從順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong?

來往順化市社 和 Nha Trang HoangLong之間你可以選擇 火車。這是目前這條路線唯一的選擇。

從順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong多遠?

順化市社 和 Nha Trang HoangLong 之間走陸路的話是 597 公里,直飛的話飛行距離則是 597 。

從順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong要多久?

搭乘 火車 來往 順化市社 和 Nha Trang HoangLong之間的話, 大概要 14 小時。

從 順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong的花費多少?

順化市社 - Nha Trang HoangLong 路線的 火車 票價大概是 USD 56.85元。想要最好的價格,請提早訂票。

每天有多少班次往返 順化市社 和 Nha Trang HoangLong 之間?

火車以時刻表為準 - 一天有 13 班車。

搭乘 火車往返順化市社 和 Nha Trang HoangLong的小訣竅 雖然從

順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong 只有一種交通工具,但你還是可以盡量讓自己的旅途舒適一點。閱讀我們的簡單提醒,以免你對旅程感到失望。##火車


  • 請注意火車有分冷氣車廂和風扇車廂;兩人座隔間或四人座隔間;硬座或軟座。
  • 雖然車廂等級越高旅程越舒服,但通常二等冷氣車廂或風扇臥鋪已經是夠舒適又省錢的選擇。
  • 務必提早訂票,特別是比較便宜的車廂。

有多少遊客選擇搭乘火車從順化市社 到 Nha Trang HoangLong ?

We have sold我們已經賣出 火車 的票給 6047 位旅客。 有些人在網頁上留下了意見,建議你事先參考。這是最有用也最可靠的資訊。