Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya

Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya

Ella via Nuwara Eliya
ned, 7. srp
NaN Putnika

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Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya Raspored

Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Tuktukdude Leisure Shuttle + Safari Drive 06:00 - 15:00LKR 21,870

Prijevoz od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya

  • Kombiji
    $ 72.09
  • Vlakovi nisu dstupni
  • Autobusi nisu dstupni
  • Trajekti nisu dstupni
  • Letovi nisu dstupni
  • Taxiji nisu dstupni

Činjenice o prijevozu od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya

Najjeftiniji prijevoz73 USD
Najbrži prijevoz9h
Najraniji polazak6:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak6:00 AM
Polasci po danu1
Udaljenost450 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeTuktukdude Leisure

Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya Recenzije odredišta

Overall great experience. Immediately after booking (34 days prior train departure) we received an email with a booking confirmation, however, it took very long until we received the ticket confirmation/voucher (11 days prior train departure). The shipping of tickets went smooth, however, we never received an email confirming the shipment of the tickets as it was mentioned in the ticket confirmation email. So overall the train ride was superb, just a little bite nerve killing waiting for confirmation or hoping tickets will arrive:)
Vlak #1005 sjedalo 2. klase, Sri Lanka Railways, 20. ruj 2022.
When a family book tickets they are assigned random seats and not together. Then police come and inquire you about the seats. No one wants to leave kids and others at random places
Vlak Second Class Reserved Seats, Ella Odyssey, 16. tra 2022.
Fast efficient service
Vlak Second Class Reserved Seats, Ella Odyssey, 16. tra 2022.
Very expensive way to guarantee a seat. We booked Kandy to Ella train journey on 13th April 2022 (reserving just over 1 month before), reserving for $39.34USD, for two tickets for 2nd class seated. We ticked that if these were not available that we would take an upgrade. We were emailed 1-2days later to say that there were no 2nd class tickets and asked if we would pay the extra of $5.5USD/person, which we accepted and paid We subsequently came to Sri Lanka and was told by our taxi driver (who is from Kandy), that we grossly overpaid and this was a complete ripoff. He explained that the tickets are only a fraction of the cost and that we should make a complaint about the website. When we checked the tickets on the train, we found that they only cost 2400Sri Lankan rupees which at the time of ordering (mid-March 2022), equalled 8.88USD. This seems to be a hussle that relies on foreigners paying over and above the cost of the ticket for fear of tickets not being available. This was one of the more expensive international websites to use so I would at least encourage people to shop around for cheaper prices The train journey itself was great. Slightly delayed by 20mins but otherwise well timed, regular snacks and great views. It was busy on most carriages however there were a few free seats (maybe 90% full, this was on Sri Lankan New Year’s Eve as well which I believe is normally a very busy time). I cannot comment on how full 2nd class seated was (I am presuming it was full as per 12Go’s email to us). Our driver did insist that tickets are always available on the day (although I think this is only for non-seated tickets), so it leaves me wondering if I would bother booking again in advance (with a large price markup of over 600%) to guarantee tickets or just take a chance getting tickets on the day…I would certainly at least shop around for other websites anyway
Vlak #1015 Sjedalo 1. klase, Sri Lanka Railways, 14. tra 2022.
The price was clearly changed
Vlak #1005 sjedalo 2. klase, Sri Lanka Railways, 10. tra 2022.
They changed the date
Vlak #1015 Rezervirana mjesta za treći razred, Sri Lanka Railways, 3. tra 2022.
Would have been excellent had another train not derailed in front of us. Had to get off carry luggage 500 metres to next station to get onward train. Only lost about an hour so very good all considered.
Vlak #1041 Second Class Reserved Seats, Sri Lanka Railways, 3. tra 2022.
Everything was just smooth and handled professionally. Very happy with the service overall.
Vlak #1005 Sjedalo 1. klase, Sri Lanka Railways, 30. ožu 2022.
An excellent service for train tickets! 12go purchased the tickets in advance and delivered them to the hotel. Upon arrival at check-in the tickets were waiting for us. It made the trip smooth and easy. Many other travels had to wake up early or go to the station the day before whilst we had them in our possession from day 1! I messaged 12go to check the train details and they responded extremely quickly. Could not recommend them enough! Thank you so much
Vlak #1005 Sjedalo 1. klase, Sri Lanka Railways, 29. ožu 2022.
These guys did exactly what they said they would. Trustworthy and efficient. I recommend their service. Peter
Vlak #1005 sjedalo 2. klase, Sri Lanka Railways, 25. ožu 2022.
312 recenzija kupaca

Kako doći od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya

Putovanje između Kandy i Ella via Nuwara Eliya moguće je putem kombi. Trenutno je to jedina dostupna opcija za ovu rutu.

Koliko je Kandy udaljeno od Ella via Nuwara Eliya?

Putovanje kopnom udaljenost između Kandy i Ella via Nuwara Eliya je 450 km, dok je oko 450 km zračne linije.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya?

Putujući kombi između Kandy i Ella via Nuwara Eliya, očekujte da ćete potrošiti oko 9 sati.

Koliko košta doći od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya?

kombi karata za rutu Kandy - Ella via Nuwara Eliya će vas koštati oko USD 72.09. Kako biste osigurali najbolju cijenu, kupite karte unaprijed.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Kandy i Ella via Nuwara Eliya?

Kombiji od Kandy do Ella polaze tijekom dana - ima otprilike 1 polazaka dnevno.

Korisni savjeti za putovanje između Kandy i Ella via Nuwara Eliya od strane kombi

Da biste došli od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya vaš je izbor ograničen na jednu opciju prijevoza, ali to ne znači da ne možete učiniti svoje putovanje što ugodnijim. Provjerite naše jednostavne savjete kako biste izbjegli razočaranje tijekom putovanja.


Korisni savjeti za putnike koji koriste prijevoz kombijem:

  • Kada putujete kombijem s ogromnom prtljagom, dobra je ideja kupiti zasebno sjedalo za svoj kofer ili ruksak.
  • Ne očekujte da u kombiju postoji prostrani prtljažni prostor - zapravo ga nema i malo je vjerojatno da će vaši suputnici cijeniti vašu prtljagu zaglavljenu pod njihovim nogama, nažalost.
  • Najbolja sjedala su prva sjedala u nizu odmah pored kliznih vrata i iza vozačevog sjedala, jer pružaju više prostora za noge.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju kombijima između Kandy i Ella

Tuktukdude Leisure.

Koliko putnika odluči doći od Kandy do Ella via Nuwara Eliya putem kombi?

Prodali smo kombi karti 577 putnicima. Neki od njih su ostavili recenzije o svom putovanju iznad na ovoj stranici. Provjerite recenzije putnika kako biste se pripremili. Oni su uvijek najkorisniji i najpouzdaniji izvor informacija.