Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao

Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao

Suratthani Town Seatran office
Koh Tao
sub, 6. srp
NaN Putnika

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Prijevoz od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao

Činjenice o prijevozu od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao

Najjeftiniji prijevoz24 USD
Najbrži prijevoz4h
Najraniji polazak10:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak10:00 PM
Polasci po danu4
Udaljenost200 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeFame Tour, Koh Tao Booking Center, Lomprayah

Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao Recenzije odredišta

Waited at the pier, which had a small store to get some food. Bus took us to the boat and boat got to the island. Journey was just fine. On the boat you can also buy food and drinks. If you have a backpack, would recommend putting your raincover on for protection of your bag (if you care about that).
Autobus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 7. tra 2024.
We were a bit late, but that was ok. Good to know that you have to transfer boat at koh phanang and they do an extra stop.
Autobus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 12. lis 2023.
The trip was ok. We wanted to go to Koh Tao but arrived five hours later then said. We had a stay on Koh phangan for more than four hours. Would had been nice to know that before. The sea was kind of rough but the captain was navigating well and the crew took care of everybody who got seasick
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 9. sij 2023.
Everything on time, very nice staff. In Koh Phangan it was unclear where to wait for the next boat and what kind of vehicle it will be. I
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 27. lis 2022.
Not bad, just ok
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 19. ruj 2022.
Monopolies are annoying, as a tourist I can only lose. No innovation, no competition and in the background a few are happy to have founded Lomprayah with probably unfair means. Ugh...
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 6. ruj 2022.
Very good and quick. Very helpful staff to tell where to go and quick transfer at Koh phangang
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 21. kol 2022.
60 people packed on a small boat. We stopped for 20 minutes at Koh Samui, but no one told why. And then we went further to Koh Tao. At bus station was told that we had a stop at Koh Phangan and had to go to another boat, so the trip was totally different and nobody could tell us something. Better to write down on a board what the trip will be and what we can expect.
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 2. kol 2022.
On time
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 22. srp 2022.
We order the speedboot to Koh tao, but we stopped at Koh pahnang and we had A transfer to another boot which was much bigger and slower and with a lot more people on it( maybe to much) we couldn't sit anymore it was so busy. we paid for a speedboat and you get this. We are dissepointed.
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 9. srp 2022.
203 recenzija kupaca

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Kako doći od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao

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Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 24.48 ako idete Trajekt; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za trajekt koji će vas koštati samo USD 23.12.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao?

Može vam trebati između 4 i 9 sati za put između Suratthani Town Seatran office i Koh Tao, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Trajekt+kombi je najbrži način putovanja između Suratthani Town Seatran office i Koh Tao. Trajekt+kombi će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 4h. Trajekt vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 8h 30m da stigne do Koh Tao.

Koliko košta doći od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao?

Putovanje između Suratthani Town Seatran office i Koh Tao može koštati jeftino kao USD 23.12 ako se odlučite za Fame Tour (เฟมทัวร์) trajekt i skupo kao USD 24.48 ako kupite Koh Tao Booking Center Trajekt kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Suratthani Town Seatran office i Koh Tao?

  • 2 od Surat Thani do Koh Tao počevši od 21:30 Surat Thani Night Boat Pier do 22:00 Surat Thani Night Boat Pier
  • 2 s Trajekt+kombi od Surat Thani do Koh Tao počevši od 10:00 Tapee pier do 13:00 Tapee pier

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao.

Koji je način prijevoza najbolji za moju rutu?


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Tvrtke koje upravljaju trajektnim rutama između Surat Thani i Koh Tao

Fame Tour (เฟมทัวร์), Koh Tao Booking Center

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Suratthani Town Seatran office do Koh Tao?

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