노이 바이 공항 (HAN) 출발 닌빈 173 르엉 반탄 거리

노이 바이 공항 (HAN) 출발 닌빈 173 르엉 반탄 거리

노이 바이 공항
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노이 바이 공항 출발 닌빈 173 르엉 반탄 거리 도착 교통편

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노이 바이 공항 에서 닌빈 173 르엉 반탄 거리 여행지 리뷰

하노이 공항에서 Tam Coc까지의 여행은 모든 것이 잘 조직되었습니다. 물론, 우리는 약 두 번 갈아타야 했습니다. 즉, 공항에서 하노이 시내까지 자동차 1대를 갈아탄 다음 장거리 여행을 위해 리무진을 타고 닌빈에서는 다시 더 큰 자동차를 타야 했습니다. 내 관점에서는 리무진 운전기사가 조금 짜증을 낸 것 외에는 모든 것이 괜찮았다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
미니버스 Limousine 11, Duy Khang Limousine (Duy Khang Limousine), 2024. 3. 6.
훌륭한 가격, 훌륭한 환승, 좋은 운전자, 깨끗하고 현대적이며 세련된 자동차. 추천.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
택시 컴포트 3인승, VTS (VTS), 2023. 1. 2.
It takes 3 modes to reach tam coc. 1st from Taxi to Hanoi city,Then Limousine drops at Ninh Binh.After that a van drops at Tam coc.
미니버스 Limousine 11, Duy Khang Limousine (Duy Khang Limousine), 2024. 7. 5.
- The driver was more than half an hour late - The car that picked me up was not the same as the one written on the pdf - The phone number in the pdf was from someone that couldnt communicate in english with me - We were dropped in a random place where they said we should wait more for the next driver - Everything was really confusing, we did not know if we were going to the right place, since no one was able to speak english or even try to explain to google translate. The phone numbers didnt work quite well and for half an hour I thought I had fallen into a scheme. Hopefully we arrived at the right place and the trip as fine, but they should improve the communication and the pick up. 12go also should be available straight away in those cases, I wish I could call you but everything I got was a chat that took a while to give me an answer.
미니버스 Limousine 11, Duy Khang Limousine (Duy Khang Limousine), 2024. 6. 8.
We arrived only 15 mins late, but the whole trip from Hanoi Airport to Ninh Binh was very chaotic with little information from the providers. Basically you take a car from the airport to the company's office in Hanoi (50mins journey because of traffic, the car was also 30mins late because of rain), then waited at the office for 30 more minutes and then got into a van to Ninh Binh. All vehicles were comfortable, but waiting was annoying.
버스 미니버스, XE Vietnam, 2024. 5. 4.
Aesthetic y77yh
미니버스 Limousine 11, Duy Khang Limousine (Duy Khang Limousine), 2024. 4. 24.
Booked with them 2 times (airport to Ninh Binh; Ninh Binh to Hanoi). Excellent communication. Drivers were on time. Very professional. Highly recommended.
택시 SUV 4인승, VTS (VTS), 2024. 4. 2.
Excellent driver, knew everything about the destination and even helped us with a lot of information about the place. The service was hassle free and the vehicle was there even before we arrived. One thing which I did not like was the 12Go’s premium support, I paid extra amount for the same but the response time was pretty high
택시 SUV 4인승, VTS (VTS), 2024. 3. 27.
Great service, everything as should be, very nice and proffessional driver. He even made a stop for us to use restroom in the middle of the way.
택시 컴포트 3인승, OUROS Travel (Ouros Travel), 2024. 3. 18.
Quite a couple of switches from taxi to minibus to taxi. Only wrong name of hostel ended up the paper of last driver, but after a phone call hè was able to find out where he needed to drop me off
미니버스 밴 11인승, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024. 3. 6.
고객 82 명의 리뷰

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