Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok

Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok

Thap Lamu Pier
Khao Sok
sri, 10. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Prijevoz od Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok

  • Vlakovi nisu dstupni
  • Autobusi nisu dstupni
  • Trajekti nisu dstupni
  • Letovi nisu dstupni
  • Taxiji nisu dstupni
  • Kombiji nisu dstupni

Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok Recenzije odredišta

Driver was early, polite and was very nice to our little 2year old
Taxi Ekonomska klasa za 3 putnika, Call Me Taxi Thailand (คอลมีแท๊กซี่), 3. tra 2024.
Everthing went fine and was well organised. Found the 12GO shop easily and the lady helped us finding the bus stop.
Autobus Express, 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport (465 Surat Thani-Phuket Transport ), 12. sij 2024.
Unfortunately our booked transportation was cancelled a few hours before due to "operational issues". The Email service luckily booked us on an earlier time we could reach nonetheless. This bus was slightly late and overcrowded then. All possible places we're occupied and in the whole room between seats also people we're Standing. Due to the high load the air was quite Bad and the vehicle had mayor Problems on the Road, only creeping up the Mountains. At least we reached our Destination somehow only slightly delayed.
Autobus Express, 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport (465 Surat Thani-Phuket Transport ), 6. sij 2024.
Very long trip. My seat wasn't fully flat and the seat were quite narrow.
Autobus Express, 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport (465 Surat Thani-Phuket Transport ), 12. pro 2023.
The journey was fine. The problem we had was the image shown about where pick up was is on the wrong side of the road to where the bus gets you, and there was no one in the shop with 12go to tell us where we needed to be. We asked a few locals and had both answers, it wasn’t until a bus came on the one side that the driver was able to advise it was the other one. Other than that the journey was good.
Autobus Express, 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport (465 Surat Thani-Phuket Transport ), 27. stu 2023.
We accidentally booked the wrong day, but they organized (without buying a new ticket), that we still could catch the bus. Thanks again!
Autobus Express, 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport (465 Surat Thani-Phuket Transport ), 8. stu 2023.
In time, safe, clean, driver was very helpful
Taxi Kombi za 9 putnika, Andaman Taxis, 12. kol 2023.
The driver was very punctual and friendly. We had enough space in the minivan and arrived on time. Perfect experience.
kombi Shared Van 10 Pax, Call Me Taxi (คอลมีแท๊กซี่), 25. tra 2023.
Great trip, how driver was so kind
kombi Shared Van 10 Pax, Call Me Taxi (คอลมีแท๊กซี่), 14. tra 2023.
Nice, quiet, clean
Taxi Ekonomska klasa za 3 putnika, Call Me Taxi Thailand (คอลมีแท๊กซี่), 26. ruj 2022.
47 recenzija kupaca

Kako doći od Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok

Putovanje između Thap Lamu Pier i Khao Sok moguće je putem taxi. Trenutno je to jedina dostupna opcija za ovu rutu.

Koliko je Thap Lamu Pier udaljeno od Khao Sok?

Putovanje kopnom udaljenost između Thap Lamu Pier i Khao Sok je 54 km, dok je oko 41 km zračne linije.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok?

Putujući taxi između Thap Lamu Pier i Khao Sok, očekujte da ćete potrošiti oko 2 sati.

Koliko košta doći od Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok?

taxi karata za rutu Thap Lamu Pier - Khao Sok će vas koštati oko USD 62.82. Kako biste osigurali najbolju cijenu, kupite karte unaprijed.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Thap Lamu Pier i Khao Sok?

Taksi je uvijek atraktivna opcija, jer možete rezervirati taksi koji će vas odvesti od Khao Lak do Khao Sok u bilo koje doba dana.

Korisni savjeti za putovanje između Thap Lamu Pier i Khao Sok od strane taxi

Da biste došli od Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok vaš je izbor ograničen na jednu opciju prijevoza, ali to ne znači da ne možete učiniti svoje putovanje što ugodnijim. Provjerite naše jednostavne savjete kako biste izbjegli razočaranje tijekom putovanja.


Korisni savjeti za putnike koji koriste prijevoz taksijem:

  • Ako planirate obilaziti tijekom putovanja, unaprijed razgovarajte o tome sa svojim vozačem ili pružateljem usluga, jer to može utjecati na cijenu.
  • Ako imate bilo kakve posebne zahtjeve poput autosjedalice za svoje dijete, unaprijed obavijestite operativnu tvrtku.

Tvrtke koje nude čartere između Khao Lak i Khao Sok

Andaman Taxis, Chill Transfers (บริษัท ชิล วาเคชั่น จำกัด), Kim Transfers Thailand (Thailand Taxi Airport and Travel).

Koliko putnika odluči doći od Thap Lamu Pier do Khao Sok putem taxi?

Prodali smo taxi karti putnicima. Neki od njih su ostavili recenzije o svom putovanju iznad na ovoj stranici. Provjerite recenzije putnika kako biste se pripremili. Oni su uvijek najkorisniji i najpouzdaniji izvor informacija.