Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao

Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao

Rawai Seafood Market Phuket
Koh Tao
sub, 6. srp
NaN Putnika

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Prijevoz od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao

Činjenice o prijevozu od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao

Najjeftiniji prijevoz44 USD
Najbrži prijevoz8h
Najraniji polazak7:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak9:00 AM
Polasci po danu4
Udaljenost400 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeCall Me Taxi, Lomprayah

Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao Recenzije odredišta

It was not a taxi+ bus+ ferry. It was a mini van+ mini van+ ferry. There are no confortable for 5 hours the mini van.
Trajekt Taxi + Bus + Speedboat, Call Me Taxi (คอลมีแท๊กซี่), 13. ožu 2023.
I was pleasantly surprised at how smooth the journey was. The bus started on time we had a stop for lunch before arriving at the pier. The boat ride was longer and choppy (they provided plastic bags..), we arrived about 1 hour later than the scheduled 5 pm but all in comfort. We stayed in the same boat all the time while passengers were dropped off at Koh Samui and Koh Phangan.
Autobus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 17. pro 2022.
Bus trip was ok, old buses but pretty nice. But the boat trip was one of the most unorganized things i ever seen. When one of the buses was late they didnt started to load everyone else. instead they waited until it was close, so instead of 15 min late from the pier we where 45 min late. Then the unloading at each stop took 30 min. And when they mixed up one bag at one stop, no new could get on until they found that bag, so there we lost another 10 min. In the end i think we where close to 90 min late all because of unorganized boat trip.
Autobus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 12. pro 2022.
all good. very well organised and professional
Autobus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 22. lis 2022.
All ran smoothly, friendly staff and comfortable coach. We stopped for food mid way through the coach journey.
Autobus Express, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 5. lis 2022.
Everything was cool 😎 👍
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 26. svi 2022.
Everything happened on time, which for Thailand is sometimes surprising! Bus left from Phuket at 7.01am and ferry arrived in Koh Tao at 14.50. There is nowhere to buy food between bus station and Koh Tao. You can buy water and snacks (Peanuts, chips, cup noodles) in the ferry but other wise I would recommend to bring snacks with you and eat a breakfast :)
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 15. svi 2022.
All went well
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 29. ožu 2022.
It would be nice if the driver didn't use his phone to text while driving - it may not be against the law in Thailand, but he's responsible for all the passengers he is driving. The air con on the catamaran was too cold!
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 13. ožu 2022.
Boat left and arrived late, good crew
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 25. lis 2020.
128 recenzija kupaca

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Kako doći od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao

Putovanje između Rawai Seafood Market Phuket i Koh Tao moguće je putem Autobus, trajekt i taxi. Autobus+trajekt jamči najbrže putovanje na ovoj ruti. Autobus+taxi+trajekt je najsporija opcija.

Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 50.35 ako idete Autobus+Taxi+Trajekt; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za autobus+trajekt koji će vas koštati samo USD 43.55.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao?

Može vam trebati između 8 i 10 sati za put između Rawai Seafood Market Phuket i Koh Tao, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Autobus+trajekt je najbrži način putovanja između Rawai Seafood Market Phuket i Koh Tao. Autobus+trajekt će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 8h. Autobus+taxi+trajekt vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 10h da stigne do Koh Tao.

Koliko košta doći od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao?

Putovanje između Rawai Seafood Market Phuket i Koh Tao može koštati jeftino kao USD 43.55 ako se odlučite za Lomprayah (ลมพระยา) autobus+trajekt i skupo kao USD 50.35 ako kupite Call Me Taxi (คอลมีแท๊กซี่) Autobus+Taxi+Trajekt kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Rawai Seafood Market Phuket i Koh Tao?

  • 3 s Autobus+Taxi+Trajekt od Phuket do Koh Tao počevši od 07:00 Patong do 08:00 Phuket Town
  • 1 s Autobus+Trajekt od Phuket do Koh Tao počevši od 09:00 Phuket Lomprayah do 09:00 Phuket Lomprayah

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao.

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Rawai Seafood Market Phuket do Koh Tao?

Postoji izbor prijevoznih sredstava u bilo koje doba dana, a Autobus+Trajekt ostaje najpopularnija opcija zbog razumnih cijena i udobnosti.

Od 1000 putnika koji su kupili karte za ovu rutu

  • 99% odabrano Autobus+Trajekt
  • 1% Druge