Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop

Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop

Naluang Bus Station
Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop
uto, 9. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop Raspored

Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Naluang Express Sleeper 41 18:00 - 20:00LAK 1,057,566

Prijevoz od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop

  • Autobusi
    $ 44.64
  • Vlakovi nisu dstupni
  • Trajekti nisu dstupni
  • Letovi nisu dstupni
  • Taxiji nisu dstupni
  • Kombiji nisu dstupni

Činjenice o prijevozu od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop

Najjeftiniji prijevoz45 USD
Najbrži prijevoz1d 2h
Najraniji polazak6:00 PM
Najkasniji polazak6:00 PM
Polasci po danu1
Udaljenost1300 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeNaluang

Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop Recenzije odredišta

It was better that I expected. I've read all the reviews before and was expecting something worse. The bus left on time. It's was Wednesday so the bus didn't have a toilet or outlets to charge phones. We didn't experience racism, we were just sitting in front of the bus when they called us and we got on. The seats were pretty comfortable and sleapable. There were 2 seats together and then one - on the side, so couples could sleep next to each-other. The driver knew a few English words but even without it we could have basic communication about stops and border crossing. The driver was not very friendly, but it was okay. The second driver was more attentive and helped us to search for lost headphones. The first toilet stop was in 2-3 hours at approximately 9 PM and the drivers yellled "toilet" so it was easy to understand. I recommend taking this change because there were no toilet stops until 8AM when we reached the border. The toilets in Laos side of the border were manageable, no paper though so make sure to have it. Also, make sure you don't put on the clothes you don't want to get dirty, because the border crossing was muddy. We had passports and Vietnamese E-Visa so there were no problems crossing the border. At first we went to Laos border and they checked our e-visas. Then we walked like 3-4 minutes and got to the Vietnamese side, took bags from our bus and got also checked for our passports and e-visas as well as bags. No queue and no extra fee. After that, we walked again for 4-5 minutes and stopped at a covered area (like a bus stop) after the barrier, where we got picked by our bus. We didn't have to walk a lot at all. The whole proess took us 1-1.5 hours. We stopped to eat at 1:30-2PM (there was a toilet there) and then didn;t stop anymore. At 5PM, we echnaged busses because our bus had to be repaired and got a bus with 3 rows with separate beds. We got to Hanoi 1.5 hours later. The roads were a bit bumpy in Laos, but got better in Vietnam. But the driver honked very frequently in Vietnam (apparently, that's normal in Vietnam). Overall, it was pretty good for such a long drive. Nothing to be scared of.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277 (HTX Vận Tải 27-7), 23. pro 2023.
19 recenzija kupaca

Popularne rute u Laos

Kako doći od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop

Putovanje između Naluang Bus Station i Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop moguće je putem autobus. Trenutno je to jedina dostupna opcija za ovu rutu.

Koliko je Naluang Bus Station udaljeno od Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop?

Putovanje kopnom udaljenost između Naluang Bus Station i Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop je 1300 km, dok je oko 1300 km zračne linije.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop?

Putujući autobus između Naluang Bus Station i Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop, očekujte da ćete potrošiti oko 26 sati.

Koliko košta doći od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop?

autobus karata za rutu Naluang Bus Station - Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop će vas koštati oko USD 44.64. Kako biste osigurali najbolju cijenu, kupite karte unaprijed.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Naluang Bus Station i Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop?

Autobusi od Luang Prabang do Hanoi voze 1 puta dnevno.

Korisni savjeti za putovanje između Naluang Bus Station i Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop od strane autobus

Da biste došli od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop vaš je izbor ograničen na jednu opciju prijevoza, ali to ne znači da ne možete učiniti svoje putovanje što ugodnijim. Provjerite naše jednostavne savjete kako biste izbjegli razočaranje tijekom putovanja.


Korisni savjeti za putnike koji koriste prijevoz autobusom:

  • Za udobniju vožnju odlučite se za autobus više klase gdje god je to moguće. Ovi autobusi obično imaju mekana naslonjena pomična sjedala i opremljeni su klima-uređajem i toaletima u vozilu.
  • Voda, grickalice ili lagani ručak mogu biti uključeni u cijenu vaše karte.
  • Nemaju svi autobusi zahode u vozilu, ali ne plašite se - oni se zaustavljaju u toaletima na ruti.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju autobusnim linijama između Luang Prabang i Hanoi


Koliko putnika odluči doći od Naluang Bus Station do Nuoc Ngam Bus Stop putem autobus?

Prodali smo autobus karti 514 putnicima. Neki od njih su ostavili recenzije o svom putovanju iznad na ovoj stranici. Provjerite recenzije putnika kako biste se pripremili. Oni su uvijek najkorisniji i najpouzdaniji izvor informacija.