Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery

Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery

Koh Samui
Koh Tao Seatran Discovery
čet, 11. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery Raspored

Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Lomprayah Catamaran 06:45 - 09:30฿ 850
Lomprayah Catamaran 08:00 - 09:30฿ 700
Songserm High Speed Ferry 10:30 - 14:30฿ 600
Lomprayah Catamaran 12:30 - 14:00฿ 700
Lomprayah Catamaran 15:30 - 17:00฿ 700

Prijevoz od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery

Činjenice o prijevozu od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery

Najjeftiniji prijevoz17 USD
Najbrži prijevoz1h 30m
Najraniji polazak6:45 AM
Najkasniji polazak3:30 PM
Polasci po danu8
Udaljenost75 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeLomlahkkhirin, Lomprayah, Songserm

Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery Recenzije odredišta

Ferry and service were very good!
Trajekt Laemsor Ferry, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 23. lip 2024.
The speedboat is not a good experience with the noise and smell of the engines and no air conditioning for 2.5 hours. Then the van had a barely working air conditioner it was hottt for 2 hours with a full van, and the driver made 2 stops when we were already near kao sok (half an hour before and then another one 15 minutes before arrival). Second stop at a food stand was defined “for coffee”, but no body wanted so he went out anyways smoked a cigarette while we were all in the van waiting and sweating.
Trajekt Katamaran, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 7. lip 2024.
The driver came within the stated time window. Got to the Koh Samui pier in ample time before the ferry for Koh Tao. The driver helped with the bags and pointed us to the check in desk. All in all a very smooth experience.
Trajekt Express, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 8. tra 2024.
Everything was ok and quite on time
Trajekt Laemsor Ferry, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 15. ožu 2024.
Perfect ! I made a mistake in the reservation and the SAV was so helpful to change my booking. You can trust this company.
Trajekt Trajekt velike brzine, Songserm (ส่งเสริม), 12. sij 2024.
We used 12Go different Grab rides during our travels in Thailand. Everything always went smoothly and without any hitches. Congratulations!"
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 9. sij 2024.
My trip from Koh Samui to Koh Tao went excellent; the boat was on time, the seats were comfy and the toilets were clean.
Trajekt Trajekt velike brzine, Songserm (ส่งเสริม), 5. sij 2024.
The boat arrived on time. But the AC was too high. It was raining so I couldn't go outside and was freezing sitting inside there. I eventually catched a cold :( It took us about 5 hours to arrive to koh tao. The ceiling had holes and on some point water came trough it because of the strong rain. Some passengers had to switch seats to avoid getting wet.
Trajekt Trajekt velike brzine, Songserm (ส่งเสริม), 12. pro 2023.
The waves were insane, obviously no one's fault. Literally everyone on the ferry ended up throwing up. I guess better check the weather beforehand and if you still wanna go be prepared with some seasick pills.
Trajekt Trajekt velike brzine, Songserm (ส่งเสริม), 23. stu 2023.
It was not the best weather and the sea was rough. About 1/3 of the passengers got seasick, parts vomited. But as we heard, the other boats should be worse. There should be an Info/warning.
Trajekt Gliser, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 21. stu 2023.
1374 recenzija kupaca

Popularne rute u Tajland

Kako doći od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery

Putovanje između Koh Samui i Koh Tao Seatran Discovery moguće je putem Trajekt, kombi i taxi. Trajekt jamči najbrže putovanje na ovoj ruti. Trajekt+kombi je najsporija opcija.

Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 23.28 ako idete Taxi+Trajekt; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za trajekt koji će vas koštati samo USD 16.43.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery?

Može vam trebati između 2 i 6 sati za put između Koh Samui i Koh Tao Seatran Discovery, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Trajekt je najbrži način putovanja između Koh Samui i Koh Tao Seatran Discovery. Trajekt će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 1h 30m. Trajekt+kombi vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 5h 15m da stigne do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery.

Koliko košta doći od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery?

Putovanje između Koh Samui i Koh Tao Seatran Discovery može koštati jeftino kao USD 16.43 ako se odlučite za Songserm (ส่งเสริม) trajekt i skupo kao USD 23.28 ako kupite Lomprayah (ลมพระยา) Taxi+Trajekt kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Koh Samui i Koh Tao Seatran Discovery?

  • 6 od Koh Samui do Koh Tao počevši od 08:00 Maenam Samui do 15:30 Na Thon Koh Samui
  • 2 s Taxi+Trajekt od Koh Samui do Koh Tao počevši od 06:45 Koh Samui Transfer do 10:30 Koh Samui Transfer

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery.

Koji je način prijevoza najbolji za moju rutu?


Trajekt može biti zamorno iskustvo, pogotovo ako ste skloni morskoj bolesti i često nije najjeftinija dostupna opcija, ali gotovo uvijek čini putovanje vrlo slikovitim.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Vožnja trajektom može biti otkazana zbog nemirnog mora.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju trajektnim rutama između Koh Samui i Koh Tao

Lomlahkkhirin, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), Songserm (ส่งเสริม)

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Koh Samui do Koh Tao Seatran Discovery?

Postoji izbor prijevoznih sredstava u bilo koje doba dana, a Trajekt ostaje najpopularnija opcija zbog razumnih cijena i udobnosti.

Od 1000 putnika koji su kupili karte za ovu rutu

  • 46% ukrcalo se na trajekt
  • 37% odabrano Taxi+Trajekt
  • 9% odabrano Trajekt+kombi
  • 8% odabrano kombi+Trajekt