Shinkansen JR Central

123 müşteri yorumları
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  • Popüler Rotalar
  • İstasyonlar
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  • Program ve Zaman Çizelgesi

Shinkansen JR Central Hakkında

Shinkansen JR Central, 12Go ile basit ve sorunsuz çevrimiçi tren bileti rezervasyonu sunuyor. Diğer gezginlerin yorumları, rotanızı planlamanıza ve size en uygun bilet sınıfını seçmenize yardımcı olacaktır. Bir gecede uzun mesafeli yataklı bir trenle yolculuğunuza eski usul bir hava katmak için bir trene binin veya varış noktanıza bir çırpıda varacak yüksek hızlı bir eksprese atlayarak süper modern bir dokunuş ekleyin. Demiryolu yolculuğu her zaman karakter ve duygularla doludur. Diğer yolcularla kaynaşın veya özel bir üst düzey kompartıman seçin. Shinkansen JR Central, deneyiminizi unutulmaz ve keyifli kılmak için bir dizi seçenek sunar. Rezervasyonunuzu onaylamadan önce seyahat tarihinizi, ücretinizi, biletinizin türünü ve diğer koşulları ve kısıtlamaları iki kez kontrol ettiğinizden emin olun.

Shinkansen JR Central İşletmesi Popüler İstasyonlar

Shinkansen JR Central rota haritası aşağıdaki istasyonları içerir:

  • Higashi Hiroshima
  • Kyoto
  • Shizuoka
  • Shin Onomichi
  • Shin Kurashiki
  • Shin Fuji
  • Shin Kobe
  • Shin Yamaguchi
  • Hamamatsu
  • Fukuyama
  • Shin Osaka
  • Kokura
  • Odawara
  • Toyohashi
  • Atami
  • Maibara
  • Aioi
  • Hiroshima
  • Nagoya
  • Mihara
  • Himeji
  • Shin Yokohama
  • Okayama
  • Asa
  • Hakata Fukuoka
  • Gifu Hashima
  • Mishima
  • Shin Shimonoseki
  • Tokuyama
  • Shin Iwakuni
  • Kakegawa
  • Tokyo
  • Nishi Akashi
  • Mikawa Anjo

Shinkansen JR Central En Popüler Varış Noktaları

Shinkansen JR Central tarafından kapsanan ve gezginler arasında her zaman yüksek talep gören rotaların listesi:

Shinkansen JR Central İşletmesi Bilet Fiyatları ve Tren Sınıfları

Tren yolculuğunuzdan en fazlasını almak için biletinizin sınıfını akıllıca seçin. Seyahatinizin uzunluğunu, günün saatini ve kendi tercihlerinizi göz önünde bulundurun. Gece daha uzun yolculuklar için yataklı vagonda birinci veya ikinci sınıf biletler en iyi çözüm olabilir. Her iki seçenek de gecenizi bir trende olduğu kadar rahat bir şekilde uyumanıza ve tatilinizin değerli gününden tasarruf etmenize olanak tanır. Bazen birinci sınıf biletlerin, daha uzun bir güzergahta birkaç saatlik kısa yolculuklar için rezerve edilemeyeceğini unutmayın. Genellikle kalkıştan terminal istasyonuna kadar tüm rotayı kat eden yolcular için ayrılmıştır. Yine de, bazen yumuşak koltuklardan oluşan ikinci sınıf bölümler, sizi 4-5 saatte B noktanıza götürüyorsa iyi bir alternatiftir. Fiyata nelerin dahil olduğunu kontrol edin. Gece yolculukları için su, atıştırmalık veya banyo malzemeleri olarak çarşaf ve havlular sağlanabilir veya sağlanmayabilir. Klima veya ısıtma standartlarınızı karşılamayabileceğinden, ilave giysi bulundurmak her zaman iyi bir fikirdir.

Trenle Seyahat: Artıları ve Eksileri

Tren Seyahatinin Artıları

  • Demiryolu seyahati trafiği yenmek için ideal bir çözümdür. Gecikmeler bazen çeşitli nedenlerle mümkün olsa da, genel olarak ne yoğun saatler, uzun hafta sonları ne de yüksek yoğun sezon, demiryollarında zamanlamanızı aksatmaz.
  • Tren biletlerinin çevrimiçi rezervasyonu size çok zaman kazandırır. Birçok destinasyon için, seyahat tarihinizden 90 gün öncesine kadar bilet rezerve edilebilir ve bu da planlamayı yeni bir seviyeye taşır. Yine de son dakika alımlar da sıklıkla mevcuttur. Rezervasyon yaptırmak için tren istasyonuna gitmeye de gerek yok - istediğiniz yerden yapın.
  • Çoğu durumda, tren biletleri uçak biletlerinden çok daha uygun fiyatlıdır. Belirli güzergâhlarda hızlı trenle yolculuk süresi, check-in, güvenlik ve/veya gümrük formalitelerinden geçmek için havalimanında geçirdiğiniz süreyi de hesaba katarsanız uçak yolculuğuna eşit hatta ondan daha az sürüyor.
  • Çoğu zaman, tren istasyonları şehrin merkezinde bulunur. Konaklamanıza ulaşmak için size çok zaman kazandırır. Daha eski tren istasyonları, genellikle tarihi binaları işgal eden süper ortamlarda olma avantajına sahiptir. Bu tür istasyonlara gidip gelmek, tüm seyahat planınızın değerli bir noktası olarak kabul edilebilir.
  • Gündüzü daha keyifli şeylere ayırmanın yanı sıra, trende bir gece geçirmek, otel masraflarınızı kısmak için iyi bir yoldur. Tercih ettiğiniz bir yataklı tren ise, oldukça iyi uyumayı da bekleyebilirsiniz. Yataklı otobüsten kesinlikle daha iyi!
  • Bazı güzergahlarda hizmet veren lüks trenler var ve kesinlikle hayatınızda en az bir kere denemek isteyeceğiniz bir deneyim.

Tren Seyahatinin Eksileri

  • Mesafe ne kadar uzunsa, tren yolculuğu o kadar uzun olur ve önemli bir kilometre kat etmeniz gerekiyorsa, bu çok zaman alıcı olacaktır. Bu nedenle, bazen daha pahalı olsa bile uçak yolculuğu daha iyi bir alternatiftir.
  • Sonraki ulaşımınızla ilgili olan bağlantılar ekstra dikkatle planlanmalıdır. Tarifeler normalde belirlenmiş olsa da, çeşitli nedenlerle gecikmeler ve iptaller her zaman mümkündür. Dikkate alınması gereken bir diğer husus da treninizin geldiği veya kalktığı istasyonun konumudur. Belirli şehirlerde ve lokasyonlarda birden fazla tren istasyonu olması bazen kafa karışıklığına neden oluyor.
  • Belirli güzergahlardaki trenlerle ilgili en yaygın şikayetlerden biri temizliktir. Çoğunlukla en ucuz sınıf vagonı ve tuvaletlerle ilgilidir.
  • Bazı tren yolculuklarında duraklar her zaman net bir şekilde anons edilmez veya belirtilmez. Elektronik ekranlar bu sorunu kolayca çözer, ancak her yerde mevcut değildir. Bu nedenle, durağınızı GPS ile takip ettiğinizden emin olun veya varsa bir kondüktöre sorun.
Daha fazla oku

Shinkansen JR Central Popüler Rotalar

Gifu - Maibara
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
09:54, 10:54, 11:54, 12:54, 13:54, 14:54, 15:54, 16:54, 17:54, 18:54, 22:24, 22:54
Tren Standart
09:54, 10:54, 11:54, 12:54, 13:54, 14:54, 15:54, 16:54, 17:54, 18:54, 22:24, 22:54
Fukuyama - Kyoto
09:06, 09:09, 11:06, 11:09, 13:06, 13:09, 15:06, 15:09, 17:06, 17:09, 19:06, 19:09
Osaka - Gifu
Tren Standart
07:54, 08:54, 09:54, 10:54, 11:54, 12:54, 13:54, 14:54, 15:54, 16:54, 17:54, 18:54
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:54, 08:54, 09:54, 10:54, 11:54, 12:54, 13:54, 14:54, 15:54, 16:54, 17:54, 18:54
Shizuoka - Atami
Tren Standart
10:09, 10:24, 10:26, 11:09, 11:24, 11:26, 12:09, 12:24, 12:26, 13:09, 13:24, 13:26, 14:09, 14:24, 14:26, 15:09, 15:24, 15:26, 16:09, 16:24, 16:26, 17:09, 17:24, 17:26, 18:09, 18:24, 18:26, 19:09, 19:24, 19:26, 20:09, 20:24, 20:26, 21:09, 21:24, 21:26
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
10:09, 10:24, 10:26, 11:09, 11:24, 11:26, 12:09, 12:24, 12:26, 13:09, 13:24, 13:26, 14:09, 14:24, 14:26, 15:09, 15:24, 15:26, 16:09, 16:24, 16:26, 17:09, 17:24, 17:26, 18:09, 18:24, 18:26, 19:09, 19:24, 19:26, 20:09, 20:24, 20:26, 21:09, 21:24, 21:26
Odawara - Tokyo
Tren Green Car
11:14, 12:14, 13:14, 14:14, 15:14, 16:14, 17:14, 18:14, 19:14, 20:14, 21:14, 22:14
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
11:10, 11:14, 12:10, 12:14, 13:10, 13:14, 14:10, 14:14, 15:10, 15:14, 16:10, 16:14, 17:10, 17:14, 18:10, 18:14, 19:10, 19:14, 20:10, 20:14, 21:10, 21:14, 22:10, 22:14
Tren Standart
11:10, 11:14, 12:10, 12:14, 13:10, 13:14, 14:10, 14:14, 15:10, 15:14, 16:10, 16:14, 17:10, 17:14, 18:10, 18:14, 19:10, 19:14, 20:10, 20:14, 21:10, 21:14, 22:10, 22:14
Fukuyama - Shimonoseki
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:31, 09:11, 11:04, 12:04, 13:04, 18:04, 19:04, 20:04
Tren Standart
08:22, 09:12, 11:04, 12:04, 13:09, 18:09, 19:09, 20:09
Iwakuni - Osaka
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:49, 07:58, 08:09, 12:20, 12:29, 12:47, 13:38, 13:47, 14:22, 14:31, 14:44, 15:22, 15:31, 15:44, 16:22, 16:31, 16:44, 18:11, 18:22, 18:31, 18:56, 19:23, 19:32, 19:39, 20:21, 20:30, 20:53, 20:56, 21:02
Tren Standart
07:49, 07:58, 12:20, 12:29, 13:38, 13:47, 15:22, 15:31, 15:44, 16:22, 16:31, 16:44, 18:22, 18:31, 19:23, 19:32, 19:39, 20:21, 20:30, 20:53, 20:56, 21:02
Kurashiki - Hiroshima
Tren Standart
08:10, 08:19, 09:00, 10:52, 11:52, 11:57, 12:57, 17:57, 18:57, 19:57
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:19, 08:59, 09:00, 10:52, 11:52, 11:57, 12:52, 12:57, 17:52, 18:52, 19:52, 19:57
Nagoya - Kobe
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:37, 07:42, 08:04, 09:01, 09:49, 09:54, 10:01, 10:13, 10:16, 11:01, 11:46, 11:51, 12:01, 12:13, 13:01, 13:49, 13:54, 14:01, 14:13, 14:16, 15:01, 15:46, 15:51, 16:01, 16:13, 17:01, 18:01, 18:46, 18:51, 19:01, 19:13, 20:28, 20:33, 20:55
Tren Standart
07:37, 07:42, 08:04, 09:49, 09:54, 10:13, 10:16, 12:07, 12:12, 12:13, 14:07, 14:12, 14:13, 16:07, 16:12, 16:13, 19:07, 19:13, 19:32, 19:37, 20:28, 20:33, 20:55
Kobe - Hamamatsu
08:41, 09:33, 10:34, 10:44, 11:34, 11:44, 12:34, 12:44, 13:34, 13:44, 14:34, 14:44, 15:34, 15:44, 16:34, 16:44, 17:34, 17:44, 18:34, 18:44, 19:34, 19:44
Yokohama - Aichi
Tren Standart
07:15, 08:15, 09:15, 10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 13:15, 14:15, 15:15, 16:15, 19:45
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:15, 08:15, 09:15, 10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 13:15, 14:15, 15:15, 16:15, 19:45
Hyogo - Fukuyama
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:22, 08:02, 09:55, 10:55, 11:55, 16:55, 17:55, 18:55
Tren Standart
07:13, 08:03, 09:55, 10:55, 12:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
Hiroshima - Kurashiki
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:02, 08:16, 08:18, 08:25, 08:34, 08:44, 09:00, 09:05, 12:33, 12:36, 12:38, 12:54, 13:03, 13:04, 13:20, 13:25, 13:51, 13:54, 13:56, 14:03, 14:12, 14:22, 14:35, 14:38, 14:43, 14:53, 14:56, 15:00, 15:06, 15:22, 15:27, 15:35, 15:38, 15:53, 15:56, 16:00, 16:06, 16:22, 16:27, 16:35, 16:38, 16:53, 16:56, 17:00, 17:06, 17:22, 17:27, 18:20, 18:27, 18:35, 18:38, 18:56, 19:03, 19:05, 19:06, 19:12, 19:22, 19:27, 19:36, 19:48, 19:55, 19:57, 20:07, 20:23, 20:28, 20:34, 20:37, 20:55, 21:05, 21:06, 21:09, 21:12, 21:21, 21:26, 21:27, 21:37, 21:53, 21:58
Tren Standart
08:01, 08:02, 08:05, 08:07, 08:14, 08:23, 08:33, 08:49, 08:54, 12:32, 12:33, 12:36, 12:38, 12:45, 12:54, 13:04, 13:20, 13:25, 13:50, 13:51, 13:54, 13:56, 14:03, 14:12, 14:22, 14:38, 14:43, 15:35, 15:38, 15:47, 15:53, 15:56, 16:00, 16:06, 16:22, 16:27, 16:35, 16:38, 16:53, 16:56, 17:00, 17:06, 17:22, 17:27, 18:34, 18:35, 18:38, 18:40, 18:47, 18:56, 19:06, 19:22, 19:27, 19:35, 19:36, 19:39, 19:41, 19:42, 19:48, 19:55, 19:57, 20:07, 20:23, 20:28, 20:34, 20:37, 20:55, 20:59, 21:05, 21:06, 21:09, 21:12, 21:21, 21:26, 21:27, 21:37, 21:53, 21:58
Nagoya - Kitakyushu
Tren Standart
07:37, 07:42, 08:04, 09:49, 09:54, 10:13, 10:16, 12:07, 12:12, 12:13, 14:07, 14:12, 14:13, 16:07, 16:12, 16:13, 19:07, 19:13, 19:32, 19:37, 20:28, 20:33, 20:55
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:37, 07:42, 08:04, 09:49, 09:54, 10:13, 10:16, 11:46, 11:51, 12:13, 13:49, 13:54, 14:13, 14:16, 15:46, 15:51, 16:13, 18:46, 18:51, 19:13, 20:28, 20:33, 20:55
Kyoto - Himeji
Tren Standart
07:20, 08:29, 09:02, 09:37, 09:43, 10:16, 10:37, 10:43, 11:02, 11:37, 11:43, 12:02, 12:37, 12:43, 13:02, 13:37, 13:43, 14:02, 14:37, 14:43, 15:02, 15:37, 15:43, 16:02, 16:37, 16:43, 17:02, 17:37, 17:43, 18:02, 18:37, 18:43, 19:02, 19:37, 19:43, 20:02, 21:22, 21:53
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:20, 08:29, 09:02, 10:16, 11:02, 12:02, 13:02, 14:02, 15:02, 16:02, 17:02, 18:02, 19:02, 20:02, 21:22, 21:53
Tren Green Car
07:20, 08:29, 09:02, 10:16, 11:02, 12:02, 13:02, 14:02, 15:02, 16:02, 17:02, 18:02, 19:02, 20:02, 21:22, 21:53
Fukuyama - Iwakuni
Tren Standart
08:22, 09:12, 11:04, 12:04, 13:09, 18:09, 19:09, 20:09
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:31, 09:11, 11:04, 12:04, 13:04, 18:04, 19:04, 20:04
Atami - Gifu
Tren Standart
07:43, 08:43, 09:43, 10:43, 11:43, 12:43, 13:43, 14:43, 15:43, 16:43, 20:13
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:43, 08:43, 09:43, 10:43, 11:43, 12:43, 13:43, 14:43, 15:43, 16:43, 20:13
Kitakyushu - Himeji
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
06:39, 06:50, 11:10, 11:28, 12:28, 13:12, 13:25, 14:12, 14:25, 15:12, 15:25, 16:52, 17:12, 17:37, 18:13, 18:20, 19:11, 19:37, 19:43
Tren Standart
06:39, 11:10, 12:28, 14:12, 14:25, 15:12, 15:25, 17:12, 18:13, 18:20, 19:11, 19:37, 19:43
Okayama - Iwakuni
Tren Standart
08:00, 08:50, 10:42, 11:42, 12:47, 17:47, 18:47, 19:47
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:09, 08:49, 10:42, 11:42, 12:42, 17:42, 18:42, 19:42
Kyoto - Aichi
Tren Standart
08:10, 09:10, 10:10, 11:10, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10, 15:10, 16:10, 17:10, 18:10, 19:10
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:10, 09:10, 10:10, 11:10, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10, 15:10, 16:10, 17:10, 18:10, 19:10
Kurashiki - Kobe
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
09:16, 09:27, 13:47, 14:05, 15:05, 15:49, 16:02, 16:49, 17:02, 17:49, 18:02, 19:29, 19:49, 20:14, 20:50, 20:57, 21:48, 22:14, 22:20
Tren Standart
09:03, 09:16, 13:34, 13:47, 14:52, 15:05, 16:49, 17:02, 17:49, 18:02, 19:36, 19:49, 20:37, 20:44, 20:50, 20:57, 21:48, 22:01, 22:14, 22:20
Atami - Nagoya
Tren Standart
07:43, 07:51, 07:55, 08:43, 08:51, 08:55, 09:43, 09:51, 09:55, 10:43, 10:51, 10:55, 11:43, 11:51, 11:55, 12:43, 12:51, 12:55, 13:43, 13:51, 13:55, 14:43, 14:51, 14:55, 15:43, 15:51, 15:55, 16:43, 16:51, 16:55, 20:13, 20:21, 20:25, 20:43, 20:55
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:43, 07:51, 07:55, 08:13, 08:43, 08:51, 08:55, 09:13, 09:43, 09:51, 09:55, 10:13, 10:43, 10:51, 10:55, 11:13, 11:43, 11:51, 11:55, 12:13, 12:24, 12:43, 12:51, 12:55, 13:13, 13:24, 13:43, 13:51, 13:55, 14:13, 14:24, 14:43, 14:51, 14:55, 15:13, 15:24, 15:43, 15:51, 15:55, 16:13, 16:24, 16:43, 16:51, 16:55, 17:13, 17:24, 20:13, 20:21, 20:25, 20:43, 20:54, 20:55
Tokyo - Himeji
Tren Standart
07:03, 08:03, 09:03, 10:03, 11:03, 12:03, 13:03, 14:03, 15:03, 16:03, 17:03
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:03, 08:03, 09:03, 10:03, 11:03, 12:03, 13:03, 14:03, 15:03, 16:03, 17:03
Fuji City Shizuoka - Gifu
Tren Standart
08:04, 08:07, 08:08, 09:04, 09:07, 09:08, 10:04, 10:07, 10:08, 11:04, 11:07, 11:08, 12:04, 12:07, 12:08, 13:04, 13:07, 13:08, 14:04, 14:07, 14:08, 15:04, 15:07, 15:08, 16:04, 16:07, 16:08, 17:04, 17:07, 17:08, 20:34, 20:38, 21:07
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:04, 08:07, 08:08, 08:37, 09:04, 09:07, 09:08, 09:37, 10:04, 10:07, 10:08, 10:37, 11:04, 11:07, 11:08, 11:37, 12:04, 12:07, 12:08, 12:37, 13:04, 13:07, 13:08, 13:37, 14:04, 14:07, 14:08, 14:37, 15:04, 15:07, 15:08, 15:37, 16:04, 16:07, 16:08, 16:37, 17:04, 17:07, 17:08, 17:37, 20:34, 20:38, 21:07
Hiroshima - Fukuoka
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:46, 09:02, 09:26, 09:42, 09:43, 11:19, 11:35, 12:19, 12:35, 12:40, 13:19, 13:35, 13:40, 18:19, 18:35, 19:19, 19:35, 20:19, 20:35, 20:40
Tren Standart
08:30, 08:37, 08:39, 08:53, 09:02, 09:19, 09:20, 09:27, 09:28, 09:43, 09:49, 10:09, 11:12, 11:19, 11:27, 11:35, 12:01, 12:12, 12:17, 12:19, 12:27, 12:35, 12:40, 13:01, 13:06, 13:17, 13:24, 13:40, 14:06, 14:27, 17:27, 18:17, 18:24, 18:27, 18:40, 19:06, 19:17, 19:24, 19:40, 20:06, 20:17, 20:24, 20:27, 20:40, 21:06, 22:48
Tren Green Car
09:49, 11:27, 12:27, 14:27, 17:27, 18:27, 20:27, 22:48
Hamamatsu - Nagoya
Tren Standart
08:47, 08:51, 09:47, 09:51, 10:47, 10:51, 11:47, 11:51, 12:47, 12:51, 13:47, 13:51, 14:47, 14:51, 15:47, 15:51, 16:47, 16:51, 17:47, 17:51, 21:17, 21:21, 21:51
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:47, 08:51, 09:24, 09:47, 09:51, 10:24, 10:47, 10:51, 11:24, 11:47, 11:51, 12:24, 12:47, 12:51, 13:24, 13:47, 13:51, 14:24, 14:47, 14:51, 15:24, 15:47, 15:51, 16:24, 16:47, 16:51, 17:24, 17:47, 17:51, 18:24, 21:17, 21:21, 21:51, 21:54
Osaka - Himeji
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
06:59, 07:39, 07:40, 09:32, 10:32, 10:37, 11:32, 11:37, 16:32, 17:32, 18:32, 18:37
Tren Standart
06:50, 06:59, 07:40, 09:32, 10:32, 10:37, 11:37, 16:37, 17:37, 18:37
Nagoya - Kyoto
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
06:20, 07:06, 08:27, 08:33, 09:26, 09:32, 10:26, 10:32, 11:32, 11:35, 12:26, 12:32, 13:26, 13:32, 14:26, 14:32, 15:26, 15:32, 16:26, 16:32, 17:26, 17:32, 18:26, 18:32, 19:26, 19:32, 20:33, 21:26, 21:33, 22:30, 22:32, 22:33, 22:58
Tren Standart
06:20, 07:06, 08:27, 08:33, 09:26, 09:32, 10:26, 10:32, 11:32, 11:35, 12:26, 12:32, 13:32, 13:36, 14:26, 14:32, 15:26, 15:32, 16:26, 16:32, 17:26, 17:32, 18:26, 18:32, 19:26, 19:32, 20:33, 21:26, 21:33, 22:30, 22:33, 22:58
Tren Green Car
06:20, 07:06, 08:27, 08:33, 09:26, 09:32, 10:26, 10:32, 11:32, 11:35, 12:26, 12:32, 13:32, 13:36, 14:26, 14:32, 15:26, 15:32, 16:26, 16:32, 17:26, 17:32, 18:26, 18:32, 19:26, 19:32, 20:33, 21:26, 21:33, 22:30, 22:33, 22:58
Himeji - Fukuyama
Tren Standart
07:28, 08:18, 10:10, 11:10, 12:15, 17:15, 18:15, 19:15
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
07:42, 08:22, 10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 17:15, 18:15, 19:15
Okayama - Shimonoseki
Tren Rezervesiz Koltuklar
08:09, 08:15, 08:49, 08:56, 10:42, 10:48, 11:42, 11:53, 12:42, 12:53, 17:42, 17:48, 18:42, 18:48, 19:42, 19:53
Tren Standart
08:00, 08:15, 08:50, 08:56, 10:42, 10:48, 11:42, 11:53, 12:47, 12:53, 17:47, 17:53, 18:47, 18:53, 19:47, 19:53
NaN yolcu

Shinkansen JR Central Program ve Zaman Çizelgesi

Tren numarasıSınıfHareket İstasyonuVarış İstasyonuKalkışVarışSeyahat Süresi
KODAMA 752Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo21:2622:491h 23m
KODAMA 752Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo21:2422:491h 25m
KODAMA 748Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo20:2621:491h 23m
KODAMA 748Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo20:2421:491h 25m
KODAMA 744Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo19:2620:491h 23m
KODAMA 744Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo19:2420:491h 25m
KODAMA 740Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo18:2619:491h 23m
KODAMA 740Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo18:2419:491h 25m
KODAMA 736Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo17:2618:491h 23m
KODAMA 736Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo17:2418:491h 25m
KODAMA 732Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo16:2617:491h 23m
KODAMA 732Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo16:2417:491h 25m
KODAMA 728Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo15:2616:491h 23m
KODAMA 728Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo15:2416:491h 25m
KODAMA 724Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo14:2615:491h 23m
KODAMA 724Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo14:2415:491h 25m
KODAMA 720Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo13:2614:491h 23m
KODAMA 720Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo13:2414:491h 25m
KODAMA 716Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo12:2613:491h 23m
KODAMA 716Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo12:2413:491h 25m
KODAMA 712Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo11:2612:491h 23m
KODAMA 712Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo11:2412:491h 25m
KODAMA 708Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo10:2611:491h 23m
KODAMA 708Rezervesiz KoltuklarShizuokaTokyo10:2411:491h 25m
KODAMA 752StandartShizuokaTokyo21:2622:491h 23m
KODAMA 752StandartShizuokaTokyo21:2422:491h 25m
KODAMA 748StandartShizuokaTokyo20:2621:491h 23m
KODAMA 748StandartShizuokaTokyo20:2421:491h 25m
KODAMA 744StandartShizuokaTokyo19:2620:491h 23m
KODAMA 744StandartShizuokaTokyo19:2420:491h 25m

Shinkansen JR Central İstasyonlar

Higashi HiroshimaKyotoShizuokaShin OnomichiShin KurashikiShin FujiShin KobeShin YamaguchiHamamatsuFukuyamaShin OsakaKokuraOdawaraToyohashiAtamiMaibaraAioiHiroshimaNagoyaMiharaHimejiShin YokohamaOkayamaAsaHakata FukuokaGifu HashimaMishimaShin ShimonosekiTokuyamaShin IwakuniKakegawaTokyoNishi AkashiMikawa Anjo

Shinkansen JR Central Şirketi Yorumları

Easy purchas
Tren#NOZOMI 41 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 1 Nis 2024
Your QR code does not work at the Shinkansen machine. Please tell your IT guys to get that fixed. Your customer service is useless!
Tren#NOZOMI 56 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 15 Mar 2024
Better to buy ticket in site, cheaper and faster, more schedules available.
Tren#NOZOMI 55 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 7 Şub 2024
Fast and good!!!
Tren#NOZOMI 242 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 29 Kas 2023
Trying to find the correct part of the station and use my tickets was very stressful
Tren#NOZOMI 11 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 11 Eyl 2023
I purchased my tickets the night before we needed Shinkansen tickets, so it was a bit last minute. When I bought my tickets it was charging me in Euros so I started to feel unsure, however I proceeded with the purchase. I received an email for my receipt but I did not get a confirmation email right away. I waited until the next day, which was our day of departure at 1425 hours. At 1030 hours I still had not received an email so my panic wostened. I started emailing 12Go inquiring about confirmation email. At 1125 hours I finally received my confirmation email so I was at ease finally. When we got to Shinkansen gates to board Shinkansen using the QR code provided, they would not work. Panic came back. I was afraid it was not real or 12Go was a scam. They let us board and we sat in our reserved seats which had to be legitimate because the conductors never questioned us sitting in the reserved seats. My panic was not completely settled as I wasn’t sure if they were going to charge me or what upon arrival. Again panic set in again. Once we arrived in Kyoto Japan Shinkansen train station we tried to exit with the QR codes and again they did not work. Panic came back. Because of the language barrier I wasn’t sure what to do, but the station attendant helped us, he was able to scan our QR codes on his system and we were out of the Shinkansen station and felt at ease again as we arrived in Kyoto Japan. It all worked out at the end, but as a foreigner traveling where you can’t speak their language it was nerve racking to feel something wasn’t right. In the future, I’ll just pay at the train station directly even if it means it is much more expensive.
Tren#NOZOMI 41 Green Car, Shinkansen JR Central, 29 Tem 2023
The bullet train ride was good. The main issue was transferring from Tokyo station to the Shinkansen. It was very complex and took a very long time. We needed to ask around a lot too. It would be great if the tickets came with some kind of map/guide to help travellers
Tren#NOZOMI 49 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 15 Tem 2023
Amazing - fast and on time !!
Tren#NOZOMI 17 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 20 Haz 2023
The QR ticket had trouble scanning
Tren#KODAMA 852 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 1 Haz 2023
2 hours before leaving we got the tickets!? But it was not too late
Tren#NOZOMI 34 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 26 Nis 2023
Overall, it is very easy to purchase and very easy to use. The vehicle is very comfortable, on time. All good!
Tren#NOZOMI 49 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 11 Nis 2023
The no reserve seats were so crowded and uncomfortable.. there was way too many many waggons with available seats. It was difficult as uncomfortable to find a seat and smelly
Tren#NOZOMI 45 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 15 Mar 2023
Very good. Thanks for your prompt response.
Tren#NOZOMI 203 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 11 Mar 2023
Surprised to learn you will confirm the ticket… if it was a shorter delay between buying and taking the train I will be very stressed. Then, very limited information to reach the right gate, because if the we code scan ( good solution but better with an app like adding it on a wallet) So, finding the right place in this huge station was a challenge. Getting a real ticke fat the gate should be clear too… So, selling a ticket is not enough.
Tren#NOZOMI 33 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 23 Şub 2023
Smooth quick and quiet while I got to see a side of Japan other tourists probably miss out on.
Tren#NOZOMI 1 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 14 Şub 2023
I wrote wrong emale adress and the support program help me right away. The ride was even shorter and the site is nice and easy to navigate. Its nice that thay also send guide in the mail on how to use the pdf ticket/qr code.
Tren#KODAMA 720 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 2 Şub 2023
Very straightforward and easy to use
Tren#NOZOMI 31 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 15 Ara 2022
It was very diff
Tren#NOZOMI 201 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 20 Kas 2022
I wanted to change my ticket to an earlier time but couldn’t figure out how to do so on your website
Tren#NOZOMI 433 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 12 Ağu 2022
The response from 12GO was helpful. However we waisted important travel time trying to get our tickets with the QR codes at the Shinkansen gates. In one instance we had to pay cash for one ticket and in the next instance couldn’t get two of our tickets and had to enlist rail employee help. Kind of unfortunate…..
Tren#NOZOMI 17 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 11 Ağu 2022
Excellent and good train, fast and comfortable.
Tren#KODAMA 753 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 19 Tem 2022
Booked the Shinkansen train from Kyoto to Tokyo. Comfortable and fast service. To board the train, you just need to scan the QR-code at the gate.
Tren#NOZOMI 218 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 15 Eyl 2021
Traveled from Tokyo to Kyoto. The train arrived on time, very fast and convenient service.
Tren#NOZOMI 17 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 20 Oca 2021
Tren#NOZOMI 218 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 13 Nis 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 255 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 21 Nis 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 26 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 21 Nis 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 25 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 7 Nis 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 8 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 3 Nis 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 51 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 1 Nis 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 26 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 28 Mar 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 30 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 19 Mar 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 203 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 12 Oca 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 22 Green Car, Shinkansen JR Central, 12 Oca 2024
Tren#NOZOMI 100 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 31 Ara 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 55 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 20 Kas 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 8 Green Car, Shinkansen JR Central, 14 Kas 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 107 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 6 Kas 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 25 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 17 Eki 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 17 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 16 Eyl 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 89 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 13 Ağu 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 55 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 13 Ağu 2023
Tren#Nozomi 18 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 13 Ağu 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 30 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 11 Ağu 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 56 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 30 Tem 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 38 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 28 Tem 2023
Tren#KODAMA 731 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 26 Tem 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 25 Rezervesiz Koltuklar, Shinkansen JR Central, 21 Tem 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 30 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 19 Tem 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 37 Standart, Shinkansen JR Central, 18 Tem 2023
Tren#NOZOMI 29 Green Car, Shinkansen JR Central, 26 Haz 2023
123 müşteri yorumu
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