수랏타니 케셋 2 마켓 출발 푸켓 버스 터미널 2

수랏타니 케셋 2 마켓 출발 푸켓 버스 터미널 2

수랏타니 케셋 2 마켓
푸켓 버스 터미널 2
7월 8일 (월)
승객 NaN 명

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수랏타니 케셋 2 마켓 출발 푸켓 버스 터미널 2 도착 교통편

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수랏타니 케셋 2 마켓 에서 푸켓 버스 터미널 2 여행지 리뷰

경험은 훌륭했습니다. 12go Asia를 사용하는 것은 이번이 두 번째입니다. 사용을 강력히 추천합니다!! 나는 실수로 잘못된 날짜를 예약했고 내가 내 예약 voiture를 되살렸을 때 해제했습니다. 우리는 다음날 Puket으로 떠나기 때문에 당황했지만 그들은 12goasia가 나를 위해 완벽하게 정리했습니다!! 버스 여행 자체는 좋았습니다. 예상보다 30분이 더 걸렸지만 괜찮습니다. 우리는 다리를 펴고 중간에 먹기 위해 멈춰야했습니다. 버스가 완전히 꽉 찼기 때문에 내가 댓글에서 읽은 것처럼 많은 현지인을 내려주지 않았기 때문에 그것에 대해 언급할 수 없습니다. 한 가지 단점은 우리 버스에 최고의 에어컨이 없다는 것이었습니다. 외부는 매우 덥고 밴 내부는 더 추웠지만 여전히 땀을 조금 흘리기에 충분했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 2. 26.
우리는 2시간 늦었어요. 운전자는 운전하는 내내 통화와 휴대전화를 통화하고 있었습니다. 그 결과 타선을 몰고 갔다. 여행은 약 20번 정차했고 지속적으로 패키지를 수락하고 배송했으며 이로 인해 지연이 발생했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2022. 7. 24.
The seat that was allocated to me (the last seat on the van) had big parcels under the seat which prevented me from putting my legs on the floor. I sat with legs up in the air. The driver was also picking up passengers on the way and collecting and dropping parcels. Not a good experience at all!
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2024. 3. 2.
We arrived a little late, the bus/van had aircon which worked well, the bus driver was very helpful and friendly. Thank you 😊
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 11. 5.
Booking was easy. The office staff were super helpful and friendly. The minivan was so uncomfortable and hot, air con want great. The driver also made many stops along the way to pick up boxes and deliveries which added lots of time onto the journey, so it was a lot longer than advertised.
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 3. 23.
Fast minivans. Air conditioned. Took a break between Surat Thani train station and Phuket. Full with people and things.
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 1. 31.
Bus was rather old and uncomfortable. It stopped many times to pick up large packages. Two toilet breaks, target than one, would have been nice.
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 1. 7.
The driver does pick up and drop off Thai locals at various destinations, but it was a smooth ride with some beautiful scenery along the way. He will stop at various locations in Phuket if you ask which was very nice for us since our Hotel was along the way.
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2022. 12. 1.
He stopped a lot of times not only for new passengers but also seemed to have some kind of package delivery service as well. At one stop he loaded a living chicken in a package into the car which you very well could smell and hear. Otherwise the transport was good, seats a little bit small, but guess they’re made for smaller people here in Thailand. The bus was cooled down which was great and he even made a stop for eating, drinking and toilet.
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2022. 9. 27.
Left on time. Excellent driver who was friendly & drove sensibly on the heavy rain and poor visibility. One stop for lunch on the way. The driver was happy to drop me off near the airport. Phantip office staff were cheerful and helpful as always.
미니버스 동네버스, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2022. 8. 2.
고객 85 명의 리뷰

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