Hurghada River Port 출발 룩소르

Hurghada River Port 출발 룩소르

Hurghada River Port
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Hurghada River Port 출발 룩소르 도착 교통편

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Hurghada River Port 에서 룩소르 여행지 리뷰

예정된 시간보다 늦게 도착함
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2023. 12. 30.
버스는 정시에 도착했지만 예상 시간보다 1.5시간 늦게 도착했습니다. 직원들은 친절했습니다. 버스는 편안했다. 룩소르에 도착하는 것은 큰 거리와 교통 체증 때문에 조금 복잡했습니다. 택시 기사 같은 사람들이 많았는데, 정말 강압적이었어요. 여행지는 사람이 많이 붐비지 않는 곳이 좋겠죠?
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2022. 10. 31.
Wasn't that good, the bus was awful, old, the made many stops, we left late and arrived of course late to our destination (supposed to be 3.5 hrs moreless) but were a bit more than 5 , the guy who took our luggage wanted money for the bags, was not really good service
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2023. 10. 4.
1. Wifi does not work, so we had no chance to get the map to our hotel. 2. Clima Automation was to cold. 3. We drives 4 and a half hours. The discription is 4 hours. There was no rush hour or something.
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2023. 3. 30.
There was no Wi-Fi, no entertainment system, and we took a couple detours an hour and a half out of our way to drop people off, when we got to our destinations, they dropped us off on the side of the street nowhere near the Terminal so it’s very difficult to get a taxi.
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2023. 3. 1.
The driver arrived 1 hour later as requested.
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2023. 2. 3.
Good, not great. Got us from point A to B. Just a lot of room for improvement. The bus it itself wasn't in a great condition. Really dirty, with bubble gum stuck everywhere. Super minor, but stupid things like the person loading your bag in the bus demanding 10 EGP to "baggage handling fee", it's basically nothing but just shows the mentally of the people working there.
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2023. 1. 5.
All the best.
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2022. 10. 5.
The time of departure was respected but not the time of arrival by 2 hours. The toilets were ok but no toilet paper. Nothing to dry your hands.
버스 슈퍼 디럭스, Go Bus, 2022. 9. 16.
The depature was on time, small delay on arrival about closed street. Bus stopes one times, without any beggar. No complaints at all, good save and cheap.
버스 Elite DD, Go Bus, 2022. 7. 30.
고객 82 명의 리뷰