Hue ke Le Hong Phong Street

Hue ke Le Hong Phong Street

Le Hong Phong Street
Rab, 10 Jul
NaN Penumpang

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Pengangkutan dari Hue ke Le Hong Phong Street

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Ulasan destinasi Hue ke Le Hong Phong Street

Kereta bagus, tepat pada masanya. Sehenti di pergunungan di tempat yang bagus untuk minum kopi atau pergi ke tandas. Pemandu meminta saya untuk hotel saya dan menghantar saya ke sana. Tempat duduk urut tidak berfungsi, tetapi ini tidak penting untuk saya. Juga tiada WiFi, hanya di permulaan dan di kawasan rehat. Berlepas agak mengelirukan, kerana peta Google menunjukkan tempat lain kepada saya, kerana terdapat dua hotel dengan nama yang sama di Nha Trang. (Ia berdekatan dengan jambatan) mungkin mereka boleh menghantar data GPS dan bukannya alamat yang mengelirukan.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara automatik
Kereta api #SE3 Tempat duduk AC Kelas Kedua sahaja, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 14 Nov 2022
Bus seats very narrow and AC on most seats broken so could not switch off. Driver using horn very often so hard to relax
Bas VIP Sleeper 34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 8 Nov 2023
I booked the VIP first class carriage as I had read that the beds were softer. They were fine and after about 5 hours any bed is probably going to few uncomfortable. It was pretty simple from booking to catching the train. I arrived at gate two and the ticket had a carriage and seat already allocated, simple. What I didn’t realise is that I had booked a top tier bed. That meant that I was very close to the air con which had no controls, and despite it stating no smoking, all I inhaled for 12 hours was smoke. If it wasn’t for the lovely Vietnamese ladies below me and the man opposite who was train hoping because he didn’t buy a ticket 😆 I would have rated the journey lower. I also think the frequent stops and ability to get off now and again to grab something quickly to snack on was helpful. As all these reviews state, the toilets were awful, but the train food wasn’t too bad! So bottom tier, first class and bring a face mask.
Kereta api #SE1 Sleeper Kelas Pertama, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 5 Okt 2023
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