Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier

Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier

Parkir Ubud Central
Gili Trawangan Pier
Sen, 8 Jul
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Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier Jadwal

Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier Jadwal
Nama TransportWaktu RuteHarga
Sunfish Fast Boat Speedboat 08:00 - 11:00IDR 402,500

Transportasi dari Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier

  • Kapal Feri
    $ 24.57
  • Kereta - Kereta tidak tersedia
  • Bis tidak tersedia
  • Penerbangan tidak tersedia
  • Taksi tidak tersedia
  • Mobil Van tidak tersedia

Fakta-fakta mengenai transportasi dari Parkir Ubud Central menuju Gili Trawangan Pier

Transportasi TermurahUS$25
Transportasi Tercepat3J
Keberangkatan Paling Awal8:00 AM
Keberangkatan Paling Akhir8:00 AM
Keberangkatan per hari1
Jarak150 kilometer
Perusahaan TransportasiSunfish Fast Boat

Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier Ulasan Destinasi

Good and easy transfer The shuttle bus took us from the indicated address We arrived one hour early, left our luggage in front of the office (they put a sticker on it with the destinations and gave us some badges as tickets), had a coffee at one of the close restaurants, came back to carry our stuff, paid the harbour tax and left for Gili T They are not very careful with the bags, so please take an extra measure if carrying some fragile stuff
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Wijaya Perkasa (Wijaya Perkasa), 9 Mei 2024
Didn’t have any rough sea like we have seen from other people, just wish the organisation was better.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Wijaya Perkasa (Wijaya Perkasa), 29 Apr 2024
The trip was fine altogether although it does state arrival at 10am, however the ferry doesn’t leave until 9.30 on the sign in the shop, however we didn’t leave until gone 10.30am and takes roughly 2 hours. Was safe and it was slightly unorganised chaos but we did have lanyards so that made it slightly easier
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Ostina Fast Boat, 24 Des 2023
Was very anxious about the journey after hearing a lot of horror stories. It was better than I expected. The van was old, there was no ac and the windows wouldn't go down; luckily there was only 3 of us so we had some room to ourselves.
Kapal cepat Perjalanan gabungan melalui Padang Bai, Semaya One, 11 Nov 2023
Old and quite uncomfortable car. Boat dirty and with bugs but we were on time
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Ostina Fast Boat, 8 Nov 2023
Very late !
Kapal cepat Perjalanan gabungan melalui Padang Bai, Semaya One, 29 Okt 2023
A little passed the time scheduled for the pick up but very noce in general. The location were you have to wait have a restaurant and is a nice area. Food is okay.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Wahana Virendra, 23 Okt 2023
It was a really good and i was surprised how smooth everything went! The driver picked us up at 6.50am and drove us to the harbour. We got our boarding passes and they tell us when we leave. There is a fee at the harbour and one on the island. The boat wasnt really fast but it was alright. At some point i saw a butterfly and could observe it! On the site they said 7 to 10 but we arrived at 1.30 to Gili Air. The rest was really good!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Ostina Fast Boat, 7 Okt 2023
Waited over an hour on the boat. When the boat arrived there was no seats left, had to sit on the roof of the boat for 2 hours. Not good do not recommend
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Ostina Fast Boat, 2 Okt 2023
The transfer to the pier was ok, but no belts. The trip from the pier to gili air was awfull. I have been in other speed boats but this one was the worst! It seemed like it was going to split in 2. Do not recommend. Time of arrival at gili was almost 3 hours later.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Ostina Fast Boat, 2 Sep 2023
31 ulasan pelanggan

Rute populer di Indonesia

Cara pergi dari Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier

Bepergian antara Parkir Ubud Central dan Gili Trawangan Pier dapat dilakukan dengan kapal cepat. Saat ini ini adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang tersedia untuk rute ini.

Seberapa jauh Parkir Ubud Central dari Gili Trawangan Pier?

Bepergian melalui darat jarak antara Parkir Ubud Central dan Gili Trawangan Pier adalah 150 km sementara itu sekitar 150 km.

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan dari Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier?

Bepergian dengan kapal cepat antara Parkir Ubud Central dan Gili Trawangan Pier, diperkirakan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 3 jam.

Berapa biayanya dari Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier?

Tiket kapal cepat untuk rute Parkir Ubud Central - Gili Trawangan Pier akan membuat Saudara kembali ke sekitar USD 24.57. Untuk memastikan harga terbaik, beli tiketlah terlebih dahulu.

Berapa banyak perjalanan per hari antara Parkir Ubud Central dan Gili Trawangan Pier?

Kapal Feri/Cepat berangkat dari Ubud untuk Kepulauan Gili 1 kali sehari.

Tips berguna pada saat bepergian antara Parkir Ubud Central dan Gili Trawangan Pier dengan kapal cepat

Untuk pergi dari Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier pilihan Saudara terbatas pada satu opsi transportasi, tetapi bukan berarti Saudara tidak dapat membuat perjalanan Saudara senyaman mungkin. Periksa petunjuk sederhana kami untuk menghindari kekecewaan selama perjalanan Saudara.

Kapal Feri

Tip berguna untuk pelancong feri:

  • Perjalanan feri dapat dibatalkan karena kondisi laut yang tidak memungkinkan. Ini adalah kasus biasa selama musim hujan rendah atau musim hujan di banyak negara.
  • Minumlah obat mabuk Saudara sebelum naik feri.
  • Jika Saudara menderita mabuk laut, cobalah duduk lebih dekat ke hidung kapal. Keluar ke dek terbuka jika memungkinkan juga dapat membantu.

Perusahaan yang mengoperasikan rute feri antara Ubud dan Kepulauan Gili Sunfish Fast Boat.

Berapa banyak wisatawan yang memilih untuk pergi dari Parkir Ubud Central ke Gili Trawangan Pier dengan kapal cepat?

Kami telah menjual kapal cepat tiket untuk 547 penumpang. Beberapa dari mereka meninggalkan ulasan tentang perjalanan mereka di atas di halaman ini. Periksa ulasan wisatawan untuk melakukan persiapan. Mereka selalu menjadi sumber informasi yang paling berguna dan dapat diandalkan.