Z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

Z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street
Nha Trang Agarwood Tower
pt., 12 lip
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Rozkład jazdy z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

Rozkład jazdy z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower
Nazwa środka transportuCzas podróżyCena
Viet Nam Travel Bus Sleeper 44 Express 19:05 - 07:25VND 715k

Transport z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

  • Autobusy
    $ 23.61
  • Pociągi jest niedostępny
  • Promy jest niedostępny
  • Loty jest niedostępny
  • Taksówki jest niedostępny
  • Minivany jest niedostępny

Co musisz wiedzieć o podróży z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

Najtańszy środek transportu24 USD
Najszybszy środek transportu12godz. i 20m
Najwcześniejsza podróż6:40 PM
Ostatnia podróż7:05 PM
Odjazdy/wyloty w ciągu dnia6
Odległość617 km
Firmy transportoweViet Nam Travel Bus

Opinie o kierunku z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

Hoi an to Nha Trang. Got picked up by a car from the pick-up point to the bus. The bus was clean. There was a lot of noise and beeping, but that is part of the busses in Vietnam. Got dropped at a different bus station, but grabs were available.
Autobus VIP Cabin, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 3 cze 2024
First of all we booked bus at 20.30 but it was apparently full so we needed to reschedule and got another one at 7pm (Hoi an to Nha Trang) . The bus was full of people, also staff sleeping on the floor on the corridor. Someone was also smoking most of the night (inside the bus!). The bus brought us eventually to a dodgy place next to the highway so not directly to Nha Trang. We got one more bus and after 40min we were at the right place… I would never recommend this company especially cause the ticket wasn’t even that cheap!!
Autobus VIP 20, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 1 cze 2024
My Seatbelt did not work. So i was thrown around for 10 House. And we did also expect a toilet for the extra money that we spent for VIP
Autobus Luksus, Cocovip Limousine (COCOVIP LIMOUSINE), 7 maj 2024
No disposable water n snack, although a vip sleeping bus the seats weren't reclinabile. Pretty dirty bunks
Autobus VIP 20, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 19 mar 2024
The seat was comfortable, but it was more than a 12-hour journey with only one stop which only happened 3 and a half hours after we had left Hoi An. As there were no toilets on the bus, this was a problem. After this, the drivers stopped for themselves many times in random places so they could smoke and pee, one of them peed just in front of my window too. In addition, the pick up and drop off places were different to the ones mentioned on the voucher and 12go website, and we arrived over an hour early (5 AM instead of 6:25), which made things a little tricky. Finally, it wasn’t really nice to keep smelling the smoke from the driver’s cigarettes he smoked while driving. Bad experience overall.
Autobus VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 8 sty 2024
Left 2 hours late. Got on a bus, got comfortable and then got told that this was the wrong bus (which it wasn't, because not all of us who were going to Nha Trang gor dismissed), got taken somewhere else and got up on a different bus. Also, I understand that all the drivers don't know English, which is fine, but if there's a toilet or food stop, can't they just remember the words "toilet" and "food" so all the tourist know what's going on and don't have to ask all the bus passengers in hope that someone knows English and translates?
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 38, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 1 sty 2024
Bus actually went from a different spot to advertised - had to get in someone’s car for a lift to the real spot. Beds were ok. Crammed - wouldn’t bring a bag into the cabin if you can help it. But expected that. Main issue was we arrived 45 minutes early and they didn’t communicate that we’d arrived. We checked Google maps and were still outside the town so thought this was just a quick toilet stop: then then started shoving all the bags out and shouting at us to hurry up. They helped load our bags onto scooters before we were even off the bus to you have to try even harder not to get scammed with an overpriced scooter ride to your hotel.
Autobus VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 1 sty 2024
The seats were nice, but the buss driver and staff didn’t let us oss by the first stoop for some odd reason. So we had too pay a lot more for taxi than we needed two. Did not want to listen when we tried to explain…
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 38, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 19 gru 2023
The pick up / meeting point provided was wrong and had to wait ages to be transferred to the correct place. The bus itself came over an hour and a half late and didn’t even drop us to the location as purchased on the ticket. Stopped way outside the drop of point and we were forced off the bus to be greeted by taxi drivers aggressively telling us to come with them as there is no other way to the drop off point as the bus isn’t going there despite it saying that on the ticket. Had to spend more money on a taxi despite buying a ticket to a specific place. Only positive was the bus was comfortable and had a curtain.
Autobus VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 7 gru 2023
Overall comfy seats and clean bus. Had to get a small car to the big bud meeting point but we were dropped off 30mins before the big bus arrived and had to wait under a shack to get out of the rain. Bus left outskirts Hoi an at 21:30 and arrived in Nah Trang at 7:30am. A few stops for breaks if needed. Two extra seats were sold so two locals slept on the floor in the aisle which made it difficult to use the toilet if needed.
Autobus VIP Cabin, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 2 lis 2023
92 opinie

Popularne trasy w Wietnam

Jak dostać się z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower

Podróż z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower jest możliwa dzięki autobus. W tej chwili jest to jedyna dostępna opcja dla tej trasy.

Jak daleko jest z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower?

Podróżując drogą lądową, odległość między Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street a Nha Trang Agarwood Tower wynosi 617 km, podczas gdy w linii prostej jest to około 617 km.

Ile czasu zajmuje dostanie się z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower?

Podróż autobus pomiędzy Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street a Nha Trang Agarwood Tower, powinna zająć około 13 godz.

Ile kosztuje podróż z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower?

Bilety autobus Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street - Nha Trang Agarwood Tower będą kosztować Cię około USD 23.61. Aby zapewnić sobie najlepszą cenę, kup bilety z wyprzedzeniem.

Ile kursów dziennie odbywa się pomiędzy Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street a Nha Trang Agarwood Tower?

Autobusy z Hội An do Nha Trang kursują 6 razy dziennie.

Przydatne wskazówki dotyczące podróżowania między Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street a Nha Trang Agarwood Tower autobus

Aby dostać się z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower, Twój wybór jest ograniczony do jednej opcji transportu, ale nie oznacza to, że nie możesz zapewnić sobie jak największego komfortu podczas podróży. Sprawdź nasze proste wskazówki, aby uniknąć rozczarowania drogą.


Przydatne wskazówki dla podróżujących autobusem:

  • Aby zachować komfort jazdy wybierz autobus wyższej klasy, jeśli to możliwe. Autobusy te mają zwykle miękkie rozkładane siedzenia i są wyposażone w klimatyzację i pokładowe toalety.
  • Woda, przekąski lub lekki lunch mogą być wliczone w cenę biletu.
  • Nie wszystkie autobusy mają toalety na pokładzie, ale nie ma co się bać – po drodze zatrzymują się, można więc skorzystać z WC.

    Firmy obsługujące linie autobusowe między Hội An a Nha Trang

    Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus).

Ilu podróżnych wybrało podróż z Hoi An 190 Ton Duc Thang street do Nha Trang Agarwood Tower autobus?

Sprzedaliśmy naszym pasażerom 562 bilety autobus. Niektórzy z nich zostawili opinie na temat swojej podróży na naszej stronie. Sprawdź recenzje podróżnych, aby się przygotować. Są one zawsze najbardziej użytecznym i niezawodnym źródłem informacji.