Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop
Kim Chi Bus Station
Isn, 8 Jul
NaN Penumpang

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Jadual Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Jadual Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station
Nama PengangkutanMasa PerjalananHarga
Viet Nam Travel Bus Sleeper 34 17:55 - 05:55VND 742k
Viet Nam Travel Bus Sleeper 34 18:00 - 06:00VND 742k

Pengangkutan dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Fakta tentang pengangkutan dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Pengangkutan Paling MurahUSD 24
Pengangkutan Paling Laju12j
Perlepasan Paling Awal5:01 PM
Perlepasan Yang Terkini6:00 PM
Perlepasan setiap hari4
Jarak600 kilometer
Syarikat PengangkutanViet Nam Travel Bus

Ulasan destinasi Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Adalah memadai untuk sampai ke Da Nang melalui kereta api. Kemaskan makanan ringan anda sendiri dan sebaiknya bawa penyumbat telinga dan topeng tidur.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara automatik
Kereta api #SE1 Sleeper Kelas Pertama, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 9 Jan 2023
Terlalu mahal. Mendapat sleeper dengan SE5 yang tidak eksklusif untuk Laman express. Boleh membayar lebih sedikit untuk katil yang sama. Perbezaannya hanyalah cadar/sarung katil dan snek dan minuman tambahan di dalam kereta api yang disediakan oleh Laman Express.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara automatik
Kereta api #SЕ5 VIP Sleeper 4x, Laman Express, 10 Jun 2022
We got a message saying the bus is leaving an hour early at 17:15 instead of 18:20. We were told to arrive thirty minutes early so we arrived at 16:45. We where than told no that the bus is leaving at 18:30 now. We went off and got food and I got a call at 17:30 to come back as the bus was leaving. I rushed back and the bus didn’t leave for another thirty minutes. The bus was overcrowded with people sleeping on the floors, kids were screaming around the bus peeking into our beds. People kept laying up against my bed and poking me. I asked to get off the bus and to be fair the worker was very helpful and helped me get a taxi back. Wouldn’t recommend if you’re not use to being in small spaces. I was too big for the bed so I had to have my legs up against the wall. This isn’t a big deal but just a minor detail as it wasn’t going to be a comfortable position for 13 hour bus journey.
Bas VIP 24, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 8 Jun 2024
It was very late
Penerbangan Ekonomi, Vietravel Airlines, 18 Mei 2024
We had a wonderful experience The train was clean and comfortable
Kereta api #SE19 Sleeper Kelas Pertama, Laman Express, 13 Mei 2024
Fantastic and beautyful experience
Kereta api #SE19 Sleeper Kelas Pertama, Laman Express, 20 Apr 2024
This trip was so bad and not what we paid for at all. We arrived an hour before the trip started at the Hanoi office, because we wanted everything to go smoothly. An hour later a random man came and picked us up. He drove us to some big road, and just dropped of us on the side of the road and told us to wait for the bus. But the bus didn’t come, so we talked to some of the locals that were standing there, and they told us that we were at the wrong spot. We called hotline and they just said that the staff made a mistake, but they would fix it. They send a new man to pick us up, and he drove us to another place. We were again dropped of on the side of the road, but this time there was a booking office there. So we talked to the lady in the office, who said that our bus to Da Nang had left, even though the man from hotline told us that the bus would be there when we arrived. We called him again, and then he said that we should get on this random bus to Ninh Binh. We didn’t feel that safe at this point, because we would be dropped of in Ninh Binh at 9 in the evening. But it was only option. We asked the man from hotline if we could just stay on the bus the whole trip to Da nang, because the bus was also going to Da Nang. But the man from hotline told us that we should change buses in Ninh Binh, because we paid for a VIP bus, and the bus we were currently on wasn’t a VIP bus. When we arrived in Ninh Binh
Bas VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 12 Mac 2024
Great experience all round
Kereta api #SE19 Sleeper Kelas Pertama, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 27 Jan 2024
The communication with the organisation was good, the ride itself was an extreme experience that I never whitenessed in my life. Never saw a bus drive that fast. The idea of a sleeper bus is nice but when the bus honks every 5 seconds you can’t sleep
Bas VIP Sleeper 34, Duc Duong Bus, 10 Nov 2023
Lots of space for an overnight bus, only complaint is that when we got to DaNang we were shouted at to get off with no warning we were actually there and you were a bit away from where you’re actually meant to get dropped off.
Bas Sleeping Bus + Mini Van, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 17 Okt 2023
699 ulasan pelanggan

Bagaimana caranya dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station

Perjalanan antara Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop dan Kim Chi Bus Station berlaku dengan adanya Bas dan van. Bas+van menjaminkan perjalanan terpantas. Bas merupakan pilihan paling lambat. Tiket termahal berharga USD 29.13 jika anda menaiki Bas+Van; untuk penjimatan, pilih bas+van yang berharga USD 29.13.

Sejauh manakah Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop dari Kim Chi Bus Station?

Jarak antara Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop dan Kim Chi Bus Station adalah 600 km manakala jarak penerbangan adalah 600 km.

Berapa lamakah masa yang diambil dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station?

Ia boleh mengambil masa antara 12 hingga 13 jam untuk perjalanan antara Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station bergantung kepada jenis pengangkutan pilihan anda.
Bas+van merupakan cara terpantas untuk mengembara antara Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop dan Kim Chi Bus Station. Bas+van akan membawa anda ke destinasi anda dalam masa 12j. Bas mengambil masa yang lebih lama kira-kira 13j untuk sampai ke Kim Chi Bus Station.

Berapakah kos dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station?

Perjalanan antara Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop dan Kim Chi Bus Station adalah semurah USD 29.13 jika anda memilih bas+van Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus) dan semahal USD 29.13 jika anda membeli tiket Bas+Van Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus). Berikut adalah senarai harga yang anda boleh jangkakan untuk bayaran bagi setiap pengangkutan yang disediakan untuk perjalanan ini.

Berapa banyak perjalanan untuk sehari yang ada antara Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop dan Kim Chi Bus Station?

  • 4 oleh Bas+Van dari Hanoi ke Da Nang bermula dari 17:55 Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop sehingga 18:00 Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop

Semak di atas untuk jadual bas, kereta api, kapal terbang dan feri dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station.

Apakah mod pengangkutan yang terbaik untuk laluan saya?


Perjalanan dari Hanoi ke Da Nang melalui darat sememangnya akan mengambil masa yang lebih lama tetapi dalam hal-hal tertentu, ia merupakan pilihan termurah jika anda memilih untuk menaiki bas.
Perkara untuk peringatan: Untuk perjalanan yang lebih selesa, sebaiknya pilihlah bas yang lebih premium. Bas sebegini biasanya menyediakan tempat duduk selesa dan boleh laras serta dilengkapi penghawa dingin dan tandas.
Bas ini juga lazimnya turut menyediakan air, snek atau makan tengah hari yang termasuk dalam harga tiket anda dan berhenti untuk ke tandas.

Syarikat bas yang mengendali laluan antara Hanoi dan Da Nang

Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus)

Pengangkutan apakah yang paling popular untuk perjalanan dari Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop ke Kim Chi Bus Station?

Pilihan pengangkutan yang tersedia pada bila-bila masa dengan Bas yang menjadikannya pilihan paling popular dengan harganya yang berpatutan dan selesa. Daripada 1000 pengembara yang membeli tiket untuk laluan ini

  • 50% memilih bas
  • 50% memilih Bas+Van