會安安富 到 大叻安富

會安安富 到 大叻安富

7月7日 週日
NaN 乘客


從會安安富 到 大叻安富 的行程表

從會安安富 到 大叻安富 的行程表
Grouptour VIP Sleeper 33 15:45 - 04:15VND 690k
Grouptour VIP Sleeper 33 16:30 - 07:30VND 805k
Techbus VN JSC Sleeper 40 18:00 - 08:00VND 545k

會安安富 和 大叻安富之間的交通方式

從 會安安富 到 大叻安富交通資訊

最早的出發時間7:00 오전
最晚的出發時間6:00 오후
距離700 公里
運輸公司An Phu Travel, Bamboo Airways, Grouptour, Techbus VN JSC, VietJet Air, Vietnam Airlines

從會安安富到目的地 大叻安富 的評價

Bus was very comfortable, staff was exceptionally helpful
巴士 VIP 32 Cabin, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 2024年6月25日
Left 20 min late but arrived 2 hours early. Bus in good condition, and clean. The sleeping seats are quite narrow since there are three rows of them in the bus and if you're on the “taller” side you’ll be bending and shifting a lot. I'm only 1m70 and it was challenging at first but thankfully there was a stop every two hours, ideal to stretch. The staff woman with blond hair at the Hoi An office was super helpful, smiley, and welcoming.
巴士 VIP 32 Cabin, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 2024年6月5日
The transfer was excellent, the bus was new. Seats are perfect, drove very nice we had bus stop do restroom and dinner
巴士 VIP 20, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 2024年5月30日
Was great actually, clean no smelly at all as i read in some reviews. Only thong that is also a bit of my fault is that i choose a bus without a toilet, i didn't have any issues with that after all. But i think is better to choose a vehicle that gives you the option. Easy thing to remember is that the 34 sleeper doesn't have a wc but the 32 has
巴士 VIP 32 Cabin, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 2024年5月12日
Choosing to ride a VIP car is a wise choice compared to the 38-bed car that I have experienced before, the big bed is very comfortable. Helpful admin
巴士 VIP 20, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 2024年3月7日
The bus was very spacious and very comfortable. The staff was super nice. All in all it could have been a super nice overnight ride! But there were two things that were a bit annoying: 1) if you book a certain time, you won’t leave at that time. But they group people from different departure times together, so they don’t have half empty buses. That would be absolutely fine (especially as we arrived on time anyways) but it’s annoying to wait so long before getting on the bus. 2) the driver was driving super fast and honking all the time. This made it impossible to sleept. While the VIP Sleeper is so comfortable, you could easily sleep through the long drive, yet the noise from the honking and trying not to fall out of your bed due to the crazy driving, you literally won’t be able to sleep.
巴士 VIP 20, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年1月24日
Bus was on time and the right place. As much honking as you would expect. The bus stopped for a brake 3 times in the 12-hours trip.
巴士 臥艙, Duc Duong Bus, 2023年12月16日
No curtains or charger points for the seats. Stopped at the dirtiest service station I've ever seen!
巴士 臥鋪40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年11月27日
The bus driver and attendant were quite pushy, demanding and yell at tourists.They made all of the tall tourists (I'm 192cm) sit in the smallest seats at the back of the bus (while trying to tell us they were the same) for 14 hours, while the other large comfortable seats remained empty for most of the journey with local people only occupying them for a few hours. In general the operators of these bus are deceitful, rude and treat tourists very poorly.
巴士 VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年11月25日
Bus had a 1h delay. Driver was always honking through the whole night. The bus suspension broke down before we could even depart.
巴士 臥鋪 38 特快, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年11月17日
29 客戶評價

如何從 會安安富 到 大叻安富?

會安安富 和 大叻安富之間的交通工具有 航班 以及 巴士. 航班 是最快的選擇, 巴士 則要花最多時間。最貴的方式是巴士,票價是 USD 39.40 ; 想要控制預算的話, 用 巴士 大概只需要 USD 19.65

從 會安安富 到 大叻安富要多久?

會安安富 和 大叻安富之間的交通時間介於 1 到 14 小時,看你選擇哪一種交通工具。航班 是往返會安安富 和 大叻安富之間最快的方式。航班 能在 1小時內讓你抵達目的地。 巴士 則慢得多,要花上 14小時 才能到 大叻安富。

從 會安安富 到 大叻安富的花費多少?

從 會安安富 到 大叻安富 最便宜的價格是 USD 19.65 如果你選擇 An Phu Travel (An Phu) 巴士,最貴可以到USD 39.40 如果你買的是 Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour) 巴士 的票。以下是這條路線所有交通工具的價格表。

每天有幾班交通工具往返於 會安安富 和 大叻安富之間 ?

  • 23 從 會安 到 大叻 第一班次是 15:45 Hoi An An Phu ,末班次是 18:00 Hoi An An Phu

上面的表是從 會安安富 到 大叻安富的巴士、火車、飛機,和渡輪時刻表。 #依照我的路線規劃,最適合的交通工具是什麼?


從 會安 到 大叻搭飛機 是最快也通常最貴的方法 , 但幸運的話你可能會買到 USD 97.42元的機票。

注意事項: 有些航空公司可能對行李有重量限制會要求,或者針對行李托運、座位選擇,還有大型行李額外收費。如果選搭飛機,記得把來回機場的交通時間,和候機、過海關,還有等行李的時間算進去 。有些時候這些事情可能會花上總共五個小時

提供 會安 和 大叻 航線的航空公司有Bamboo Airways, VietJet Air (Công ty Cổ phần Hàng không VietJet), Vietnam Airlines (เวียดนาม แิอร์ไลน์)


從 會安 坐巴士到 大叻 一定比較慢但也是 最便宜的選擇 注意事項: 想要坐得舒服,可以的話就選比較高級的巴士。這種巴士通常會有軟的可躺座位、冷氣,和車上洗手間。票價通常也會包括飲水、點心或簡餐,而且途中會停靠休息站。

提供會安 往返 大叻 的巴士業者有An Phu Travel (An Phu), Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)

從 會安安富 到 大叻安富最受歡迎的交通工具是什麼?

一天當中任何時間都有交通工具可供選擇,由於價格合理又舒適 巴士 仍然是最受歡迎的選擇。一千名購買此路線的顧客中 - 96% 選擇了巴士

  • 4% 決定坐飛機