Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Sapa SSB
Ninh Binh Luxury SSB
Sab, 6 Jul
Sekali Jalan
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Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB Jadwal

Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB Jadwal
Nama TransportWaktu RuteHarga
Grouptour Van 9pax 00:00 - 07:30VND 6,268k
Grouptour Van + VIP Bus 06:30 - 14:20VND 768k
Grouptour Van + VIP Bus 08:00 - 15:50VND 768k
Grouptour Van + VIP Bus 10:30 - 20:00VND 768k
Grouptour Van + VIP Bus 12:00 - 21:30VND 768k
Grouptour VIP 20 15:50 - 00:20VND 656k
Grouptour Sleeper 41 16:15 - 00:55VND 408k
Grouptour Sleeper 41 21:30 - 06:10VND 297k

Transportasi dari Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

  • Bis
    $ 13.91
  • Kereta - Kereta tidak tersedia
  • Kapal Feri tidak tersedia
  • Penerbangan tidak tersedia
  • Taksi tidak tersedia
  • Mobil Van tidak tersedia

Fakta-fakta mengenai transportasi dari Sapa SSB menuju Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Transportasi TermurahUS$14
Transportasi Tercepat7J, 30m
Keberangkatan Paling Awal12:00 AM
Keberangkatan Paling Akhir9:30 PM
Keberangkatan per hari26
Jarak375 kilometer
Perusahaan TransportasiGrouptour

Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB Ulasan Destinasi

Bus berangkat pada pukul 7:40 bukannya pukul 6:45, berhenti setidaknya 20 kali selama perjalanan, pengemudi dan pembantunya bersikap kasar, dan kursinya sangat kecil dan tidak nyaman bahkan untuk orang berukuran 5'3”. Tidak bisa dibayangkan bagaimana orang yang lebih tinggi dari itu bisa muat. Yang menyebalkan, bukannya langsung ke Ninh Binh, malah ke Nam Dinh, dan di sana saya dipindahkan ke mobil van padahal saya sudah pastikan untuk memesan bus langsung.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis VIP 32, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 4 Des 2023
Kelebihan: Bus tiba tepat waktu Kekurangan: Tempat tidurnya terlalu sempit dan pengemudi tidak mengemudi dengan lembut sehingga kami tidak bisa tidur.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis VIP 32, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 14 Sep 2023
Busnya nyaman dan semua orang punya banyak ruang. Hanya ada sedikit bau aneh di Bus mati dan mereka berhenti begitu banyak di jalan ... tapi kami tiba lebih awal. Benar-Benar Bernilai Uang!
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis VIP 20, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 11 Mar 2023
Titik awal pada PDF berbeda dengan titik awal sebenarnya tetapi kami dipindahkan ke sana secara gratis jadi tidak masalah. Tempat tidurnya pendek dan busnya 2 jam lebih awal di tempat tujuan yang aneh.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Tempat tidur 41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 3 Feb 2023
new bus really confortable .... large very wide berth only 2 berths in the width of the bus...the driver very attentive and drives safely
Bis Lower Single Cabin, HK Sapa Open Tour (HK Sapa Open Tour), 30 Mei 2024
Staff at pick up point were not helpful at all, I asked when we arrived if we were still due to leave at 10.30am to which the lady said yes. We didn’t end up leaving until 11.30am with no explanation, we kept having to find staff to ask what was happening and being told “soon, soon” On the bus the staff also were not friendly, we were given no tickets and had no idea where we should sit and were ignored completely with no eye contact. My seat did not recline and both mine and my partners usb port did not work. We did however arrive only a little after our given arrival time and the ride was straight forward once we got on.
Bis VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 4 Mei 2024
I booked it really last minute and everything went good. Bus was more or less on time and arrived about an hour early. The "beds" are about 1,7 m long so if your taller it's probably not comfortable... We ended at the right spot.
Bis VIP 32, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 14 Apr 2024
First things first: we started where we should have, arrived where we should have, both on time, and travelled with the VIP bus that we paid for. Only in between Sapa and Ninh Binh at 2 am we were dropped in the middle of Hanoi for a bus change that arrived 2 hours later. This was not scheduled (or at least not advertised) and the help desk through WhatsApp was basically useless. We just hoped that the second bus would arrive but there were no sign there nor any signal, so it was basically hope for 2 hours.
Bis VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 12 Apr 2024
Bus started 1h late, the crew was not friendly at all and we were making stops so many times.
Bis VIP 33 Sleeper , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 27 Mar 2024
Departure point only took us to another bus terminal where people had already boarded the bus. Booked for 1615 and didn't get taken to the bus terminal until then. Clearly they had overbooked / cancelled buses as there were people for 1600, 1615 and 1700 bus all told to board the same one! Initially they tried to tell us to get into a minivan, I had to re-show them my ticket with the word SLEEPER. Eventually was told to board the sleeper bus, after they prioritised boarding all of the locals who arrived after us, they then tried to put me and my partner in 1 cabin together after doing it to other people. I refused and insisted on 2 given we had paid for 2 tickets. They then allowed us into 2 cabins, and there was even 1 cabin free on the bus and I saw at least 2 cabins doubled up. The assistant on the bus was frankly just rude, and pushed me aside physically twice without saying anything. Did not speak any English and ignored our attempts to communicate with him with Google translate. Eventually the bus set off about 1hr after schedule and after about 1hr into the journey we stopped and were switched onto another bus. There was no attempt to communicate with us at all, if they had explained from the beginning the whole journey would have been much easier to understand. The new bus driver was much more pleasant and helpful (we asked him on google translate for his number, so our hotel could call him to arrange a taxi for us at the other end, and he kindly obliged, unlike the first driver and assistant who just totally ignored us despite reading the same message. We later stopped for a break at services, along with the original bus - we were told 20min break, 1hr later we were still there as crews from both buses were sat eating food together! Meanwhile all the passengers were back on the bus waiting to go. They also stopped a few times on the way and a few locals got on and were sleeping in the aisle. Unsurprisingly we arrived about 1hr after scheduled time.
Bis VIP 33 Sleeper , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 27 Mar 2024
91 ulasan pelanggan

Rute populer di Vietnam

Cara pergi dari Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Bepergian antara Sapa SSB dan Ninh Binh Luxury SSB dapat dilakukan dengan bis. Saat ini ini adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang tersedia untuk rute ini.

Seberapa jauh Sapa SSB dari Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Bepergian melalui darat jarak antara Sapa SSB dan Ninh Binh Luxury SSB adalah 375 km sementara itu sekitar 375 km.

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan dari Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Bepergian dengan bis antara Sapa SSB dan Ninh Binh Luxury SSB, diperkirakan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 10 jam.

Berapa biayanya dari Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Tiket bis untuk rute Sapa SSB - Ninh Binh Luxury SSB akan membuat Saudara kembali ke sekitar USD 256.43. Untuk memastikan harga terbaik, beli tiketlah terlebih dahulu.

Berapa banyak perjalanan per hari antara Sapa SSB dan Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Bis dari Sapa ke Ninh Binh naik 26 kali dalam sehari.

Tips berguna pada saat bepergian antara Sapa SSB dan Ninh Binh Luxury SSB dengan bis

Untuk pergi dari Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB pilihan Saudara terbatas pada satu opsi transportasi, tetapi bukan berarti Saudara tidak dapat membuat perjalanan Saudara senyaman mungkin. Periksa petunjuk sederhana kami untuk menghindari kekecewaan selama perjalanan Saudara.


Tips berguna untuk pelancong bus:

  • Untuk perjalanan yang lebih nyaman, Jika memungkinkan pilihlah bus kelas yang lebih tinggi. Bus-bus ini biasanya memiliki kursi sandaran yang empuk dan dilengkapi dengan AC serta toilet.
  • Air minum, makanan ringan atau makan siang ringan mungkin sudah termasuk dalam harga tiket Saudara.
  • Tidak semua bus memiliki toilet tetapi juga tidak menakutkan - mereka juga bisa berhenti dalam perjalanan.

Perusahaan yang mengoperasikan rute bus antara Sapa dan Ninh Binh

Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour).

Berapa banyak wisatawan yang memilih untuk pergi dari Sapa SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB dengan bis?

Kami telah menjual bis tiket untuk 2828 penumpang. Beberapa dari mereka meninggalkan ulasan tentang perjalanan mereka di atas di halaman ini. Periksa ulasan wisatawan untuk melakukan persiapan. Mereka selalu menjadi sumber informasi yang paling berguna dan dapat diandalkan.