10 maj 2024
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Ostina Fast Boat

Opinie klientów: 140
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Rozkład jazdy przewoźnika Ostina Fast Boat

Bali - Wyspy Gili
06:00, 06:30, 09:20, 09:25, 09:30, 09:55, 11:35, 11:40, 11:50, 11:55, 12:00, 13:25, 13:30
Ubud - Wyspy Gili
Wyspy Gili - Bali
11:55, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00
Bali - Lombok
06:00, 06:30, 09:20, 09:25, 09:30, 09:55, 11:35, 11:40, 11:50, 11:55, 12:00, 13:25, 13:30
Lombok - Bali
11:55, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00
Ubud - Lombok

O Ostina Fast Boat

Na niektóre wyspy można teraz dotrzeć samolotem lub mają one bezpośrednie połączenie mostem z lądem, ale często to promy pozostają jedynym sposobem na dotarcie do najpiękniejszych i najbardziej niesamowitych wysp, ukrytych plaż lub innych nadmorskich miejsc. Większe i wolniejsze promy samochodowe przewożą pojazdy i pasażerów na całym świecie, ale w niektórych przypadkach będzie trzeba wybrać mniejszą, ale za to szybszą łódź motorową lub katamaran, aby dotrzeć do miejsca docelowego. Chociaż ta ostatnia opcja pozwala zaoszczędzić czas, należy zachować ostrożność, jeśli masz skłonność do choroby morskiej. Kiedy morze jest otwarte i wzburzone, szybkie łodzie, które faktycznie przecinają fale, są lepszą opcją niż katamarany, które zamiast tego płyną na falach, zamieniając podróż w rockandrollową wycieczkę. Aby zapobiec chorobie lokomocyjnej lub ją okiełznać, zalecamy zażycie specjalnego leku – przed podróżą skonsultuj się z lekarzem. Będąc na pokładzie, jeśli to możliwe usiądź na świeżym powietrzu.

Wycieczki promem oferowane przez Ostina Fast Boat można rezerwować online – w łatwy i bezproblemowy sposób, bez marnowania czasu na wizyty w biurze.

Główne porty które obsługuje Ostina Fast Boat

Oto lista niektórych portów, do których można dotrzeć promami Ostina Fast Boat. Przed wyjazdem sprawdź przewodnik po stacjach:

  • Padang Bai Ostina
  • Ubud Transfer
  • Gili Trawangan Port
  • Padang Bai Port
  • Bangsal Pier
  • Canggu Transfer
  • Gili Air
  • Uluwatu Transfer
  • Kuta Transfer
  • Seminyak Transfer

Ostina Fast Boat Popularne kierunki

Rodzaje promów i ceny biletówOstina Fast Boat

Promy, które przemierzają trasę szybciej zawsze najbardziej uderzają po kieszeni. Jeśli chcesz zaoszczędzić pieniądze, sprawdź, czy na Twojej trasie dostępne są wolniejsze kursy – zazwyczaj stawki za nie są bardziej przystępne. Praktyczną czynnością jest sprawdzenie czasu trwania podróży przed dokonaniem rezerwacji. Na dłuższych trasach różnica w czasie podróży może być ogromna. Należy pamiętać, że nie wszystkie taryfy biletów lub klasy są zawsze dostępne na wybranej trasie. W szczycie sezonu dobrze jest rezerwować z wyprzedzeniem, ponieważ dostępność droższych kabin prywatnych jest często ograniczona. Wybór biletów walk-in na najpopularniejszych trasach w tych okresach może spowodować długi czas oczekiwania. Niektóre miejsca docelowe mają więcej lub różne pomosty dla różnych firm obsługujących przeprawy promowe, stąd dobra rada, aby przed podróżą sprawdzić port, z którego odpływasz / do którego dokujesz. Zadbaj o wystarczająco dużo czasu przed wypłynięciem, aby znaleźć swoją łódź i dokonać odprawy. Procedury mogą zająć nawet kilka godzin na trasach międzynarodowych. Wreszcie, niektóre przystanie nakładają własną „opłatę za korzystanie z przystani” na wszystkich przybywających pasażerów. Opłata ta zwykle nie jest wliczona w cenę biletu – miej to z tyłu głowy.

Zalety i wady podróży promem

Zalety przeprawy promem

  • Podróż promem pozwala dostać się na niektóre wyspy, plaże lub w nadmorskie kurorty, do których nie można dotrzeć w inny sposób. Podczas gdy podróże promem mogą być czasochłonne i czasami powodują chorobę morską, możliwość odwiedzenia najbardziej rajskich, tajemniczych miejsc, do których Cię zabierają, zazwyczaj wiele rekompensuje.
  • Bilety na prom można rezerwować online. Oszczędza to czas i zabezpiecza plan podróży. Możliwość rezerwacji z wyprzedzeniem jest szczególnie wygodna podczas podróży w szczycie sezonu, świąt państwowych lub długich weekendów, kiedy jest duże zapotrzebowanie na bilety i na trasach obsługiwanych przez ograniczoną liczbę przewoźników.
  • Na niektórych trasach istnieje możliwość wyboru klasy biletu lub kabiny. Istnieją prywatne przedziały lub standardowe kabiny z wieloma dodatkami w cenie lub bez. Zawsze sprawdzaj warunki swojej taryfy, aby odbyć większość podróży.
  • Podróż promem jest zawsze fajnym przeżyciem. Pozwala zobaczyć miejsca, które odwiedzasz lub po prostu mijasz z innej perspektywy. Większość miejsc wygląda rewelacyjnie – i zupełnie inaczej – patrząc od strony wody. Jest to świetna okazja do zrobienia ładnych i niepowtarzalnych zdjęć i filmów – grzech nie skorzystać!

Wady przeprawy promem

  • Głównym problemem podczas podróży drogą wodną jest choroba lokomocyjna/morska, która jest bardzo dokuczliwą i nieprzyjemną. Nawet jeśli nigdy wcześniej tego nie wystąpiła, nie ma gwarancji, że kolejna podróż promem również przebiegnie bezproblemowo. Wzburzone morza i podróże łodzią motorową mogą sprawić, że nawet najsilniejsze żołądki będą błagać o litość. Postępuj zgodnie z naszymi zaleceniami i zażyj lekarstwo na pół godziny przed podróżą. Pomaga również zjedzenie lekkiego posiłku – prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia choroby morskiej wzrasta gdy podróżujesz z pustym żołądkiem.
  • Opóźnienia i odwołania są dość częste w przypadku, ponieważ kursy w dużym stopniu zależą od pogody i warunków na morzu. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza podróży w miesiącach letnich lub poza sezonem. Deszcze, wzburzone morza i sztormowa pogoda mogą zakłócić Twój plan podróży – postaraj się, aby był elastyczny i nie planuj połączeń lotniczych nawet w sezonie, gdy pogoda powinna być w porządku.
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Stacje Ostina Fast Boat

Opinie o firmie Ostina Fast Boat

140 opinii klientów
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 15 kwi 2024
Very friendly crew, but the AC is hardly working and they don't respect the schedule (we were 30+ minutes late when leaving). The price is a little bit lower than average.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 27 mar 2024
The ferry didn't leave on time, smelled of gasoline, acs didn't work so it is was super congested
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 3 sty 2024
Terrible organisation and long waits at the port on both ends Crossing was quite pleasant but I'd advise wearing extra sun cream as you don't feel the heat with the sea breeze and AC on.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 gru 2023
The trip was fine altogether although it does state arrival at 10am, however the ferry doesn’t leave until 9.30 on the sign in the shop, however we didn’t leave until gone 10.30am and takes roughly 2 hours. Was safe and it was slightly unorganised chaos but we did have lanyards so that made it slightly easier
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 22 gru 2023
Was picked up at 6am to arrive for 7:30 and didn’t get on a boat until almost 10am. Lots of waiting around and unnecessary to be collected so early. Driver was very friendly though as a positive.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 8 lis 2023
Old and quite uncomfortable car. Boat dirty and with bugs but we were on time
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 21 paź 2023
The pick up with the van at 6h30 in kuta was perfect. Arrived at 8h at the port. Boarding at 9h40 (no 9h). Arriving at 12h30 at the gili T. The boat was good, good AC, and they put music on the outside if you want chill on the top of the boat. It's a lie when they said that you arrive at 9h30, you will arrive 3/4 hours after that time. Don't pay for a shuttle to go from your place to the port because they have free shuttle !!!
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 14 paź 2023
Good Whatsapp communication with the bus driver for pickup at my hotel. Stop at the Ostina booth at Padangbai for fast check-in. Nice travel, without problem. It has took 5 hours from Legian (Bali) to Gili Trawangan (Lombok)
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 7 paź 2023
It was a really good and i was surprised how smooth everything went! The driver picked us up at 6.50am and drove us to the harbour. We got our boarding passes and they tell us when we leave. There is a fee at the harbour and one on the island. The boat wasnt really fast but it was alright. At some point i saw a butterfly and could observe it! On the site they said 7 to 10 but we arrived at 1.30 to Gili Air. The rest was really good!
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 5 paź 2023
The boat left 1h later than planned. Next to that, there were everywhere cockroaches and the A/C was not working. Did not feel comfortable in my seat.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 2 paź 2023
Waited over an hour on the boat. When the boat arrived there was no seats left, had to sit on the roof of the boat for 2 hours. Not good do not recommend
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 26 wrz 2023
The boat left the port 40 min in advance
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 25 wrz 2023
Arrival to the destination was 3 hours later than what was claimed but it was alright for us. AC was not properly working. It was extremely hot inside the boat. The trip was not really comfortable. However, the crew is helpful and friendly.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 23 wrz 2023
COMFORTABLE RIDE!! .. There definitely was a delay to start off (which is usually the case with almost every boat you take for Gili islands) . But unexpectedly, the boat ride was good and comfortable. Boat has Ac so it was a good temperature inside. People allowed to go on the top to enjoy the view. Overall apart from the ever long wait and boarding experience at the Padang Bai port , a good experience with this ride
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 11 wrz 2023
Poor experience. Chaotic and delayed boarding. Very unsafe ride. Do not sit on the roof, I repeat, do not sit on the roof, it is incredibly dangerous.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 2 wrz 2023
The transfer to the pier was ok, but no belts. The trip from the pier to gili air was awfull. I have been in other speed boats but this one was the worst! It seemed like it was going to split in 2. Do not recommend. Time of arrival at gili was almost 3 hours later.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 26 sie 2023
We arrived where we wanted to go, so that's fine. Just pay attention that your taxi transfer is included. On the pdf ticket it was written "transfer included" but, they still wanted to make us pay 500.000 for a pickup (???!). Our bus-taxu otherwise was really nice. Then, be ready also to add 10.000 at the harbour for an creative "harbour fee" + 10.000/pax for another creative "island entrance fee".
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 26 sie 2023
The ferry left as scheduled which great. It was pretty full boat w little room to move around. We noticed bugs crawling along the side wall and seats. boat need a good clean.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 20 sie 2023
The taxi was pefect. The boat was a mess they didn’t manage well people…
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 8 sie 2023
Chaotic but looks like it works. Why isn't the process described anywhere? 1. You go to the operator stand with the voucher, where you get a boarding pass. A little tip: look for a sticker for your luggage with the corresponding port of destination. These are essentially behind. 2. You pay the fee for the port and get a receipt with which you can now enter the platform together with the boarding pass. 3. chaos ensues on the climb. However, you should look at your boarding pass, there the ship is shown with a picture that you drive with your name. This is what you are looking for in the harbor. It's either already on the pier or still on the right in the harbour. You can also team up with others with the appropriate color boarding pass. 4. When the ship is there you put down the big luggage (the crewe often says which pile is for which port of destination) but if you have a sticker on your luggage you don't have to worry as much. And the luggage is not unnecessarily loaded and unloaded. 5. the ships are always crowded. The best spots aren't upstairs where the sun is beating down. I found front of ship or doors (if left open) best, depends on ship. With some you can be in the open shade at the back. 6. At the port of destination, the luggage is unloaded with the stickers or those lying on the appropriate heap. 7. Always expect a delay due to baggage chaos at each port.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 25 lip 2023
Instead of beeing there at the scheduled time between 6 - 6:30 am, the pick-up service arrived at 7:20 am. I was just informed 5 minutes before his arrival, that he will arrive. The information and organisation at Padang Bai was absolutely chaotic. There is no guidance and no help at all. The crew of one boat even gave us false information.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 lip 2023
It was a good experience to me! Clear communication with the bus driver about the pick up time. It took us a bit over two hours from Canggu to the port (Padangbai). After a bit of waiting, the boat took us to Gili Air in approx. two hours (with a short stop on Gili T to let people on/off). I was happy to sit on top of the boat, to enjoy the beautiful views and sun.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 21 lip 2023
The taxi ride from Uluwatu to Padang Bai was great. BUT the organization at the harbor was poor!! There was no information about what time the boat leaves and what boat to take. I only received information about the departure time from my taxi driver, however we left the harbor with 1,5 hours delay... That was due to an overbooking of the first boat for Gili T, so the guests from Gili Air and Lombok had to wait for a second boat. Moreover, as we arrived to Gili T, we had to wait like 30 min until we could drive in the harbor as there were too many boats at the pier. The waves were quite high, so that was not funny. The boat trip itself was OK, due to the poor organization I cannot give more stars. Side note: My original trip was canceled due to a lack of authorization from Padang Bai and I was supposed to get a refund or postponement of the trip. I tried to reach out several times to 12Go for that matter and they promised to check with Ostina and get back. I have not received any response from them for one week... Despite the good experience in the past, the assistance from 12Go this time was quite disappointing!
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 20 lip 2023
The trip was comfortable, but it takes more than twice the time announced. The expected time to arrive to Gili is actually the time you get to the port in Bali. It wasn't a delay, the schedule is just wrong. After the 3 hour van trip, you have to wait in the port for more than an hour and then take a 3 hour ferry.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 17 lip 2023
12go.Asia changed our boat telling us that it should has been better, but the boat was 2 hour late (we waited under the sun at the Harbour) and trip lasted 4 hour (3 unexpected and long stops).
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 16 lip 2023
Due to bad weather a lot of boats were canceled and we were kind of afraid. So we booked our boat with driver via 12go asia and the Service was great we got an e-mail in advance that they will bring us to a different port. The driver was very friendly and on time. At the port he showed us where we get the Tickets. The Boat was ok. It‘s a long ride and the best thing to do is to sleep. Believe me. There is not much space for your legs and two days later i sadly have still a numb feeling on my knee…
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 5 lip 2023
On time, comfortable ride and lovely staff, not sure what the bad reviews were about?
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 2 lip 2023
Arrived 3 hours later than time booked
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 1 lip 2023
Transfer was good! Boat was late to depart and took much longer than billed but that was ok as we weren’t in a rush. Padangbai port is a bit crazy, not much there and it’s quite unorganised
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 26 cze 2023
A car picked the 2 of us at 7:30am in our hotel in Kuta. We traveled comfortably to the port in Padangbai. Our ferry left at 10:15am approx, the captain explained that 7 companies are to leave at 9:30 everyday so there’s always a boat waiting for others to depart. The boat ride lasted almost 2h, waves weren’t too bad and almost everyone slept, there were more than enough seats. We had heard horror stories of the entire boat puking because of harsh winds/waves, but luckily the morning seems to be quieter. I recommend this company.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 15 cze 2023
Maybe I was extremely lucky, maybe they're changing for the better but my experience was good. They picked me up at the hotel on time, the van was comfortable, the driver was nice. Then we got to the harbor and everyone got numbered lanyards. We did leave 45 minutes late but the boat was comfortable. I sat in front and could feel the ac (it was loud. Noise-canceling headphones help). It took us 1:54 minutes from Bali to Gili T. They even explained about a scam where people try to talk you out of the free transfer and told us to go straight to their offices to arrange the shuttle. Some things to note: I saw many people having entire breakfasts in line and then throwing up. It's a speed boat. It will be a rough ride even on a sunny day. Bring your own plastic bag if you're prone to being seasick. Waiting for the luggage was the most chaotic part. Oh and also having to pay two fees (one leaving Bali and another arriving in Gili). There's a banner explaining that people who take the shuttle to Sanur, Kuta, and Seminyak can be dropped at their hotels. For every other destination, they'll leave you at the city center.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 11 maj 2023
The travel was ok. Boat left in late and arrived late. In the pier it was the caos. There’s not people to help you to take your luggages. The trip was nice
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 10 maj 2023
The boat itself was fine, but it was 1 hour late. Also the crew is unorganised and on our way to Gili they lost the luggage of one passenger. The trip could be better organised.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 7 maj 2023
Shuttle to padangbai was fine. The driver was wel on time. The boat to Gili T left 30 min late and it was quite hot inside. Not overbooked, everyone had a seat
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 5 maj 2023
Boarded the boat 1 1/2 hr late and the taxi transfer took more than 2hrs
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 kwi 2023
1.5 hour late and then the boat broke down for an hour in the middle of the trip. Boat was overbooked so there were 20+ people standing for 3 hours from gilinair to Padang Bai Bali. Boats AC barely worked and the boat has no windows. Thermostat said 31 the whole time. When we got to Bali all the Ostina Transport people were lying and saying the trip takes 4 hours and you need to take a taxi. Ignore everyone just sit in the free van and eventually they will give up and take you. Driver refused to drop people off at their hotels and only stopped at central Ubud Shuttle bus also had no AC. 2 stars because we didn't crash and they were able to fix the boat.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 kwi 2023
I booked from Gili air to Padang Bai at 11h30, I think they are never on time, official departure is 12, not 11h30 but they are actually late Vs 12, I was not too unlucky, boat arrived around 12h30 and we arrived in padangbai at 14h45
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 kwi 2023
When we got to the pier, we got told that they overbooked our ferry, and we had to go to another company to get a seat. After a bit of a wait, we got that sorted out. However, when we got to Padang Bay, we were told that we had to wait at least 1 hour for a shuttle bus. Mind you, at this point it was about 14:15, and on the tickets we bought, it said we would be in Ubud at 15. We know that a delay is very common here in Bali. We did not, however, expect what the app called “taxi” to be a shuttle bus that we had to wait more than an hour to get on. After explaining the situation multiple times to the worker, they put us in a car to Ubud. The drive was fine, but the driver did not drop us off at our hotel. He dropped us off mid-town and we had to get a grab to our actual hotel..
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 kwi 2023
Completely my fault, but they changed the taxi pick up time from 7:30am to 6:30am, and had told me this in a email the night before, however I did not read this email! So completely missed the taxi and boat, as once I had made my own way there, the boat company was nowhere to be seen. Would recommend the boat I used ‘Scoopy’ good service with a spacious boat! I’m sure they are good as well, but just check your emails next time!
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 23 kwi 2023
Was late, transfer was very confusing people trying to rip you off
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 19 kwi 2023
The ferry departed 40 minutes delayed. But that’s an organization problem they told us, because there are many ferries that depart at the same time but there is not enough space at the harbour for all boats. The boat ride was smooth, the seats were comfy and most of the time the aircon worked. The first stop was Gili Trawangan, after that gili air and the last stop was lombok. The boat ride took in total 2,5h instead of 1:45 plus the 40 minutes delayed departure. All in all it’s one of the better ferries I think.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 18 kwi 2023
The trip going there was fine but coming back home the driver kept arguing that he is not dropping us at our guest houses which it clearly stated on the ticket- coming from a long boat trip you do not want any back and forth like that
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 9 kwi 2023
The driver was on time and took us to the boat agency in Padang bai with no issues at all. Then the boat was meant to leave at 9:30am, but we left closer to 11.00am. From what we could hear at the harbour was that Ostina is always late. The boat was ok, not much movement as the sea was calm, however, no windows, they were covered and you couldn’t see outside, and aircon only worked for those sitting on the first row, so it was very warm inside without air. Everything with 12go worked well :).
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 28 mar 2023
They got delayed for almost 30 min. Just 1 small port for all the companies
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 22 mar 2023
Aircon working on one side of boat. Boat left on time. Was quick trip. Went smoothly. no frills. Good price. This is not a luxury boat. Normal boat.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 18 mar 2023
Check in was easy, departure 30min past schedule & arrival with 1h delay since we did 3 stops to pick up more pax. Boat itself came with decent legroom comparing to others, but it was unbearably hot inside. A/C was barely working, and windows can't be opened. Avoid if you can't stand excessive heat, but it wasn't the worst experience around here.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 28 wrz 2022
Starts 30 Minutes late and we paid for a Transfer to our hotel and than in padangbai they told us that it would take 3 hours (for 50 Kilometers)
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 22 sie 2022
It’s not acceptable to have an overbooked trip. People had to go on top of the boat, but there were 1.5 mt waves that day so there was a Man Overboard situation that could have been dramatic: fortunately he wasn’t alone and the boat turned to rescue him. Still it was a scare for everyone. Security can’t be jeopardized.
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 17 sie 2022
Boat very busy and 1 hour of delay
Prom Motorówka, Ostina Fast Boat, 15 sie 2022
3 hours instead of 1.5. Overvooked and 20 people on board with no seats...