Hanh Cafe

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O Hanh Cafe

Autobus to wygodny sposób podróżowania bez względu na to, czy potrzebujesz dojechać do sąsiedniego miasta oddalonego o kilka godzin, czy też wybrać się dalej, przemierzając cały kraj. Niezależnie od Twojego budżetu, autobusy zaspokoją Twoje potrzeby. Autobusy ekspresowe oferują najbardziej przystępną cenę biletu dla podróżnych, którzy mają bardzo ograniczoną ilość pieniędzy do wydania. Opcje VIP są skierowane do tych, którzy nie chcą rezygnować z komfortu. Zanim wsiądziesz do autobusu, upewnij się, że to rodzaj usługi, który najbardziej Ci odpowiada. W przypadku podróży długodystansowych poszukaj autokaru VIP lub pierwszej klasy, który zapewnia nieprzerwaną podróż do miejsca docelowego lub po prostu zatrzymuje się na niewielkiej ilości stacji po drodze. Autobusy ekspresowe lub lokalne w wielu przypadkach mogą okazać się akceptowalnym wyborem na krótsze podróże, ale dłuższe przejazdy często nie są najlepszym zakupem. Przed wyjazdem zapoznaj się z rozkładem jazdy, ponieważ wiele dalekobieżnych tras jest obsługiwanych przez autobusy nocne, a niektóre oferują szersze siedzenia lub miejsca do spania na takie podróże. Dokonaj rezerwacji online biletu autobusowego u Hanh Cafe. W wyborze najlepszego biletu i klasy autokaru pomogą Ci opinie innych podróżnych.

Hanh Cafe Popularne przystanki

Głowne przystanki Hanh Cafe:

  • 273 Pham Ngu Lao
  • Mui Ne Hanh Cafe
  • 129 Ton Duc Thang
  • Hoi An Hanh Cafe
  • 28 Chu Van An
  • 43 Huynh Tan Phat
  • 106 Phong Chau
  • 356 Huynh Thuc Khang
  • 53 Le Thanh Phuong
  • 297 Lien Phuong
  • Da Nang Hanh Cafe Office

Hanh Cafe Topowe kierunki

Autobusy Hanh Cafe kursują na wielu trasach, a oto lista najpopularniejszych z nich:

Hanh Cafe Ceny bietów i klasy autobusów

Jedną z najlepszych rzeczy w podróżowaniu autobusem jest to, że możesz niemal dostosować podróż do swoich wymagań w zakresie prywatności i komfortu. Różne klasy i typy autobusów zaspokajają różne potrzeby podróżnych. Najtańsze przejazdy standardowo oferują autobusy standardowej klasy. Można je nazwać lokalnymi, ekspresowymi lub zwykłymi. To dobry wybór na krótsze wycieczki. Miejsca sypialne lub autokary VIP są dobre zarówno na dłuższe, jak i nocne przejazdy. Mogą oferować kuszetki lub szerokie, miękkie rozkładane siedzenia, czasami z wbudowanymi opcjami masażu, kocami, napojami bezalkoholowymi i przekąskami lub bardziej obfitymi posiłkami na pokładzie lub podczas postojów na toaletę lub tankowanie. Podróżowanie autobusami nocnymi pozwala zaoszczędzić na pokoju hotelowym, jednak aby zapewnić sobie jak największy komfort podróży, należy rozsądnie wybrać klasę autobusu. Ceny zawsze zależą od odległości jakie pokonujesz oraz rodzaju autokaru. Na niektóre, nawet krótsze wyjazdy warto zainwestować dodatkowe pieniądze i wykupić miejsce w autobusie VIP, ponieważ zaoszczędzi to dwa razy więcej czasu niż podróżowanie standardowym autobusem.

Podróż autobusem: wady i zalety

Zalety podróżowania autobusem

  • Autobus to najlepszy wybór, aby dostać się do miejsc, które nie mają połączenia koleją ani samolotami. Sieć autobusów obejmuje często prawie cały kraj, a ich trasy są dobrze ugruntowane.
  • W przeciwieństwie do podróży samolotem, a czasami koleją, podróż autobusem nie wymaga przybycia na dworzec autobusowy z dużym wyprzedzeniem. Odprawa, nawet na trasach międzynarodowych, nie zajmuje dużo czasu. Limity bagażu są zazwyczaj bardzo przyjazne dla podróżujących, a opłata za dodatkowy bagaż, jeśli ustalono limity, zwykle nie jest bardzo wysoka.
  • Bilety autobusowe mogą być tańsze w porównaniu z biletami lotniczymi lub szybkimi pociągami. Zawsze istnieje wybór klas biletów dla wszystkich kieszeni. Tańsze standardowe opcje mogą być nieco wolniejsze i nie oferują najwyższego komfortu, ale są akceptowalne i doprowadzą Cię do celu. Na dłuższych trasach toalety lub przystanki toaletowe oraz przekąski, woda, a czasami kosmetyki i koce są prawie zawsze wliczone w cenę.
  • Jeśli jesteś gotowy wydać więcej, niektóre autokary klasy VIP oferują fotele porównywalne z klasą biznes w samolocie z szerokimi, miękkimi rozkładanymi siedzeniami, kocami, mniejszą liczbą pasażerów i wieloma innymi dodatkami, które uczynią Twoją podróż przyjemną.

Wady podróżowania autobusem

  • Nowsze terminale dla autobusów międzymiastowych są bardzo często zlokalizowane poza miastem, w pobliżu większych autostrad, aby autobusy mogły omijać miejskie korki. Niestety, może to również stwarzać dodatkowe wyzwania dla podróżnych. Dojazd do takiego terminala może być problematyczny, ponieważ w niektórych destynacjach obowiązują ograniczenia dotyczące wjazdu samochodów na terminal i trzeba będzie skorzystać ze specjalnych przewoźników, aby się tam dostać. Powoduje to wyższe koszty, ponieważ ceny mogą być zawyżone. Oblicz dodatkowy czas również wtedy gdy podróżujesz w godzinach szczytu, zwłaszcza jeśli nie znasz sytuacji na drodze w punkcie początkowym.
  • Autobusy to prawdopodobnie środek transportu, który kursuje częściej niż pociągi czy samoloty. Są one w dużym stopniu uzależnione od sytuacji drogowej, która czasami może być nieprzewidywalna – wypadków, robót drogowych, objazdów itp. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza podróży w weekendy, w szczycie sezonu lub w święta państwowe. Należy o tym pamiętać i nie planować ciasnych połączeń.
  • Podróż na niektórych trasach lub w najpopularniejszych okresach może wymagać wcześniejszej rezerwacji. Pamiętaj, że nie zawsze jest możliwe stawienie się na dworcu autobusowym i wskoczenie do następnego autobusu – bilety mogą być wyprzedane, więc odpowiednio zorganizuj swoją podróż.
Czytaj więcej

Hanh Cafe Popularne Trasy

Miasto Ho Chi Minh - Bình Thuận
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
07:50, 08:00, 08:30, 09:50, 19:20, 19:30, 20:00
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24
06:20, 07:20, 11:50, 15:50, 18:20, 22:20
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
05:00, 10:50, 11:00, 11:30, 12:50, 14:20, 16:50, 21:30, 22:10, 22:15, 23:00
Hué - Mui Ne
Miasto Ho Chi Minh - Da Nang
08:00, 08:30
Nha Trang - Bình Thuận
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
12:15, 21:30
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
07:30, 20:30
Khanh Hoa - Hội An
Nha Trang - Da Nang
18:30, 19:30
Nha Trang - Hội An
18:30, 19:30
Phan Thiết - Miasto Ho Chi Minh
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
02:00, 09:30, 13:30, 16:00, 17:30
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24
04:30, 08:00, 12:00, 14:30, 19:00
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
01:30, 02:00, 02:30, 09:30, 11:00, 11:30, 13:00, 18:00
Khanh Hoa - Phan Thiết
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
07:30, 12:15, 20:00, 20:30, 21:30
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
12:15, 20:15, 21:30
Hué - Khanh Hoa
Hội An - Hué
06:30, 07:15, 07:30
Da Nang - Hội An
Da Nang - Miasto Ho Chi Minh
Khanh Hoa - Bình Thuận
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
07:30, 20:30
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
12:15, 21:30
Miasto Ho Chi Minh - Phan Thiết
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
08:00, 08:30, 10:00, 10:30, 13:00, 13:30, 19:30, 20:00, 22:15, 22:45
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24
06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:15, 12:00, 12:30, 16:00, 16:30, 18:30, 19:00, 22:30, 23:00
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
05:15, 05:45, 11:00, 11:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:00, 17:00, 17:30, 21:30, 22:15, 22:50
Nha Trang - Phan Thiết
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
11:30, 12:15, 20:45, 21:30
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
06:45, 07:30, 19:45, 20:30
Phan Thiết - Da Nang
Khanh Hoa - Mui Ne
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
07:30, 12:15, 20:00, 20:30, 21:30
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
12:15, 20:15, 21:30
Hội An - Nha Trang
Miasto Ho Chi Minh - Hué
08:00, 08:30
Hội An - Da Nang
06:30, 07:15, 07:30
Miasto Ho Chi Minh - Hội An
08:00, 08:30
Da Nang - Khanh Hoa
Hội An - Miasto Ho Chi Minh
Khanh Hoa - Miasto Ho Chi Minh
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41
07:30, 12:15, 20:30, 21:30
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34
12:15, 20:15, 21:30
Phan Thiết - Hội An
Da Nang - Hué
08:00, 08:30
Mui Ne - Hué
11:30, 12:00
Hội An - Phan Thiết
Hội An - Khanh Hoa
NaN pasażerów

Hanh Cafe Plan i Rozkład

KlasaStacja odjazduStacja docelowaWylotPrzybycieCzas podróży
Z miejscami do spania 41106 Phong ChauHoi An Hanh Cafe19:3007:3012h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe22:1501:453h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe20:0023:303h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe19:3023:003h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe13:0016:303h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe10:0013:303h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe08:0011:303h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe22:1501:453h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe17:0020:303h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe14:3018:003h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe13:0016:303h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe11:0014:303h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe05:1508:453h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 4128 Chu Van AnDa Nang Hanh Cafe Office13:0015:002h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41106 Phong Chau273 Pham Ngu Lao20:3005:309h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41106 Phong Chau273 Pham Ngu Lao07:3016:309h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41Da Nang Hanh Cafe Office28 Chu Van An08:3010:302h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41Da Nang Hanh Cafe Office28 Chu Van An08:0010:002h 0m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao17:3021:003h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao12:3016:003h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao10:3014:003h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao09:0012:303h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao02:0005:303h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao01:3005:003h 30m
Luxury Sleeper 34Mui Ne Hanh Cafe273 Pham Ngu Lao01:0004:303h 30m
Z miejscami do spania 41106 Phong ChauMui Ne Hanh Cafe20:3001:305h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41106 Phong ChauMui Ne Hanh Cafe07:3012:305h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu Lao106 Phong Chau22:1507:159h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu Lao106 Phong Chau19:3004:309h 0m
Z miejscami do spania 41273 Pham Ngu Lao106 Phong Chau08:0017:009h 0m

Stacje Hanh Cafe

273 Pham Ngu LaoMui Ne Hanh Cafe129 Ton Duc ThangHoi An Hanh Cafe28 Chu Van An43 Huynh Tan Phat106 Phong Chau356 Huynh Thuc Khang53 Le Thanh Phuong297 Lien PhuongDa Nang Hanh Cafe Office

Opinie o firmie Hanh Cafe

Sleeper beds built for the average size of a European 10 years old child.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 1 maj 2024
The people at the agence was really nice, the explain all. But we leave the office with 30 later. We go far away to take the real sleepy bus and also, the staff of the bus doesn't speak English. The doesn't explain anything, we haven't have water or kind of things to eat (compared to other company). At the end, the driver crying on the bus, very stress to tell us it was the last stop but very far.from our hostel. It was a lie because the staff at the office told us that the bus will stop us at our guesthouse ! The bus was very nice inside 👌
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 1 maj 2024
A day trip in a sleeper bus is not really comfortable. Also we first had to take a different bus and then change. It also took way longer.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 28 kwi 2024
Extremely uncomfortable seats unless you’re super small. We barely got any sleep it also didn’t help that at 3 am they turned on all of the lights and the constant honking was unbearable. At least the travelling time is correct.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 28 kwi 2024
Arrived 2 hours late and was in an absolute shutter of a bus for more than half the ride. But paid for VIP luxury sleeper….. bruh
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24, Hanh Cafe, 28 kwi 2024
This afternoon, we took the cheapest bus from Hue to Hoi An. Booked online on 12GoAsia for 165,750 per person. We were preparing for the worst, but everything went great. Good and safely driving, and most importantly: they even dropped us at the official drop of point that is mentioned in the voucher and on the website. Wow, never thought that we will experience this in the scam country aka Vietnam. 5/5 because of not dropping us off at a remote location where scammy cab drivers al already waiting and lurking for tourists. Btw: according to 12GoAsia it would take 5 hours to travel. But in reality the journey only took 4 hours including 30m waiting time by the beginning.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 24 kwi 2024
The highlight of taking this bus: 1. The confirmation was quick. 2. ⁠Once I arrived at the bus pool, just show the booking confirmation to the front desk staff. The process was quick and hassle-free. 3. ⁠In my case, they took me with regular 2-2 seater bus first for about 45 minutes. After that, I was transferred to the sleeper bus to Mui Ne. Again, the process was quick. (Thanks for another reviewer about mentioning this process so I could set my expectations) 4. ⁠I arrived 30 minutes earlier than scheduled. For this price, I could say this one is great value as long as you set your expectations right.
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24, Hanh Cafe, 22 kwi 2024
The driver was smoking during the trip and using his cellphone
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 21 kwi 2024
So the thing is t
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24, Hanh Cafe, 21 kwi 2024
The bus arrived at the wrong stop indicated on the ticket and the departure was an hour late
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 19 kwi 2024
We were deceived at the Hanh Cafe office at the landing on PhạM ngũ Lão Street, .We bought tickets for the luxury 24. 1) - at this point in Ho Chi Minh City, everyone is put on an ordinary old bad bus, which takes a very long time to transfer to a slipbus. Almost a third of the way to Mui Ne ((. 2) - There was only a 36-seat bus at the transfer station, which was cheaper. And we had to ride on it. Our expensive bus just wasn't there!! An office employee deceived us, although I clarified several times that bus tickets were 24, but she gave us boarding passes for a cheap flight.
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24, Hanh Cafe, 12 kwi 2024
The beds are very narrow and I was put at the back, squished next to strangers. I'm a small person, but these beds were even too small for me
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 10 kwi 2024
They could be more informative and let us know if we need to change busses. You are expected to know this!! Otherwise it was a comfortable journey and we were able to sleep.
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 3 kwi 2024
Very nice ride. 30 min in normal bus to the place where we switched to cabin bus. 3hour ride from there. Very comfortable, and bus driver held a short toilet stop on our request. We got dropped off at our hotel even though we thought the ride was only to the bus station. 5/5 would recommend
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 24, Hanh Cafe, 31 mar 2024
It was fine, first time on a bus like it. My daughter left her glasses behind though and upon trying to find them I am finding the customer service, they are definitely on the the bus and should be simple to find so unsure why there is an issue.
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 31 mar 2024
Everything was wonderful! I forgot my Panama hat on the bus and couldn't make a call because I don't speak Vietnamese and I don't have a Vietnamese number. The operator helped me and told me where I could put my stuff, I was very glad, thank you!!
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 27 mar 2024
The bus arrived at 8am instead od 5am. We stopped a lot of times during the travel to pick up some baggage. The driver was smoking.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 22 mar 2024
So I took the bus from HCMV to Mui Ne. And it’s important to read the previous reviews. Indeed, you first take a simple bus that will bring you to another station where you’ll take a second bus, with some reclining seat, bed-like. Indeed, nobody tells you anything. But that’s not so much a problem as long as you get where you need to. We left and arrived on time and you can be dropped off at your hotel as well, since they ask you at the departure station. Water is provided and the temperature in the bus is perfect.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 18 mar 2024
Excellent support service. Bus took 2h longer then scheduled.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 18 mar 2024
Dropped off to hostel from cafe was great. Quick journey.
Autobus Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 15 mar 2024
Everything was good until the driver started driving the bus so fast. I mean it is full of people, especially tourists. It was a really scary for bus ride for me, could not sleep because of this. I cannot believe how they can risk everybody’s life like this. Yes we arrived to the destination way earlier, but is it really worth it? Other than this, everything was okay, staff were helpful.
Autobus Z miejscami do spania 41, Hanh Cafe, 15 mar 2024
Driver was smoking throughout the ride.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 10 mar 2020
well,.. we left 10 min early, after first 50min we had 30min lunch break..then we arrived 30min sooner than expected and to totally different place - it was apx. 1.5km further away from the place 12go.asia had informed us in the ticket/their website. it looked like they deliberately made us go off the bus somewhere else so that their friends on motorbikes could earn some money by taking tourist to hotels (since we arrived to a totally different place).. luckily, nobody took the motorbikes :)) such scams should be avoided and the bus should end as anticipated in the ticket...
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 5 mar 2020
They throw our backpacks inside and outside with no care, the bus wasn’t really clean and the trip was not really comfortable.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 2 mar 2020
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 1 mar 2020
All worked fine but a 30 minute stop in an unheated open café on a morning of drizzle was excessive.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 26 lut 2020
We arrived 2 and a half hours late! and the attention from the staff was a bit rude ( usual in Vietnam) But the rest of the trip was ok
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 24 lut 2020
the bus driver forced us to leave our back packs in the compartments. I asked him if I can bring the boiled corn which my partner and I supposed to eat as our breakfast since we have not ate our breakfast yet. He said NO.. then i asked him if i can bring soya milk.. he again said no in an irritated way.. okay, that's accepted. that's your rule... no food and drink allowed inside the bus. again, that's accepted even if we are really hungry. But what is not accepted was the reclining chair. the stopping joints are not working, like if I want to make into a sitting position it does not lock in. if i put a little force it goes all the way down. haaay.. it was not a good experience.. somebody must fix it so other tourist will experience a relaxing journey.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 27 gru 2019
Departure was 45 mins late (yet the bus arrived on time to the destination). The bus apparently had no suspension. Seats were narrow and left little legroom as the passanger in front of me decided to tilt her seat back.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 26 gru 2019
Dec 16 2019 at 2pm bus (HCM to Mui Ne) : The lady staff with specs at Hanh Cafe at Pham Ngu Lao station was very rude. Keep yelling to most passengers to take off our shoes. She should have pre-alerted us when we marked our attendance that we need to take off shoes. She herself didn't remove hers when registering our attendance. The Bus air conditioner is not working and stuffy. Dec 19 2019 830am(Mui Ne to HCM): we booked for 8am and bus rescehduled to 830am. Luckily we double.confirm the departure time the day before the trip. Everything fine till we reached Ho Chi Minh that the bus dropped us at different bus station than Pham Ngu Lao n driver chased us out. When we checked with the staff, she said it was the last station. We ended up taking taxi to our hotel at Pham Ngu Lao which was extra cost to us. The ticket should have stated clearly if different drop off location for our return trip.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 23 gru 2019
Cosy, water and blanket provided.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 5 gru 2019
Driver was always beeping impossible to sleep.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 3 gru 2019
Bus was late, as we were trying to get on the bus as it was still moving and they were rushing us alot. Was comfy on the beds.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 27 lis 2019
The seats are too small and uncomfortable if you are 1.8m or higher. No room for legs. Everything else was ok.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 25 lis 2019
There was rotten banana on my place so it seems the company stuff doesn't check and doesn't clean the bus between the trips. As result my bag came derty.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 22 lis 2019
1) On 12go.asia schedule my bus had to depart at 13.00 . I when i arrived to Han Cafe before 13.00 i saw the bus to Ho Chi Minh but women stuff said that this bus for VIP and i have sleeping bus at 13.30 but in 12go.asia my bus was standard bus at 13.00. But our bus eventually arrived at 14.00 !!! And it was some sleeping bus. 2) Also in 12go.asia it was told that the route will take 4 ours which in reality took more than 5 hours !!! 3) On the way the driver set the phone with some movie on the bus panel board and watched it while driving all the way !!! I am asking 12go.asia to clearify the information provided on the website because it incorrect and check the schedule and bus type with partners because it also incorrect
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 22 lis 2019
Everything went well.Bus was on time.Only issue was that my seat did not recline.I certainly recommand Hanh Cafe.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 21 lis 2019
Too many transfer and waiting for my taste, but still the service was not bad. Just regular for the price.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 15 lis 2019
The things from previous people were in the bus when we got in. They should have clean in advance, they did the same when we got out for the next passengers. Extremely delayed according to the times they self you.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 11 lis 2019
alles okay
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 8 lis 2019
Bus was quite late and scheduled stop was just at the side of a road with no toilet facilities
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 27 paź 2019
Beautiful bus ride. Great driver. Pit stop was good as well.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 23 paź 2019
I have to transit at Na Trang and the bus from Dalat is another company so when they drop me. I have to walk a bit to hanh cafe but that is ok. Not far to go by walk. Bus is in a good condition and I have arrived safe.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 22 paź 2019
Very good comfortable journey. The driver is very good safe driver very proffesional and polite. Good fun journey.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 10 paź 2019
Travelled from Da Lat to Nha Trang in Oct 2019. Bus will get you from A to B however don't expect anything more. Hahn cafe will put you on a bus that picks up passengers all around Da Lat, taking extra time, Hanh cafe is just one of the stops on the route. Bus will stop for 30 minutes, 1hr from Nha Trang also. Drop off point was not Hanh cafe in Nha trang (rather close by). Bus itself was good.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 7 paź 2019
Best bus ride I ever had. Very comfortable seats. All around drivers took care of us Even direct drop off to hotel as an added bonus.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 7 paź 2019
Trip was ok, but bus was very dirty!
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 24 wrz 2019
It was ok because we arrived 1 hour before the time but the air conditioning was very cold and theres no seatbelt....
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 17 wrz 2019
The driver drive extremely slow until we are one hour behind our schedule and we missed almost all the attractions' operating time :( He also did not inform us anything about how long is the break time we can have when the bus stop at the R&R.
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 14 wrz 2019
bus selesa harga yang berpatutan
Autobus Standard z klimatyzacją, Hanh Cafe, 26 sie 2019
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